December 16, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 16, 1971 |
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to a " ,.d ristmas un
mmuni urc nn,ng gram',
'[t0RA HEARING There also is a Pinochle Party- eve "rig dinner guests of M .from last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H lin Tupper home.
............ Saturday night at 8 p m with Mrs. William Barnes St. Grange held its installation of were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mrs. Paul Johnston and
'amLU.~h- ,MatiocK Darl Goldy and Carl Portman as Mr. and Mrs. Clay Berry of officers Friday night. DeputyHelen Crane in Olympia. The children ofSatsopspentThursday
•uniT Lnurcn win presenthosts
~shnas program Dec 19 atWe are err Shelton were Tuesday visitors at Master Martin Auseth and Mrs.occasion was Mrs. Hellas with her folks Mr. and Mrs.
I " s y to report that the Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. home. Auseth installed the officers, birthday. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr.
~'.. ,, , . Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. had to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradbcrry Some of Shelton Valley Granges Mr. and Mrs. Wells Mayer John Kelly of Seattle spent
~t~o,:k Grange wui nave its enter the McCleary Hospital again . !~.~,
accompanied by Mrs. Thomas were also installed. There were spent Saturday in Auburn with the weekend with his
~ supper at o:50 p m Satur"
lay with the Christmas ~raay. ........ Rowe of Shelton attend the two visitors Mrs. Bunce and son relatives, grandmother Mrs. Alta Kelly.
~ and exchange of gifts Car?rpan?mT:. wr~ax s:St:rd:ywedding of Shirley Somm,rfield from Piece. Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes John is due to leave for Vietnam
and Chris Thorsen at Our Savior Pinochle club held its party Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier after Christmas.
as. Lutheran Church in BremertonSaturday night in spite of four and Carl Portman were SundayMrs. Elvin Hearing called on
Saturday evening, inches of snow with Mr. and Mrs. evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Susie Barker of Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hopkins Bob Dawson host and hostess.Mrs. Max Cash. Friday.
)rp$ Gets I; .=quest and Debbie were Sunday Five tables of cards were played Mr. and Mrs. John Heirlain of
afternoon visitors at the R. E. High score went to Edward Boise, Idaho and Mrs. Jessie
!r Bulkhea, oU,eeV v Bradberryhome. Townsend and Betty Renicker Tupper of Edmonds were guests [ _..--_
ark The M. M. Knight Alumni Pinochle to Lud Rossmaier and' over the Thanksgiving holidays of I ~Aa~¢uk~b
~P cation has been receivedjUSTnear Ayres ] accompany the choir. The choir is//i moneyServicedS and welfare of the people.iSfaster.7 p.m.~public to familydance was a real success in spitearld Jam .R " rid Lottie Ford, Leo w score to GI ene Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper.__ ] IUIAI~A P~nAneRd K ~"~"~~1~1~ .... :~ k~.~ S17/'~1 !11 / lll,_~l;|l
of the snow. The president of the Townsend and Susan Barnes. Mr. a n de MdrSon J O h n I Unit~D;ve;o;~Tmnt ~~
If.Seattle U. S. Army Corps Comments on these factors association Riley Beerbower Next party is Dec. 18 with Darl Summerfield o ds were [ ag~.~al~, '~)'~
~'neers office from William will be accepted and made part of wishes to thank all that hel ed - Gold and Carl Portman hosts Sunday dinner guests at the Dick ~-"" ...."
. p . y
, Tahuya, for Department the record and will be considered as they hope to raise money mr
Army permit for work inin determining whether it would
~Ceanal Point. be in the best interest two scholarships for M.M. Knight
graduates this spring ~!i~ili!ii~:: ~iiiiiiii~!~:ili::i~i::iii:ilili::~::: :~::i~iiii~!ii!iiii~::I~ "
ework includes repair and grant a permit. Replies to this Mr and Mrs William Barnes :: ii: ii :iiiiii ! iiiii l ]
~ation of existing bulkhead, notice should be mailed to reach Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin ~~~"~ i/:: .:~iii:i~i~ii~!:~ili~i~iii~!:~i~ii~iiiiiii:~:' / • • I
L iles and construction of the the Seattle Corps office not later Hearing were guests of Mr and 1" I
[With ramp and float, than Dec. 27 to insure Mrs. Edward Townsend of Lake [l~~::::::~ : j:iiiiiiiiiiiiii~l, ~ ,d~'l I t"~ I
~ant has advised that the consideration. Nahwatzel Friday night. Il~ ] r~ ~ #,~.,~, ::~i~ii!.~ i1~ ~.,,#~k, A I,,AL ~ j
" indicated as existing was ili iTiPii eLy: ? i
trUeted during 1960.
~rpose of the work is for _ .
