December 16, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Mary M. Knight
Events Are
Mary M. Knight school had its
first official homecoming
basketball game last Saturday
night. Included in the activities
was the choosing of a
homecoming queen. The girl that
was chosen to be this year's queen
is Annette Painter. Annette is an
honor student of Mary M. Knight
High School who plans to attend
Washington State University next
Also included in the festivities
of homecoming was the first
M.M.K. "'Tricycle 400." The
person who took first place in the
four lap around the school race
was Beverly Oien. Coming in a
close second on their "modified
class A" tricycle was a team made
up of Randy Reeve and Tim
Trimble. Mike Sinclair and
Richard Lillie got third and close
behind was Pat Sinclair and
Russel Painter for fourth place.
The winner of the race received
the "Grand Prize" which turned
out to be a lollipop.
Grades one through eight are
putting on a Christmas program
next Monday evening. The main
theme of the play will be the
Christmas story. The play is being
directed by Collin Core, the
school's music director.
Dave Thacher To Head
Heart Fund Drive Here
SUSHAK, son of Mrs. Kay J.'
Sushak, Shelton, has
completed basic training at
Lackland AFB, Tex. He has
been assigned to Ft. Bliss,
Tex., for training as a
language specialist. Airman
Sushak, a 1969 graduate of
Shelton High School,
attended Olympic College,
David A. Thacher, Shelton t o c o n t i n u e programs of
realtor, will head the February W a s h i n g t o n S t a t e H e a r t
Heart Fund Drive in this county, Association.
Jack 'lranum of Olympia, re#onal Washington State Heart
chairman ol the drive, announced Association offers free instruction
this week. for families caring for stroke
This is a second term as patients in the home. The agency
county chairman for Thacher. tie sponsors instruction in
previously served four years as cardiopulmonary resuscitation,
Shelt()n city chairman for the provides classes in diagnosis and
Heart Fund. lie ~s a member of care of the heart patient for
the Kiwanis Club and is active in physicians and nurses and offers
church and youth activities free nutrition counseling to all
locally, interestedin dietand heart
tte will be responsible for health.
naming community leaders in the
drive that seeks to raise $913,027
Corps Gets
Applieat]on has been received
by the Seattle U. S. Army Corps
of Engineers office from Allan
Rex Davis Seattle, for
Department of the Army permit
for work in Dana Passage on
south end of tlarstine Island.
The work includes repair and
preservation of an existing pier
and mooring buoy for private
boat moorage.
Interested parties are
requested to submit, in writing,
any comments or objections that
they may have to the existing
work. The decision as to whether
~a permit will be issued will be
based on. an evaluation of the
~impaet of the existing work on
the public Interest. Factors
aIlectlng the public interest
include, but are not limited to,
navigation, fishand wildlife,
water quality, economics,
conservation, aesthetics,
recreation, water supply, flood
damage prevention, ecosystems,
and, in general, the needs and
welfare of the people.
Comments on these factors
will be accepted and made part of
the record and will be considered
in determining whether it would
be in the best public interest to
grant a permit. Replies to this
notice should be mailed to reach
the Seattle Corps office not later
than Dec. 29 to insure
conside rat ion.
Board To Meet
Intermediate School District
113 Board of Education will hold
its regular monthly meeting in the
Grays Harbor County Branch
Office, Courthouse Annex,
Montesano, at 7:30 p.m. today.
Amen. Now Check
Your Pressure!
A Georgetown University
medical team interested in
surveying blood pressures in
the area is making its unit
available at Sunday services
and block parties. For instance
pastors will urge their
parishioners to stop at the
church door to have blood
pressure checked following the
service and "blood pressure
block parties"will be given
three times a week in one
neighborhood after another
with the cooperation of the
local civic association. The
project is part of a national
program funded by NIH to
develop and evaluate different
methods of detecting and
treating hypertension. This
particular phase is designed to
survey and treat hypertension
among the black population --
statistics show it occurs three
times as often in blacks as in
Neil's Pharmacy
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00
Five Mason County residents
were among the 14 new First Aid
Instructors who earned
certificates for completion of the
recent instructor course in First
Aid given at the Thurston-Mason
County Red Cross Chapter.
