December 16, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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COUNq 30b'RNAL--l blislie t in "Chr s mas o (, , helton, Washin
Thursday, December 1
Founo¢d 1886 by Grant C. AnKle
SUBSCRIPTION RATES--S4.50 per year in Mason Coanty, in advance
Outside Mason County $5.00
PICTURES AND NEWS --- Tuesday 5 p.m.
WANT ADS --- Wednesday 10 a.m.
Mailing Address, Box 446, Shelton Phone 426-441~
Published at Sh~lton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday.
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the P0stoffice, Shelton, Washington
Member of National Editorial Association
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association
OFFICE MANAGER --- Lodema Johnson
NEWS EDITOR --- Alan Ford
It's A Grand Image
Like Mother-in-law jokes and cracks about women driv-
ers, the picture of the American father--playing witti the
children's toys on Christmas morning:-periists in 0ur folk-
At best it's an unflatteing image of D d--and li e the
other stale Jokes the conclusion drawn is unfair. Educa-
tors have accepted the role of toys in many facets of
a child s development. The first advances a child makes in
coordinatiOn . . . in good grooming., . in playing together
witlt other children.., most often have a toy as the moti-
vating factor. •
What better reason for Dad---and MOther as well to
take a hearty and active interest in their children's toys!
This interest Should start with the selection of the proper
toys for your children and should, include full participation
with the kids as they learn the rules.., follow the instruc-
tions.., put together the new toys they've received.
You'll be surprised at how n uch you can learn 'about
how your own children are developing, and how much fun
you'll have in the bargain. Take the parents out of play-
time ?
Every so often--it s astonishing how frequently it haI -
pens--something takes place which makes this scrivener's
chest swell witll pride at being a resident of Mason County,
to be glad he lives in a community with such a soft and
generous ]mart.
The recent book drive for American servicemen in Viet-
Nam was the most recent example. It was amazing how
quickly the populace responded to this almost "instant ac-
ti n project. Time was very short, yet in a matter of three
or four days over 2,000 books were donated and within a
Week of the drive's beginning,ttiese books were being read
in the war zone. ,
Christmas trees contributed by local residents found
their way to the fighting men overseas.
Earlier this year the Wi9 this Community
opened its heart to the Buddy Franklin kidney
project was one of the most beautiful examples of
l ach Christmas for tile past 20 years public contribu-
tions provide baskets of food and toys to neighbors whose
lot has been little and whose means are small. Some 75 to
90 families are helped annually at the Christmas season by
this project, conducted by the 40 & 8 in conjunction with
this newspaper.
We're now in the midst of the 20th annual Christmas
basket project. About half of the $1,000 needed has beefi
contributed at this point. We know this warm-hearted
comnmnity will see to it that the last half of the needed
fund Is raised.
Because we're that kind of a community!
oar racxage$, Contihued from page 1)
. . . ~ ,I~ was a joy which was to be for all
~'~Fe ~ ~2 P~/" peol~lei~his means thatWhen yohr
L~g&~#J I1# /Fill, burden of sin is lifted that it is
_ ~ your burden then to see that every-
~_ n~ _..~ L jrLL one has the same opportunity to
oon ~s ro55~ ~e come ou't of darkness into the
-- : light 0f~ SRlV~ibn'. I~ mawr be some-
Shelton Postmaster" Jack Gray One who lives next door, someohe
urged persons with pa'dkages to ~ou talk ~lth .over the backyard
them rents, or ~t may De someone ot
mail for Chris~:mas to:fret '
mailetinut ..... as soon as possible, whom ,.Y°U have never heard or
..... ~,,~ ........ met. This is the season of the
monaay was one o~ me mggFu~year for "sharing," What a wo~
days in parcel post r~eeeipts he has < . . ~" ' -"
......... ffice*, serum gift you would be giving
seen m nls years in ~ne ~'os~ u ' '" ou could• share "
Gray said RecetptsTor parcel pos~ ~Y( ....... your. ~now-
.... " ...... ~t~" ~ee- ,ev4~e elwnrlSl;, aS ~a~.lour' Tnere
~or one any were ~nuu w, n = r ' '
• r was never such a usbful and val
on the numerous packages sent u "' .... " " " "
.... ~-~ ¢~ e -o-t= t~ one' ~tn~r a~le glut. ~ecause i~ ,s valuable,
zp'y , r0p
posta e alone. . ' .
