December 16, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 16, 1965 |
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SB _,LTON--MASON COUNTY :/OURNAI5 -- PubH,hed in ¢¢Uh mastown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washin
Thursday, December 16,[
'Gained More.inLoss • Little Climbers Hit
Than SK in Win,' v 61-Point Average In , ,:
Says Climber Coach [B Season's First 4 6ames L ',
" One thing the Highclimber jun- , ~ ~ O
By MIKE ISBELL This time it was close shots, broken dribbles, or often- |or varsity can do which its var- CITY BASKETBALL I.I~AGUE ~imons 8, Don Collins ,
[ The Highelimber varsity wrest- I After three straight severe shel- sire fouls, sity big 'brother can't is put a W L pf pa Baskin 16, Ken. S.i.mons !
lin team lost its' first match to lackin S, Hi hclimber hoopmen l on's final, oints came on lot of cnoint~o on the scoreboard, r~.. r~^_.^.. ~ ....... , t~rK u, Joan 19mmnson ,
th~g S. K. Wolves at South Kitsap went gght d~gwrn to the wire with a Shel; sideline l~hot by Scott The Little Climbers have av- ~Vol'd~n~'s~hev;on" ..... 1 ~) ~; ~ Allen 0, Larry Brown 2, Jig
last Thursday, by a 33-23 decision. Elms before surrendering, after Swisher as the final buzzer sound- eraged 61~A markers ~while snlit- Eells & Valley .... 1 0 70 34 paster u.
The Climbers took an early lead extreme resistance, a. 41:36 non- ed, It gave Swisher hm 12th point• tins four starts so far, duringMorgan Trans ....... 1 0 81 36 .~ WOLDEN S CHEVRON
in the match, gaining a 20-point league oecmmn on.mimas home He, along with Bob Miller, who which they've accumulated 245 Smith's Tavern ...... 0 1 33. 85 ~eggs 12, Raussmensen ~x'i
lead with a forfeit in the 103 div- court '±uesaay evemng, had 14, carried the scoring burden points• Their opponents have 20th Century .......... 0 1 26 84 mensen 7, Larson 23, B;
[is|on, followed by three consecu-[ With any kind of shooting luck for Shelton. Between them they seined 244. Verle's - Ki~AS ..... 0 1 36" 81 Charlton 3, Harding 14. S
It|re pins, made b Rob Mills i112), the verdict could have been re- accumulated 13 of the team s 16.ql-ce last weetr'~ ,~mtu-,.n ,~,,~ Belfair " 0 1 34 70 TAVERN 33--D. Smith 7, !
Chuck Them son (120), and Steve[versed, but as in their three prey- field goals. They also played spec- T.~t¢l~ Climbers thra~h~a ,~*.-'~--~ ' M. Smith 3, Cormmr 2, W
Steinberg (12P7), " Ious starts the Climbers seemed tacularly off the backboards at7=-~{ and dropped~'de~isions~'to Suspense was not an emotion CORRECTIONS C.ENT~
~]tnn tnntr . Ito be firing at covered hoops Of both ends of the court. I r'=~-lia 74 55 desnit-~' 9a ~.~.t attendin~ ouenin~ ~ames of the A1 Burnett ±,% micK win0
At this point ............... . ........ -, ~ .... -v .......... Fi
nose dive falltn~ 13 noints in the 166 shots attempted, only 16 shp. Except for weak shooting, this I snree bv sophomore Jerry Sharks city basketball season last week. Joe Hart,son 7, Hilbert ,
• , ~ x-. ' ' tot an , . ~- ¢ , o ~. . , . , . ., . • • ,
|hole, as the result of a string of|peal i.nmde the iron rings ...... was Shelton s best of four games [and to Elma, 67-58, though 3umor Vlctoly margins ,anged from a Jim.~,_Wl~ms 8,1Lee r~°Y~
[losses ineludin~ six Dins and one ] anemm z~ percen~ marKsmau=u,p played so fat" and lent encourage- [ Rick MeComb offered a 23-point high of 58 points to a low of 26 ~.uu,~ vv=..~.. :~, y~.,. --,
,' " ~ - • avers e. h the Climber • , - , .. . , uave trope a, Joe uams,
|deem|on. Shelton heavyweight J~m [ g ment to the hope ti at , _ , [ contnbuUon, m a pair of doubeheaders plL~yed .a.~ ~ ,co. f~nio. o ~flt~
]Borst then made the last futile ef- THE EAGLES, too, were any- loss string may ~e scmsorea m ] ~ Armstron~ led the • ~ at the worrections wenter and Lin- • ....... " .............. .
