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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Outage Inn Quest To Closed rrlage , . .. ks ,$hov For Th,s Weekend LI censes ou0 to an inadequate number Director " A crowd of about 400 The power failure occured • " ' ' ~_--_-._-~-._-_-.__-- -__ -_-_-_-_-_-_---- .... of volunteers the Inn Quest will Anyone wlshtng to help - " " f r marria e licenses persons enjoyed the Hollywoodshortly before show tmle, and tor be closed this weekend, December support the Inn Quest financially • .mpplymg o . g .... Variety Show sponsored by thea while it was questionable 14 & 15 may do so by purchasing food In me Mason t.ounty auoltor sc,.o~+~.. ~n.~ t..a..~ r~. A .~_~. ~.. whether the show would -o on " i MASON COUNTY found guilty, sentence suspended; ....... o ............ ~ ,~,~,~ ~,ec. -, u~v,~- . • ~ . " . At the December 13 executive lrom the Inn Quest bake sale to Aggie Clelland reported a rug, °InC;atullST:rdy~eere~,0 Shelton the fact the program was the SgheV~n:e;tolJic?a;~a::I~ae;~ll board meeting, the following be held this Saturday in the front = ! JUSTICE COURT James Redden, Rt. 3, Box 600, hassock and table missing + . .. , ~c + .,. ,=., ' presented with light from two .c P . statement was submitted by the part of the Safeway grocery store. ~. |APpearing on the docket in Shel t o n, driving while Caroline Brewer reported four ana Lmaa nan, z3, ~nett~n. Port emergency lanterns after the came up with two large director of the Inn Quest Steve The bake sale will begin at 9"30 ~t0n County Justice Court intoxicated, $250 fine, 30daysin horses out near the freeway. _ Thomas Anderso~-711 33 electricity went off. emergencylanterns. Gay and agreed to by the a.m. - IPgthe past week were: .jail; Steven Van Gibbon, 6423 Howard Wilson reported +a Shgl~loeS, anu vanene conn , , ., Wtule the crowdwaited forexecutive board. |W • _. . Old Belfair Highway, Bremerton, camper entered .~. • .......... -----------_-------_ the emergency nghung to 0e put "The Inn Quest will remain CHILDHOOD: to believe in t ashmgton State l'atroi speeding, $5 fine; Robert May, P. SHELTON POLICE andBl::ky~tn;~ntlVlEiZnen°n' L . in operation, they spontaneously closed until such time as 1 receive love, to believe in loveliness, to Scheyer, declaratory judgementLow ..... 12:12 p m. 1~i0 ~ttl Weather1 [ roke mtoA ( hnstmas~ P ~L 1 9~Car°ls ~ l~ "~.,. |~0bert Battles, Rt. 1, Box 98, O. Box 575, Belfair, speeding, "-" - rt 26 "~" elton ~| ~AI ' " " : + " a petition, signed by at least 100 believe in belief To know not ~Peview, failureto dim $10 forfeit. Don Boyd reported two fire ~ary Stewa , ~n | • ~f' The show included a ma,,ic "'" ....... '9 ..... ' ' '~ " young people committing yet that you are under sentence ....... , ' ~ " v r,e" themselves to helping at the Inn of life, nor petition that it be [~Rg~t.ts, $15 ~rfelt~ RitkY MunicipalDepartment extinguishers taken from a boat at anootetavernne o :,nenon act trained do,, act and'm'~"et ' u', . z, t~ox t+/~ ~n 1 the c!ty dock., ,A ----.'