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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Percy N. Pio Bookbinding Co. 6017 S. E. 86th Portland, Ore. 97216 las Fir Christmas trees from Mason were shipped Monday to Congresswom- i Butler Hansen In Washington, D.C. This fifth Shelton-Mason County Chamber and the Washington Douglas Fir Tree Assn. have cooperated with Mrs. In telling the story of Washmgton's forest te thenational capital. The 30 trees were Selected by Fred Paste, owner of the Doug,as Fir Christmas Tree Co., and were shipped by air freight Monday to insure fresh arrival in Washington, D.C. The trees will be distributed by Mrs. Hansen to congressional colleagues and oth- ur government officials. Attached to each tree is a letter from Chamber President Max Schmidt, Jr. telling about Mason County's $2,000,000 a year in. dustry. ~IRLEY . BEELI K ~ ;~iY': Ba~}t~" h~s 'r'e~igned r~ of the Shelton City accept a po~fon at the i (~orrecti0ns Center announced this week. submitted her res- ~0; the )ibrary 'board at Is'at week. The resig- accepted by the board e'of' setting up library ser- the Staff at the center public lib- for inmates at the F Center. was "Spened started by library serv- iristitutions. Mrs. Bee- Slightly over the half-way mark at yesterday's press-time, the 1966' Christmas Fund has only a little over a week in which to hit its $1,000 goal. The figure stood at $527.44 at noon Wednesday. With 80 or more Christmas bas- kets anticipa.ted as the needs for providing Christmas cheer in Ma- son County's deserving needy homes, the'cost of carrying out this year's 40&8-Journal joint Christmas project is estimated at easily the $1,060 at which the goal has i~een set. So come on wiLt1 those contri- butions, generous people of Mason County. Send or bring your money to Th'e Journal for a(:knowledge.- men( in these colunms, although if yon wish to give m~onymously you are guaranteed that l~rivflege. ~lf~howing~the spirit of neighbor- liness by Mason County residents, one of this week's contributions came all the way from Palm Springs, Calif., whcrc Mr. and Mrs. Roy McConkey are wintering. Their check for $i0 arrived early this week with a note that it had rained as hard there as it does at times herc. 40&8 Project Chairman Jay Um- phenour has things all lined up ~ee'n librarian since Jan- for next week's hectic assembly of the Christmas baskets which at the Corree- will be delivered to unfortunate Beelik will be families on Dec. 23. Thc food and baskets have already been ordered, the PUD auditorium is already be- workln, g Under this pro- dst'ablishing the library Injured In Acddent Three Shelton residents are in Center. Board is Shelton General Hospital today re- its treh for a replace- covering from injuries suffered in as librarian, a two-car Collision at the entrance for the 'position to the Shelton Airport on High- Librarian certificate or way 101 about 5:35 p.m. Tuesday. from an accredited li- Injured in the accident were A1- ....... bert Lord, 83, who has all the ribs broken on his right side, his wife Boa1'd has Set a Bertha, 74, a possible head injury Jan. 6 for app]i- and cut and bruises on her head. :Mrs. 01tman stud, Also injured was Shelly Twiddy, ahout a week 13 months, a passenger in tlae re- applications it gets hicle which collided with the Lord meeting Jan. 13. vehicle. She suffered a head in- Be ':.Next 2 Weeks jury. Driver of the vehicle in which she was riding, Kathleen Twiddy, 19; Shelton, suffered a broken nose, scratches and bruises, according to the State Patrol. Mr. and Mrs. Lord and Shelly Twiddy are all reported in satis- factory condition in Shelton Gen- eral .Hospital. The accident occurred about 5:35 p.m. Tuesday. Thc Lord vc- hicle was northbound on Highway 101 and the Twiddy vehicle south. Thc Lord vehicle made a left hand turn in front of the Twiddy ve- hicle, according to the State Pa- trol. BE'N EFIT DANCE A benefit (lance for the Phil Stout family, who lost their home wilt be published two' wl~eks in a the Christmas Year's holidays. get their Ira- Instead of the delivery date. for news and salver- np one (lay Of the early publicatio.. 