[ Pr':r t- the match Coach Larry [nine of 16 foul opportunities host Centralia in Shelton gym this |lead. Sparks added nine qn the70-34 ~riumph over Belfair. Swede .~
" " ~ ' ~ a ainst only four of nine for ~nel da followln a w~estlin "'~'~'~ ~'~" ~'~"
[wo~ .,oo~', sure how ~od the [ g .... ".Satur y ' g " g[ second Defied as the lead grew to Larson had 23 in leading Wolden's ........ -.- ^^*:^. I
[~'~:~'~:~¢"~*Climber v~t~r~v were [ ton, and tha~ was the even~uat match starting at 6:30 between the [45-25 bv the half. Chevron Service past Smith's Tav- .w[~ , ........ .,
['~'=:"'~'~"~:=~-ou* tha* seven ~ra-'[ ttfference. . . Climber and Tiger varsity mat[ ~- *~: ,~,'~e ~ames Snar~ ..,~ ern, 85-33 and Doll Andrews had
[.;lers~on~the H~lghclimber~ varsi[y [ _~WheLherit~ha! anythinga~°,ae~ squads, _The grap.plers take the]up 46 poin;s (~5 for t~e season)' 20 as Morgan Transfer submerged [
|line-up had never wrestled any-[//:::.o~'~,~,~'~"~,,un~irn~.,, ~our noor .~t..~J:~u w*~a~nev~r~,~[Armstrong has 37 in four games, verm's-KMAS 81-36. • [
--. [ thing but' J.V. before [ ~n~nu~e' ~im~ out" wi~h~*he ~'core at ~am.~e~pa]l g.ame ~ouow~ng. Z.~ [ and McComb 36 in three games The Co/rections Center Bulldogs | • ~:a1-~ l~L|.).[n~ | |
,, . " , - ~ - . junior varsity DasKe~oan teamu • . ' " • .
[r South might have won the[~ ~ .,~,~ ~.~ ... ,~ ~t~k wa- ........ ~ ...... ] An example of L~ttle Chmber had no 20-pointers but d~d have [ --* - """ --_- [
]match but we gained more " coach [ ~o-o.~..:.~;:..:~= ~. :;:~.y~.i.nts and wul playm the An.gin gym wanu [ ex--losiveness came at Elms Tues- four in double figures during an' ] - " _ - ]
, ~o.owuu uy m~ ~a~;,~ p~-, thewrestling ma~cnesaregoing v • 1 t 1 r' '
[Weir stated, in relation to his [ ~.~.. ~ .... o~.~o, tallies [ day when m a 2 ½ -minute snree 8~-26 rou e of 20th Cet tury Wh lft~ [
[reason for scheduling the lineup[ Unexplainably, the two score-L ..... [they reduced a 21-point deficit way. [
in SUCh a manner "±'ues~ay s nneups
[ ...... " ..... I board time clocks at opposite ends ... ~ ' " Slmlton 36/to 11 and eventually dropped the In all four games closeness had [ ~ [~i ~][~i
As coach weir explamea 1% a ~[ma~
[ * l of the Elms gym somehow came A ...... /final margin to nine at the end been erased by halftime Chevi'on l - I
wrestler eta b with a lot ina Weld 6 I .~4iner ~ " • '
[ g Y . [ u~ with a full minute difference ..... t .... ~. ~o [ ....... ted Smith's by 30-16, the Bull- ] .... -.. -,[
[J.V. match that he can't get DYIr~ took four minutes to get them ~utorac ~ z[ ~.,~,,?--: | J~Jrm~,67 _l ~lm~on 58 dogs had a 42-11 bulge on 20th [ ~ ~A.k12JLt~
