December 16, 1943 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 16, 1943 |
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Page Six
W.S.C.S.' Hold
December Meeting
The Woman's Society for Chris-
tian Service met December 8 in
the Methodist Church parlors for
their Christmas program. The de-
votions were by Mrs. Walter El-
A story of the Christmas hymns
Union School Will
Present Xmas Program
December at 8 p. m. at the
Masonic Hall at Union, the school
will stage their Christmas pro-
- gram.
Mr. John Moffett, who form—
,erly operated a dance studio in,
‘New York and has been on the
Canal for a short time, has given
his time in training several dance
numbers. Mrs. E. Munro is the
accompanist for the‘ dances and
carols. Several musical numbers
by Prof. McGhee's orchestra and
pupils will be given.
Lady Buxton
Geniune Leather
$2.00 $3.50 $5.00
Star” was most beautifully given
by Mrs. W. A. Brodt. Inter’preta-
tions of the Christmas carols and
hymns were given intermittently
after the story of each composer.
Many Christmas gifts were
Santa Claus will have a treat brought for the Tacoma Com-
for all the children and everybody ,munity House and Wilkenson
'is welcome. lHome. Mrs. Purl Jemison was in
|charge of sending the gifts.
Shelton Woman’s Club
Of the ert C. Johnson. The election of
A short business meeting was
‘ Schedule Meeting
, The coming meeting '
ls‘helton Womanjs Chlb W111 be officers was as follows: president,
LhrlSEmas meetmg at the. home Mrs. C. Troy; vice-president, Mrs.
of Mrs. Don McKay at 1:30 Mon-
, day, December 20. The afternoon
in Spare Time
retary, Mrs. Robert C. Johnson;
Program Will CODSiSt 0f Pietures corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ber—
Of MGXiCO loaned by the Seattle nice Stewart; treasurer, Mrs. L.
Art Museum. Mrs. Charles Run- .13. Hack
acres is in Charge 0f the Pro" Mrs. Thomas Rowe, Sec. Chris—
gram- t' '1 elat' . l
The members will bring cookies Clare?“figtififiesfionfiqrfdg‘o%
WORK .to be given' to .the 11-5-0. or the Maulden, Children’s Work;
Naval Alr Station- Purl Jemison, Sec. of Supplies;
—' Mrs. W. A. Witsiers, Sec. of Liter-
'B°rdeaux P"T'A' Slates ,ature and Missionary Education;
Homemade cake sale Mrs H r ce Cr r (1 Mrs H r-
The Bordeaux P.-T.A. will hold ‘ a a y 3" a
See Al Ferrier
B a cake sale at the Lumbermen’s :Kteefiale’ Spiritual Life Com'
Mercantile Store this Saturday
9 starting at 10 a. m. All the cakes Mrs' W- H. Snelgrovev Mrs-
Clare Hammond, Mrs. Nena Rob-
erts, Mrs. Paul Hurst, Mrs. Wil-
liam Burford, Membership Com-
mittee; Mrs. Charles Lentz, Cour-
tesy; Mrs. C. E. Runacres, Pub-
licity; Mrs. W. A. Brodt, Hostess-
es, and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, Red
A delightful tea was served
from a lace covered table in keep-
,ing with the holiday season with
its tall lighted tapers and ever—,
greens. Mrs. Robert C. Johnson
.poured. Mrs. Harvey Hale and
erS. Ed Elliott were the host-
will be homemade and the pro-'
ceeds will go to the Youth Coun-
Lake Isabella Club
Plans Xmas Meeting
The Lake Isabella Club met at
the home of Mrs. Jim Olson this
week to make plans for the Christ-
mas dinner meeting which will be
held at the home of Mrs. Vera
Huntington. There will be an ex-
lchange of gifts. The club plans to
lmake up a basket of fruits, candy
land cookies which will be distri-
1buted to a group of servicemen.
Helen Keysers won the penny
‘drill. Nine members answered the
roll call.
lJack Rawding Is
‘Honored with Dinner
A turkey dinner was enjoyed at
lthe W. S. Rawding home.
loccasion was a going-away din-
lner in honor of their son Jack,
who is in the Navy.
Those present were Mr.
3 Mrs. William Rawding and daugh-
ter of Hoquiam; Mr. and Mrs.
