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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1971
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eryl wan ¢ /;,/< Bill Barron Hi h School Spotlight "'Water sports are my hobby." says Bill Barron, whose home is on Phillips Lake, "1 like swimming, water skiing, all activities pertaining to the water." Bill, the soll of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barton, was born in Tucson. He came to Shelton as a one-year-old and has lived here since. rdeaux Show A program of Christmas .Carols and a Talent Show is planned for the Bordeaux PTA meeting to be held in the School gymnasium at 7:30 p.m. today. The Bordeaux P.T.A. is again sponsoring movies in the school gym. The first of these will be on He has five sisters. Elizabeth is a Shelton High School Senior, and Cathy is a sophomore. June and Sherry are Junior High School sludent~ and Linda attends Pi~meer School. "We're building a new house," Bill states, "and it keeps us all busy. The girls help, too." Bill also works in Christmas trees, and participates in a newly organized (?hess Club at school. tte has been a Science Club member for three years, a member of the German Club for two years and is now also a member of the Ecology Club. For two years he has been an AFS mere her. Barron studies calculus, typing and physics, and he student teaches geometry. He will attend college to major in some field of engineering. "1 will probably go to lanuary 14 at 7:30 p.m. with the Washington,State," hO~lye:: t title ",The Absent Minded, , Bill Barton :w~s~orn Professor". September 23, 1954. nlmMak Gra es Debut Christmas Opera Role proud grandmother is Mrs lead m the rhanksgavmg Play and Cheryl Cowan, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Cowan Sr. of Union, became the bride of Gary Ehler, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Ehler of Enumclaw on November 13. The double ring ceremony was performed at 7:30 p.m. by Pastor Unruh in the Summit Avenue Presbyterian Church in Bremerton. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in tiers of delicate white lace styled with a ruffled stand-up collar and cuffs and with a cathedral train. Miss Chris Jensen was maid of honor and bridesmaids were the Mesdames Curule Cowan, Kathy Cowan, Bonnie Wilson and Bette Morton. The attendants wore orange chiffon skirts with white lace bodices. Dale Ehler was best man. Guests were seated by ushers Bill Colli, Gary Cowan Run Schaafmas, and Jerry Cowan who were attired in white continental tuxedoes. Flower girl was Miss Tamara Cowan and ring-bearer was Tracy Cowan. Candles were lighted by the Misses Kathy Stacy and Lauri Stacy. Matching accessories were selected by the bride's mother to blend with her apricot-colored street-length A-line dress. Accessories of gold highlighted the hot pink street length gown worn by the mother of the groom. A reception in the church basement followed the ceremony. The five-tiered cake, made by Mrs. Ruth Boysen, friend of the bride, was topped by an TODAY'S Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ehler heirloom of the groom's family. It was first used to ornament the cake served by his great grandparents on their Golden Wedding anniversary. The ornament next topped the 25th Anniversary cake of the groom's grandparents, and has since been in use al weddings in the groom's family. Mrs. Vicki Uhler attended the guest book and at the gift table were Mrs. Mary Swenson and Mrs. Cathy Mowrey. Serving and assisting were the groom's aunt, Jeanette Mikus; the bride's aunt Dorothy Metzler; the groom's sister-in-law, Gayle Crier: aunt of the bride May Balsiger: Miss Marcia Reeves; Mrs. Linda Dupuis; Mrs. Jane Miller; Mrs. Donna Young; and cousins of the groom Jeff, Scott, and Karen Copponi, who distributed groom's cake. The honeymoon included a stay in Seattle and a trip to Oregon. The couple will reside at 3045 Woodside Lane, Bremerton, where the bride is employed as a medical clerk in the Department of Public Assistance and the groom is stationed with the U. S. Navy. The bride attended Olympic College and the groom was graduated from Green River college. Jan Danford, Society Editor peals Bethel No. 37, Order of Jobs at the store from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. D a u g h t e r s w i I 1 h a v e to distribute CARE Food Crusade representatives at the Shelton order envelopes to shoppers, po than nine million Pakistani refugees who are entirely dependent upon outside help. 20th Century Thriftway store On thanks to the cooperation of the . Donors also may choose to send Wednesday afternoon, with Thriftway store which has assisted their aid to other