|with in a varsity match, If the [ =.,--~ro-ized Wolfe 7 eI ~ayleyz| Moody 14 ~[ ~parks 10 Century Eells & Vallev bv 36-15 [ - ]
[ wrestler is g~ven a chance to see ] "~T~I'E "EAGLES went into a ball Comer 13 g~ Knautz z | Oehsner 15 fl Swisher _._ ' .... ' I . . ! ~
[this, he will discontinue making]con~rol stall when nlav resumed Moorel2 g[ Clayton4[Schaaf8 c Duckham The scoring: ] -" • - - [
=~,=,===n ~-~.,=. ¢=--,,~ . ...... .~,. ^, .~. ~, ,^,. ~..,.m [many of these mistakes,' thus' |m-land nicked un all tl~eir" tallies on Subs: Elma--Johnson, Long,[ Boyer 6 g[ McComb 23 . EELLS & VALLEY 70 -- Gor- |- __ -. : ]
~:" ...... .-Z,"Y"':~T, "," ..... ; ....... e'=.":,Y: ,~:'..~_t"=__=:.~_=_ "?}.:_='_' I proving his wrestling techniques, I ._x^ f& ....... ~ .~ r~,,.~=.~ fouled Nelson Shelton--Keenan, Prepper- [ Joines 5 g[ Armstrong 10 don, Jay4, Henry ~ean 30,,,.Cu~ ].
~;IOWnSe Will leaa nls ooys in many OT cne laugn rgu¢lnCS WrlCrl I----a ,u^ ,^ .... ,.^..,~+*, I ~*== ~=,=uwo ,~ =,,~ ,~,,,,,,.~-~ .. :,';; ...... - *----U-ll [ ..... .--., .......... Sell ,z ~oo uosser z Paul l=rd[u~:-
the enurt nora cs come to the ocal avmnaslum fne a same, De- i~.u u,u ~u=,. a ~u~,,s~,- I in desnerate attemuts to getme nau, wn*~ener L, =.~t~m,~ . / ~uos: ~;lma ~v~u~ey-o,wu- Q 'o ~ x. • ] ~ m "" J -
................................. "- ............. " ....... h "- " otis . , • son o ,..ou ...aupm = ~.m .~ress
• Over ,a .period of years, eeocall ac time the ot osses- Score by Peri liams 4, Levering 2, L Am~eMe- ' , , '
cember 27. Smith is In his third year with the famed funny- . ............ b • E h Y g P . -- ." • • ' 6 Ron Ahlf 4 Geo. Valle 0 E~-
men. He is a tremendous floor man and team player. IW~tr h0Pes tO bUildoua^,p:we~:l[sion after a foul or a steal they Shelton ............ 7 l0 8 11 -36[Milhan, Lencloni, H ar,. Co!ley. FAIR 34 Elmer Sla~leY "~ce i
. . . . . i wresumg team ~or o,,=,~., .... I bleW their ouuortunities in missed Elm a ............ ;... u .o u *---==! ~nekon--~ooney z, ~letteoahl ~j . . . --~ . . .? ,^ ~ ,.. "| =~
nn.. At:.= ~r:..~'~..~.~..1 ~r .......... ...... [realizes that to accomplish this,[ ............... --- [Lonn 2, Purvis, Hays, Wilson, Me- w.m~man ~.~en wmtman ~, ~oo [] ~
1~ .~ut ll~ ~*~ z~v~[#~[$~a- ........ l he Will"have to"sacrifice several[ " " -- ............ /Dowell. nines z, ~genms woos ±u, Joe [[ ~~j~
~[~[~i~ A| ~[~l[|~.~t ~ i~'~![~ ][~,~j~ ~ [meets in0rder togive more grap.[TmmnFnl~lL~ nLImER MAIMe [ Score by Periods Ca.key 3, Ernie Aerias 2, Dick [1 IIIllD¢~t A[~I]II
m:mmm.== m:m mmm=m~ • I••m ==mm mm==m: m= I.l~.a .. to wrestle varsity I ...w.w=H=,=w..==~v =-== =-- . / ~h.~,~,~ 8 16 12 20 5~ r~osenau 2 Max Tapscox 0 19on I =~=t~=t|~t~
