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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, December I, PAGE l g SH _ LTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAI5--- Publisl ed in t¢Ohrisfmas own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washin J For ;ale FOR SALE -- Several good used freezers reconditioned and guaran- teed. Lem Warren Refrigeration. 127 South Second. V~r 7/1 tf EI.d~TROLUX SA,T.ES,service and supplies. John Rice. Phone 426.6108. after 5:00 p.m. Demonstrations. R 1/7 tin YOU CAN PUMP more water and longer with Falrbanks M o.rse pumps. them at Shelton .aectrm uo., 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn sale or lease. Liberal terms to right party. Route i Box 235, Shelton. Phone 423-8768. 9/23 tin brittle, a specialty. Many others available, Order now! Phone 426- E 5/20 Un SI~]RAL I~SED house trailers, large s,ud small for sale. Herb's Second ]land Store, 426-8582 or Union 898- ~57. H 6/10 tin FOR SALE -- Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts, All txpes sat: sage. Shelton Junk Co,, ~Irst anu Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of re- o0ndltioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Rails & Valley Ap- pliance Center. 616 tfn NEW MOON mobile ]~omeS! Nation's best seller, yOUr best bt~. DeTra~s Mobile Homes, 1617 FenCe ~oad, .... Olympia. Phone 85~-2307.I D 10/15 tin TRY OUR CAT~ SERVICE -- Many thousands of items to choose from. Large discounts. We pay ~e~ht. Shqlton Marine Sup~y~/sH~ RAYMOND ORGANS priced from $850. Sherman Clay, 205 Wee st ~.t~ Olympia, Wash. PhOT~/435tf2~ FOR SALE or will take smaller trailer for equity for $1200. Nashua 10'x50' '62 model, balance at $46,76. Call at- tar 6 p.m. 428-2634. E-II/26 12/16 B u3 ES -- able prices, dresses 50c up; skate ou - fits $1,00; pajamas 75c. Many more. Contact Laura Sheffield 426-2216. .... s 9n6 tfn BRAND NEW Polaroid color ~a_c_k cameras. Fully automatic from #ov..95.d. Zieglers era Shep, FOR A FREE HOUR of for a Merle Norman Cosmetic oem- onstrati0n. Elaine's, phone 426-4582. E 6/4 tfn WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room- size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We msasure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free esti- mates. You're always welcome at OlSen Furniture, 4th and Cots, 426- 4702. O 11/18 tin SHOPSMITII MAR~ P'~~Wer tool is a complete workshop which I~rforms sawing/ drilling, lathe, Shaping and planing. Includes a jointer snd, nearly new hand-saw, p~ns nulnei'ous other accessories. Ph. 426-2244. T 12/2 tin ~A~IC ~HEF. gas oven. and surface Unit, ceppertone, zo oe instaHea, brand, m,w. $125for both. Phone 426-8171 evenings. L 12/2-16 FOR SALE -- Baby safety server..w!.th accessories, $75.95 new. Will sen io-~r $25. Phone 426-4227. F 12/9 tin FIREPLACE SCREEN, Gibson electric guitar, also two pups to glve away. Phone 426-6985. A 12/16-23 K'ITCHEN CABINETS -- Upper and lower, 8 fi. partly finished with sink, $50. 426-8584, See at Edgewoed Apts. S 12/16 ~oy Scout uniform 12-14, Boy's shoe skates slze 8. Nylon wet suit size 14. 3/4 slzc violin. Phone 426-4594 or w 12/16 WD I"'~ 1NTNRNATIONAL'tractor, I~-- ~c vj~Leson single drum, nyara straight bulldozer blade, call Bel- fair CR 5-6116 after 6 p.m.R 12/9-23 ACCORDION -- Enrico Rosslli, 120 base, $185. Phone ~m-awO.Mc 12/2-16 STROUD DUO-ART p iano]a ~.l.ayer piano, some rolls,eencn. ~none Hoodsport 877-5812. S 12/9-16 = SALE. Excellent Quahty Used Furniture l--Full Size Mattress $ & Box Spring ........ 