’Emanuel Bechtold and children of
Port Orchard; Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
.ert Rawding and daughter, and
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McKissick and
daughter of Olympia; Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Lund and daughter
iof Shelton; Buelah Emerick and
,daughter of Hoquiam; Mr. and
ers. Don Aitken and sons of
I‘Shelton; Merle and Knute Wheel-
er of Shelton and the hosts, Mr.
land Mrs. W. S. Rawding.
lOrder of Eastern Star
' Schedules Xmas Party
The Order of astern Star will
meet Saturday him for a Christ~
Potted plants . . . poinsettias . . cut flowers
. . . what could be a more beautiful, suit-
able gift?
Flowers and Gifts
, ' mas art receded b a 6:30 511 - The Homebuilders of the Baptist 5
‘PHONE 432 per fgr tgepEastem s¥ar membegs Church met for their regular
Bi- ‘the boys feel_ as much at hogiie
’ and their families. ble Study Tuesday evening and a. Lhere on Christmas
as pOSSi e.
Christmas party which followed l Gifts were exchanged.
th: 5:121:11; islgouflgature of the eve_ EMm Martin’Mrs' Grunert
" " ning was the birthday party for 1 Entertam 0“ Mommy ,
3. Mr. and Mrs. Bovee, the Home), Mrs. Leo Martin entertained at
builders had combined with the 1116? home on Island Lake Monday
09 99 Christmas party. The honored With Mrs. Clarence Grunert I co-
» of. guests a large mir- tilts;- this: starters I
0 th _ l ' a e
” . . ' ’2’ l rmleEiCSTmase pwere excanged i flcflrs- V
.3. , 3M and refreshments, including a nice 2D Smors went to Mrs' d
big birthday cake, baked by Mrs. E av’dsoni, Chm gueSt an r5'
’9’ ’3’ Gene Brown were served. Mrs. ‘ Lantz Wlss- _.
0:0 Oz. magmas the Cojhostess Wlth ‘Kathieen Burk P.M.8/c
0 ' . ' Home on Leave
00 9.0 ,
Kathleen Burk PharmaCist
o} .’. orgglrlgil‘lagndsglnvdcgllrs. J. O. Bovee . Mate 3/9, WAVE: 19f?
Monday for
.0. . .z. were in Tacoma Tuesday after_ I Notre Dame UniverSity and. South
.9. noon to attend Ordaining Services Bandy Indlanau where she is sta-
.O. Q in the Femhin Baptist Church. tioned at a MldShlmel'l S School,
0.. 0:0 __ after spending her leave with her
r .9. Birthday Honored at mother, Mrs. Mabel Burk.
.0. Sunday Dinner ~ Miss Burk was the honored
0.0 00 Mrs. Winston Scott entertained: guest at a dinner party her m0—
: 3. Mr. and Mrs. Lobert Bell and Mr. ther‘gave Friday evening for her
.0. and Mrs. L. E. Attwood at dinner and Mrs. Charles Evers, Mrs. W11-
9} 0.. Sunday, honoring the birthday an- liam Dickie, Mrs. Heinie Hilder-
O .0. niversary of Mr. Scott. man and Joan. Miss Leota Ed-
wards and Herb Cromer. Later
.0. 0:6 W-P-T-U- 0390915 in the evening a number of Miss
9 Friday Meet‘ng Burk’s friends called.
.3. .. ‘9’ The Women’s Christian Temper— Sh It M
9 Union has an 1 d their 8 on ixed C orus
ance c ce e
Due to Shortage Of ChrlStma-S MerCha’n" .3. meeting scheduled for
this Fri- And Choir‘to Meet
.0. . . ’:°,day at 'the home of Mrs. Robert Joe Thorsen. director 0f
o’. dise only one Drug Store Will be open on a. c. Johnson. Shelton Mixed
Chorus and the
.. Youth Club Chorus is calling a
o ' *‘ special practice for the Christ-
0’. ChrlStmaS Day. .Q mas Pageant on Friday at 7:30
.3. . . p. m. at the senior high auditor-l
. “7 ium.
0:9 oz. All members of both choruses
.0. O“ S o are urged to be present.