ViRiVk VLVIII|II i I~lkV gkV= k,l. I .The summat~y: South ,Kitsap 33,/[[~IM elMS/ oltnnlr ©nn¢;llr RV 7.1_¢1 [Elma ................ 20 2.114 12--67 Carstensen 0, Ken Weaver.0. ....... [[. ~lJJl/~/~ l'~
to Shelton gym ot the even g ' " ' ' ' [" 5'53 " 138 Dean Whitr~y T dec Jim ' --
r~ .... ~.~ ',~ ANn nW~== ~, ,,m,..,, .=,,, /D°n MulRey, by p n ..... / The Climbers again scored l -- .. ^ " / Subs: Shelton--R. Marshall 14,
.................................. " e l K over Swa ze ~o-~
......... , . ,~-= ~.~=~h... ,~ t~ .... ~=..~| 133--Randy Cast e (, ) [strongly in the liwhtweight divi-]Y , "_ ..... |Purvis 6, Slettedahl 4, Duekham
The CJowns nave ~lcKlea the ~un ........................................ Tom Adams, b in 1"20 "~ ~ 138--Ron ttooerts '~' prunes
....once sa~d'"'A real pro will" 'never Y p - ' • mona, picking up 11 points m the 3rd rd 3, McComb 2, Donaldson 2, Hays
ny-bonesr of Sheltonr sports fans ma~e~you..look bad" . [' 138--Russ 'palmer (K) over|three smallest weight classes A Warren Jagnow, 1:56 " [1 Chehalis Ames 7, Davis 5, O1- MPW VPkD ¢ DhDTV
~or several .years .now an~ come __ • . ' .... _ |W&rren~ Jagnow, ?rO decision. /gorfeit in the heavyweight match / .... ___.~- .:----~---... [ son 3, Smith 2 Cate, Recquer. / tll J 1/411111
pretty ClOSe ~O dying up to their There are umes, naturaoY~wnen| 145--Linnie • l-'nice (K) over/~,.., ~.~... ^_ .~ .... ~ ...... os.,..~ @|uuaml~ ===team l .......
self-imposed description as the .the. Clowns have to extencJ tbem-[ Chris Thompson,: by pin; 5:55. [ ~o''er'cause ........ **' ~llflff=Uil~ n~MII [ ..... ~eore oy~(=ar~eqs , __ __ __ . . ....... __ __ _ .
unenaus # ~ ~o 13 53
funniest basketball team in Amer- selves. When the home team i,s,i 154--Greg Stock (.K) over John[ .......... " .... _ la|iu OAnAUI~I I~@ | .... " ....... - ....... ---~ ~00~ ~US]C • • • ~00~ ~'00~
• ' ,, ' ~oo _~vlillS Dnelton's Tom Tnumo ~nelton z~ z~ 12 16 7;~
|ca exeepOonally strong or eta hot, Koch b in: 2" 8 ., , ~ ~R~[]~L~ | ......... ~ .
:rHEIR APPEARANCE inShel- the Clowns have a ballg gamp on[ 16~enp Knies4 iKi over Dave[genius of the mat., h, arm y. ~new --|MB.,?~NDI, BERNERT [- ..... " : " .... ONE PRICE coVERs EVERYTHING
• o ..... **'~ ....... i- ~-~ ..... n their hands Then ,,ou see someI ~- ' - - ..... ,,, . • ne was m acuon, plnmng nls rlVal J .... ! ~Jenlreullt ]~E I Snell:on ,)~) .... ; -' '
~ore2~t~y ~he" Shelton ~]:;l~s sc~'ool real action as well :s comedy, iK) over| ts e co nZd ;lbs e S numh . ca ty clShelt°~d T[&flblazeur:l lv~°~.°a~Y~ee/ SEtn°::l~419 ~] D:2a~koS:5 __ " _.