areas. CARE Food Crusade material as a CARE with its holiday program Typical $1 parcels have convenience to holiday shoppers for several years, sufficient food to provide either wishing to send CARE food to aid 400 glasses of milk for preschool Pakistani refugees in India or CA R E is appealing for feeding centers, or 300 bowls of other hungry children in critical support of the Food Crusade nourishing porridge for Pakistani areas overseas, program by which millions of refugee children, or a school For the second year, the needy children are fed throughout lunch for a hungry child daily for young women have volunteered the year. Particular attention this three months. this service for CARE and will be year is on the plight of the more F u r t h e r information is available from the Northwest CARE Office, Frederick & ---- . . __ Nelson, Seattle. Chr,stmas Party Is Planned The American Legion Last Monday Mrs. Florentine Auxiliary will .join the Legion for Connolly, Beth Johnson, Ada • • | | | | / their annual Christmas party in Clothier and Addle Norris ~v~rs° 1"1OI1(11"10 the Memorial Hall on Tuesday. traveled to American Lake ___°.. _ _ The social hour will begin at6 Veterans Hospital to help with W,II . p.m., and the dinner at 7 p.m. the Christmas gift shop. Martha v Auxiliary members are asked to Witsiers, community service ~n ~A [~¢'1r'41,1, bring a child's toy which will be chairman, requests that Auxiliary /-I! I t--~jr'~ l%A//~f given to the 40 & 8 - Journal members bring M.J.B. coffee lids , . . -- Mrs Dick Hollana will hostess Christmas basket project, and the smaller editions of , "'.i_ .... magazines to the meetings for the a late Claristmas party to .0e held Veterans Lounge at Sea-Tac. Also 0y Beta Zeta Chapter, ESA at 8 p m on December 29 to be saved are Betty Crocker " " " 8 -- ,~1 ! ~ " coupons The group met at p.m. on t.:,araen ~.lUO ~ers December 6 in the home of Mrs • • • ! ~ Jim McNamara with Mrs. Tom Musical rrogram Ogden as co hostess Proper wig A special Christmas musical Trees To B1~- -1~¢'~[¢'1 care and styling was demonstrated .... Mr by s Bobble Seal will constitute the Monday - " • . meeting of the Shelton Garden Reasonably priced Christmas Beta Zeta Chapter will (lub" to be held at 1:30 p.m. in trees are available .... on Htghway provlde Chrtstmas g'lfts for the Schreiber ttall at the airport I01 at E. street after school three rooms at the Mt. View r hours Annex School A donatmn of $25 The prog am of singing will be • - ' p re se n t e d by Exceptional The sale Is' conducted by the was made to the Forty and Eight' Forester_s a__and b,v members of the Candysttipers. of Mason General Christmas Basket Junior MusicClub ttospital and proceeds will be Two catering jobs were A tea will follow the used to purchase new uniforms, accepted for December. enteer~7?e~en~o atde giEft;ce;ltl~o be ~ P p nal Foresters For Christmes -Something Different Choir Will Sing MacLovia Boswell of Shelton, "The Frog Prince." He also has At Coffee Hour whose 1 ! -year-old grandson, his blue belt in Judo. James Grant makes his singing Mrs. Boswell and James' A noon program of Christmas debut in the title role of the Uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. songs by the High School choir Christmas opera, "Amahl and the Henry Robertson, who have been will be a feature of the Christmas Night Visitors" of Gian Carlo keeping track of James' progress Coffee Hour to be held by the Menotti. The performance will be by hearing tape recordings of the Mason General Hospital Auxiliary December 18 at 8:30 p.m. at Old rehearsals, plan to attend the on Monday. The group will meet from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Frank Travis, 502 Laurel. performance. James looks forward to completing his assignment in order to spend Christmas holidays in Shelton with his aunt Mrs. Gloria Strate. He hopes to visit relatives and to renew friendships made during the Forest Festival. Potluck Planned A noon potluck and an afternoon of card games is scheduled for the Mason County Senior Citizens Council who will meet at 2nd and Grove streets on Friday. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hurst wish to thank all for the beautiful cards and gifts, and they express appreciation to the many friends who attended their Golden Wedding reception. Church in Portland, Oregon and will be performed by the newly organized Oregon opera ensemble which specializes in operas sung in English Jim has been attending opera since he was three years old when he saw Mozart's "The Magic Flute" with his mother, Marie P. Grant (Piedamae GarciaL A special invitation has been sent to Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki who introduced Mrs. Grant to her first opera which was also "The Magic Flute." James plays flute in the school band where he has earned first chair and he was awarded the NS N Pottery Wall Plaques Sconces CUSTOM COUNTRY LEATHER Rings • Wristbands • Belts • Purses Candles & Inexpensive Gifts ,he Islan I G® 5V2 Miles South on Maples Road PHONE 426-8840 Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 16, 1971 oo III nners Fourteen-year-old Tom Sharer, a freshman at North Mason School, is a blue-ribbon cook. He won his first top award three years ago at the county fair with a very special cake which continues to be a winner. Tom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sharer, was born in Allyn. He has two brothers and a sister, who is not as interested in cooking as is her brother. A member of the Cornucopia 4-tt group led by his mother, Jean Sharer, Tom began cooking lessons under the direction of Dorothy ttarper of Belfair who originated the 4-H food project and for several years served as leader. The Cornucopians are currently studying All-American foods. Regional recipes are explored and lessons include the history of the areas noted for various specialty foods. Tom, whose father is owner-operator of Sharer Digging Service, builds model airplanes as : a hobby, and he rides a mini-bike. He enjoys archery. He is also interested in woodworking and in plastic casting. *~ "l have a roomful of stuff rve made," he says. Tom follows in the footsteps of his older brother, Run, who excelled in cookery and was responsible for Tom's early enthusiasm in food preparation. Although Tom's specialty is baking, he often makes Tacos for a family meal. Tom's Tacos i!!:ii~!i~i 1 lb. hamburger grated onion and other seasonings to taste 2 cups freshly grated cheddar cheese In a large skillet fry the meat, chopping into bits as it cooks. Add onion and seasonings. Lower heat. Chop a small head of lettuce and in a bowl mix with meat and cheese. Fill ready-made Taco shells and add Taco sauce to taste. Qold Layer Cake .... ~Tom s'Winner) 2V4 C. cake flower 3V~ tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 1 Va C. sugar TOM SHARER bakes prize-winning cakes. Va ('. ,i~ortcning 1 C. milk 1 tsp. vanilla 2 eggs Sift dry ingredients together into mixing bowl. Add shortening, 2/3 C. milk and vanilla. Beat for two minutes. Add remaining 1/3 C. Mocha Chocolate FrostiM 6 Tbsp. cocoa 6 Tbsp. hot coffee 6 Tbsp. margarine 1 tsp. vanilla 4 C. powdered sugar milk and eggs. Beat for two Combine cocoa, minutes. Pour into two greased and vanilla. Add and floured 8-inch cake pans. gradually until spr Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 consistency is reached. minutes, cooled cake. Come to Santa's VFW Schedules 1 Store for Christmas Party ~ c~/a~ ~0. 1 V.F.W. Post and its auxiliary will hold their annual Christmas ! ~[0~~b ~00~: Party on Friday beginning with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial Building. Santa Claus will attend with (wT~ goodies for all. Gifts will be 00t~ exchanged and entertainment will follow the dinner. The next regular business J,,, meeting of the Post and Auxiliary~ (,,~ (~[~/~ I will be held January 7 at 8 p.m. in m " the Memorial Building. for YOU CHOOSING i LIPSTICK COLORS Q. I have red hair. Can I use a lipstick with a purple cast? A. You should choose a lipstick color that will harmonize with your costume color, not with your hair. Blue-red or fuchsia lipsticks harmo'nize best with cherry red, mauve, purple, or wo~et clothing. If these colors are favorites in your wardrobe, lipstick[non by all means wear a vo~u ~e S=n~d?r=~~ with a purple cast. . "~: Most redheads, however, favor blues and greens in their wardrobe. Red coral, or orange lipsticks harmonize best with these colors. HOW TO APPLY LIPSTICKS Q. How can I apply lipstick so that it will stay on my lips for more than a few hours? A. No lipstick will stay on for more than a few hours during the course of a normal day. Eating... drinking... smoking.., and licking the lips all cause lipstick to wear away. To get the maximum wear, however, apply your lipstick to dry, powdered lips. Allow it to set briefly, and then blot your lips and reapply. A very light blotting after the second application will further help the setting without removing the "gloss". Neil's Pharmacy Emergency Ph. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 .... The stretch of crinkle patent makes this fashiO i:! smart and comfortable.., and tuned in to !, i the thing you wear every day.., be it shor i: long or pants. Available in black, brown, ).) white or red. Sll,, : : "The Family Shoe Store Open Weekday Nights ,til Our Shoe Club Now I Over 3,358 Me, 107 S. 4th Shelton