= ,,m, | -- show among others. Quest with the cleanup, parking commuted to death. i~n .... o el ' no valid S t e v e n S h e f e r, 2 1 3 9 1 ft ' WATCH FO " ' ' Open Xd 8 30 p m |-,g too ci s y, • ..... f., . harry woicott reported an ,~,qk[-[-|Vt~|~ Elks officials stated many lot patrol and in the kitchen. Francis Thompson It",llt0r .... s ncense on person ~30~ranavieW,.eld " ofbnelt°n'wa $15auurefinetO eight-foot pram taken from his" ---------------------------------'~--" persons who had planned to There will be regular executive ~it; Albert Everson P O. Box yl right y, ; front yard. ~ • | -----------~-------------------- attend did not come because of board meetings on Monday nights |,Bi[, eita~r,'~ " speeamg,"" ~+" ~ ~H°ward ......... Goldsby, Port Angeles, Martin Clark reported a tape 1 I ~ ~ Mason General Hos ira" the heavy wind, rain and po~;er at 7'30 p m at which such illei ....... Iaulty equipment ,z3 mrleit" deck and tapes taken from a car. | | ~ ~#,,tJ p l failure " "etitions ma'~ b'e "-resented These ca,, us About ~--~ff*? e-,t; t~ecKy t~w~ng, /u3 - "-' " -" ' The e n ....... A son to Mr and Mrs Joe E . ' ... v~ y v - IbVkh,,... one,tun ......... uc,c,.u*~e~-'a"" Doyle Scott, St. Rt.. 1, Box. 300,tap deck a d two of the -----=---------'--~-------- ....... , ..... ',, " " _ • Elks ofttc~alsexpressed ,,,~,;t~ ....... t include" 1/ A OAK PARK .|~ .... : ,,. , Shelton drunk in pubhc 10 w - j " ' . v ............. , tapes were recovered in an alley .................. "---+~e 'Tn:o'- eston, J u. t+ n~verstiy St., appreciation to allthose who reason for the Inn nuest ~ Pannea ~'~..~'.'~ i"% IIO VallQ operator s llcerl%. , • .~ .... ~ ----,~ • lllCS~ tmC~ a~c ~u~ t, u ,t. December 9 "< " • 1. ,. ;.. ~ 2., ¢ days in jail Leon sonnson, IO2~ Sharon Bechtold reported .... ~,~ ¢~,~, ....... + c~.H....~ " helped put the show on and those ........ ;,,, ~ ,-,~mmittment of onttOev~opment ~t~ : llperson, ~'~u fine, ~]~: + '" ' " ' ..... crea':-- - "'""" """ ~' ......... a.u ,+,,,,,,,.u A son to Mr ana Mrs Wil""--- --,~v ...... ~ -+, ~,- ,,,~e ,~,,~ "qk~.m.d~-~ "'.. lmaueu. ........ J~nan tJnlley, r. ~i~,Y~:.-ty.~ ', ~a]lroacl. , bneiton . tiHg . a Christmas tree lights taken " "" e ~ " a half and • " • '"" who braved the weatherto si-ners to hel-in,, ]) 100 young q.,-o-,-oq.o ~fl~/I I"'t,',-; .... ; ..... public nmsance drunk m pubhc ........ " . . t~ay aaa onnour anu ' ' G. Riker 7940 Martin Way, No -"end " ~ . v ~ - , ,.. HIMLIE REALTY INC.-~ - it iv, t~e~a~r, no vanu . .. L ...... "~" -- ' mrs. J~m ~eeanam reportea 2 4 feet ,= ,~., ' . ~-, . ,,~ • art . people's signatures. Stephen t.,ay, , • .