0 rv
.9. .3. e Returns Home
. 1 Mrs. R. H. Allan returned home
00 Complete Stock Wringer Rolls I ast week after spending several
9 o
9 0 months visiting her daughter, Mrs.
60 OO
.3. Aswal'd in Wilkensburg, Pa.
0:. .:. N InN'II‘aCOIm-a.
O ’ rs. nga Kneeland, Mrs. Signe
.g. Sunday, December 19 . . . . . .Prepp s Rexall Store .f. BROTHERS
Kneeland and M... A... an...
.0. . .9. Phone 334 123 So 2nd accompanied Mrs. W. H. Smith
‘ ' tto Tacoma Monday for a shopping
I o rip.
.3. Christmas Day . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Fir Drug Store .g.
0’. '1’
.3. Sunday, December 26 . . . . McConkey Pharmacy .3.
o? '2' .. ..
o '2', ‘6'
90 «o a. $33
, O m_ . “I; 1.. h
.g. New YearsDay . . . . . . . . . . Prepp s Rexall Store .9, A m i
Q 9 l ’ "be ,1; . "_ .; a.
‘ Q 0. «a. s
0 . .3, .
O . o l
O O o 6
’ ' ° ‘— " u-~ ". .- _"
.2. Sunday, January 2 . . .. . . . . . . . . . Fir Drug Store .3. swarms...
sighs: ,3,
9 ' l' ' u hin asm lid on es-
Q. reieyecog gsp sa c g
.3. Tlme “as Proved tion in the cold-clogged up rbreath-
0 Toda the first choice and famil ing passages, toease muscu arsoreness
” 0.0 standby for relieving miseries of col or tightness. It invites
restful sleep.
inmillionsofhomesisthesamehome— And often by. momingmost of the
.°. .9. remed grandma used . . . Vicks misery of the cold is gone! Try it.
’3‘ 6:0 Vapo ub! What better recommenda-
0’0 .0. tion could a product: have! Approved ' c K s v
0 . . . . . . .. Whgnyourubtime-testedVapoRub By Two v - R u B;0.00:90:00:90:«:«:oo:”:09:oo:oo:oo:oo:«:«:oo:wzoo:oozoozo0:”:09:”:«:90:09:0o.o¢.oo.oo.o
on the throat, chest and back at bed- Generation; A P O V N
and tunes “We Have Seen His.
called by the president, Mrs. Rob— »
Walter Elliott, Sr.; recording sec- i
and 4
LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor P H O N E 100
loardon Club Will Sell
l Holiday Corsages
Although materials
Miss Ella Marie Robertson
Weds in Vallejo, Calif.
Of interest to her many friends are very
of the wedding of Miss Ella Marie
Robertson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Robertson and Ray
Braun Sl/c U. S. Navy, son of
Mr. J. J. Braun of Olympia.
The beautiful wedding, perform-
ed in the First Methodist Church
lin Vallejo, Calif., was arrangedl
by the USO. for the young cou-
ple. The Reverend Berger solemn-
ized the double ring ceremony at
on the evening of December
l .
The attractive blonde bride, at-
tended by Mrs. W. G. DeBois of
Vallejo, wore a smart apple green
‘ gabardine two piece dress with
enough to make the holiday cor-
sages which have been in such
demand the past few years. Mem-
lHouse Wednesday to assemble the
dried pods and cones, green leaves
and berries which Mrs. Walter
Kullrich had gilded and waxed.
She had also tied many lovely
bows for finishing touches.
The corsages will be on sale
at the Railroad Avenue entrance
Store'on Saturday, December 18
and the proceeds Will go for the
Kneeland Park fund.
brown accessories and Mrs. De-
Bois wore a powder blue suit.
Both were corsages of white car-
Mr. W. G. DeBois, a cousin ofI
the bride, was the best man.
The bride, a graduate of the
Shelton high school with the class
of 1942, will return to Olympia
to her job with the Farm Security
Association following a few weeks The V.F.W, Auxiliary will meet
honeymoon. The groom, a gradu— Friday, December 17 at the Mem-
ate 0f the Olympia high 3011001. orial hall at 8 p. m. and all mem—
has seen action several times in {hers are urged to attend for in-
the Pacific during the past tWO spection by the department pres-
yeaI'S- ident. Also each member is to
bring a gift for a service man.