-~u~ =n¢~ ¢OE~'i~f ~iS~ and. time, But, oh, how you will be
.~ ~, ....... .-repaid'
mas dtamps which the Post Of- __ ' .....
• ;.o ~,+ =+ f~ .t~ 5~ t~" ~a~nn The secona name ma~ was gtven
.... ~ost exhausted Gray said to, Christ b~ the~.a~.gel.w£s:. Era:
• manuel , which ~s G with us .
_eUnt~; n:a~ r:rg~c~ti°sn~ flees %~ This is one of the most wonder-
~ t~=oYo~,~p tn ~'n XPO" nr ful. truths in .the scriptures .....
~t-~'-.'~~ Y'-~'v'7" -7- -; ....... 21 There are many who find it hard
• "r'u are cnargea omy tu u,v pumv ........ h i " a "
of embarkation . ~o believe, tnat u ~' st W s. corn
The' Post Office will bd op,n ~'~-" bf ~" ~i~.~i; ~et~l:eYvefl~l~;ttt H?I/tol}Ye
tll noon Saturday, Gray said, and as nara ~o o
will stay op~h in th~ aftel~Imon as from the dead; but to me the most
long ~s the traffic demands. "W0nderful' truth, of ~!]" and" perh, aps
one hard still to believe is that
Masonio Inslalling
O,ff=Oers Are Named
Installing officers who will con-
the ceremonies ~eatir~$ !i~6~
officers of Mt. Mortar Masonic
Lodge on Dec. 27 have been an-
nounced by incoming Worshipful
Master William M. Brickert.
Past Master Tom Watts arid re-
tiring Master Lawrence Fisher
will share with Brickert the roles
of Installing Master, xvMle Past
Masters Frank WiUard, Clarence
Grunert and Claude Rhodes wtll
take ,the roles of Installing Marsh-
al, Installing Chaplain, and In-
stalling Secretary respectivey.
Mrb. Lout Larson will be Install-
ing Musician.
George B. Howard, incoming
Senior Warden, will present the
Past Master's apron to Fisher and
Brickert the Past Master's jewel,
Mrs. Birckert will have charge of
refreshments. Wendy Brieker~ the
programs, and Brian and Mike
Brickert will be ushers.
The installation, starting at 8:00
TREE FOR VIET NAM---Don Murchlson, left, and Roy Snider, of
the Grays Harbor Paper Company, Hoquiam, a division of Ray-
chief Inc., load a Christmas tree in a car for first step on its trip
to Viet Nam. The tree was donated by the Douglas Fir Chrisfmas
Tree Co., here and was accompanied by a box Of ornaments col-
lected by the Mason County Republican Women's Club. Shitter
hves in Shelton and his wife is president of the Republican worn-
an. The tree was shipped air freight to Sp5 Eckart Klee, Head-
quarters, 1st Logistical Command, in Saigon, Viet Nam. Sp5 Klee
had written to the firm asking about the possibility of getting a
Christmas tree after getting the company's name from paper used
in the headquarters office. The tree was loaded aboard a Pan
American plane early this month to be shipped to Viet Nam.
II ii
Xppearing. in Mason Coui~ty Jus-
tice Court Friday before Judge
protein B. Franklin Heuston were:
Sheriff's Office
Grady M. Tapscott, negligent
driving, $35 fine, $4 costs, $5 sus-
Pended, no driving for three weeks;
Charles Sinclair, negligent driv-
$250 forfeit; Gerald T. Gos-
se~t, driving while intoxicated, 30
da~/s in jail, $350 fine; Pete J.