--ihtor's ucense'" on person remstmg. . arrest, $130 Hne . u trays Christmas tree lights taken. ' • ,~:, ~tympla, t)ecemoer t u. :,~ 1: ........... a..a' in jail; Michael Sergeant, creating June Poole renorted ,,as Thursday, Dec. 16 A daughter to Mr. and Mrs.~,.~,~,~.~,~..~,~,,,...,,~,~_~,~.,_.~, ~..~,,~,~...~=..~,~,,,t~t~_~,,~,t~_~.,~t~._,~.~,._'~,~u.._~t~._~ ~ fine ..... u ...... u t,+ a publtc nuisance drunk in ~inhnned v ~ Hioh g'l~am lO0ft Dewain W. Savage, Rt. 4, Box ~'r~,~t,,~~g~l~, ~t,,~~~t.,.~~r'~L"~tn,~k~D~ ~ If ; Sta,~y .~,u.~.~,, r,t. u'h "~ "" N 10x .......... p oc ~50fine'Donam o]l, Rt -" ........ L'o~,'::::::101i2a:m: 8:7f,: 380, December14.. .. ~-~ J,~ '.ll mt 8,..--w, .m.--... i~ i~" '~.~3, bnelton, peclestrlan ' ' • ; l~ltton, $15 forfeit; Michael 3, Box 282, Shelton, creating a ............. Hi-h 2'30,~m 10 8 ft A daughter to mr. and mrs.~ ~ I a~ .~ llw IL ~ill~ ~llill~i ,~ ~ty~ p O Rox 93 All" n public nuisance drunk m public FiKt~ DI/,IFAIKIIVlI~I"~t/ ~, ........ e .... _ ......... '~iI A~IJ'+II m il i1' ,a~l~ ~1~ ~m m'q~ r-~'~wm ~ 'ill Low 10'06 - m 1 8 ft Larry ~. Brown, 32/ wucno, ~,~, ~ ~ ~ ~ a~#'~l ~ ,,~ ~ to dim headli"hts $15 $50 free; Robert Blake, Rt. 4, Dec. 3, 4:25 p.m.,auto fire in ....... P" " "" " December 14. ~ 1~Ir~i L~I~I~I~I#J~ :~ ltit; R~i,I Mitoh~.ll #t 4 Box Box 323, Shelton, driving while vehicle owned by David Bruce. Friday, Dec. 17 , ~. #~ • ~ W=r=v v |,'Sh~'~"--"~'"-~'~-~':~--' ¢~ intoxicated no operator'slicense The fire was at the corner of Hi h 5"54am 194ft • ............ v ...... s .... ' ...... Poplar and Mooreland. Low ...... 10:48a.m. 8.7ft. was born to Mr andMrs -- Ir'-II n Clifford Nelson Rt. 3 on person, $t95 line, rive aays in g ............. Curtis Scott II 160, Shelton hitchhikin-i jail, suspended, license suspendedDec. 7, 2:55 p.m. chimney High 3"06 p m 10 9 ft ..... = "" v " ~ 1 / ~ 11 • w ~ ~ ~ Ill~ I h f0rf ' o 30 days Harvey Robinson !fO fit; Ted Shonkwiler, Rt. ' '; , ~renGerald Myers residence, t227 Low ......10:42 p.m. -2.2 ft. ;teeV2;erOr~utG?a~nd;ej::n?: o; ~ IMI I- I' i _"~ 3 i"1 ~ ff ,~ r~411 Shelton, hitchhiking, Skokomish Reservation, drunkin n,~ ~ a~ ..~ ¢~ .... Saturday, Dec 18 Mr and Mrs David Duncan of ~, [] ~ • ~ 1 I ~ ~ 1 1 "Iv / UI |f0rfeit~ Treva Spear, P Opublic, 10 days in jail, two '-'"" , "" ............ " " " ~ ~" ~ ~ .... "" son Dr k. " '. - - • High 6"30 a m 12 7 ftNewcastle, Pa. and Mr. and Mrs. ~ i~l |]l,Grapeview, failure to stay suspended;49K.enneth Ev33s,i eRt' b~mp y waner, started in ............ .. ......... Iq dust around the chipper. Low ......11:30 a.m. 8.6 ft. t+urns orout ot union. ~, ~o!, center line no valid 10, Box 1 , Shelton, gig t High ....... 