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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 16, 1965 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Ohridtmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washin PAGE 3 By MABEL KIDD -- Dayton Commun- will hold its next meet- 8. At that time there will on whether or not the hall into a fire station get a fire truck for pro- of community property. the great number of have, it seems that this be a good idea as very lit- is taken in the Corn- Club. Some use must be the hall• our first small taste Monday with flm'ries which didn't stick very night temperatures several degrees below loss of his sister, Mrs. Mildred Gunter of Riga, Mich., who passed away Sunday night. Shane Brooks of Shelton and Marry Short shared a birthday party Sunday in the Merlin Short home. Shane had attained his 12th birthday and Marry his ninth, Present were Mrs. Judson Brooks, Alicia and Rusty and Marty's brc- thers and sister, Nell, Bruce, Scot- ty, Mark, Rebecca and Merri and of course, mum and dad. Mrs. Clara Erickson of Shelton called on Mrs. Gertrude Scott Thursday afternoon. MR. AND MRS. DON Keith and children, Shelton, visited Satur- day evening in the Ned Jacobsen home bringing with them all the Sunday, Mrs. Scrogham, Kelly, Susette and Yvette took Mr. Scruff- ham back to Oregon. Satin-day evening callers in the Scrogham home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bingley, Hoodsport. Candy and Ted Jacobsen joined the Seventh Day Adventist carol- ers Saturday evening to take part in the annual in-gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Loertscher and son dined Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mattson. Sunday afternoon callers in the James Hickson home were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hickson and child- ren of Lake Nahwatzel. Mr. and Mrs. Alvia Chapman and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester: LOOKING OVER And Overlooking EDUGATiON HERE BY WGR During the present fiscal year (tax year), some 60 separate fed- eral programe and titles are in force that affect the educational establishment directly. These pro- grams range through all phases of education including both pub- lic and private elementary and sec- ondary schools -- and schools of higher education. Federal funds are provided in the form of con.tracts, g r a n t s, loans, and stipends• The total of such funds for" fiscal 1966 amounts in excess of $3 billion. ]:LBA to Distribute $15,733 Dividend To Farmers of Area Over 400 farmers and stockmen ill this area will share in a $15,- 733.80 dividend declared by the ederal Land Bank Association of 2]lma. This six percent dividend is from he association's share o~: a $1,400,- ~00 dividend declared by the Fed- ~,'al Land Bank of Spokane, for ,hich the association makes and services loans, according to D. A• ,t a, ker, FLBA manager. The local association and 60 other LBA's in the four northwest ~tates own all of the bank's capi- ul stock. Whittaker said the bank's $1,- ,0,000 dividend is the largest paid F. Lemke, brother-in- ingredients for making pizza. Mrs. A. E. Lemke passed Sunday visitors in the Fritz Chapman of Agate.r famil were~ Prior to fiscal 1966 several of 1 its 48 years of service to north- c. 7 in Seattle• Graveside Buechel home were Mr. and Mrs.. e Joe.