Birdstone, minor consuming liq-
uor', $4 costs, two days in jail.
Washington State Patrol
Paul A. Johnson, speed too fast
for conditions, $12 forfeit.
Mrs. Barlow reported two Bea-
gle puppies missing.
James Childress reported a trail-
er house broken into.
Fred Weaver reported 10 gal-
lons of gasoline taken.
Lannie Thompson reported a car
Mrs. Ward of Treasure Island
reported sliding glass doors to her
home broken.
Greg Blevins reported a coin
collection valued at about $250
Alice Clark at the Burger Pit
reported a window broken.
Alvarez Encarnacion, Mingus
Motel, reported money and a driv-
er'S license taken from his wallet.
Regina Revis, Mingus Motel, re-
ported a wallet with money, a
chaufeur s license and personal pa-
pers taken.
John Pill reported that there
had been a break-in at Hood Canal
Junior High School.
• B.E. Stanton reported a bicycle
Mr. and Mrs. William JussilR
and Edwin Taylor against Lady
Lake Inc., cancellation of real es-
tate contract.
Booked at the Mason County
Sheriff's office during the past
week were Larry R. Miller, negli-
gent driving, Laura M. Burbank,
assaulting an officer; Murphy A.
Johnnie, bench warrant; Pete J.
Birdstone, minor consuming liq-
uor; Gerald T. Gossett, over cen-
ter line, no operator's license, driv-
ing while intoxicated.
Larry Jacobs reported his elec-
tric razor taken from his room
at t]te Shelton Hotel. It was" re-
Melvin Matson reported a lic-
ense~ plate missing. '
Arline Wiles reported a hit and
run accident. •
Clarericb Jagnow reported he
saw three boys taking Christmas
Tree light bulbs.
Fred Stevens reported someone
took two hubs from his truck.
Ermine Page reported vandalism
tO a tire.
C~:r~' d~lgen by Vernon Bflch-
anRn and Cole A:bbott collided at
Ellinor St. and Highway 101.
Bey. Mason" Youngland reported
the Assembly' of God church had
been entered and a microphone
stand taken.
MA~v ~r,~,~ ~,T,~Rz~, ~ 1V~ a S on County's flourishing dealers in other states will be
~,~ ,~,~.o~r~ .,~. I Christmas tree,industry has been sweet-smelling, shapely, and re-
~u~r,L J accorded widespread publicity this sistant to needle-shedding."
New Cases . j year. THE WESTERN Farmer said
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kob.l I Over the past weekend alone the "Folks in Shelton, Washington,
against Henry Sarling, quiet title. Seattle Times published a 5-page claim they live in Christmastown,
* * * , ]sbread i~tvolving 10 pictures chief- U.S.A. and they ,aren't far wrong.
COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS I ly on the Hofert and Kirk cutting Shelton is the center of one of
Building permits approved by lc~perationsi in fhis county; the As- the nat.ion's top Christmas tree
the Mason County Commission at]sociated Press dispatched a 500- producing areas. Ofen, when the
its meeting Monday Were to In- word sto~y ove~~ its wires which mills are operating, the clean, hol-
dustrial Lumber Products CO., [was published in an untold num- iday smell of fir and pine is so
wood residence, $5,000} Ray E. ] bdr of newspapers throughout the heavy in the air visitors can't help
Sharps, remodel residence, $1:,000, country; and the Western Fm:mer~ having visions of Santa and his
* * * a magazine for Northwest farm reindeer,, even in mid-summer."
FERRY RECEIPTS . l families, published a 2-page 5~pic- AND TItE TIMES led off its
Receipts from the Harstine Is- ture article in its December edi- extensive picture lay-out with "The
land Ferry for the week ending tion on the" subject. ' growing of Christmas trees is big
Dec. 11 were $110, the Mas0nl 1~, all easeS Shelton is described' bhgines~ ih'the Shelton area, near
County Engineer's office reported, as 'Christmastown, U.S.A." and the southern end of Puget Sound
. . . "the Christmas tree capital of the in Mason Courity. The annual crop
CIT~ BUILDING PERMITS Inati°n'', rflns int0the millions, not only
• . p ' ,, • .