newspaPer, the Highclimber, as a The Harlem Clowns are a happy|Dave Cox, by pin; 1:32. | .. ,-: ..... g n, y.._ Sunday at the Fairgrounds with] ~t,h ...... a .I r .... ~ 0 ' ~' ,~%| ||][~
means of bolstering its none-too- bunch of ball players---no one in-|r 191-=-Dan Gehring (K) over Dale| anome.~ ~au v, mtor zor t~e ~:nm.~- these ~'esults' /~."~.;~_'_'~=.'.~ =! ---r ~"-:'-'-'~- Lli| ~ ~ '|i ||R~
replete onerating fund m,,~,~,,~ io ,h~ ~,~ o,o. .e ~! r~^.,,.~.~ h,, ,~i~ 2 sR /ers, winning in 6z seconus o~ ~nu • ] ~. u,~on o gl .~r nsLl'ong -lu ILl| U ~L--UM
-. ~ ~ • .. ................ .~... ................... .,... ......... ~t~nl s~ g ~i~it ~o~mst~n? 4~2 | m eSr~b ~1 C~vin~::liea 500 and 6-5 cc-'Class Ke~ nS~il [ Wast~ dwskl' 4 g' ipD:y: akgl~ :f~:~,~ ........
Int rteeca~it:f .~OC~roPvlayert~,~sbe t~amal~.Onth;:op~]cl l~:~glin the fUn/re~VW;~::~ Bl~:;td(:clsOv:r War ]seD::e rRt::d at 103 Joe Thomp- ~ r 0 ; b ZSh
e>~sa,ry background for the Clowns " ' |sort at 120 and Merv Kinnan at ' " 'I , y , ., Make Reservations Early
comical antics on the casaba .. ~ 145 were decision victors for the 250 cc class Von Hogan, lst;] E:. Olson 2 Nova Hewitt, Tayh)r ,
court. Game time is 8:00 o'clock. M~[~][~TU ~i~!~B @n,~,l~Ir(~ Idl~llll@ [&imbers The results" ' Dan Kirk, 2rid; Carl Bernert, 3rd;|Lars~n Ki'n~' 5yiley Curtis. ' ~ ,, :.;I;,L=iMtW:ED SEATING
When the name "Harlem mlllnln m=~aum .~r~m~ mrn .... 1 ~n3 Dave Rose .q" de,, ].urrv Paul Johnston, 4th; Dan H~g'~p,] Shelton-=-~opney 3, McComb 11, '' ',~',,~ ......... ~,,... - ; • '
Clowns" is mentioned, hoo~ fans I1~'11/1~ IIII1~11 ~'/~11/~ 1.1.=~11~ -. |~,:=~ ~n~ ..... "[ 5th; Walt Holloway, 6th. """ [Swisher 4, R. Marshall 1, Howe, ~.,,,.:i~.~.-~t
get ready 'for an eveninK of"enter- " ~..;IAI .... Jr% ..... ~..:!--..,. At.. &ll.-- ~ ..... OA. | ~'~1~2~' ~Rob" Mills S .~inned Bob Trophies for the race ~ill'"be Purvis, McDowcll. ~[[~#%~'~ ~[~'~a' ,,r M~'*~,~
tainment The fans come o"t to ~JUta~u~ l~U~=[~ ~c~t=~at)~u~ z-A~ z~a~.= ~*¢:~ (#~t~ 1 ....... .~ awarded allriders at the club's Score by Quarters nn=~=n~ "~-~ ~.~'~,~ zw~n~vz~.~
- ~ ~roos~rom u:z~ ~st ra. ' 0 " 1 1 1 74
see a fancy exhibition, razzle-daz. Wrestling Team Loses To Port Angeles | 120---Joe Them.son S dec Dan New ~e~tV~ Ex~e party Dec. 31. Centraha ...... 9 2 7 17 ....
zle ball handling, intricate rou- "-" I Hatcher 9 5 " " All riders who rode will receive Shelton .......... 9 14 16 16 55 .......
tines~ both lanned and im rein tuJay Allen used his 6-foot-4 Subs" N M--Hedstrom 8, Drake/ .^2 "--.'" " -- ..... ome t.,,~e of tro,~h.~ ..........
