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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ly, December 16. 196. HELTON--MA 0N COUNTY JOURNAL- Publisiie in "Chqqv}mastmv , U.S.A.", hdton, Washington its victory eluded the High- L'8 again i,'riday and Satin- there was notable ira- in their play to lend Jack Wright encourage- the long season ahead. thing, Bob Miller began tile zange and live np to *ect, ations his practice per- ces had fore-shadowed. notched 10 points in Fri- 74-45 loss at Centralia and inst Chehalis during an 81- ~ack Saturday in the Climb- t'st home game. Bob also led to show good form o l! ~&boards in both games. b'LOOK IvOR DAVE Bayley ee more and more help to lton cause. The tall junior . * *var ce~sf~,l f,,,,l ~11ot (Jr tlz( evenin~ He SANDWlCHEO--An'ufiidentifiable Chehalis player center was moved up to the - . ......... 3 ~. virtually disappeared from sight in a scramble for _~'IF~rT II sity squad last mid-week, made had six chances, a oose ba wth Sheiton's Bob Mi, er (on the his debut in a reserve role Friday Mike Fredson also bit tlle dust ~=~r~ =n~ r~hief C av"ton dur no Sa'turdav night's and seoled f,ve oznts, then started on fouls gatllering his allotment h'~÷h~,i" n'ame /ni~¢u n~h~ Lgn~_~ o hm • p ., ' '. ........... = ,..___re at ri ............ IIn~ __- Saturday mid scored another five of five in about four minutes of hind the tan- e of -Is" ers is Shelton's Dick Knautz ,as well "as doing a creditable job=play. For the game tim Climbers while standingn in ~='-O~t of it s Jack Satchelor of on the boards~. As he gets a little committed 31 which provided ~Ctle'., Cheha 's as t..+~ referee raises hi~. hands more varsity orientation berdnd halts with 41 ehances. The "Catsi,~Dn~:~.~'n Th~ h hal! h~lnnfled o o him and be.comes a little bolder tall convm'ted 27. one' when-~h~s" ~urn'a-I pac?:/?a'l~ove'wa~--sn~p;d S1)clton8 principal problem has Bearcats began to take the game eior of Chehalis is tipped off balance by Shelton's [" field goals in 61 efforts. SaturdayI At Centralia the previous night . . ....' ................ D~Ve should strengthen the Climb- After a tight: first quarter, which in Saturday night's Shelton:Chehalis game in Shel- er forces., . ended o& 14-11 fox" Chehalis, the ton gym. At the left (dark uniform) Jack Batch- 20 percent from the floor on 18 moved 19 po'ints out front. " doesn't show. .... ' .... ~rJse your man with this gi~i ~ear 'round usefultless. He'lli' :' firewood and fence posts,] Ine trees, clear campsites--] fact, he'll do any woodcutting~ faster and easier wi'th 'a~ rnelite XL--the world's] st-selling chain sawsl HndJ for yourself why a light-] It, power.packed Homelite- ill be the most appreciatedj you can give--"j~'~ In this week for e demonstration, rFamou~ [~~omeliteXL1 onverted 19 while rolling to a Petersonl2 g .. Keenan 8 Performing like utter st~sngers~ ~,Voult's Service .......... 15~ 28%[sult which enabled leading Lum-| Miller ..[....[.., 12 9 Z0 15--44 c 2a lead " Kast g g/ rreppern.~: to varsity society, the letterm~n-| ~,'~'~. ...... 'r"" ............... 1,~i~ 30~/" | uermen~.s (Jack Stewart 578) to[ Shetton ..: ....... 2 7 5 6--23 I['~----~-~/ ~f~'..~ IS S0 Ilght .... " ais ..-;ved to b~ fha final mar Subs: Centralia--McClacnmn ±~., loaded Blazer basketballteam| zu~,,. ,~=~,~,, .v "Li""~'_ :. ''~ ./2 / move ave games aneao after a| ---------- Th ausel z r~xgn games (~axe ~eunng zu~ I~" yoU ean~ -~"'vmmt" zo~ ~ ~:L'iT:.~ne,~,,"'al'. Pettet 8, Allender 8, Alth : ',completely spoiled Gary Karlberg"sl ....... " ..... ^ /3-1 verdzctover tl)n'd" place Clary[ ~, ......... ~,~ ~x~'~( bah~vA~ ~ gin at .y • .s . .. m,;qe,r 1 Stoves 0 Shelton-qsaY- debu¢ a~ "Shelton ~unior high bas-I Jack ~tewart zzz | "rrucging (truss wl u:y a14) [ arn ~.~l~/~ ~¢~,~ though the.Climber, s haelcea 62-~ le'y'" 5' 'Knautz 4, Fredson .3, ketball coael~ last° Thursda~y wzthl High set~---Gale Feuling 584. / Down in the second division|Miller45 t Shelton26 "~] ~oflefland'..~ leaa oo~n LO .... ...... " |EIIER MOTOR thira, ts quarterat two --laces midway Schmidt 1, Marshall, Cole, DucK- a timid, sloppy e×hibition and aJ * * * ]there .was a new occupant of the] Lamb 13 fl Oonnolly3 pore - -!" ~ 1-"ham 0 sound 44-23 trouncing at the handsl Two honors came Gale Feul-| basement, 20th Century (Gary| Ralston 4 fl Bransford h the Iourtn uar~er, on y ' .