December 16, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 16, 1971 |
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!I's A w- lb ..........
Marie L. Noble Daniel L. Taylor I
Dies In Seattle Taken By Death m
I Marie L. Noble, 45, died on Daniel k Taylor, 13, of Rt. 3,
• December 7 in Swedish Hospital, Box 36. died Tuesday in Mary ]~ !* ........... ]~
j, Seattle. She was born April 30. Bridge Hospitalolympia,Tacoma. ~]~ @ T0P OF THE Hltt |,
, j • 1926 in Shelton. He was born December 12,
of KAY S J• She is survived by her 1958 in and had made
DRAPERIES recently movedto ll husband, Fred, of the home; two his homeinSheltonforthepast OPEN6DAYSAWEEK:9to9-Sunday9to6p.m.4263341 =|l
her new location on 2nd Street, IJ [] sons, Frederick H. Noble of the 11 years. He was an eighth-grade m
and is holding a grand opening [] I[!1 home and Gary F. Noble of thestudent ill Shelton Junior High
:~ ~.:.~_.. e.,,,.a ..... n e,,..a .... !1 l/ US Marine Corps; her mother School
I'l/Uay~ oatuluay allu o~tllUay. . .
Don't miss it as Kay has done II Dora Van Overbeke, Shelton; four Survwors are his parents, Mr. ]~
quite a job with the old liquor ~llm sisters, Mrs• Daisy Whitlock of and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Shelton; ! 197~ CALENDARS
store building 1 Seattle, Mrs. Alice W. Bellew, four brothers, Dean Wayne,
W ARREtq"S JEWELRY is 1 Seattle, Mrs. Mitzi Stearman of Donald and David, all of the
now em hasizing the annual 1847 Mt Lake Terrace and Mrs Ruby home' three sisters Marcv
Rogers ~ros Silver Sale Owner J E. "Bushor of Bremerton'; four Pamela and Jolene, also of tlae " People Love our Calendars Get yours today One tea Family ]~
Ray Warren'tells us thai now is d bye t hers, Alb ert R. Van home: and his grand-parents, Mr. I~ Quantity Limited, so Don t Delay 1
the time to really save on that 1 Over beLt, Forks, Henry T. Van and Mrs. Earl Mary ofShelton and ,~ ~.-~. ~ ~. ]0-SPEED ,] A F UN~.'-AME//,., FOR ALL THE GANG ~
silver set for Christmas Better / Overbeke and Charles E. Van Mrs. Estella Ohland of Seattle.
hurry, time is growing short on / Overbeke of Shelton, and J. A funeral will be held at 2 ~ ~~ BICYCLE I /CROQUtT StY
both the sale, which ends Dec. 31, / Joseph Van Overbeke of Port p.m. Friday in the Church of
and Christmas... / Orchard. Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Zl ~ The most wanted J ~ .......... 1
TA ~ ""-'i[ two wheeler on I "~(~R~ b mailers, Darts, yara slakes, I
Want to save on that holiday/ A funeral was held at 9 a.m.with the Bishop Lot, McAfferty ~ |~'/\~ ~ the ~rket I ~ff/ ~ll~llI~ goals and carrying rack. A real
remodeling job9 Then check with / Saturday in St. Alphonso's officiating and burial in Shelton ~ .,. __ " ____ I ~¢/~t8~ gift Ior any family.
OLYMPIC PAINTS year end sale. lin p p ........... Church, SecrEte, with burial in Memorial Park. i i84 $109s9ij
You can really save lots of dough, / Holyrood Cemetery. Memorials may be made to 9 9
now!... / Mason General Hospital.
Still wondering what to give?/
Then glance over McCONNELL'S
PHOTO CENTER Christmas Gift " • •
.... a e STEVEN D. GROUT, son of Dons V. Barkle
Guide th,s weeks r. A1 Y Robert Dncknnson .