1--Full Size Foam Rubber Mattress, Box, Frame & Headboard Davenport & Chair, wood knuckle arm .... 2..-Davenos, Good Condition Your Choice ............ 1---Love Seat Daveno .................... 1---5-piece Chrome FOR....$1750 Dinette - ALL 8--Oil Heaters, all sizes. Guaran- teed to be in operating condi- tion. Your Choice, $ I ~00 Cash & Carry .......... ~ New Drop Leaf Table and 4 Chairs .................... 4--Dinette Chairs .................. each • Maple Desk, Formica Top ............ Maple Desk, Birch Top ................ NO MONEY DOWN -- EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS :lst & Grove ,; , 426-4702 Never Used Articles And Make Some Cash ! t% t F| , I ii [ • .... For Sale ] For Sale t Wanted Miscellaneous For Rent Real Estate Real Estate WOOD -- $20 per load, delivered. Well IHAVE MOVED from ranch to town. I I WISH TO BABY SIT in my home or CARD OF TIIANKS LARGE three-room cottage completely ACREAGE IN DAYTON area for sale. THREE BEDROOM house near over a cord, Specify length. Phone ] Many items, too numerous to men- | yours, from 9-9 week days. Phone We wish to thank everyone who furnished on south shore of Hood Call evenings. 426-8113. B 11/11 tin stores and churches. FHA apl 426-6418. K 10/28 tinhelped us when our home burned Sun- Hoodsport 877-5520. p 12/2-16I tion. Phone 426-6423. E 12/9-16] Canal. 18 miles from Shelton. $50 $11,950. Phone 426-4791. F I - day. We thank God that our family Phone Union 898-2276. C 12/9-2310 ACRES logged elf land, all fenced [ HAND-MADE GIFT ITEMS for sale. | WANTED -- Ironing in my home 90c is safe and well. We are deeply and cross fenced. 2 bedroom house, ~D UA~AL, -- view so~ cordion, two 12.inch speakers, $185. ] Lovely Christmas articles Mrs A O ! an hour. Phone 426-6420 L 11/~ tin touched by the generous response to FOR RENT -- Two bedroom house water, lights. Some other outbuild- access, owner. Hoousport s~ Phone 426-8945. Mc 12/2-16J Cbarlson 817 Cots 426-6"129. " ' "] .......................... our need. Special thanks go to the downtown. Call 426-8485 after 12 ings. 4½ miles out Arcadia road. o. I ' ' 11/25 12/16 | y SIT~T~r~ ot mv homepeople of the Agate community, Pie- noon. S 12/9 tin Route 3, Box 894. S 11/11 - 2/10 WILL DO B AB -_ ,_ ......... ~ *" ~"~r ~-hool District and the Baptist ALTO SAX FOR SALE ~ Excellenz i ~ or m ....... ~ Road. ~untry living, yet 1~ ~/~ tin church for fhew immediate and con-LAMBERT'S OYSTER Bay Store for Hillcrest. Lot 12, Block 4 on Eastfrom downtown, Five .acres; condition. Call after 5 p.m. 426-8690. I BA,~ ...... RI~'~AS a-d Gift She'- | or yours. ~ay ght. ¢26-3594. " • ' n 10/7 if-~ ~-~ ~ o~,~ '~" • ~.' ~ , ~" ~'~" I tinuing assistance. ..... ] "520 Franklin. Hundreds o~ hand- i sale or lease. Liberal terms to right Cascade. Terms available Phone 426- appr0veu. "J.'erm~ avauao~e. I mades. Novelty dolls and doll bed-|HOME~|REPAIR WORK, carpentry, | Mr. andand familyMrS' Phil Stout party. Route 1 Box 225, Shelton. 3361. H 6/24. tin ~o-~. . ~ *, stamps for sale at 'the 'Journal, $1.50 [ ding.. Slippers, baby. items, bags,/ cement and brick work, roofing, os-j • l~hone 426-8768. 9123 t~n~ each. 227 West Cota. 12/1 t~n I zuncn mOths, aruncsa~ newer ann [borne General Contracting. Phone ] D .... ~.~• [ mlng tree arrangemenm, cones, uec- l 426-634L O 4J1 tfn I ~.uJt~|g~ FOR RENT -- Mt. View Community bath home bv Mt view ~.hnnl Wi'l~ ' low-bank bulkheaded, gravel TOR SALE -- Good, effective and [ oration items. Open Thursdays a.