60,respondents will hay,) their c6lumns In to The by noon Monday. advertising ' deadline Monday. Society ginning to receive some of the ma- terials, and 40&8 voyageurs lined up for the actual filling or the bo, skets on the evening of Dec. 22, m'.xt \Vednesday night in the audi- torium. ttcre are the contributions re- ceived during the past week: Mrs. Rcginald Sykes .............. $ 5.00 Mr. and M~s. H. E. Grant ...... 5.00 LeRoy Stahl .............................. 5.00 Mr. and MIs, ten Osterberg 5.00 AI I oetchel .............................. 5.00 Skokomish Grange Ladies Auxiliary ........ ~ ..................... 5,00 Mr. and Mi's. Alden Bayley .... 5.00 Mr. and MIs. Eddie Braz ...... 2.50 Lud & ttelen Andersen .......... 5.00 Dr. &,Mrs. A. C. Linkletter.. 10.00 Prepp s Rexall Store .............. 10.00 Olscn Furniture ...................... 10.00 Mr. & Mrs. Gee. C~('ipper ...... 5.00 Mr,~. Rae W. Melcum .......... 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Snel- grove .................................... 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. Roy McConkey .. 10.00 Anonynrous .............................. 5.00 Chris' Ice Cream .................. 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. Erncst Dahlgrcn 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. Andy Itopland .... 5.00 Robt. & Wilbur Sloane .......... 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Lakeburg .. 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. Gee. Lowell ........ 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. Alva Bennett .... 5.00 In memory of Walt Zukowski .............................. 10.86 Mr. & Mrs. Purl Jomison .... 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. H. O. Puhn ........ 25.00 Shelton Trailblazers Motorcycle Club ................ 10.00 Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Umphenour .......................... 5.00 Mrs. Dorothy Jessup ............ 5.00 Previously listed ................ 332.08 GRAND TOTAL .............. $527.44 7:)th YEAH ....... No. 50 Published in "'Christmas(own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington 20 Pages -- 3 Sections Entered as second class nmtter at the post office at Shelton, Washington, 98584 Thursday, 1)e(,ember 16, 1965 10 Cents Per Copy under Act of March 8, 1879. Published weekly at 827 West Cots Troy To 5ray As %,, Head Of [esdval A.odation With a gmme and a president now officially chosen, the 1966 Ma- son County Forest Festival is set [ to start the wheels rolling for its 22nd annual production next May. These two key matters were aLtcn(!ed to aL a hmcheon meeting last Thursday, when: festival as: sociation officers decided to key next year's festival theme to the 25th anniversary of the start of the tree farm movement. Another hurdle which has slow- ed down action on next year's fes- tival was removed when Clive Troy agreed to continue for one more year as associatibn president. He had a~ked to be replaced after ser- ving in that capacity for the past five years, but a cmnmittee seek- in~ a capable replacement was un- able to do so after long, hard searching. TROY AGREED to continue for another year, and cancelled plans for a trip early next year so he can get plans into action for the 1966 fcstival. At .the same meeting last week a contract with Evergreen Show., to provide rides and other amuse- men( devices during Forest Festi- val Week was approved. This is the same firm as h~',~ brought the amusement concessions to thc fes- tiwtl for several years. Plans to revise the Festival As- sociation executive committee, pro- riding for specific te,'ms of office anti possibly increasing it from five to six menrbcrs, were also re- viewed. The next general meeting" of Forest Festival committee chair- men and officers was tentatively set for Jan. 27. Body Of Former She/ton Man 5till Not lh The body of Wi "am O. Dennis, 21, a former Shelton resident, who drowned in Gibbs Lake in Jeffer- son County had still not been re- covered at Journal press time Wed- nesday. .Dennis drowned in the lake wlfile ,duck hunting Dec. 5. Jefferson i County authorities have been sear- ching'the lake for his