A building permit to Western THE A SAID The sap.~s set, at the tree farms and plantations,
Parts, building front, $600, was the needles are fast, and harvest but among the stump ranchers and
approved by the city of Shelton is. near its peak at Shelton,. the regular farmers who also grow
during the past week. Christmas Tree Capital of the na- t~;ees." "
, , , tion. .Verily, christmas trees, as well
SHELTON POLICE COURT "Christmas tree farmers at Shel- as timber trees, are making our
Appearing on the docket iv ton have worked up to 15 'years community noted throughout the
Shelton Police Court before Judge lmaking sure that trees Sent to nation.
Rolla Halbert Monday night were]
Verne Ostrom, drunkenness, three
days in jail, $4.50 costs; Frank
E. Johnson Jr., minor cbnsuming
liquor, 10 days in jail, $2.50 costs; m
Edward Crawford, failure to sig- Basketball Team Plays Two Games Past Week;
Patricknal' $12.50Ruble,P,m. minorfine' $2.50consumingCOStS; School Board Hears ( lass Program From Teacher
liquor, $25 forfeit; Jim Vercher Jr., By RENE' PERKINS newsletters was sent to parents
speeding, $7 forfeit; and LINDA MILLER and taxpayers in the school dist-
Alex J. Landrey, driving right
of center line, no operator's 12c- The "B" squad Owls won by a rict. The newsletters sent out
ense; $30 forfeit; Patricia Hawk, forfeit from Rainier. Friday night thus far have been very well re-
no arteriel stop, $15 forfeit; Jos- Mary M. Knight played the Rai- ceived by the parents.
eph Hagen, negligent driving, $56 nier Mountaineers in the Mary M.The seventh and eighth graden
forfeit; Roy Knaak, minor censure- Knight gym. The Owls were in are sponsoring a Christmas party
ing liquor, $25 fine, $2.50 costs; the lead until the final minuteswith games, refreshments and dan-
Carl Burbank, drunkenness, dis- of the game; they led 10-6 at the ring Dec. 18, from 7 to 10:30 p.m.
turbing the peace, resisting arrest, end of the first period and 18-16 Admission is 25 cents for singles
assaulting an officer, $75 fine; at half-time. The Mountaineers and 35 cents for couples.
Laurel Burbank, assaulting an of- crept up to within one point with The PTO has raised about $200
ricer, $25 forfeit; John P. Mulli- the score being 31-30 at the endfor work on the fire truck. Cliff
gan, minor consuming liquor, $25 of the third quarter. In the last Reeves and Carl Casey have been
forfeit; Richard O. Robinson, fain period, the Rainier five slippedworking on the truck. If you are
ure to yield right-of-way, $20 for- by the Owls to a 46-40 victory interested in putting the truck in-
felt. • • • Green Hill played the Owls in to service, please contact one of
the Knight gym Saturday ~ight. these men or the school.
FIRE DEPARTMENT Green Hill led 13-8 at the end of The annual Christmas program
Dec. 11, 4:30 p.m.--A faulty the first quarter, and 29-18 at the will be Dec. 22, at 8 p.m., in the
clothes dryer at the John Bennett half. The Owls poured on the school gymnasium. The public is
residence, First and poplar, caused steam and caught up to 31 to invited to attend. The band and
Green Hill's 33 point-s. The Owls choir will perform and plays and
about $60 damage, tied up the game, 39-39. It was ~ongs will be presented by the
Dec. 13, 4:08 p.m.---A cltimney
fire at the Henry Greenly rest- 'a close three minutes but two grade school. School will begin at
foul shots and a quick basket gave 10 a.m. and let out at 1:30 p.m.
dence did'no damage. Green Hill a winning margin of Dec. 23. The holiday vacation be-