3:42p.m. 10.8ft. ~ ~ 1 • ~ ~ ~ • • 1 ~[it0rs license $35 fine, $15 driving, $20 fine; Martha Rose, ]l~ded'CharlesVietch P O Rt. 3, Box 531, Shelton, nostop Dec. 8,9:05a.m. overheated Low ......ll:18p.m. -2.3ft. ................. U D I I1~' ~ I II g stove, B.F. Livingston residence, Sunday, Dec. 19 - - • • ll' -- • • • • II ~. |ljnit15¢' ~'~636'' Belfair'" speedin'g', ltit; .... George Matson,. ,/..P O Box'S15 leaving the scene of an accident at stOPLyman, light,Rt. 2,$15Boxf°rfeit; Steven201, Shelt on, 1418 Edgewood, $500 damage. High... : . . . _7:00 p:m. ~ ~~ ~ I -- ~ Vl '3 B°rIe4' $65 fine; Michael Sheetz, Rt. 3, Dec. 12, 3:20 p.m., Angle High ....... 4:24 p.m.10.7 ft. ~----------------------------------------- tPlk Iit Buildingbackfire through boiler Low I 1"54 '- m-2 2 ft .. t[J Values to $20.00 ,I~ ~i1 ill!0n, illegal possession of Box 348(;, Shelton, speeding, $15 tubes. • ...... v .... High Low rrecip.~ ~ Plenty of Styles ~ .~ ~ ~ ,,,,. ~cants, speeding, $50 fine; forfeit. Monday, Dec. 20 Dec. 9 5t 33 2.1 II]~ ~ and Colors ~u. ~ ~" I~ ILl FI ~s Smith, P. O. Box 94, COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Dec 12 5"20 p m Willie Bass High ....... 7:30 a.m. 13.1 ft.Dec. 10 44 35 .32 ~ ~ ~ ,1~ ~1~ ~ t'd ][~11, public intoxication, S25 Building permits approved by residence, 9'20"Cot-a" light bulb in Low .......1:00 p.m. 8.0 ft.Dec. 11 40 32 .07 ~. ~ ~lk ]r ~---- ~t', Robert Allen, Rt. 5, Box the Mason County Planner's lamp caught curtain afire $200High ....... 5:12 p.m. 10.4 ft.Dec. 12 40 37 .59 ~ ~ ~ [] i~$1~helton, defective tail lights, Office during the past week were dama-e ' uec. 13 38 35 .1~ ,m, ~ ~ff ~'t ll~,erator's license on person, to Dr. Paul Bailey, second home," ~ " Tuesday, Dec. 21 Dec. 14 45 35 1.06 ~ ~ .'~;a~rfeit; Harvey Andrews, Rt. $12 000" Glen Bollinger, second Dec 12, 5'35 p rn Dixie Low ......12:30 a.m. -1.8 ft. Dec. 15 45 30 1.06 ~ ~ ~,~ :llUlll0x 383, Shelton, public home '$19000" James Finch, Skalickyresidence, 1211 Railroad High ....... 8:?0a.m. 13.3ftf Rainforecast t or Frida,, will ~ ~ [gllt'}ation, $25 forfeit; Teddy second home, $12,000; Ralph Ave., grease fire m stove. H?;IIIIIII61;3Plml ;i;tf[idecrease on Saturday and Sunday .~a ~ .~ o£OCk, St. Rt. Box 72, Finch, second home, $12,000; .... with high temperatures ranging ~ I~ Wednesaay, vec zz )Sl~_t~nesano, defective muffler, Lyla Gardner, second home, UP COURT • from 35 to 45 degrees and lows in ,* U :kMlt°rfeit; Nick Krupp, Rt. 3, $1%000 Reginald Hayes, second S ER!OR Low .......1:12 a.m. -1.0 ft. the low 30s. .~a Divorces High ....... 8:36 a.m. 13.3 ft. ~f~ , ~! A divorce decree was signed Low ....... 2:42 p.m. 6.5 ft. We ve bought a large group of fine men's shoes that were made to sell for for Sondra Blomgren from Ellis High ....... 7:18 p.m. 9.3 ft. BOOKS EXTEND our narrow ~ up to $20.00. Casual types, dressy types, all the very latest styles and Blomgren. ...... Tht~r~da~,v Dec. 23 present back into a limitless, past. ~ colors . . .you II want several pairs at this low, low price, rt ~,,~, r, ............. They show us the mistakes of the ~ . ................... - ...... ¢ ~.