~ . .. . " ....... throug .... q.___ ~core ~y t/izar~ers . of Miller in the Shelton gym.| rag's way as he powered a 267| Clark 487) plummeting on a white-| Wines 2 cI Johnson 6 in ~ne la~e ffOln~. " " u to zaoe --- --- 1 Centralia ........ 22 19 21 12--74 Miller scored on its first five[ game in i~he men's Industzml bowl-| wash defeat at the hands of the| Godfrey 4 gl Sparks 8 on HILLCREST Phone 426-4602 ~;~e~.e;otnH.?s had ;~o;~2n theWalker 8 cfl S~sh~:yl.~ Mike LaMarsh broke the Blaze; I and: it also ~a,'ned him t),e .~een:| age 454) earn0d a 3-1 decision eve" I Busack, V~rhite, Larson, Stentz, Zei: Service What We Sell ' .....' - .......... ex Batcheler 18 / ~ ' ' . =.' drought with a basket at 1:5.) ~| tury Patch awarded any 'Am. i-| Pantormm Cleaners (Joe H01t 517)| he, Fox, G#ay, Lewis, Stracke, SeN treme leftthffde ,_ongcorn r ananm uncfielaeg°ax-~'~'°m~-~esuc" Stedham gl Ke_nanzK--naeUtZl~' first quarter. Miller led at ~ can Bowling Congress member who in the night's fourth pairing. • by. .... l : " Cusic I gl " ' " Subs: Chehalis: Nacht 5, Thomp- son 19, Stottlemyre 5, Leman, Ca- be, Ritua, Reynol~tson. Shelton-- ~ • in the Joyous Spirit of Christmas Whitener 12, Clayton 4, Fredson 0, Preppernau 0, Marshall 0. Score by Quarters Chehalis ........ 14 31 17 19--81 Shelton .......... 11 15 18 18--62 With A .Cast of over 70 II In An Outdoor Setting On t~ th "I MAT, HOOP MIXTURE BILLED THIS SATURDAY Highclimber sports followers have an /|nusu&l athletic menu arranged for their pleasure this Satawday night in Shelton gym. They'll have the opportunity to watch both the varsity w~estling and basketball teams in action the same evening. At 6:30 Shelton will host Centralia in varsity wrestling matches, after which the mats will be removed and the Shelton and Centralia hnrsketba:ll varsities will take to the maple boards. The Shelton-Centra lia junior varsity basketball teams will play their game in the Grant Angle school gym at 6:30. There will be n,) junior varsity wrestling match- es, ROBBIE'S SUM SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGUE Mill Three .......................... 32 20 Shop .................................. 31 21 Mill Two .......................... 29 ~/a 22 ;~. Loggers ............................ 26'~fi 25'/5 Loaders .............................. 24. 28 Railroad ................... . .......... 23 29 Engineers .......................... 21V~ 3(1~§ Inmflating Board .............. 20;~ 31V= High game---Glen Robertson 224. High set---Glen Robertson 600. His 224 opener gave Glen Rol/- ertson enough padding to stuff a 600 series smack on the button in Simpson league bowling play last week and hoist the Engineers out of the circuit cellar. Glen followed with 195 and 181 counts which helped blank leag]m- leading Mill 3 (Tcd Blair). The Engineers traded places with In- sulating Board (AI Browning 423), which lost a shutout decision to the Loggers (Norm Castle 485). The defeat was costly to Mill 3, which could have clinched the first half pennant, but instead takes only a one-game lead int6 tonight's final pairings over Shops (Roy Anderson 502), ,a 3-1 loser to Mill 2 (Toad Sergeant 553) last week. The Loaders (Chris Fischer 547) won a 3-1 decision from Rail- road (Dave ]YlcGee 535) in the other match. These little guys will be jutit old enough to leave their ~mother at Christmas ti~e. This little lady is four months old. How About One of Our . . . This is the newest terrier in the United States. Small (about 10 inches tall, weighing 12 to 14 pounds), sturdy, lovable, good with children. AI! AKC registered. Several others available in addition to those pictured here. | Taking Reservations on a New Litter of Basenjis (the African barkless dog), Call or Come Out and See Them at . . , The Public Cordially Invited (This space contributed as a public service by the SIMPSON TIMBER COMPANY) ..... ~'R~,e 12:30 WOMEN'S LEAGUE Shelton LTnion Service ...... 42 14 John's Richfield .................. 28 28 Cota Grill ............................ 26 30 NeWs Pharmacy ................ 17 39 High game -- Donna Coleman 201 High set--Donna Coleman 506 John's 2 (Donna Coleman 506), Cota Grill 2 (Vi LaFond 470); Union Service 3 (Lois Albrecht 479), Nell's 1 (Betty Freeto 451). Across from the Airport Phone PAGE 17 MANN REAL ESTATE Whel'e The A~tion Is m m m m mBBIBIIB