body with no success. Dennis was born in Shelton, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dennis. The family moved to Port Town- send when Dennis was a junior in high school. The family last week said it plans to have funeral services and burial in Shelton when the body is recovered. MEETING DATE CHANGED Because the re,~ular date would come on Christmas Eve, the De- cember meeting of IWA Local 38 has been moved up a week and will he held this Friday night, Dec. 17, instead of Dec. 24, secretary Earl Jagnow announced ycster- I day. Tire Shelton School Board Tues- day night voted to send a letter to Robert Duly, who was hired as school psychologist last fall, but, only worked for the dist~qct three days, that it is the board'e posi- tion that Daly quit when he left Shelton Sept. 16. Daly was hired as school psycho- logist slm~tly before the:start of school last fall and started Work Sept. 8, 9, and 10. He left Shel- ton for the weekend and did not return until Sept. 16. After a meeting with former Supt. Robert Quiggle the day he returned, he checked in the equip- ment he had been issued and left and did not return. Sever,al letters exclmnged.'be- tween Daly and Quiggle are, in the file at the school concerning the possibility of Daly's returnto the district. After reviewing the file in a lengthy executive session Tuesday night, the board agreed to write Daly it appeared he had quit his job with the district when he left Sept. 16. THE BOARD VOTED t0 gix~e the administration authority to set school hours as they work out best with bus sch~l.,ules. The action came after the board received a letter flora Don Brown, principal of Mr. View School asking ,per- mission to start classes at 8:45 i instead of 9 a.m. since pupfi~ had to be let out at 3 p.m. ifl order to catch busses. • The board, on the recommenda- tion of the Leadership Council, voted to deny the Teen Focus Club the use of a room in the high• school from 8:10 to 8:40 a.m. once a week. The action was taken on . the basis that since the group was NATIVITY PLAY LEADS--A cast of over 70 of St. Edwards Church with the leads being pot-of a religious nature, there might players will take part in the Nativity Play which trayed by Jeff Kieburtz as Joseph, Ruth Ann be some question about it. will be presented in downtown Shelton next Wed-Trotzer as Mary, Mary Walmsely as the main The board aeceuted the reste'na- nesday evening at 7:00 p.m. using Evergreen angel, and Mary Jo Timpani and Tammy Tembrue.! tion of Mrs. Mar~" Louise Phillis p8 Square and Railroad Avenuebetween Third and (r,ght) as the small ange s. The pub. ic is nv. te~ as a teacher at "Bordeaux School Fourth streets as an outdoor "theatre". All cast to witness the performance. There ,s no charge. : and named M~. Nola Parsons to members are from the Catholic Youth Organization ' . " succeed her. ' . , , * • ! ' Christmas activities in Shelton 'man Trotzer and portraying St, son, 212 Wyandotte, first; Km'l .:Theabt°~hrdor~elS°sV°ts;dee:l~ thiel;e swil~g into full gear next week: Joseph Will be Jeff Kieb~]rt.z, son VanderWal, "1620 Olympic High- ~'~:s: t" .... " 'an-==i[~g~ to the ~'ith the pre.~entation of a Nativj- of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ki.e,b~rtz. why N., secqnd. . ' ..... r" .... .... ap~: ~ne IS. aug u .... i,,, ty "Pageant on Raili'oad Aide The Shelt0'n~Yacht Clug this ~NON-R~LIGiOtJS-:,Dr L~;a-~[:~u~" - - ......... , ~,,~ ~ • " ~'~-- T E BOARD VOTED, on the scheduled for Wedneeday eve~g week announced plans, to have a White, 2227 N. Madmen, fzr-4t;] H, . ~. ........... U in KIT1 ~ ~ ~ecommenoauon OZ Joe ~ore~, co and a Christmas Ship to cruise Christmas Ship err s g ~ - I~an Tarrach, 2220 Laurel sac-I" ' Hammersley Inlet and Oakland mersley Inlet and Oakland Bay end" Karl VanderWal, 1620 ()lyre-[ordinator of p urch..aasing and main- Bay three "(iays next week. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday pic 'Highway N first honora}~lc tenance to rare "ferry uusta~son Tho C.atho]ic Youth Orwanlza- evenings, fog permitting. ' mention and Kei'th A~derson 1521 as a custodian. tion"-of'--St. Edward's C~atholicThe Mione will be piloted by Sumnnt Dr., second honorat~le Bruce Kreger, Shelton High Church has heen given permissionowncrs Lcs and Jeanettc rmnsen mention. ; School teacher, gave the board a and will leave the city dock short- VARIETY--Edward]-Icllman, preliminary report from a corn- 825 Franklin, first; A1 Shcpphc}d, 2322 Callanan, second; Laurel Was(on, 701 N. 13th, first honor- able mention; Allan F. NcvitL'304 N. Sec6nd, second honorable mdn- tion, . ,.. :~.,', . A special mention was also giv- en to the Hidden Haven Trailer Park across from the Shclton Air- port for its intensive decorations this year. Santa will make his final ap- pearmme 'in Shclton this weekend when he will be at the Memorial Building from 7 - 8:30 p.m: Fri- day sod 2:30 - 4 p.m. Saturday. Ahnost all Shelton retail busi- nesses are staying open each night from now until Christmas Eve to either 8:30 or 9 p.m ......... ly after dark of each of the three evenings. Seasonal niusic will be broad- cast from the ship, which will be decorated with a large star carry- ing out the theme of "The Star of Bethlehem." The Shelton Chamber of Com- merce this week annom]ced the winners of the Residential Decora- tion Contest which the Chamber sponsored this year. The homes entered in the con- temt were judged Monday evening by a committee from local gar- den clubs. First prize winners will receive a $15 gift certificate and second place a $10 gift certificate. Winners were: R E L I G I 0 U S--William Hender- From The Ministers By REV. LEWIS B. WYSONG There is so much noise and tur- moil, hustling and scurrying with Christntas traffic that we feel we should take thne to listen again to the gentle cry of a Babe--the babe of Bethlehem, His cry was not heard by those of the world: Herod heard about it, hut did not hear it himself; Caesar, sitting upon his throne of Rome did not hear it; surprisingly thc Priests, Scribes and Pharisees could not :~ear the cry; even the guests in the inn who were just a few short ~teps away did not hear. Why did not these hear the cry of thc babe? The), were not listening for it. They were uninterested. multitude of sounds :around us at Christmastime deafen our ears to the w)ice of the Cl~rist. These two groups represented different races. The shepherds were Jews; the Magi wm:e f01'" eigncrs. The shepherds considei'ed the Child the promised Messiah and to, the others He was:'Lhe King. Each found in Hint new hope and deliverance. ,' What does the birth of the Babe mean to you , . . and what can ltappen in your life as you listen to His cry ? ? ? Mattircw 1:22, 23 tells us that the coming of Christ will have two effects upoIl yOU which is shown in the two names ffiven to Him. The first namc is "Jesus", which means "Saviour". This means salvation for all. God sent His Son to seek us out and re- deem us from our sins. %Vc (lid not deservc such love• This means mittee which he heads on the building and apace needs of the district. ~Kreger said studies by thd com- mittee so far indicate the district sch~N ~poPul~tion.has ~been ~,~.~e~s- ing about three elassrC~rhS a year and that at present six additional classrooms would be needed to meet state standards for all pup- ils. The studies have also indicated that considerable remod.eling or replacement was needed of the OldF Bordeaux building and the Junior High building. . . The thing which is needed most, Kreger said, is the development of a plan of the needs of the dis(- rict and then to fit any bulling program to the needs. IWA Local 3-38 will hold its annual children's Chris(toss,party at 2 p.m. Dec. 19 in the IW~ Hall at First and Grove Streets.' A program of entertainment i~ planned and Santa Claus will be on :hand to give each child a sack of candy and fruit. All members of Local 3-38 and their families are welconle to at, tend. to stage their annual Nativity Pageant on one block of Railroad Ave. from Thi.rd to Fourth Sts. Wednesday evening, The one block of street will be blocked off from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. :The pageant sta~s at 7 p.m. with the public welcome to come to watch it. A cast of 73 CYO members has been selected to participate in the pageant. PORTRAYING