Daniel E. Bruner, Jr., Red
(?ross First Aid Instructor-Trainer,
conducted the course.
Those completing the course
were Fred Abrahamson, Frank
Boronat, Delbert Honsberger, Bob
Johnson and Dan Stewart of
Shelton ; Aadne Benestad, Theresa
Economic Control,
Gary Bowman, Darlene
Rules Published
New regulations on the
present period of economic
cont rolsare available to the
Dunn, Karen ttigson, Bill Pickens,
tlarry Welling and Russell Ford of
Olympia; and Tom Suzawith of
public, according to Neal
Warren, District Director for the
1~ L A
Seattle Internal Revenue District , oQen
The new ruJings, issued by the.ll gn'rt'rou--k
President's ('()st ot Living
Council, Pay Board and Price
Commission, are contained in the
"Federal Register" dated Nov.
13, 1971, Volume 36, Number
220, Part I!1.
Copies of this document can
be obtained by sending 20 cents
to: U.S. Government Book Store,
450 Golden Gate Ave., Box 36104,
San Francisco, Calif. 94102.
Airman Robert S. Ruddell,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Ruddell, Shelton has completed
his U.S. Air Force basic training
at the Air Training Command's
Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been
assigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex.,
for training in accounting and
finance. Airman Ruddell, a 1969
graduate of Shelton High School,
attended Yakima Valley Collage.
TO $20,000.00
SHELTON -- FirSt & Railroad, 426-8211
=e.01,~ .w...._._ _AoLvmp,* °,.=l~t alu
• qo*,~,'.,.o ......... ,u,.wJ,¢,
;.Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 16, 1971
St. Martins
The Southside Jumping Jills
rope jumping group will perform
at St. Martin's College Dec. 21.
They will be performing during
half time of a basketball game.
The game starts at ~ p.m.
Other scheduled dates include
Jan. 1 5 at Pacific Lutheran
University in Tacoma; Jan. 21 at
Weatherwax High School in
Aberdeen; Jan. 29 at Centralia
Junior College and Feb. 12 at
Seattle University.
The group has some open
There are 3 1 sixth and
seventh grade girls in the full unit.
The costumes were made by the
parents, but, the girls earned the
money for the material by selling
pop corn and at a spaghetti
The group performs for local
civic organizations where space is
Sets Service
There will be special services
atl day Sunday, commemorating
the birth of Christ in the
Foursquare Church. There will be
an old-fashioned Sunday School
Christmas Program during the 11
a.m. service when all the children
of the Sunday School will be
portraying the birth of Christ in
recitations, dialogues and songs.
This will be climaxed by an
illustrated message entitled
"Whose Birthday".
John W. Peterson's "A Song
Unending" is the title of the
Cantata being presented in the
evening at 7 p.m. The Youth
Choir will be singing the Story Of
Bridge Winners
North-South winners for the
Monday Night meeting of the
Shelton Bridge Club were Tuey
Schumacher and Bob Quimby,
and Bruce Kreager and Clyde
Winning for East-West were
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Umphenour,
and Lynn Rust and Shirley Byrne.
All bridge players are
welcome to attend the Monday
night games held at 7:15 p.m. in
the PUD building.
CALAMITY: Two kinds:
misfortune to ourselves, and good
fortune to others.
Ambrose Bierce
Miller, husband of the former
Miss Alice J. Schimschat,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Schimschat,
Shelton, has graduated from
recruit training at the Marine
Corps Recruit Depot, San
Diego. He is a 1971 graduate
of East Bremerton High Music the Tune Toppers
Karnilche Grange Hall
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