~rown .~.... Y - these programs have been in ef- ~est agriculture. Almost 25,000 were held Saturday af- Tom Buechel and children of Ta-nappy to nave. wire mere a taw feet in the Shelton soh,~ol district :lrmers and ranchers are sharing cemeter Af coma aa.ys Joe Jr, WhO was home ~rom va " *~ the dividend It brings to well in Shelton Y" " " d They h a v •provided rying ..... . • rs h r- Mrs S o ored to Long Beach where he Is statione ,at 9 000 000 the tot d paid in family m.embe gaU~e ... .. m t .............. nda- amounts of money in the form, of ' " $ , . home or Mr. ana ~rs. ulympla rnursuay aria pmKe~ up on me .u.S.S. xorKt.own. ~u! Y either grants or matching re- :idends since 1944. The Ehna r re.ant may nelaa re unrssr~as stoner m~r m_ooneYce~ded~cLsLDU ~7rid ~e oclatlons dlvldend check~l- will • and Dan, Mr. and Mrs. Bitl Brown home economics presently are " d ~$4~O4~4~$4~$~4~4~$14~e4~@4~4~$4~.$~4~e4~$4~.~ and Shelley and the John Creek- courses, taught in Shelton high ,re • paum family of McOlea . schoo, .hese appFWr bed 0n Cole Road • a~ Mr. and Mrs. Allah' Tibbits grams. ~e-lmDursemen the ~I'~]LL~ ~'~]14~11r~'~l~ dr~ ~ ~ brought son Willis, home from the pdst fiscal year for vocational ed- l~ ire des!xoyeda wood sl]ed full llll~ ~ p ..... federal mt wOOacole Roadat tneTuesday~Oy r~euertn,ght,nomelmt 1;SLlll ~ Seat~'le he; ital Friday. Sunday ucation was $930 here. • • . Ileal callers to welcome him back •wereThe three main pro- • I A/ ~ [Mr. and Mrs Clyde Norris, Lost grams involved in vocation~ edu- !remen from the Arcadia l]i~:e ~I'I~T~ B'11~1 "rI~ ~ I Lake Mr ancl Mt's. Clyde Keefer, cation in Shelton are the ~mith- nstrle.~ were am.e ~.o save ~ |llllll Lll~ ~ [Chehalis, IV[r. and Mrs. Erman Tib- HUghes Act, the eGorge-Barden other ..buildings a~out elg~lt ~ee~ . . • • ~ Ibits, Arcadia, Mr• and Mrs. J. C, Act, and the Vocational Educa- _ ....... ,..; ........ H-" -q-- into the deve,o-ed b'" the late state patrolman Stun Itr°m the outlnmg struct}ne._ . .~w~t t~mom~P~ ~ IT bit ch dl en& oYm°td tl:snignA:~ ~: l::3"de~::naciCa~lSsa;e ye~i/~teg~re"%otKa~S't;:PaPir;oJ~.Whe~ were. at Sush~ of S~e,ton. and was shown ,oca,,y by Ban- l tw° m,c s to IIII~ ~ • ~k~ l~Jl.~mJ¢~,~J.qb~ ~ [ ~':~'- ==] x';:'°:.-~"~r,:= Rube Cu~.- no~°'~n ra~r~rov~d urea'rams i a the 20th Century Thriftway lot last Saturaay..aur- que¢ T00as. " ' I The 16 by 20 wood shed full of _. ~_ a~ I~''° "~'" "=" ~ .... .*'.