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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1965
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.I ecember.16 . EELTON-.IffAS0N COUNTS' ,TOURNAL-- Publlshed in "Christmastowel, U.S.A." PAGE 13 MANN REAL ESTATE MRSI JAMES MORGAH FIRST PRESIDENT DIANE TURNER TO BE NEW ..: ;!; I,- • l i$u . ;!; ': 30 C ! U I £ V e n t s :: HONORED QUEEN OF JOBIES Where The Ac,,on ,s OF LOCAL EPSILON OMIGROH CHAPTER if: :' "t ' "I en Canal Clubhouse WSC$ Membels And of FM/AM l)ec,,,'ated By Friends enjoy Yuee ]JOURNAL PAY NO ES FROM p,, .. , . , Now a brand new radio from Ibader, SONY. The TFM- Is an AM/FM pocket- radio--low in cost, high 1 performance. It's small but 3owerful eight SONY " are readyto serve in fringe areas. beautifull st led radio a" i'kh cliiaY one tlt t ears will believe. for a 'demonstration ..... 'JOHNNY'S MUmC BOX Cota MRS. JAMES MORGAN, first president of the newly formed i'~ilBeta Sigma Phi Chapter of Epsilon Omicron, receives her gavel :'Land chapter supplies from Mrs. Robert Brock and Mrs. Charles .'"Skewis of Olympia. OUT COLD, IN HEAT, upto40 e rER PROOF • I.,ASTS FOR YEARS I~mW~ Plus Such as: inum Windows • Storm Doors Storm Window Kits Christmas Decoration Demonstration Given For ESA Members At the regular business meet- ing of Beta Zeta Chapter, ESA December 8 in the home of Mrs. Bill Kimbel, Mrs. Lea Joslin of the Bamboo Shop showed members how to make assorted wreaths and types of Christmas decors- :ions tor the home. Mrs. Ken Evans, former mere- has reaffiliated since moving to Lacey. She was present at the meeting. The chapter sold popcorn at the 20th Century store Friday and Saturday and will eater for the 19th Hole Club tonight. Beta Zeta's adopted boy at Van- couver School for the Deaf has been sent his ChrlsLmas box and members have taken gifts to "their" children at Rogers school. The Christmas party was held Wednesday of this week. Insulation • Wgaiher.Stripping EAGRETT LUMPER COMPANY HILLCREST ........ PHONE 426-4522 DEMOCRATIC CLUB TO ELECT OFFICERS The Mason County Democratic Club will beoin its meeting to- night with a 6:30 p.m. potluck dinner in the PUD auditorium, A gift exchange with $1 limit will be held. During the business meeting there will be election of officers. ............. Shelton Says: i .... A blVISION:OF ;KITSA'P PHYSICIANS SERVICE, INC. :""" :Bremerton, Washington :':: ,~, from Club Men d)ers Members of i,he Ilood Canal Garden Chlb al~d Woman's Chlb met 1.ogether b"riday and decorat- ed the l=otlatch chlbhouse. Mrs. D. Pierce and Mrs. E. Jen- ner CUt. and decorated the Christ- mas tree while Mesdames Gene Dorman, Marine Crosby, Verne Hill, Kurt Lang:, Bryan Miles. W. A. Lcimback. Max Schmidt, Mae Dean, Frank Melnt.yre and Mattie B a c k 1 u n d nmdeand placed wreaths and swags. After the work was completed cooldes made by Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Dorman were enjoyed along with tea or coffee. The group then sang ChristlYlas carols accompan- ied on the piano by Mrs. Jenner. ..................................... Community Parly Slaled At Skookum Program And Tea Members and friends of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church enjoyed a Christmas program De- cember 8 arranged by Mrs. Dale Cowles and Mrs. I)ean Palmer. Mrs. Olavi Aho was at the organ. The Prophecy was narrated by Mrs. David Little. Solos were sung by Mrs. William Dickie and Mrs. Loui Larson, A vocal group from the high school san[{ two numbers with a solo by Pan] Milner, one of its members. Other music on the program in- cluded a violin duet by Mrs. Cow- lea and Mrs. Palmer, a string trio consisting of Mrs. Oliver Ashford, Mr§. Dean Palmer and Mrs. Har- vey Hillman. The closing prayer was given by Mrs. Little with an organ re- sponse. Mrs. Gordon Bennett gave the benediction. At 6 p.m. potluck dinner will Tea was served in the fellow- start the evening when the Little ship hall by the Martha Circle. Skookum Bay Comrimnity Club Mrs. Horace Mounts. Mrs. Gord- holds its Christmas party Satur-on Bennett. Mrs. W. F. Roberts day in the community hall. and Mrs. VVm. Witsiers poured. Santa Claus will make his ap- The tea table was beautifully dec- pearance to distribute barfs of orated by Mrs. Frank Travis. goodies and gifts for everyone fol ................... lowing a short program. Every person attending should bring a VFW Holiday Party 25 cent exchange gift, This Friday Night All members, friends and cam- The VFV¢ Post affd Auxiliary munity residents are invited to at- family Christirit/h p/{rty will be tend this annual get-together. SIIELTON (;ARDEN CLUB • I[AV]~NG SAL~ TODAY Door~ open at 9:30 a.m. this morning in the PUD auditorium for the Shclton Garden Club Ba- zaar and Greens sale: Corsages, wreaths, holly, greens and candy will be among tim articles to be sold• held Friday in the Memorial Hall beginning with a 6:30 p.m. potluck dinner. There will be a program after dinner and Santa will make an appearance with goodies for tl~e cbildren. Members are reminded this i~ the last call for dues. They should be paid at once to Florence Ham- ilton, treasurer or brought to the Christmas party. SET MARCII WEDDING DATE MARCH 11 WEDDING PLANS are being made by Miss Linda Marie Jackson and Chris Stevens. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Mar- shall A. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stevens. All are of Shel- ton, Both of the engaged couple are graduates of Shelton High ~;chool. g / Today, Thurs., Dec. 16 Shelton Garden Club Bazaar and Greens sale, 9:30 a,m. - 5 p.m., PUD auditorium. Bordeaux PTA, 7 p.m., at the school. Rotary Club luncheon, nobn, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6'.45 a.m., Timbers restaurant. Port commission meeting, 8 p.m., courthouse• Navy Mothers Club Christmas party, 7:30 p.m., Memorial hall. Hood Canal Woman's Club, 11 a.m., PoUatch clubhouse. High school wrestling, Shelton vs. Port Angeles, junior varsities 6:30 p.m., varsities about 7:30 p.m., Shclton gym. Friday, Dec. 17 Rachel Knott Guild luncheon, 12:30 p.m., Shelton Hotel. VFW Post and Auxiliary family Christmas party, 6:30 p.m. Me- morial hall Saturday, Dec. 18 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., police station. Combination high school wres- tling and basketball program, ShOt.on vs. Contrails. Varsity wrestling 6:30 p.m., varsity has- STUDENTS TO ENTERTAIN BORDEAUX PTA TONIGHT Christmas will be the theme when students enLert;tin their par- ents followinK the busines~ meet- ing of Bordeaux PTA at 7 p.m. tonight in Callow hall. Mrs. Gillie's 4th. 5th" and 6th ketball 8:00 p.m., Shelton junior varsity basketball %'.Y~6 p.m., Angle gym. Sunday, Dec. 19 Shelton Yacht Club Christmas party, 4 p.m., clubhouse. Monday, Dec. 20 SRA card party, 8 p.m., Memo- rial hall. PUD No. 3 commission meeting, 1 p.m., PUD commission room. County commission meeting, 10 a.m., eourthoue. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD auditorium. Higi~ school wrestling, Shelton vs. East Bremerton. junior varsi- ties 6:30 p.m.. varsities 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 21 Fred B. Wivell Pos~ 31, Amer- ican Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. Shelton 3aycees, 8 p.m., airport clubhouse. Lions Club dinner meeting, 7 p.m., Shelton Hotel. Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Ma- sonic Temple. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, iVIemorial hall. City commission meeting, 2 p.m., city hall High school basketball, Shelton vs. Elms, junior varsities 6:00 p.m., varsities 7:30 p.m., Shelton gym. Wednesday, Dec. 22 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m - 5 p.m.. police statm:L Thursday, Dec. 23 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., grade band and Mrs. Hamlin's Timbers restaurant. 1st and 3Td grade square dan- I Golden Age Club potluck, 6 p.m., cers will highlight the program. Memorial hall. DIANE TURNER .Tl~e pui)lic installation of offi- tad, Jill Seljestad, Debbie~Milner, cers and choir members of the In. Iody' Engei], Kim Mtchae[s, ternationat Order of Jobs Daugh- Yvonne Van Laanan, ~a~la ter~, Bethel No. 37 will be held Moore, Shirley Van De Relt, Pat- ~t~ p.m Saturday in the Masonic sy ~MiKenl)erger; Cindy Russell, Temple. Diane Turner, Honored Ramona Wermer and Jeari Davis. Queen Elect has chosen "With a Outgoing Honored Queen, 3~/ii Smile and a Song" for her theme• Powell. will be installing officer Other elected officers are Candy Joslin. st'. princess; Joyce Poweli, jr. princess; Darlecn Gray, guide; and Cheryl James, marshal. Appointed officers include Mer- ridee Anderson. chaplain; Becky Holland, recorder; Janet Vigor, treasurer; Tracy Hamlin. librar- ian; Susan Bus~ck musician~ Su- san Morris, first messenger; Law- rie Godwin. second messenger; Nadine Larson. third messenger: Linda Koch, fourth messen~'er: Pam Miller, fifth messenger; Pat- ty Thomas. inner guard; Linda Potter, outer guard; Vicky Pierce. st. custodian; and Alcoa Ruddell, jr custodian. Choir members are Holly Scott Susan Spcece. Barbara 'Wolfe Nancy Swanson. Lurene Hulbert Sharon W~tter~ Loreah Seljes- Past Members Are Guests Of Salty Sashayers Salty Sashayer Square Dance Club president, George Kalat, re- ported it was a pleasure having "p~KSt me~l]bers of the club as spec- left gues~ at last Saturday night's dance. A few mixups did nothing to spoil the good time of lhe large crowd that turned oul. A d(~,corated tree at the end of the hall created a Christmas atmos- phere. Tills Saturday night the Salty Sashayers will meet at 7:15 p.m. in Evergeen Square and go to Little Rock to dance with the Lit- tiff Rockers and retrieve their banner. Ray Lindenau will be call- ing• Judging by the plans the com- mittee is working on ~l~e New Year's Eve dance will be a gala affair. More details on llmt will be forthcoming. assisted by the following pt~st [aop- or~d='qi~eens, and majlJrlt~, z{~6m- bers: Tent Turner, Jeri HaskinS, Paula Har,ndn,'C]ieryl Boi~t, Mai'- eia Dorcy, Mrs. Sue Jaynes and Mrs. Marilyn Arnold. The public is invited to remain for refresinnents at tim reception following the installation cere- mony. --J.-__ _ , We Can e A Division of KITSAP PHYSICIANS SI RVICE, Bremerton. Washington Graft 3RD & COTA From 12 To 6 P.MI The dictionary s.ays that a "gralt" is a portion of tissue . such as skin oz', rarely, an ell- tire organ-used to replace a defect in the body. But today, with kidney and other whole-organ transplant~ . . )and the role of drugs in sup- pressing immune response . . . malting front-page headlines, it is no longer a rarity when an entire, hea'Ithy organ,is substi- tuted for a sick. or danlaged 0i e: The word "graft," which has long been used to denote the process of joining 2 living thing•s, originally meant "to write" in Greek, The Latin term "graphiurh" referred to a point- eti m~trmnent for writing OZ~L wax tablets. By analogy, the Romans then , used "graft" to desig~nate the | pointed branch affixed to a liv-I InK tree and made to grow'. t~rom' *tree-grafting, the word capae to' t/ct~hlrd' a medicdl meaning. For Emergency Ph. 426-2165 • Fifth & Franklin St.--426.3327 ,up to Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 - 6:00 sl Evergreen 'Square INC. FRIDAY, DECEMBER lTth You Are Cordially Invited to Visit Our New and to Enioy the Surroundings with 426-8201