~.,,. ,~m+o,,+o LOW . . . Z:UO p.m. 1 .O I[. . ~ . men before us and share with us ~la Tenna Stockwell against Mr.High i ill... :12 a.m.3.2 .... " ~'Jt ~ { : " " fl ....... recipes ior human success I lIED DOT SPFCIALS! Weekniahts until Christmas , and Mrs. Vernon Barnes Low ........~:~op.m. 5.3It. .~ ~'. ....XYf , .... ~_- • ~ against Mr. and Mrs. Al~ed ~j:OTA * YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT OLSEN FURNITURE * 4TH & COTA * QUALITY FURNITURE AT PRICES Y-O-U'C----A-N~ "7 4--~ i ~ ; rerthotl ana Mr. ana mrs. t~anu V" "-------- --~ -',~ ' " ' • • OLSEN FURNITURE S GREATEST / iI e. WORRY AFFECTS the ta/ Xlt llil I tll:ih " '°+" circulation, the heart, the glands, w [ [L i l~;:lik:~l ~; U~l/11|: I~-. ~,.~: the whole nervous system. I have D[ ~ ~~~1 e~ * never known a man who died --- from overwork, but many who tr/ -~u ,~tm.~e.~a.~a c-_--IL .------__ i " died from doubt. Charles H. Mayo ll l | BUDGETING: Telling your ~ r- money where to go instead of* ~. wondering where it went. n ..~ .~ C. E. Hoover ~ t~ It. you'd expect to pay z at least $1 19 for this # man-s/ze reclined , '4 . • ,, 'To lower living cosls ,, .. >m $OhRockerl ,Redmers+ ...... +'9 ;°$+o ., .... pillows ................ is to lift living standards" u 129 95 --YEA" END SALE-- $ 22 50 , o F ow 'f Arr°n9ements 9" ALL THE FEATURES 2 4x8 MAHLff[ PLASTIC FINISH PANELING $5.95 ..... ......... . o. _ sl3q DOORS sob OFF INTErn" i [,+troll " Bil|iord Tobles ...... .. "- ..... - $ ;:';,: ,+,.., .................. .oo ++o.,,,ow ,.,.oo > , Hassocks ...................... $ i,s CI).X. PLYWOOD I/2" ......... $3.49 " < PANELING + +l l 11PIIy$ .................... ; 'W Ds2x4 I PANELINGm " I ADHESIVE + Great for Relaxing Pktures ..................... $24's For TV viewing ~1 ~ ' Extra Tall S Alumin . . ~ ~ 42, Back Gun Cabinets .............. $ Aluminum Store Doors& Windows 25 -30 o. *I ~ I Supported l)esks ......................... $12,s #1 ------ ----------------------- ------ -------''''--'" I Vinyl Cover I Chilclren's Rockers .......... Pre-Pasted Vinyl Wallcoveringsl Santa's Gift To You ! I I ilRglT~p/m~I;~;?;FYR~?br'~51T;O:$~'basble--PAINT SPECIALS- $1'sr° '3" +ri New 1972 Bicycle ] I HardwS°°~dFrame I ~B;~ Spar Varnish ,7.9s ................... Now $3+°G,,. ,,=,I i for only $29.98 I / Dryw011 10pc s00. ro". e0. ............... +] Conven,ent " Terms (J alll. Inter. Flat Latex ..,. ,, ,., ............... .ow *3'o +ol or use your , tatex Enamel ..,u,.,,. ,,sP.Ecl./ i. .............. ,ow *4" Bank Card. ,i |! ! • • • $ 70 AcryhrC Latex Inter,or-Exter,or +Reg. $7.50 ..... NOW 3 ~a,. G~t rudy for the holidays by r~mod.ling now! il oPEN 0 ,tv lr ,, , FRE 8.30-8.30 .. G,FT IOPEN SUNDAY-J2 to 5 P.M. Z WRAPPING .,>1 4 i" "4702 Quolify Furniture since1936. 4th & Cota DELIVERY Thursday, December 16, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5 ii~l/ ,11 il,