...... as lo" ~ Mr ana ivlrs L, urtls i~. brouI, ,., / =. ~r~
McLonnell, owner, n [s OI " " •
ideas iust waitin~ for you m the Umon, was graduated from Dnes In Hospntal
store on 2nd St..-. the State Patrol Academy Doris V. Barkley of Edmonds, " " ] SLEEPING BAGS I RECORD PLAYER |
e e Robert W Dlt.kmson 1011
Larry Knudsen, managerof here and commissioned as a 60, died Wednesday in a S attl" • . " s ,
LUMBERMEN'S, has Christmas Washington State Trooper hospital. She was born March 18, Cota St.. died Saturday in Mason ~NI .-.'-Jl~ Fully lined and water repellant, J k~--~ff Solid state stereo that will delight I
v General Hospital Hc was 50 years J h en f everyo ~e n the family 4 speed Holds 6
~'~ 10glltweigllt. usE t e p, es t or I ~• " • II
1911 m Hoodsport and had h ed
gifts for the ladies shopping list all Nov. 22. He is married and " ~ " * ' " " ' ~ '"~ > the sportsman of the family. I records, ili
overtLUMBERMEN S OF SH° lumthe store.bey , From~vou power toOlSname it , ,.,;,ihaS.v,,,oneo=~,,,child,,,,...,c,~. :,..~, =, i~ ~ ~.~,_; I--li~ z~innrnanfotote .at,u in18 theyearsEdmonds area.. . . for the past ln°Iage..l)lleortlandWaS' bornand came"AuguStto 7,Slit:it(1921,"~ 11 ~ ~" ~f/'~IAIIP--. J1~88 I|1 CHRISTMAS¢ 41~Am~lmnll ~'IL~ 088 ~]~,
' ELTON . • • Survwmg Mrs Barkley are her
District II with Headquarters
has it .... nusoana, t~Jair, OI me no ; ' . -"
• "" In Bellevue. dau-hter Mrs Carol Morrell ofOre. tie was a member elthe
For gift hints look to ~ mrs. garon .... D mgman u~ ~ I[ I [ I
EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER. ttawaii; a step-son,. AI me'a Cal ' a stGary" BarkleYu hter veteranBaphst o~Lh'urChworm war"and" ArmyGET A BAG OF OUR 600D POPCORN I0¢
Owner Ken Chapman knows what oi a a', ., ep-oa g , ~a~ n;,.v; .... ~ ....... ~,,~,~ h,,
,, o~, n .~ , ~¢ Palm ,,.. ,.,,.,,,,o,,,, ,o ,,...,.~,, ,~
his customers like and he does his .. -
, ... ~_ ,/__i ,_._ ~nca1. eirhtran-c--.ldren. three sons, Richard of Bend. Ore., ~ II DRIft KITTHIS WILL KEEP HIS SHOP IN SHAPE ~ ~
darndest to stock it. 50,r~en terry VOile), ~prmgs, .,g g a m ' R ..... ¢~"'°~" " ...... f
, , _ . . f ........... , and ,cnae, o 3/8
sa"s 'Look herefirst' a brother, Gordon D,ckmson o " ~ I VACUUM CLEANrR
~' - - • "!"I ~ w'~ ll_ ..... . . .. - Portland;two daughters, mrs.
' eain Hooosport,Fink,] a s~ster mrs ~ose ~~1~ 26-piece set by
That s -30- for this week,/aKen By u " , • Roberta Robinson of Castro ~ B'ack&Decker"~'lA95 J~ J DR'UM'TYPE~4FA\/V ntlTy Sdll~ifj)75~
................ v ...... a ..... n "-' Harbor for _ . ...... , DicKinson el vnoenlx Arlz ; TWO
•, test ~aturaay , Olg " gatstone funeral home at n, "" " ' "i "~rjUST THE GIFT FOR HIM 1'7 CHRISTMAS PRICED II1~11~
convemence on Sunday Dec re er Mrs (,
' " P "~ V lie "7 f-ll n who ........... grandchild n; his moth , . . j
1 9th Just check the erry L a y, 0 ,o A y a.m. rrmay with the KeY. wesley v Eads of Shelton and a 111
." ....... e.._ died December 8 at a Nursing Gain officiating and burial in ;",~, ? .... ~'
For 6 or
Volt. Autocircuit Breaker
I, =t ~r==___===~
.aoverusemeE, t ,,n ,ms Journa, ,or Center in Bremerton e~..,..... ,, .... ,~,o~.v natt-orother, uyde uicKinson of il | .~ ,
the times and places. He wa " 1 oJtc~tu~t ,.,~,,,,~..., -,,,.Camas Wa
DL s born i~ Wilbur "' ' " " .