Illooring and recreation. Assembly Of God
aterested parties are ....
~ted:0mmentstO submitor objectionsin writing,that Sets Yule Services g es o~maler a " j I "nr,stmoss . ~.~'-~'~
may have to the existinz and Christmas week services at the [ 1 L "~, If f(.J~ hor.~l..~[.~
.rest~)Sedmt. FactorsW°rk Onaffectingthe publiCthe ChristmaswdlShelt°n Assembly of God Church.. beg~n'programDeC, presented19 w~th" bya ~rr~abirfl2nn~h~l~ltdMi~.o~ Order 8y "g
• erest include, but are , Y, -~, Or~(~
limited to, navigation fish the Nursery- Intermediate and Carl Goodburn of Shelton" [ ~~~.._~- ' / ~~ __
Wildlife water quality Departments of the Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossmlfier [ ..... ~~i~i~i~ii~..~.~.! K~I[~I~ "
%mics, conservation, school at 10 a.m. of Tumwater were overnight [ .... ......... ~"m:~~i~ ~ ~ ~k.~..
betics, recreation water The pastor of the church will guests at the Lud Rossmmer m " ~
[Y, flood damage prevention be speaking on the subject: home. . [ Sea. 24-Hour ,,/' "" hr stm
cStems and in ~eneral the "Immanuel, God With Us at the
.... 11 a.m. Morning Worship hour. Mr. and Mt~. John Tupl~r of [~l • m • _ ~ "1111,,¢
-- --TheeveningEvangelisticServiceAberdeenandMr'andMfll'Alala[ "''""l~I"''r'll''| I ifts 1
Chnnl '~'--~will feature a colored slide film, Tupper of Lake Nahwatzel were [ ..,.vr~o,.~ .vo . o.~e /.~'- ~. ,~~
..... ~ ~ I "Teenage Christmas." This film is Sunday evening dinner guests at
• _ MenuW~ I sponsored by the youth the Dick Tupper home. ~
~ [ department of the church and the Mr. and Mrs. Dave $'ith sad' -- i i
....................... ::::::'. I time of the service is6 p.m. children from Humptullps were [ Just Pick A 1 O I [:]st
[ Menus for Shelton ~ [ Dec. 22, a 40 voice youth weekend guests of their folks the I Up The I m / II l And Place
| tl I choir, from Evergreen Christian Archie Kelleys. Saturday night I Phone. Dial ~ L l IE ~ l I ~" I~ l .... ~ Iii
I Elementary ~ I Center, Olympia will present John Mr. and Mrs. Graham Dundas of[ r~,~, t..,a, • ~ ~[~ ~l~ ~ ~l~ I Your uraer
I[ Schools and ~ ] W. Peterson s, newest Christmas hSh:let.on called at the Kelley [ _ Sears hasacreditplantosuityourneeds
f SheltonSenior ~ I Cantata,, 'The story of ....... I EVERGREEN SQUARE Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back SHELTON
Ir ~c oo1" " ," - h " *~ I Christmas '. A brass ensemble will lne lOliOWlng news was Ile16 ' '~ ' ~,l~ . . .
~ ] directed by Glen Cole. the pastor
~:~ ........................ "':::--'-=~ [ of the church. The time of the
Week of Dec. 20-24 /
NI3AY -- Pizza corn, I _l.I
~ juice, apple crisp andI ~III z~IIII~I~
/ m. The Army O/1
" AY- Turkey gravy, I] ITR DUCING OUR NEW
mashed potatoes, mixed I Diance Lynn Sullivan of
~table cranberry sauce en's
~ cn pumpkin cus~ar~ ~ ..... e
Dt°pp gin and milk,. " [ conductedAXmy t orpSin anseattleCeremon SDec. 2 ...... ........... ............. " .............................. :: Lasts
~se'NESDAY- Ham and I acc°rding t° SSG R°d Sinclair'sandwich cream ofr " CHECK A MONTH 1 fi[i[iJ
ato .' witff] local Army Rec rater
V soup co,e stow n I ......
t dressin~l Christmas cake I miss bullivan is the oaughter / /
~ilk. ' |of Mr. and Mrs. David Ward, 1811
JRSr~ ........... 1 King St., Shelton and is a 1971
~IST~vl~AYS ~'~ArTt]b~N~v --I graduate of Shelton High School
. inShelton. 1 COME PROGRAM
ttAPPYHOLIDAYS [ Pvt. Sullivan is currently
..._. 1 taking her basic military training
~,.--": ...... . ........ ~,~,.-'l at Fort McClennan Ala. prior to
uPplement your Cnlla s
% ....... | attending the Personell Specialist
• w,th ~,enamms vrorn 1 Course at Ft. McClellan.
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Thursday, December 16, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 17