~ | Club House, anytime. For informa-FHA for s450 dawn- ~t~-65~ .... w~th two story older four lion call 426-8959 or 426-3406. - .... I: inexpensive adverttsi~. Just call |Fridays. ~.~lV-l WANTED -- Cedar logs, Versapanr~, ]ARE YOU MAVING an alcoholic prob- " -"---~ R' 919 tJn home adjoining. Walker Pax: The Journal, 4~19. 8/I9 un[ :uortin Go - s - Port of Shelton Industrial Pa . lem* Call Alcoholics Anonymous, M 6/18 tfn • _ 426-2078, A John's Prairie. Phone 426-6426. 4~-4088 L 12/2 tin WANT TO INVEST in rental property? ~. [ ~J~ .... I~ ~v.~ _ J 2/18 tin ' EDGEWOOD APTS. -- Two bedrooms Call evenings 426-8118. B 11/11 tin J~'.u~ .~A~ ~ 'rwo-s~ery, nee v day, 520 Franklin, Bar-Dlns, the shop l.~ ~ ~o ~ur . .....¢;.~o).=~ All of 1000 hand-mades. B 11118 tin /zu =,-: -.-,---~, -y-, .,~w ...... ~-=_ ~NG $40 and up. Also For Rent furnlsbed Large rooms, lots of aiDs- nouse on ~alrmont ~treet, p eta. Clean and neat, $55 per month. TWO LEVEL cleared canyon edge burned, 50'XI12' 10t. For m~ I me,atsnowarpros zsxtures. ~*none building lots. Inside city on Capitol fOrmaUpn' q{~]J~i2~:~3,~, , S 1,' 426-48~2. Inquire 1202 Cots St. _ FOR' REN~'~ Unfurnished two/bed- 1~0 BASS AC~OII~ION '"' 'FetbSa, Ita]- | 4:26-4195. - . ~C 11li1. tf.n house trailers, boats, etc. Phone - References -equlred. Phone 426-8584. Hill. $350 each. Your terms. Phone tan made. Excellent condition, with | R 4/9 tfn room, moaern, new apar~mems on - S 3/18 tfn ........ , .... looks water and mountains. 426-8586 N 6/10 tin~A~£~ ~om~ at unson zor sm, ca~e, Phone 426-2049. B 12/9 tin )BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip-~ ............... ~ Mt. View. Wall-to-wall carpeting, ment at Walt's Marine Suppl , on log, back filling, sewage systems, ances private parking and privateavailable in two weeks. Phone 426-TWO BEDROOM HOME including up- bedrooms, den, large, garajge AMERICAN FLYER BIKE $12. Good I beautiful Hood Canal Phone ~od~- ~A~.~r~ ~-~um -'~tvAu~: -- ~ght grau- draperies, laundry facilities, appli- FOR RENT -- Two bedroom house ptianees. Middle Skokomish Valley. uoume carport. Fenceu yarn, , refrigerator $25. Late model 21" TV I port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tin Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, pn. locke~l storage space. Heated swim- 3169. B 12/9 tin ..........................."~ "'~Union 898-2133. D 1~ "$35. Several small and large mat- ] ~ 426-6896. 7/22 tin ruing pool. $99.50 month. Contact half acre. Phone 426-6091 R 12/2 t~ shed. Carpets throughout. J tresses $5-$8. Two narrow and tall [ NEW ENGLISH SADDLE for sam. , . ~- manager. Phone 426-3100. E 11/26 tin NICE LIGHT fireplace apartment, one ONE BEDROOM HOUSE for sale. Day- ~~ chest of drawers $8-$12, Large old- [ Phone 426r2LlS. Call after 7 p,m. WANTED --- Alder saw-rags, top prm- bedroom, furnished.Inquire 718 ton area, $1,000 down payment. Call A CP~. AGE FOR ~.~,'.--. "ran fashioned square dining table includ-I B 12/~'16 es pald. Any leneg~.e~inPhO~8 ds~0s, FURNISHED AND UNFURNISIHoEkDs North Sixth St. D 8/26 tfn evening.s 426-6113. B 11/11 tfn m,,slue. Ten acres wltn srroau2 ing two chairs $12. Small or large Chehalis 748-8800, " g s ...: .;~one bedroom apartments, two ~ .. -- 426-3331 evenings. S 1~ chrome dinette table with three]USED BIKES -- $5 and up. RepOts, ~ ~/x~ -,,, from bank, shopping center. App--- TWO BEDROOM house, for rent or HOME IN COUNTRY --- Five acres, -~. chairs $12-$16. Small blond two-shelf | and saleS. Clinton's Bike