- (Lincoln County) on Feb 27 Dr. Alvin Halverson officiated ~ ~/,,~, ~ ] ~¢~.~." "1~ Complete 1~
1904. He retired as plan tmanager ~1 H | t,-I at a se. rvlce held at. } p.m: ~ ~~--'~ ~5 gift for $I / ==~e~:) $ s
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _fr°m the G. R. Kirk Company in ~., .en~on _ao~en Tuesday. ,. in , Batstone Funeral.
_ lie____ ,,*-_ lacoma three years ago. He was a • -- n.ome.. ,uur]a~ was, m Shelton ~~' i~ him. ~ 1 [ ", ~r~.~ ] ONLY ~
lOWllng I~lleWS member of St. Olaf's Catholic Dne On Monday Memor,a, harK, ano ,n ueu o, ~t
............... " "" -- flowers donations were made to !~
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~erae--Lnurcn':- ~o.~' romsOO,z~uv.,,,,,, m' anot~.~.., o~,,a,uu,.U. ru~, Glendon_ t'Glen),. ...... . u... baugen,. . the cancer Tuna. 1~ / . ~J~ "#"..~'~"~
WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL Survivors include his wife116 West Pine, oleo monday in
Women's Hi Game: Kathy Winona of the famil, " ' Mason GeneralHospitalattheageBANKER: a fellow who m. SOLDERING IRON I
r , y home; " and wants It ~ II~ .I~ 5 [ ~'~'~ " la3~''' ~1~ I~ A5 0
Mothe well 24.5.. . ,h,ee .... n~,ia ..¢^lh., of 44 years He was born hands you his umbrella when the
Women's Ht Sertes. ~,athy ......... , .......... ~,,, .... , b ck
M .... rwell ='~ Carol'n ..... r m"~'"r'~ .... e-* ~;*" ~a';f N ove m ber 30, 1927 in sun ~s shining a PG][cted ONLY q~mI i~i:!! qP • I~
4.~_,~,_el 0 splitO.,,, y ..... aV'nd'" J%hn '~'o~" ;;ul'~b'o. '~th'~ee Calendonia, Minn. the minute it begins to rain.
Standings: Certified ~au hters Mrs Bett As tun" " He was a planer foreman for MarkTwain ~ Jr [ ONLY ~I~ EA. I~
Manufacturing 46"14; Lamp P°st u g ' " Y P a °I ~im"s°n Timber C° and was a I J I J i
41Vz-18V~; Ogden s Radio & TV Gig Harbor, and Mrs. Barbara;~,,~ ~o, ..... f W~,;~l W.* 11 14oWHATEVER IS in any way LAYAWAY IS A WONDERFUL HELPI
38-22; Kel ly's Furniture Winn and Mrs. Beverly Shellgren ,*'";~, ""~":"'~,'7. ..... ;" "2": ...... beautiful has its source of beautv
341h-25t/zBrown Logging 32-28; 131o11.11k .... Ul¢ tStllyll .................... lll~ IlIULIICl 1¥115' naa llvea in tillS area TOY Z~4 years. " " " " com' lete in' ltselI" "~" ! " j ~ LOW Silhouette lrt
• ~ ~ .... v've his m ~tself, and ~s p •
J,m Pauleys 30 h-29 h; Fuller Grace Wilkerson of All, n" three Mr. Laugen ~s sur~ d by ~ - ~ L " ' 1/¢~ ~ UATIt ]~"~""~'~ Beautiful Chrome
C o n s t r u c t i on 2 8 - 3 2 . _ ., -. "~'. . f ' .~. wife Rose , of the home" two pr~e mrms no part'ot it, :
Marcus AurelilaS
r oromers, Nay oi olg naroor, fred ' '
26"34; Ming .... Mit'h.~' nncl Inn th~ |'~, '~11Jill t~"
25-35; Eells & Valley 24-36; and Richard of Allyn; a .~'~ .... ""'---,-" -,'7" -~";'r .~"''-
home, a laughter m s JUdy
Gott's Olerettes 23-37; ARCO half-brother Mark Wilkerson of .. ,." .., . ', ...- I-~ d~ll i
11V~-48V~. Allyn; 24 grandchildren" and 14 t~asKm, uwmpla ana ms momer, [ ~ !