~' . . - " ~: :7 ~ C -'-~ %-a ..... :'- In~ the store's '17th anniversary• The "copter" was I .... n burned to the ~round There • "11 [~ J J~_ lick, who brought nls g~rls overagrlcuiMre, traoe a~at, ,,augury, ---- - * * ,. , * - * • • I ..... d .... ~.. ~, ,_ ~!]i~[%~ B hf~/I ~ l from Lost Lake to see their daddy, and home economies. . _.. . • . ~ ll~ Ill Am • }were aLSO some :oois in um sae~: k,~J.l,~W~t~ JL~J~S--I~ ~ I Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Hulbert hen- Payments to the local,,olstrict ~k/l[~'P~ ]~l~|| I All ..... ~ ~f .... ~IB~~,m~ ~1.,= /~~" .................. a~ [ ored their son, Mike, on his 21st are made on the basis or student .wla~t a~ .~=u~o,..~ax~ I ~ B'lr~drJl~] |J rl • ~r]l~r #~jldl[~ljr=~F~B] ~ irl~ ! I # ~ .. .._..=.. m~.,~, ~ [birthday with a dinner" Tuesday.. vocational hours of actual at- @O V.~.-.~ ]1~.~-~--~* I rllullll l. / • I/'IBI Ilrlll~l I, IIl~ll I~$/I fl t#Th/? t ~J " ~,~ ~ I Guests were Jaydee Hulbert andtendance. In addition a 50 per cent OO= I ~¢aL ' a~lU~JUt¢ J "" / I M~$1'$#~1~ W ~w...- ] ~.~"A~i ~ [Mr, and Mrs. J. Stroud, Mary oo, matching of expenditures zor new n. T T:,: : 1 I DL'$ CORNER ~2 JIM PAULEY SALESMEN }l 8V Rod Oisen l I~:~ ~ ~ [David and Danny. . and additional equipment may be VleS In r numcmw I (~h,.istmas gettin~ closerlCOMPLETE SELLING COURSES[I ' ' DO IT I Darlene Bloomheld came home received where rior approval oz I ........ .° ° • ' • ~, ~ • ..... • "~ " • P and closer man plays are oeing Robert W. Wolden, sams man- w~.~ /from Bellingham Saturday .for the program has been granted by. Marie Ann ~Ialsel! died,,,:~ ~e~. ~Y nublic S-ch n~ I ...... d wql Johnson Salesman ~l ~ MIRRORS• I I~b~#~'ALI ~ /Christmas vacation. She has been the state. Requests in tins care- say in an mnumclaw nursing|:7 ........ ---_~..:~, ~:; _.- "'. "--I-~-'..~'" ~'.: .... ' ..... L'|l ~~:~;~ More than I ~/ [~ :~ [doing student teaching, hence no gory fo rthe present school year hom.e at theage of 88 years• Born [ ~)aeec o;~ ~o ~Cailnemd .~eene?taY~ / ~cen~YJ:n~Uau~e~e~rO~ ;t~: ;:t~'~| one magical [ to come home total 5 700 for car entr and the Sept zu -±~r~ in ueipzig ~er- • , • s • exams, so was able $ , P Y ' ' ,, ' Pla wil be • • effect can be ~*~J~ ~ ~ | • " ..................... many she moved with her family ~ p.m. The Nativity Y 1 / selhng COUlSe respectively. Both/I ~:/ ..... [ early au~u p~s,~,,,o. ~' ...... • " ' ~ nc galileo WiLO .~ l~ ~ l ~. AND MRS. ~ O. Schuffen- Teachers of approved vocational to Hay Springs, Nab. in 1884|presented by the She.lton C.Y.O. [are JLm ~: auley, In "'|l ~~~l mirrors in I I~,~ ~:~/~ :~ [ hauer motored to Manchester Sun- courses are certificated as voca- where her father ho.mesteaded and [ ~ns~simi~ree~gn~aneSu~i~LE~,~~ / ~:r%r°&ac~:cSaoolP, or~ ~an;~:e~?ng'li?~e~| ~~~ interior | | day and called on Mr. and Mrs•ttonal teachers by the Washing- stie grew to womanhood. | " g . | ' "// ~.