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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE Y ! 5 words or less -- $! .50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . / • ~O .a For Sale IECONDITIONED Electrolux um cleaners quaranteed. ;39.75. Jack Manley your :trolux man. 426-3544. STC and oil barrels also 426-3169. B 12/9tfn JR SIX-HOLE, 15 inch split land tires, two of which are Y, traction studded, almost $135.00. 426-6870. USED anything like it," Users of Blue Lustre carpet Rent electric shampooer Coast to Coast Store. 12/16 E ONE gallon of root beer to Kimball, Rt. 1, Box 32 Minor's A&W Drive-In. !F -- GRAIN fed for sale. Also LCher hogs. James Cox, C 12/9-30 ~E ONE chicken basket to Jett, 941 Cascade at A&W Drive-In on Mt. ~. 12/16 6:50-7:00x13 studded snow mounted on Corvair wheels, for the two. 426-6245 5 p.m. B12/16 JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS Deegan's Revised Edition of Mason County $o. 1 st 426-6117 12/16tfn For The Finest In: SEPTIC TANKS * CRUSHED ROCK * PRE--MIX * SAND * GRAVEL SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME ACROSS FROM GOLF COURSE Phone 426-2669 bAYS -- EVENINGS 9/3tfn I°dodendrons -- 120 varieties Shrubs De Graaf Lilies House Plants Fall Bulbs ) East C 426-6358 Shelton 1 l/4tfn HOMELITE Used Chain Saws C.5 ...... $75 Sande's Boats and Motors BELFAI R be Building Materials * Sand & Gravel * Crushed Rock Tanks * Ready Mix POURS ARE WELCOME qJIO DISPATCHED X TRUCKS OF SHELTON ~OUth 7th & Park Street 2/] ] tfn ~v~v~A~A For Sale FOUR TUBELESS 4-ply tires, 7:00x13. Good condition. Phone 877-5457 Lilliwaup. C12/16tfn FOR SALE Olds trumpet Call 426-1117. L12/16tfn FO R SALE -- two power winches. Phone 426-2582. N11/18tfn TWO STUDDED snow tires, size 6:50-13, the two for $15.00. Call 426-1178 before 1:30 p.m. (afternoon). C12/16 NEED SNOW tires? Check Sears Evergreen Square, Shelton before you buy! 426-8201. $12/16-23 MAKE IT a carpet Christmas this year with 100% nylon carpet from Sears, Evergreen Square, at just $7.09 installed with a sponge pad. Call Norm 426-8201. 12/16-23 HORSE TRAILER. Licensed and ready to go. Phone 426-8808 after 5 p.m. D12/9tfn USED BENNETT respirator. CAll after 6 p.m., 426-2026. W12/9-16 FOR SALE --Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Applaince Center. 6/5tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn CUT YOUR own Christmas tree $1.50. Phone 426-6152. A12/2-9-16 STUDIO KNITTING machine- Like new $115. New $250 -- Phone 426-8312. D12/2 GRASS AND clover hay for sale. Call 426-8615 evenings. T11/4tfn USED THOMAS 2 manual organ. Good condition, $260.00. Johnny's Music Box, 205 W. Cota 426-4302. J8/2tfn JHIRMACK, ALL natural vitamins at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel. Phone 426-4582~ 8/5tfn COINS BOUGHT and sold. Coin estimates and appraisals by appointment only. Olympic Gateway, George T. Booth. 426-.~719. B11/11tfn YOUR CHOI.CE 3 shag lines -- rave review, curtain call or love. $8.09 sq. yd. installed w/sponge pad. These carpets will be as~igh as $10.79 per sq. yd. after December. Call Norm at Sears 426-8201. 12/16-23 CRIB AND mattress, bathinette, stroller-buggy combination, electric bottle sterilizer, standing swing, baby clothes. 426-1477. M12/16 YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S3/27tfn ONE CLARINET. Selmer, B flat. Also Olds Cornet, good condition. $50.00 each. Phone 426-4566. A9/23tfn CORD WOOD for sale. Any length. Call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550. El0/ltfn MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears, 426-8201. S6/24tfn BALED LOCAL hay, $1.25 per bale, phone Hoodsport 877-5743, after 5 p.m. P12/9-30 COLONIAL LOVESEAT hideabed. Double bed. Mattress, box sprinqs and dresser. Call 426-4778. W12/6 USED REFRIGERATOR, reasonable, good condition, also few other items. Phone 426-8423. W12/16 CHRISTMAS WREATHS made of fragrant cedar, beautifully decorated for home, office or cemetery. $3-$4. Call 426-2804. B12/16 GARAGE SALE December 18, two miles out on Lost Lake road. Bill White residence. Recliner, dishes, car parts, rug and pad. Miscellaneous articles. Watch for sign. W12/16 CUT