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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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\ ALICE MEURER, a former Shelton woman, is shown here with some of the orphans she is caring for in Columbia, South America. rmer Local The Journal recently received a letter from Alice Meurer, a former Shelton woman who is now living in Columbia, South America. Her letter follows. Dear Editor: I write with the hope that the story which is enclosed and photos might be of interest to the readers of your newspaper and help find a means to make it possible to provide homes and hope for many tiny orphans who would not otherwise have hope. Perhaps 1 should identify myself, i am Alice Meurer who graduated from Irene S. Reed in 1954. Following graduation I attended Western Washington State College in Bellingham where Application has been received by the Seattle U. S. Army Corps of Engineers office from The Quadrant Corporation, Bellevue, for Department of the Army permit for certain work in Case Inlet at Harstene Point'on Harstine Island. The work includes construct fill and concrete flood gate structure; place approximately 30 cubic yards of riprap; dredge 16,000 cubic yards of mixed gravel, sand, clay and mud to be used in the fill to create a lagoon with uniform depth and water level for recreation, propagation of oysters, and sustenance of sea life. Log ]'he small softwood logs second-growth, now cut in all timber regions Yield up to l0 per cent more framing lumber than mills get if a promising new system proves out in mill s, Congresswoman Julia er Hansen revealed here ]'he system was developed at U. S. Forest Products oratory maintained at ison, Wis., by the Forest rice, U.S. Department of ing an Agriculture, Mrs. Hansen said. It utilizes advanced computer technology to position each log for the critical first cut that assures highest yield of dimension lumber for housing and other construction. Opportunities for mill-scale trials are being investigated, Mrs. Hansen said. First tests may be made at a Pacific Northwest mill where sawmill controls of the type needed are in use. "This will be a great boon not only for lumber producers but for conservation of our timber resource if the results of the exhaustive laboratory investigation can be duplicated in sawmills," Mrs. Hansen said. "It will mean that proportionately fewer trees need be cut for every building framed with lumber and thereby significantly extend our timber supplies." Industry representatives briefed about the system urged that it be tried in a commercial mill with the needed computer and other facilities. Over half the framing lumber used for houses and other buildings now comes from second-growth timber, according to Mrs. Hansen. Some 7 billion board feet of western softwoods and 8 billion of southern pine, she estimated, are cut from such small logs annually. Interested parties are requested to submit, in writing, any comments or objections that they may have to the proposed work. The decision as to whether a permit will be issued will be based on an evaluation of the ~ Ph. 426-8 139 .0-. 0,,=. • .,..,.o,,,..,..,,.,. qlb 91D. ~lll, 4lID, ~llm. ~ ,ll~l, 91m. ,I.D. qlln. qlD, ,lID O ,IEI~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q O Q gI~I,~ You Should Know... CLINT WILLOUR : & Life Insurance enables a man to l accomplish immediately what I otherwise would be the work of a lifetime. 1717 Olympic Highway North NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL I LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY oman I received the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1958. This was followed by 11 years of teaching first and second grade. Through the years I had but one obsessed dream. That I now enjoy every moment of every day. This was for a large family of orphans without a husband. It must have been very frustrating to my parents and teachers when my mind so frequently wandered from my studies to a dream world of little people. In June of 1970 after selling. storing and giving all my belongings away I began my adventure. At that time I had no knowledge of where I would live or how I would locate the unwanted, helpless babies. My impact of the proposed work on the public interest. Factors affecting the public interest include, but are not limited to, navigation, fish and wildlife, water quality, economics, conservation, aesthetics, recreation, water supply, flood damage prevention, ecosystems, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. Comments on these factors will be accepted and made part of the record and will be considered in determining whether it would be in the best public interest to grant a permit. Replies to this notice should be mailed to reach the Seattle office not later