Na“: Mower? Plan The members who attended the
5990"“ Meetmg fifth district meeting in Olympia
The Navy Mothers Club have last week were Eula Martin, 5th
made SPECial Plans for the” meet' district secretary, Eva Hansen,
ing this Thursday. December 16- Betty Welsh, Lucy Edmiston and
It will be their Christmas party l Arma springen
with an exchange of small gifts
and the election of officers the :Little Skookflm Bay Clilb
main item at the business meet— lHOldS Christmas Party
mg, The annual Christmas party of
mans will be made at this meet- the Little Skookum Bay Club was
held at the home of Mrs. Frank
W. Bishop, December 9. A Christ-
mas tree ‘and evergreen decora-
tions gave a real festive air to
the party. There was an exchange
of gifts among the ladies and ap-
propriate gifts for all the chil-
dren under the tree.
Those present were Mrs. Mary
Tipton, Mrs. A1 Lord, Mrs. Gene
Allen, Mrs. L. L. Hudson, her
daughter, Mrs. E. F. Bryant and
Vgranddaughter Shari Bryant from
‘Seattle. Mrs. Angie Phillips and
granddaughter Kelly, Mrs. A. F.
Rogers and Carol and Jimmy Rog—
ers, Mrs. Waltcr Allen, “lrs.
Collins and Se. l" " I?
Collin“, M 71.
day at the USO. The rooms are
Mrs. Walter Kullrich. Next week
the club members will decorate
V.F.W. Auxiliary
lWill Meet Friday
ing for the installation of the new
officers at the first meeting in
'Gnrden Club Will
Sell Corsages
The public Will again have a
chance to buy the attractive
Xmas corsages made yearly by
the Garden Club members. There
are enough, though the shortage of
materials, Wire, etc., is being felt
this year.
The members assembled a num-
l ber of the corsages at their meet-
ling this week in the Girl Scout
I Little House. The corsages will be
‘80le at the Lilrlibcrmen‘s Mercan-
Itile Liter-.5 illl: '.‘§lay. V
IKE-1.0. (,‘Eirisimas Party 7 n . .
Slated for V.'cllnes.'lay .. . and i. V,
Wednesday, December 22, the er, Mrs. A. Adams
U.S.O. will be decked out in gay ams.
holiday attire for the Christmas In» the late afternoon .the for-
party, which will be a formal af- lowing school children JOlned the
fair. Santa. Claus has wired the festivities, Patty Hart, Luanne
Adams, Marcia and Myrna Wal-
lin, Ray Collins, Joan Allen, Lu-
cille Allen and Dorothy and Mary
Ann Rogers.
I Christmas Dinner
! Given Saturday Eve
I committee in charge that he will
Idefinitely be there that evening
and is looking forward to the en-
tertainment being arranged by
Miss Elizabeth Hilligoss, enter-
'tainment chairman.
Miss Harriet Meehan, food chair- , .
man, Miss Peckam} decoration: A Christmas dinner was given
' ‘ the home or
chairman and Miss Nita King, ad- Saturday evening at
vertising chairman, are all busy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frederickson
with final details which will give by thelr daughter Pat, Juanita
the finishing touch to the gala Beers» JaCkle, Getty and. 14011159
evening. Getty. The dinner was given for
Domer Long, Roy Hill, Stanley
Sellers and James Medley from
l the Naval Air Station.
The party was given to make
Homebuilders Have
1 Christmas Party
bers met at the Girl Scout Little ,
lof the Lumbermen’s Mercantile.
ery ‘.
ltist Church will meet on Wednes-
day, December for a dessert
luncheon, Missionary meeting and
lChristmas party. There will be
an exchange of gifts.
Tuesday was the Garden Club 1&figt‘r'ngogzrty
in Shelton, is the news this week . scarce this year the Shelton Gar- ‘
den Club managed to get together
Baptist Women’s Circle
Schedule Meeting
spent with an exchange of gifts.
lPotluck refreshments were serv-
'Shelton Dance Club
~Plans Coming Party
mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lov-
‘ell, chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Pauley, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming By-
ars, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carl-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zop—
olis, met Monday evening to make
plans for the New Year’s Eve
Dance the club will hold Decem-
, ber 31.
the'c‘ance should call Mrs. Zop-
olis at 339M.