the Blessed Mother will be Ruth Ann Trotzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Who then heard the cr3 . ~Ihose who first heard were men who ~,ere used to quietness. The only ~ounds that were familiar to them was the rustling of thc grass, the gentle sheep around them. These men had plenty of time for will have to be iu Deadlines for advertising and advertising will Monday also. and possessions in a fire Sm~day afternoon, will be held aL the Agate Grange Hall Friday night at. 9 p.m. The dance is being spon- sored by the Grange. Donations will be taken at the door. Join Our Kitsap Physicians Service, which July 1 Look over thc healti~ and Christmas Club aceiden'L insurancc prog,'am of Washington Pl~ysicians Service CONTRACT SIGNED--Mason County Commis- sion Chairman Harry Elmlund hands the new 19. 66 Health Care contract to Fred Zellinsky, sales manager of the PIwsiclans Service, Inc., with Com- missioner Martin Auseth looking on. Commissioner John Bariekman was unable to a~end the meet- ing. County Auditor Ruth Boysen and Deputy Auditor June Rodgers were present for the sign. ing. After careful study, the County Insurance Committee unanimously recommended to the Com- missioners that a new and broader health care plan be extended to County employees and their dependants. The Commissioners approved the Com- mittee's recommendation with coverage improve- ments to be effective Jan. 1. All County employees will be notified regarding the added benefits to be included in their new 1966 program, w * * Now[ NATIONAL BANK. • el MASON OOUNTY - Member F.D.I.C. here, will hold open house in iis new offices aL Third and CoLa Sts. Friday. Open house will be held fronl noon Lo 6 p.nt. ill thc newly-rc- nmdeled offices. Refreshments will bc served to visitors. Physicians Service Inc., a divi- sion of Kitsap Physicians Servicc Inc., Bremerton, and located at 3rd and Cota, is a service type grown to this number in t,hc short span of only 20 years. The local P.S,I. office will bc (lirectly affilliated wilh Kitsap Physicians Service, with claims ; lmndlcd L h r o u g h clccLra data processing in Brcmcrton. BOTH GROUP and individual coverage is offcrcd by the plans whicl~ cmploy 29 people in thc two counties ~Mason and Kitsap). James Bergen, executive man- agcr of K.P.S., rccently announc- ed the placcment of their applica- In'epaid health care plan. KiLsap teen Lo Health, Education and Wel- Phvsicians Service Inc., now cov-l fare Dept,, to he named admini- erLhg about aS,000 p o le, Itaai U'ator t .l rt o£ te axe Program for those 65 and older. He said we now have about 3,000 people in this category covercd and arc very intercsted in insur- ing their eoniinned relationship with the physicians ~ponsored cov- erage. There arc approximately 10,000 people 65 and oldcr in thc two c0untics. Bergen went on to say that ad- ditional eovcrage would bc offer- ed to take care of the deductibles and co-insurance features of the federal program. Details are now being worked cut for offering In • e early apri , thought. They were not men who were rich; they were ,tot men of education. However, it was to mcn such as this that the messenger of the God above first announced ;he birth of the babe. They were flso the first to have the privilegc of honoring Him. IN THE FAR-DISTANT east were men of wealth and lcmmi~g, men who studied the stars. These men, too, had learned to bc quiet and have patience as they studied the stars in the hcavcns. They had seen the unknown star of g~eat brilliance which broflght them to wondering why such a star! They hastened to Bethlehem to pay ho- nor to thc one that the star had announced. According to all records no oth- er delegates came to the Manager. It is important to consider that both delegations were men of qui- etness. If we would hear this c~.w, we, too. must take time to be quiet We must the release from burdens. The angcl said unto the sltepherds "I bring you good news of great joy". THE ANGEL said more for it. (Continued on page 4) I . L . _ 1 Exceptional Christmas December 7 thru 24 Tradewell Parking Lot of Member F.D.I.C. T lil LL_~ _ I [I I I , ,l'(i, , ',~ii dl,''""' ti,i;,,ll