than Jan. 5 to insure consideration. CHRISTMAS $~PPBIS IUI~. O 15, OFFER GOOD EVERY TUESDAY AT '$ MINOR only acquaintance in Pereira was a young, kindly priest. As I arrived this priest was transferred to another city. Through friends of the priest I located a small house for $1 8 monthly. The first months were spent with young people of the streets and older orphans all of whom have since departed. In late January of this year 1 moved to this large house. On February 14 the first of the abandoned orphans Francisco Valentine arrived. All the education I had taken did not prepare me for the task of saving this tiny infant's life. He weighed five pounds at 41/2 months was yellow from lack of blood circulation and had boils. Francisco was a victim of real-nutrition. "[he first nights were painfully long as Francisco and 1 passed our time with his bottle, but the days and months that followed proved well-worth any meager sacrifice I made. Francisco, at 14 months, is now a healthy, happy baby. I enclose a photo 1 am holding Francisco, Malnutrition really takes its toll on the babies here. Often people are seen carrying tiny coffins. photo taken in June of this year. In this photo I am holding Francisco, Malnutrition really takes its toll on the babies here. Often people are seen carrying tiny coffins. Yesterday I was thrilled to discover Francisco at last could sit up. Our doctors who are working for us without pay say that in the aM II future Francisco will walk. They are very delighted with his progress. Since February this little brood has grown to eleven. They are Patricia, five; Sandra, three; Mark Anthony, 3 ; Ana, 2; Victoria, 11/2; David Gregorio, IV2; Francisco Valentine, 14 months; Jacinta Maria, 9 months; Jon Jaime, 5 months; Lucia Orfelia, 3 months and Jean Elena, 2 months. In this home 1 am alone from 6 p.m. - 9 a.m. with the children. In the other hours there are one volunteer assistant and one woman who is a paid employee. The children and myself are becoming more organized with each day. The day begins at 5 a.m. with six or seven baby bottles. This is followed by prayers, breakfast and chores. Our washing is all done by hand often it is necessary to carry well water for bathing, washing, cooking and all essentials as the water leaves, but we are grateful to have a well, knowing others do not enjoy this luxury. The children are all progressing well. Here we have pretty well conquered the problem of parasitic worms. These are the rule, not the exception, in small children because of filth and ignorance. Two weeks ago I was frightened by two moving six inch worms in the diaper of one of the babies. How is this work supported'? rp ans It is only through gifts ot generous people here in Columbia and back in the states we are able to survive. Perhaps some of the readers feel led to support this work. If so gifts may be sent to: Pat Ekman 23131 - 83rd., West, Edmonds, Washington. Pat, our hard-working dedicated director, will send 100 per cent of the donations to us. We are most grateful for any support of any size. I would enjoy hearing news of my home town and its people in this far away land. My address is: Alice Meurer Apartado 1038 Pereira, Risaralda, Columbia, South America. In closing 1 would like to salute m ? fellow classmates of the class of '54 and send my congratulations in their retirement to my father, Pat Meurer. Also George Hermes, Miss Irene Burright and Miss Margaret Baldwin. Sincerely yours, Alice Meurer By John W. Peterson ly --.- Presented By CHOIR From OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON DIRECTED BY: REV. GLEN COLE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22, 7:00 P.M. 1521 MONTOE STREET . I Highway Tread EXCISE TAX INCLUDED NO EXCHANGE NECESSARY ALL SIZES SAME LOW PRICE Mud & Snow For 2-DAY SPECIAL Friday & Saturday CASE N IC- L-SI LV ER • 2 Yr. Guarantee 3 Yr. Guarantee 4 Yr. Guarantee ..................... 8.95-14.95 Chargers .......... Jacks ............. Cables ............. 3.95-15.95 Sets ........................ 6.95 up Wide Track Tires ...... ea. Docks ............... 39.95-79.95 Repair Manuals ....... 4.95-9.95 Polisher ...................... 9.95 | ..... ............... 14.95-21.95 GM. Truck Mirrors ............ 12.95 Chromo Wheels ............... 17.50 ex. ................. 2.49-79.95 Chrome Valve Covers ..... 11.95-21.95 Radios ...................... Floor Mats ................... I I I Trailer Mirrors ............... 5.95 ea. il CARTER & AUTOLITE DISCOUNT PRICED BUY A NEW CARBURETOR FOR APPROXIMATELY WHAT YOU'D PAY FOR A REBUILT ELSEWHERE. For Ford Everyday 10.95 to 42.95 Beat The High Pass Prices Take Your Chains With You 20 OR 30 WEIGHT everyday discount price OUR CUSTOMERS APPROXIMATELY 40O/o TOO Thursday, December 16, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19 :