" P P P " " d iicene" ol 4 Schafer6 izT--IvnKe .M_cL~raw T pmnea ~ ~v r ~.
comedy and all sorts of shenani-height to: good a/dvantage an 2. Qu --H t , ,| r,~..,~t~ m~. ...... n.~ ~.,~ ~,~ There will be a cycle meeting ~ ....
sans. pumped h0me 24 points while lead- Finley 0. ['~'1~"_ ~'ou'i~'eel~n~?'~ec~Don'~oll, this Saturday evening at 7:00 • • ~ ~ .~_~ ~.~
~- ..... ing the North Mason Bulldogs to Score by Ouarters [. 2 , -- " pm with all riders who would _ ~i I' *lil~'~ i~
then" fil"st basketball suecess of Mason 15 10 8 23---56| :" ......... like to join welcome ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.
', o ' "'7 ........... ~--Arvln ~mer x uec ..... club would like to thank ~ ,'.~
J~l~=ll'~"i.~ thed:ea o2] tSa ui]O:eerinQUal]Ceo lt Qui]¢ene ....... ,.9 1.114 9 4S/Dethle s, 3-1. "T' 2 ...... h----e " -
== •- . =~ .. e g e h op 0 e t. Roughrider matmen were rough] ~..~. ~ ~ party ]~nday evening. We hope I ~ [ ' -- [ [i ~
tWIIn /~g$~l| His nine points in the first quar- on the Bulldo~rs, scorin~ seven pinsl L•U~'$=-~:3*&| i~U* '~- .... to see you all at the scrambles ~ • -r-~,l ~ m
..v --~ -~-.-- . . o o. zD~--~teve ~gaugnerty ~ pinnea , r
te~ enabled the.Bulldogs to takeduring a 35-9 victory last Thurs-[ ........... ,~. o.~o .,.., ,.,~ next spring. | ~ I H ;/ '1
Fnr ~.~#~I~F a 15-9 lead and he added another day . i~a.n~¢,e ~'~2 ..... ~t:.-.~~, ~.,._:~" ,~ ~, • _a__~J d.
v v -.~,,.•,,•.,...~,, lt~D t~ (1 er 2/tl|tesell '.1.' clec •
nine in the fourth quarter duringBulldog points all came on sue-| .. -~ d.~g _.. 'n-ll n.J... l--a ......
whmh the Bulldo s outscored the • . uave ~'rang, ~-a.
..... " ~ g cesmve decision victories by Start| ...... ribell" T "Dan DWI IllUUI'; ICltlUi! f
i oh L nned Award Sa|urday Eve
P • P . g: forced to concede his 133 lb. match/ .......... :_ d- r " T Election of 1966 officers and • '
of the thwd period the home team after sufferm a knee m ur in unnm~ea rnn ~.un ~e g
our counter " ' " g " j y ,| . . 7-:,. presentation of trophies and K ~ 6"=
• had edged in front, 34-33, on the the first round, [won Dy zorzel~ • • awards will feature the annual L ,A~L~ • • •
Drawing Dec. 24 at5 p.m. ;tre~grtohun°f acolr412gma~]gmn1~lth0 atT~n~ghhotn North Mason wrestles|cLiMBER JV VICTOR ~i:::~y ~ne~Tt~gerOfth~h%aMa~o; !.:" ,
edge in the second. • _. ' [ Five fall triumps carried the eventn" '"
i• lit ........ This FriSay' the Bulldogs travel The resuks: [Climber junior varsity to a 28-21 Theresa|on is scheduled at 7"00 ~ ~
AIg to Chimacum r 103--Bill Cargo (PA) pinned|wrestling victory over Tumwater .... ~. ,~,~ . ..... .~. ~,,um~'o* ~
[IM ~ ~| Mason56 Qnlleene43Jack Maruca (NM) 1:23 of first[in the prelims to Tuesday's varsity t~"Fa'~r~'roun~'s~n'~e'rt~nme'n~t is
=.= === w w ~ == Blackwell6 f Maberry5 round. |matches. ,~1,~ ~. t~e nro~ram , " ' ~'~
Dishon8' fl Weed6 112--Guy Iredale (PA) pinned[ John Koch Tom Adams Chris ............. ~
633 S. 1st 426-8452 Alien24 c Morley 13Rick Burdell (NM) 25 seconds[ Them-son, Jim Maloney, an'd Dave - ==-, ~ ; '." * '
DeMmro 2 g[ Cossette 7 second round ~"
-. " - . ...... ,." /Cox all won by pins" and Keith |~|h ~0|e ~|ec||on| ',
~muryo gl wcea~- 120--Didst wrestle. /VanderWal added ,a decision suc- ==H ~t . . i • ..
