December 16, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 16, 1971 |
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matmen remain Wayne Alexander at i32 pounds,
12¸ ~ ......
RANDY HOWARD collects points for a near fall against Aberdeen. Howard,
who wrestles at 126 pounds, is 1-0 in varsity and 3-0 in jayvee.
LadX in the stands:
WAYNE ALEXANDER works on his opponent in the 132 pound class on
his way to a victory against Aberdeen last Thursday. Alexander is 4-0 for the
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Thursday, December 16, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal
Page 11
SCHMIDT, Highclimber grappler in the 112 pound
repares to take his opponent down in this action from
in head to head beat his man 8-4. Dave Nutt at
etition as they defeated 138 pounds won a close bout over By CAROLYN KERR formal gathering for social Naturally during this overtime
.'el 36 to 12 in an awayhis Aberdeen grappler, 5-2.
t!!/ednesday Dec. 8. Undefeated Dean Medcalf We all know by now that the dancing; a good time; or a period the players throw, run, and
0oks Farrell took the 98 won in 145 pound class by game of football involved a foot roundish body or mass", jump one and a half times harder
I division 9-7. Brad Stiles pinning his man at 2:44. and a ball, among other things. So This all seems to make more than during the regular game;
lis match by forfeit in the Bob Woods lost a decision to logically speaking, basketball sense when you watch a because that'swhat overtime is all "
~Und class, the Aberdeen foe in the 155 must involve a basket and a ball• basketball game. You have tenabout.
the 112 pound class Rich pound competition by a score of Now the reason football was boys dancing around all over theBLAZER Ramblings: How are CHEERING SHELTON S GRAPPLERS on aaainst Aberdeen last Thursday
idt was pinned by his 3-5. At 167 pounds, Mark played outdoors on a field isbasketball court having a good the BLAZERS doing so far in were these members of the Highclimbers pep staff from left to right: Terri
obvious; if you use your foot to time throwing this rather large basketball? The first two games of Bostrom, Val Strickland, Steffanie Martin and Dena Stracke.
~en man for a Shelton loss. Wittenberg beat his man 10-0,kick the ball, you need a lot of round bah back and forth at each the season were played in Elma
18 pounds Mark Lewis Chuck ftamstreet lost to his room. Also, because of all the other. Of course, you can't and Aberdeen. The Ninth and
ed his winning streak by opponent in the 185 pound class kicking the boys needed extraexactly call it dancing; it's more Eighth Grade teams defeated
ng his man 10-0. Randy 3-11. in the heavyweight division gear to protect themselves• like running, jumping, sliding, and Lima; the Seventh Grade lost. The ~
was victorious over his big Bill Gray coasted to victory, Basketball seems to be just sometimes hitting and kicking. Ninth and Eighth graders also
in the 126 pound class. 12-0. the opposite• The game is moved You begin to think they should beat the Hopkins team from
indoors and the boys wear have football gear on after all for Aberdeen; and the Seventh Grade
u n i f o r m s t h a t r e s e m b 1 e protection, was again defeated.
underwear. Because the inside We still have our men in the The teams should all be
court has a smaller playing area, black and white striped shirts to primed and ready for the first
they reduce the number °f c°ntend with; I guess Y°U c°uld h°me games t°day against 1 ~1 !
players on each team to five.,call them the chaperones for the .oquiam beginning at 2'00 p m RI
Besides, the ball used during the dance'. They spend all the time Go out and see for yourself how
game is larger and round making blowing their whistles, which the BLAZERS are doing. AI Courter s
it much easier to handle thana seems tostopalltheactiononthe HELTON AUTO (ENTEIIl
football. Consequently, they floor. Nine times out of ten, the
don t need as many players, spectators are unhappy about ~,~ m ~ m
They have moved the goal this; after all why should they be 1,3eFI~Y I~wl~rl~s ~ .... '~N- d[ kJ'
posts closer together and attached allowed to delay the game. ,e. - --" j,'__!969 FORD CUSTOM 4-DR. Sll'/l J
to the middle we find what looks From what I can make of it IO ne lven | [i : V-8, Auto., with air conditioning ...... NOW I~V~ tIN
like a fish net around a hoola all; this running and throwing . . ~ ~~/] ' ~
hoop. 'The object of the game back and forth goes on for four 8 • The. S~mpson _Recreation ..... r
minute time-eriods and the team 'ass°c]an°n salm°n aerny awaras i 1971 FORD PINTO $Rt/t"/£ !
being to put the round ball _~t. ...... ~P~.~.,,~ ..... i .... t will be presented Saturday
through the fish net; from the tha .................... ~, ..... . - ~,, ' : 4-Cylinder, 4-Speed ............. NOW ,~V~lil~
..... top, of course, the end of this time wins. ColonlalDecemnerttouse18' at z:3u p.m. at :i s416@I
~!~.~:! Unlike football no tie games " •
!i~~iI, When this happens the team
scores two points, unless the are allowed. So if this should All Simpson fishermen and I ~k ~!;iiii~!i ~96'~ UNC0t, C0NnNtNTAt
player shooting the ball was hannen~, the game must ~"o into ffthey are not prlzewmnersW°men' are invited, to.attend, even ~ 4-Dr, fu power Must see & dr ve . NO I
i = 1967 DODGE 440 WAGON $11
~!~!!i~I fouled before he started to shoot overtime to decide a winner. " !t
~%.!, the basket; then the basket does • A O~
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the player then has an
opportunity to shoot a freeshot. ~ ~ 1969 BUICK RIVERIA SAI"~¢ |
But that only counts one point,
unless the opposing team has had ~ ~L[~ Full Power ................... NOW "~I'lIO~IP ]11
n he ma have a ~ ~-.~ 1
five fouls the y
second shot if he makes the first. I~ ~ 1966 BUICK ELECTRA $1AII
On the other hand, if he was i ~)/: 4-Dr., Sharper older car .......... NOW m,,m,m~ |
shooting and the ball doesn t go ii
into the basket, he gets two free
~i shots; which means he can still l •
un your driveway this year!
make two points.
Then again if he was in the ~ A ~.
~ii:::~!:~,~;~ process of shooting when fouled ~ MOTORCYCI ~ Start The New Year Out Right!
and he makes the basket the team ~ '
~;ii~i:.)! gets two points for the basket and ¢d FROM ~
p he gets one free shot, which if ~ ~ 1972 HORNET I NEW 1971
ii!il!!! moreOnemuch made,As points, simpler thing you means can though, game see they basketball than have since football, three, Mr. is a ' ~ OLYMPIC YAMAHA of .,'~ Olympia ~ , ' : , IItt S,ORTABOUT $299S w,oo. i :u::o:o.,,,,,. Y '1898
websternow it andwouldn,tlare seemSUCh buddiesfair to ~ i I ....................... --~----7--r----~-- ......... I--------Oua--~e--:2;-7--~--E--x-~s-eTax-ne-ba-te-: .....
proceed without his assistance. So ~ Many more new and used cars and trucks now
let's take a look at basketball SEEALLTHE ~ ~ In stock ready for immed'atel delivery.
from his viewpoint. He defines 72's |