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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I I t By Jan Danford ;!i~¸ ~ ~!~ Iota Hears Mrs. Bigelow Traditional and modern ideas on the observance of Christmas were presented by Mrs. Marianne Bigelow, who spoke on "The Gift of Sharing" at the December 4 meeting of Iota Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma held at 11 a.m. in Heinie's Broiler. Mrs. Karla Timmerman, vocal soloist, was accompanied by organist Mrs. Marie Soricone. Mrs. Edna Newland, organist, led the singing of Christmas songs. A social hour with a festive punch bowl preceded the business meeting. Members brought gifts for residents of Fir Lane Terrace Concert Slated Both band and choir will participate in the Shelton Junior High School Christmas Concert to be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the junior high school auditorium. Admission is one dollar for adults and 50 cents for students. Convalescent Center, and a candle-lighted ceremony was held for donations to lota Scholarship fund. The next regular meeting will be held in March in the Olympia area. Party Scheduled Pat Roberts and his Evergreen Drifters a five-piece recording orchestra, will play for Lake Limerick Country CLub's New Year's Eve party. The all-expense affair, including an after-midnight steak and egg breakfast, is co-chaired again by Anthony and JoAnn Paradise of Ballantrae Drive. Reservations not made by members by December 15 will be available to the public. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stoehr Balsa Wood Mobiles Made Occupational therapy is a year-round activity at both Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center and the Shelton Manor Nursing Home, but towards Christmas the handicrafts assume a holiday air. Festive figures cut from balsa wood have been painted and assembled as mobiles, and Christmas cards have been utilized in many ways. Many residents enjoy painting and Charles Simpson is now at work on his second paint-by-number picture of the "The Last Supper". Jigsaw puzzles assembled through the months are often glued onto boards to be hung on the walls. According to Chuck Wilkerson, activities director, a Christmas party is planned for Monday afternoon, and numerous Church, 4-H, school and club groups are scheduled to sing Christmas carols between December 15 and December 23. Delightful is "Dream Fudge" And "Marshmallow Creme Fudge" But where is the fudge 1 rem©mber Whose fragrance enticing " In candy and icing Prevailed through the month ol I)ccclnber? Christmas Mobile Decorations ki th Cut figures from balsa wood, and ,i:.~). Lic n' e Pan paint with enamel paints (water ~ colors are too easily absorbed.) These may be assembled as ':~ hanging mobiles or may be used as ::'~J With shouting and laughter From floorboard to rafter, The house ill a heavenly clutter, My mother would stir tip A mixture of syrup And cocoa and sugar and butter. Small hearts were untroubled As gently it bubbled Perfuming the holiday air; Our nostrils assailed, We blithely inhaled That aroma beyond all compare; For no such perfection Is found in confection Concocted from contents of can, And much more delicious Than candy in dishes Is that which remains in the pan! tree ornaments. Kits may be ..... purchased with. d¢~ alreadN; ~o. .fBt~d. OnLtlx¢~; Or pattern~;, may be used to trace figures upon the material. Reunion Held Staff members of Seattle-First National Bank and their spouses held a Christmas party reunion at Lake Limerick Inn on Saturday. Special guests were former manager L. A. Carlson and his wife, Frances. A cocktail hour began at 6:30 p.m. and a buffet dinner was served at 7:30 p.m. Christmas Music To Be Presented "Joy To The World", a special hour of Christmas music by candlelight, will be presented at 7 p.m. Sunday in the Shelton First Baptist Church at 5th and Cota streets. The public is invited. PAINTING MOBILE Christmas decorations Convalescent Center residents Mrs. Willie Simpson and Adeline Sytsma. Assisting Wilkerson. . , ~!~ are Fir Lane Terrace May Lawhorn, left, Charles is activities director Chuck Women To Meet Dale Evans, guitarist, will present Christmas music at the noon meeting of the Mason County Women's Republican Club to be held Tuesday in Mrs. Evan's home at 422 North 3rd street. Officers to be installed are Mrs. Thelma Puhn, president; Mrs. Peggy Bennett, vice-president; Mrs. LuciUe Speece, secretary; and Mrs. Ann Batchelor, treasurer. Each person should bring a plate, a cup, and silverware for the potluck luncheon. The Spouting Whale Hoodsport Now open 12 to 5 Wednesday through Sunday GIFTS -- ART - BOOKS - ANTIQUES Juvenile & Northwest Books -- Paintings -- Prints -- Glassware -- Decorative Arrangements -- Tiffany Type Lamps. Also good choice used paperbacks. Something for everyone Come in and browse. (North side of Hoodsport Market) Help put a by joining thief out of business Here's how "Operation Identification" works to reduce home burglaries: • Inscribe your driver's license number on your valuables that burglars find most tempting -- TV sets, radios, cameras, tape recorders, stereos, etc. • Then put a special "Operation Identification" sticker on the door or window of your home advising would-be thieves your possessions of value have been marked for ready identification by law enforcement agencies. iF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN PUTTING A THIEF OUT OF BUSINESS ... Put it in writing with the Personalized Protection offered through "Operation ID". You can borrow a special electric pencil and receive your official "OPERATION ID" window sticker at no cost from the Shelton Police Department or the Mason •County Sheriff's Department. A Public Service by... Rocky Hembroff Insurance Agency Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency Angle Agency A. Roy Dunn LaBissoniere Agency McComb Business Service in cooperation with the Shelton Police Department and the Mason County Sheriff's Department S EIqVES YOU FIRST Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 16, 1971 Neva and Arnold Stoehr Reception To The golden wedding anniversary of Neva and Arnold Stoehr will be observed at an Open House Reception in the Mt. Olive Lutheran Church from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. on December Honor Stoehrs Arnold Jr. of Bellevue, the party, to which relatives are welcome. It that no gifts be given. 26. Party Held The Stoehrs were married in The Union Ladies civic Olympia on December 24, 1921, met December 8 in the Unit and have resided in Shelton since hall for a Christmas party, t 1924. Arnold Stoehr, partially gift exchange, card games retired, works with his son on played. mail transportation to Olympia The tree, donated and Hood Canal towns. Timm, will remain in Mr. and Mrs. Stoehr have two the enjoyment of other sons and eight grandchildren. Their sons, Philip of Shelton and meeting in the throughout the holiday seaS0a' OF OUR NEW LOCATION • • ON ALL, (To Be Delivered After Holidays) DOOR PRIZES (To Be Delivered After Holidays) FRIDAY, 10 to 4 SATURDAY, 10 to 4 SUNDAY, 1 to 4 ~- - --- --_---_ -- _-~ PLUS SPECIAL PRICES ON BOLT ENDSI Upholstery and Drapery Fabrics "°'0 Q i = I o o e, I o~ • e e o o, o o ,, • i "~" "o'e'e'~'l'e'l'~'o'l'~'t'0"o'Q (Old Liquor Store Building)