~::z:~l decorations I~/~ ~- ....... ~ .......... .... ant of V--- In 1896 she was married to Ma-/has gift ideas galore so stop in.../stitute conducted .the courses. [/ ~.' " / r~orman wnitcomo. , mn ~tate ueparun uua- , - of MIa ' rd Mar ! wne upon a Ii~l~#~lJ ~b/~ ~ [ ......... _..,.a ~-ack ....... a .... ,,.., ri~n Cammack They had .four|Barry Caskin manager "/ the San Francisco Fo -| ...... t ...... [ LEa S SHOE DEPT. says to get ketm Institute at Butlingam . _~b/~'] ~ | ~ ..... a ~"~11~" ~o be aIfle to be I children. She Moved to Sheltonr in| • . _| g . . / ~~1~ were taken | ............... ~ ~ " -'------- Florsheim shoes for that man o~ Ca[if serves 11 western states as~ " n with the aid of a 1925 and was married to George ", ' * ' for granted. ~~ t~ [Up and arou d 1 NATIONAL DEFENSE I ................ /,,o .... Bob Wolden mana~er~,~.-~ -f o n~tion-wide Ford nro-II ~=:~ __ I e l-laLsen m xvz~ r~e passeo away z ,,o . . . , o e,*-~ ~ ~ ~ ,- u'nere was a ~k ~ ]ba~kbera~ennet of Seattle spent[ 'EDUCAT/?TNLEACIT OF 1958 in1963, when she moved to Enum./ of JIM .PAULEY, INC..,. says to/gram to offer trainin.g m dealer:l/ Ij tendency to I • 1~ .... to be w th d h er Sh( watch thin week s speeml on new ship management an~ sarong aria e~ mantel or ////~~~ A~ [ the weekend with his sister, Mr~.[ The purpose'of NDEA-Title III1claw" . . 1 her aug t . ~1 -? " B & R SALES[ . . ..... ". [1 put one over ev "y ~ , [ Y~;A% il~Kf$)£'~.".l~l~.%\, ~ /AlmaBaker I,..,...÷ .... *h-n ,nstrucHan ,ntmad n e' y p'| !" " '." . . _|' '... • ._ [| over the sofa if you didn't a , e net om at 1511 el m lc cals aria truclcs m ear aria uueK tecnnology h ve me~~-,~.n t ,=#~,,r.~j rm~t-~tt =-- / .......... ;,^~. ,. +~ a~vt, Hul / '=..'~. ".'."=." -. • Z'a-'" 'ZIHwv So most of (he 38 years she/always has many goes sams ano/ Since the Institute was asian- II a msntelmece. But fashlonsl / J~ "n ton of O1 m ia at 2 p.m: today in the Batstone " P . • • ri g Y P r or a m have been reatly a ~.~~\~/7] . I ......... . oo,,a;o ,-the Ha, siP ...... g.... I Funeral Home with burial in Shel:l you and yours... Mike Holn "I personnel have graduated from II They ,,re valuable. You can usel ~x%~':'~4~ ~'~] ~ |l~unu" v, ?,~,,nome .......... were tne:~-*u~L~'~r'^--""v,, Lunds/ oroaacne.~, the. past ,mpac¢ el In!s[ ton Mem0rial Park. Rev. E. C]. berg, manager of SEARS, an-| courses there. Courses normally ]| a mirror to gain the illusion of/ act has ~een In tne areas o~ se, n ~~ -- [ ............... ,~-~-,ma[ - • ~ ~ Knautz will officiate | nouneed this week that they ca | are conducted for dealers, general 11 space in a small area, such as a| $ . . / m M0n~_:Y ^te .B~omfieldlln these disciplines..Both pro-lbrot~er' Curt Lochman Ha~Jstore for every member 5f the~and fiimea interviews;with suc-/ murky shad- ~ 2~ ~ | That was the yea[ the.y, put.'t~le(,imlance whe.?l into th.e ~ /Cwne~ ~:'Johnson ,and Eeb; m~ sisttr' :Olli lE% L aoJrOm yw 5 ntOwO leossf.12ealel hip I aWSkZ~.~omms ~ ~w~ • | watch and startegwatcnes, t.lckln8. ~ow tne tlCK I0CKIS |AI McIrvin. [ ~=.. ..... [ ~ormer, Hay springs, i~eo.; # I .......... ; ' - vide a flow ot new [seas Lo p I z ~ \ u / ~ z obsolete. ARer.300yea~, it.'s.been replaced by the tmy ;~ ~ Shelton Valley Grange will hold .... * ...... ~ III ~re ob-|grandchildren and 11 great-grand-lofLEM WARREN REFRIG..ERA'Ithe courses up-to-date, lJ or•areas.. ~ ~r Dr | Accutron@ tun,ng fork whic~ keeps t,me through vibra- i~ its Christmas party Dec. 17. There] ,_Fund~^ from^ Tit l_ . ....: L..