Ogden's Radio& TVl, Betty great ..... granacmmren ' Mrs. Viola Laugen of Shelton. ' ca.u~ ,-,uum m/~r~_ :~ ~ SHE'LL LOVE IT "T" ~qq ,~' lJ~r ~HtR s;CMA ~=--9 5 ill
Dean 501; Lamp Post 3, Barb " • Pastor Ken Robinson I OAr ~at~
Holt 489; ARCO 0, Cindy ..rod,.,.. a, .... vide hel,' in I ""r"l~l~iEr'(~l~ ~ CHFIISTMAS PRICED ~Ir I I~
A n d e r s o n 4 4 6 ;F u I I e r ................. . . I A Planned IL~'~ I~
Batstone Funeral Home at 11 ] Unit Development ~~ ]~ [ ~
483- Jim Pauley's IV~ Jean ............... a m Wednesday Burialwas in
, ; -------~ ................. 426-2646
Ashley 419- Lumbermen s 2'h, - o- Shelton Memorial Park I .................. ~-~--~ s u N B E A M ""--"LE I
Muriel Mueller 421; Ming Tree 2, Too Late to Classnfy I e'l I IVl LI ~ ~ r':'/'~ L/Y, I I~1~'~1~ ~ MASTER w rr I
Kathy Motherwell 579; Kelly's "=-'~-=~4=~"~=.."~'---=='-.'=~.-"='.-"j-~-==-.'=D~'~.'=D--"~"--~m--"~-."m~
Furniture 2. Terrv Stewart 531; ~----v---~------------- r | MiX BAKER
Certified Manufacturing 3, Mabelle T " -r m ~ ..... v
LraoBwelle546!%o~t%L~?igmltl~P~)t ;WmOkinBLoAoCreKd a;jOustCl~le°ba? ~ ~~,, I~FA~#~ % ~J~##~ ~ ~ 12 speed cent O1, /~'t~~~t\ The signal tells .~
B Complete with 2 mixing 4~ ~ ~ A J ~~c1~ you when its cooked.
Fre " ' 422; Eell ~v stools, like new, $30 a pa r Call . • I[~ ~"L. ~,,q/i~ll., ~ ~ ~m~,r~,
daChnsty s&Vall_ . v .... =f ..... ~"~ ~ i ~ bowls and recipe book. ~nl~ ~dnlFfl (2~i~1/ ~l ~lN~
4, Wendy Rogers 448_.BANTAMS " 426-3628. L12/16 80 -- Ii ~" .I ~ _
TWO BEDROOM furnished 1
Men's Hi Game- Tony Benedict mobile home for rent. acres, • A,I, ~
1~ " " mile river frontage, near Matlock, II J~kl i ~ O/V till 111
"%""" ..... Jeff Gr ....... $85 00 Phone 1-532-5672 ! t ]~,
Men S 1-11 :)erles: dV~, /o/. " - i; " .