ana ~m ~ ances, heat, hot water, garbage set- sale suburban. Phone 426-4147. drilled well new septic system tWo FOR SALE BY OW.NER ~ Thre~ cocktail-occasional table $7. Small Shop. 223 Cota St. 12/2.16 WA~N'X'~D --- lUUU recappable ureS- .._ vice furnished Tiled sinks, Darn-" ................. S 12/9-23 bedrooms down, dormitory up.' ~6-.r?om home, lazy. ft. zloor, p~ ~48 N 2/:11 tfnplace, naruwooa noors, ps )~e walnut desk $10. Thomas electric ~ Rubber Store, ML View. z/~u ~u tubs showe~. "An~ple storage. Quiet, organ, has 18 bass foot pedals, cost 1961 650 C. C. TRIUMPH motorcycle, ~ cl~, attractive surroundings. Also WAREHOUSE FOR RENT, downtown ..... . ....... years old, double c~ 'po $695 new, take $200 cash or Consider Meal. el TRS. Exce.llent condlteiOn lJn635- w~ .......... : ..... "ff''-~Y" Inbachelor units for singm persons,location, clean, chT storage. Phone FOR SALE -- Older home at 804 C~ range. Fenced back ~'ar . t some trade--stereo or ??. Phone 426- casn. womact Jzm unrum yea ~ tune-up your sewing_ macnmuL ....-l~tric kitchens tiled showers, ex- 426-8211. L 3/4 tin dar Street. Make offer. Phone 426- on 115 x 140 fk lot on 6958. D 12/16 426-8385. 12/9 tin your home for om ~.70. Any make ~ ~ ' r model Sin er SYewin~ Center Phhaust fans, built-in dressing rooms. 8361. H 6/24 tta phone 426-8481. M ol. • "---~-~.~ - --; .¢~ Three laundry rooms, automatic w a- HOUSEKEEPING APTS. -- One and FOR SALE -- Craftsman wood turn- GOLF CLUBS,. nine irons j, ~0~ wood, Ulympla b~'l-'lo~o. ~/~ ~ ---~.-,=ha'~ dryer, . Abundance not water, two rooms. Dishes, linens, utilities ~ " • lng lathe; Craftsman 6-inch planer, bag. Used twine, ua~t ~o-~u. ~ and heat Good beds, of course, supplied. 426-2081. B 5/27 tin LADY WANTS WORK of any kind. • .... ~..+o ,tth & Pine Shown g III I almost new; Ziegler oil stove. Phone S 12/16 V 4 16 tfn ~ww=. ,~ .......... I I 426-3889,~ R 12/16-30 .... ' CaU 426-4378 evenings. / hv ~nnnln~r~ent Phone 426-2121. FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to I 24" BOYS' SCHWINN bicycle. F~ont IBi I I l FOR SALE -- Hospital bed, like new, and back brakes, good tires. $1 .50. WANTED ~ Christmas tree stumpag~. " -- L 12/10 tin downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tin C~hristmastown Tree Co Call 42 llfe ROI $I00. Call mornings only, 426-6076.Phone 426-8~05. Call' after 5 p:r~. ~.=. " 9/80 tf~ONE OF THE FINER things of .-- FOR RENT -- One bedroom down- C 12/16 ' ~ J~/~o-,~ .... . : -- Blue Lustre carpet and upholsterystairs apartment, downtown. Phone HOTPOINT ELECTRIC range, lik~ ]'T~t#~ i['~,~,rg - CONSIGNMENT SALES -- We'll se!l cleaner Rent electric snampooer ~t. 426-3011 Carlon Apts. H 12/2 tfn , new, $100. Mrs. Hazel Sullivan, phone ~.~ffi ~-~ ,,, anything you have on consignment Coast-to-Coast Store. 12/16FOR RENT -- Downtown three bed- office 426-3363 or evenings 426-4269 ............. Such as: lawn mowers, boat anu __-- ~ room house to reliable party. Un- 12/16-80 1959 ~X)RD V-~, _woraor. goes conmo ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment, furnished, $65 per month. Ph. 426- B 12/9 tin house trailers, cement mixers, cars tion, reasonable. Phone Hoodsportand trncks, wood saws, tractors, wood w/w carpet in bedroom and living 3218. BELL AND HOWELL, electric eye 877-5852. Real clean,p 11/25 tin and oil stoves, plumbing supplies, room. Full basement, downtown, Call OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 camera, like new. Phone 426-6258. etc. Come see us. Hillcrest Hdwr.