Juveniles D. of H.
Will Have Party
Honor Will have their Christmas,
party on Saturday
the Odd Fellows Hall. There will
be a program and refreshmentsl
Each is to bring a gift not overl
25c. ,
Sunday Guests
ther, Charles Hargrove, were Sun- ,
Bindara at Kamilche Point.
In McClcary
‘ U.S.O. Hostesses
Dec.16~-—A1tar Society
Dec. 17-V.F.W. Auxiliary
Dec. 18—«Telephone operators
Dec. 19—The Mason C o u n t y
Dec’. 20~Angleside Bridge Club
Dec. 21~American Legion Aux-
Dec. 22—U.S.O. Committee
Dec. 23—Girl Scout leaders
being decorated in holiday green- I . . .
by i
nesday for their Christmas party.
. . Mrs. Katherine Bowen of Seattle,
the llbrary for: the hohday season‘ E State Field Director was present.
V day in McCleary visiting her hus-
. band‘s parents.
Organizations for
this week:
0 l
Social Security
Chapter of State Dept. of
The Women’s Circle of the Bap-
General Welfare Club
To Have Xmas Party
the Labor Temple. A Christmas
tree and program will follow the l
,business meeting. The public is in- :
vited with a special invitation is- .
sued to service men.
Eagle Auxiliary
Slates Party
,The Eagle Auxiliary will hold.
their Christmas party on Monday,
December 20 at p. m. at the.
Moose hall.
supper will be served and there;
‘will be an exchange of gifts notl
over 500.
Thursday, December 16, Edie}???
Fr m i' c' nat' ON COU
o Cin in 1 ‘ SUNDAY
Mrs. Evelyn Satra retu l.
Shelton Sunday from a ‘
lCincinnatl to visit her h
The General Welfare Club will1 .w . IF Y0
hold its regular meeting this Sat— ;Wh° 1" Statloned there' 0 M
urday, December 18 at 8 p. m. at Shm
‘ ND—withou
tion—for il
'1‘ on alcol
You to be
to the High
1‘ hundreds
Ialization rel
X days. A("l
All Makes
Tubes Tested
NASH BROTHE dress ......... ..
Phone 334 123 So. l y
.1 Phone
A planned potluck?
Members of the Women’s Benn
A very pleasant afternoon was
The Shelton Dance Club com-
Anyone wishing reservations for '.
a Jargas'fissrseswzsrxesw “law . {sea
The Juveniles of. the Degree of l
at 1 o’clock in
Mrs. Lewis Wiley and her fa-
dinner guests of Mrs. Evelyn I
Mrs. Anna Paulson Spent Tues-
Say It
They Bring Comfort
and Happiness
Delivered anywhere, «anytime
Travis Floral Shop '
Shelton Hardware Bldg.
Phone 232 270-W
43rd Christmas
Styled for Smooth Fit!
8 A Y o N o s B
- 82¢
Beautiful hosiery as she could
want! Glamorous shades in the
sleek, dull finish sh’c likes! Rio
Tan eSun Glo.
Wonderfully vivid stories of
mystery and intrigue, cow-
boys and Indians, gentle ro-
mantic tales and fascinating
adventures in
Handsomcly bound editions! I
. For Excel
areasaesmarsrsesarsamexxasas [13100 E
i I l
I 5 North fit
$1.00 to $5.00 $1.00 to $5.00 FREsr
$1.00 Special
$7.50 H (
$7 .50
woonnu cuss:-
Confections and Cookies
son Cc
' Loan
I." i
CHRISTMAS symbolizes home to our boys in
uniform, and dozens far away from home 'zigtrlrfaFll
“come to call" at Penney’s. They say it brings to ‘
mind memories of home town friends and places.
That’s one reason why Penney’s is as gay and Lea,
Christmasy as possible this year.
"Ohhh! Just What] Wanted --'
For Little And Girls; 1 I49
COTTON—The fabric that goes to school the year”,
’roundl Posy prints, dots, stripes, checks and plain. 2
colors in styles to win every 'little girl’s heartl: '
She’ll love the sashes, tiny collars, pockets and a
other irresistible trim.l Sizes 4 to 14. E E
*r i DECEMBER 16-17-2223, 10 a. m. to 8p. m.