Women s Ha Game Cathy Plemes S12/16t n a
Women s Hi Series: Cathy PleJnes FOR RENT clean small 2 1 AIIIFDRDtltlV IMM • ~ [ ~U I I1~~ t I.~'Y'.--';2aZ:~'~tte'~.F~gd~aaerli;" 51
248 bedroom house unfurnished,, J=l.ll~ll~ll'll~ll'V~l~l" I1'1'' | 1 i-/~q~Ll~L~ f~- V~::::::::~euuE'~ 1
Standings: Eagles 21%-11Ve; downtown, $85 p. lus. deposR, l i 0
N'lmrod Women 20-13,. Lmns" Heterences reqmrea. 4zb-t~l,~o..I 1[=
Club 20-13" Cooks Plant 19 14- E12/16 • , ' --
g~ShanRe~tYtelr: I1"l~Utw~lfolts13eSnseMsManC~tmer~ta~hitmhen~°SecUP l ~:epaU;~:', h;'/:tdd;::;rr; ! ~ ~ I% ~'~'' ~ ~tlRI~gMAS " I1~ 7 Ea. ,
Ins. 16-17; Journal 15-18; VFW " I I ~ i
Aux. 15-18; Women of Moose 426-3540. R12/16 : "~ FISH ASSORTMENT I 20 SADDLES i
101hg2~z;MUdyBaRYela0i23"0 Jay ~; Super Sport, 6 cyl. I ....... 0 I I
Einarsson 187; Dahman O~,sters automatic. Nice car, $500. Call i ~l~r~ (~ OA== DA=.,~A.= i ~ ,~
3 Chris Hanson 260; Hut 2, Larry 426-5022 between 5:30-8 p.m. I l eld r~l r~u=~un I at Regu/ar Prices' O cHnn~qJ~F FP~I~MI
Claussen 275 Journal 1 Tony 14,1Z/Ib | * I t~
Benedict 238";Cooks Plant Farm~ ~---fo~or ~ ~ I ~ ~ 10Gallon ...... $19.95 ........... ]~
2, Mike Cooi~ 206; VFW Aux. 1 POLAROID CAME, RAS or sale. l •
Ivan Dishon 177; Women oi Model 330's 340s4 d6350's | For Reservations: I
Moose 2 ShellyWest 214; Brush Pho, to Cente - 163. i .CIR 99/~nr RCIR 9~N~ ' • ~ ~£"~20Gallon ...... $33"95I $E BiANKET$- ,
Realty 1 Jim O'Dell 190; Nimrod vt,'/~o-z~ ~ v~,v- ......... - .... ~ ~ 20 Gallon $3395
Women 3, Grace Ridout 265; c,~u~,l'~, the nerfect~lass ~ (MetzdorfRestaurants, lnc.) | ~ H0R
....... ebbie Cole ............. " ~" " " " ~" .
LIONS L.lUU u, U man - • - " see . . ! • Just what you want o
201; Eagles 3, Jeff Graves 282; wnerem we trmY anu Know -- I•" ~1 ]~
Wlllours Ins. 0, Vera Evander 205. ourselves. Wflham D Avenant ~,.~.~..~..~,..m,.~,.~,~o~--o--,--,~-~--~l ~li
~ ;.l=i!=...~llSl= !t~l~: ~ =1=']=~" =..~= ,~1~I= t ~ --COUPON-- FROM II1 EA. I
| j F (~;I ~ ~i~ ,3~I i'~--',:~"~~, PINKBE THE FIRSTWlTH THIS FINEGIFTDoGWOOC
I., .... til
£ Electric Eye Canon Super 8 //dkrl I Balled for Christmas giving. Three sizes to
I Solves Problems Zoom Panasonic 95 | g I~1 choose from in Harvey's quality. -- J
v/ICaso _ uo B I {,]1 From mr Ea. I
~,, II II
I Growing in Containers for
Christmas giving. Three sizes to
Choose from in Harvey's Quality.
II ''~ FROM E_..A. i
• ~ [ ~.: , :~ !
clearest friend. | ~ IIn 00
://'(~\ !..% Panasonic .~ A gift for your ~ == A A /
• $ IIO~IJ Portable | tO decorate. 4111¢1
I Fr°m" El" ~ ' Fr°m " Ft i
'~, $1,195 ~ ~~ ,--'./~l'_k HARVEY'sA PERFECT GIFTNo 1 Wash. Grown | YOU d Be Surprised How Many People Want
~,~ J~i][l~-~,~ .~i :¢ / FRUIT TREES
1 ,~-~Z,IKh (J/~.'~li~v... / .--..
Finance et~.U UlU0A~)£.£'11£~124 N. 2nd., Shehon, Wash. \~f~i*~/~ Packaged for ¢1 | For a Christmas gift. /~pples, _~11~
,AR,AmmCA,0 ~~" Christmas giving, e / pears, plums, peaches, cnerr,es. "TAW- --
~! Parking in Rear --~/ From Ea. / From J Ea.
L Cards
Thursday, December 16, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9