=. I children. :|'luu~, has many uses appnancesI _ ]I ~rrors ainu ~ ~, | tions The result: a very faint.hum and the most pre_c~se ~ ' entertainment and games ~..~"'.~= ".~ ~'.~'.'~,~" ~:~..".~,',~'[ ,,, , .... [ for you to ChOOSe n'om , . , ~oaI |I Drmg extra ~ | will be ......... • wrist" timepiece ever. Accutron guaranteest averag.e ~1~ ~nd ~otluck refreshments / ": ..... -" :"_'~" ". ".... .~='of| 4 • • a~ ' _ / Olsen, manager of OLSEN FUR-[ I~=== I~**,~--, J~t~ [I color to a ~ / monthly accuracy within bU seconas, we a say this is ~a i ~ e .................. / °nases must ~e. a ae.nnlte part [ - llCe uverman / NITURE, has a gift suggestion I I~U~ R~I~II~ /140 II room. The colors of walls, of| ,~o ~o.~o~, oi~ ~f time ~ / _ -- / a pre-approvea proJect ana are/ __ - ! for you A ~ift certificate I .~ ... == , == |1 flowers, of draperies or acces-| ......... 1 Ah,mm Inv,l=d Tn / limited to a matching of local el-| / Ga-le Wentz manager of IdUM" I ure011 um0n manaEer hi series lead a double life when al ~=-~=ur~|qPu~E* ~'~ / ~IMII~ =~=~u =~ / fort In most years a per pupil| ~'~=~-~ Ju~.~J~~ |~rw.?q,.~ '~nv~ ~ make some-I~ ~ ..... -~' *~^]1 mirror reflects them. Be care-| D¢. nw,.n-o ~ | @AmL I~.m.. ~h,=P4aM | ceiling Is placed on the expendi-[ Mrs. Alice Haigh Overman, 85,I onc"haE~v' th;s" Christmas with|- ~arry r~oss, m=anagu~r~,~ ~n~.;i ful what the mirror shows, how-I • . _~ason ~;ounLv ~euettu ~t~ut~ ~ *flec~ . . _ ~ _-~,_ ~ [ OUI/II UClII~g ~11|~11114~]~ [ tures that will be matched. Dur-( died Saturday in a Seattle hospital I --ower tools under the tree • . . ~ .:- 711 ever . . . because it can re ' .I • = o P ion ior almost three years, has re q v jewelry #r[s | Shelton high school alumni are[ lug the past year $3,640 was re-|after a long Inne_ss. Service° were] And now there are four r;olaroid I si-ned to r~turn "to go'vcrnment'I the bad, too. Last. butnot, least, I kl" invited to join present-day stu- oeived as a result of purohases held at St. James Cathedral with color-ack cameras. And they're| .~..•;.~ ~; ..... ~,~.t; ..... m he of-| every woman .neeas amfl~eng~n | • " |dents at the annual Sophomor;Imade under thls federa, prcgram.lburlal in Oalvary, directed bhio,,., ZIEGLERS CAM]~RA'- - "-' "~= ................. |I • • . .... :| 502 W Fran in 426 3283 P , ~ ......... ~ ~- muror somewhere to check ,~~~~~~~ mission is for alums• | n2: &o% :ut year;[F°r something different in a ~gi~fi I He came to Shelton in April,/ everything for every room in[ ..... .... - 7 /to the county commissioners furl A sister, Mrs. Winifred Carr,[ V L Jack Kimbel -'= -}1 Ec"o? b"om'e' in" see-tff I ~i!~:!!jli~i!!~{~i!!i.;,:~~ ~~ | schools, d roads. .... / Shelton, survives, • I of KIM]3EL MOTORS has a yulel ..... s~* = ............... -'--- !1 famous n~aes in our showroomI ~:,~:~)~:::::~:~::;:;~~ ~:':~~.~ ~., "~}~: .... l~ormat pracuce has Dean to ol- ' s ' .' - ' " ~!:::~ ....... ~:~'~,~:: ~.'