-- 7 .... "-- 127--Didn't wrestle, i cess 'to cap the triumph. The re- r||m ~iamu womgm
133--John Anderson (PA) won|suits: ,,
by default over Roger McMahon.[ 103--forfeited to Tumwater 19th Hole Club members, shift-
(McMahon suffered a twisted knee[ 145--John Koch S pinned 1V[ike ing their normal Wednesday meet-
in first round). | Barnett, 1'11 3rd rd.- ing date to ,Thursday |tonight)
138--Ken Lindsay (PA) pinned 120 Ken Povner T ~inned Dan for this month s session, will elect
Ken Rathbun (NM) 1:11 first Go0d, o'30 1st rd - officers and see a golf film as
round. 127 Chris Sterna~el T dec highlights of their December get-
145--J~m Pearson (PA) pruned Steve Steinberg, 17-5. together this evening at the Bay-
Jim Harding (NM) 1:07 first I33---Tom Adams S pinned Art shore Clubhouse.
NOW... Brunswick
lets you enjoy ALL
the fun this game
has to offer.,.
Profcssional playability is assurcd in
the new Bmmswick Edgebrook in 7
or 8 ft. size. It's the handsome new
beauty with the 5. 3/4" bed to as-
sure professional playability. Com-
plete with all playing acccssorics
from ........................................................
Visit us soon . . . wc have a. con~
plete linc of Brunswick famous
home billia, rd Lal~es,
,:~ i ;I,, ,,,,,; ~ ,
i i HI = •
633 S. 1st ,
' ~! C ~ ~ ~ ~ : i ~ ,, ,',:,,, , i
154--Carl Rick (PA) pinne~
Sam Gatlin (NM) 1:46 second
165--Start Davis (NM) dec. RSn
Elmer (PA) 1,0.
175--Don Schraiber (NM) dec.
Pete Farley (PA) 10-9.
191--Ben Davis (NM) dec. Ron
Allen (PA) 5-1.
Unlimited--Tom Ellis (PA)
pinned Steve Rose (NM) 1:40 first
$ * $
Bulldog matmen suffered a 38-10
drubbing from Vashon Monday
i night. Don Schriber at 175 and
Ben Davis at 191 were the only
winners for North Mason, both by
i pins.
Eight of the nine matches enacd
in pins while the other two North
Mason forfeited. The results:
103--Hearts (V) pinned Maruca
(NM) 1:26 Of first round.
ll2--Garriton (V) pinned Bur-
roll. (NM)1:05 of second round.
120--F0rfeited by NM.
127--Fo,ffeited by NM.
133--Eplex (V) pinned McMa-
hen (NM) 30 sec, of first round.
138--Smith (V) pinned Rathbun
(NM) 1:15 of tim second round.
]45- Ortega (V) pinn%~,d Harding
(NM) 1:30 of second round.
154---Wallace (V) pinned Gatlin
(NM) 1:33 of First round.
165--Corheeti (V) dec. Davis
(NM) 9-8,
175--Schriber (NM) phmed
Swift (V) 49 sec. of first round.
191---Ben Davis (NM) pinned
Schmus (V) 1:29 of first round.
Heavyweight-- Clnkovich (V)
~{nned Rose (NM) 1:28 of first
Weurth, 1:41 1st rd.
133--John Posthuma T pinned
Mark Weston, after injury in 2rid
145--Chris Thompson S pinned
Ron Moore, 1:49 1st rd.
Dinner served by the Epsilon
Sigma Alpha sorority girls at 7
o'clock will open the program, A
door prize will also be a new fea-
ture for tonight's session, secre-
tary Harry Cole announced.
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