YOUR Christmas Crees $1 and $1.50. Follow Harstene Pointe signs to North Harstine Island, Clara Wingert 426-3820 or 426-3830. W 12/16 ARCTIC CAT snowmobile demonstrator and Arctic Cat mini bike. 426-3300 or 491-5700. La12/16-23 DRYER FOR sale. Working c o n ditio n. $15.00. Phone 426-1029. S12/16 Used 1968 PLYMOUTH Fury III, air-conditioned, power brakes, power steering, excellent condition. $2,000. Phone 426-2061 or 426-8693. R11/1 ltfn 1965 CADILLAC sedan De Mille, good condition, good tires, good auto. Call 426-8584 or 426-1515. S11/25tfn Used Ca. USED CARS '68 CORONET 2 Dr. Htp ....... $1495 "68 Coronet 500 2 dr. hdtp. bucket seats ........ $1495 '65 MERCURY Colony Park wgn., P.S., p.B., auto., air. $795 '65 DODGE V2 Ton pickup, 3 stick. V-8. sPd'$895 '62 Chev. Nova 6 cyl. 4 door ....... $ 395 '61 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. sedan, V8, auto .... $295 DEMOS '71 DODGE DART 318 V8, auto., p.s. only miles .... $2995 "71 DODGE CHARGER 318 V8, auto, p.s. Only 5,000 miles ....... $3295 New 1971 Dodge Demon at A Big Discount NEW '71 PICKUP DODGE ¾-TON CAMPER SPECIAL $4075 PLYMOUTH * CHRYSLER DODGE * DODGE TRUCKS Bud Knutzen eves. 426-4780 Front & Railroad 426-8183 I USED CARS 68 Volks Sq. Back 66 V.W. Bug 68 Chevrolet 66 Ranchwagon 66 Plymouth 66 Country Sedan 65 Rambler 64 Corvair Bus. 69 Dodge Convert. 68 Olds Cutlass 68 Cougar XR-7 67 Grand Prix 65 Galaxie Convert. 64 Merc. 2-Dr. 63 T-Bird 67 LTD 4-Dr. 66 Buick 4-Dr. 63 Ford 4-Dr. 63 Fairlane 62 Bel-Air 4-Dr. Trucks 69 Chev. 4x4 69 Ford F-250 66 F-|00 Vz Ton 65 Ford % Ton 60 Ford l/z Ton 51 GMC Chassis & Cab. 50 Ford Pick-up JIM Bob Blanchard - Jim Pauley Bil'l Johnson - Bus Einarsson Bob Welden - George HasBrouck Mt. View at Kneeland Center 426-823 ! Used Cars 1966 FORD 4-door sedan. $675 cash. Phone 426-8808 after 5:00 p.m. D 12/2tfn Services GET YOUR chimney cleaned now, before you have a fire. Phone 426-2582. N10/7tfn CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate. Precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn BATHROOM AND kitchen remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-6241. 10/15tfn 1962 FORD window van club wagon. Deluxe interior, 6 stick. Excellent condition with extras, $700 426-4895 or 426-4481. W 12/9tfn 1966 G.M.C. ¾ ton, custom cab, canopy, split rims, C.B. radio, excellent condition. Union 898-2861. A12/2-23 1968 GMC ~/2 ton pickup. Long, wide box, heavy duty springs, 6 ply tires and snow tires. 426-2690. La 12/16-1/6 '58 CHEVROLET 8 cyl., 4 door, motor 283 $125; '53 International pickup $150. 426-8174. C12/9-16 FOR SALE '64 Dodge 2 door hardtop. Good condition $350. Phone 426-3303 before 5 p.m., 426-1037 after 5 p.m. $12/16 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, $300.00. 47,000 original miles, good interior, good radio. Phone 426-6271 before 5:00 p.m. B12/16 Sporting Goods 25 h.p. Evinrude Snowmobile, $695. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union phone 898-2252. 12/9tfn Wanted WANTED ALDER and maple saw logs or timber. Top prices. Phone Olympia 456-1828 evenings. N12/16-1/6 TREE TOPPING, falling and clean-up. Phone 426-3532. Mc8/6tfn DAY & SONS CUSTOM ROTOVATING Lawns, Gardens, Farm work --2 machines no job too large or small. 426-8750 4/9tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 6/l ltf SWIMMING POOLS Septic Tank bulldozing, backhoe and dump truck service Surge water conditioners. GLEN PARR 426-6539 Shelton, R/6 tfn L Water Problems? TIMBER OR timberland --all species, free estimates. Call Jack Perelli 884-3778 or write Taylor Bay Logging, Rt. 1, Box 339A, Longbranch, Wash. 98351. T12/16tfn Call WANTED RIDE Shelton to Olympia 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Call 426-3273. OI2/16-23 WANTED --'A ride to olympia O.V.T.I. -- classes 8 to 2:30. Call 426-2293. K12/9-16 Pets, Livestock CHRISTMAS IS coming or would make excellent 4-H projects- well broke 8 yr. old mare bred to beautiful gray Arabian show horse $]75. Also gentle 20 month old registered half Arabian gray filley, will "make excellent kids horse $200, terms considered on approval. 426-8067. L12/16 Wells - Pumps - Pump Service , Water Conditioning CR 5.2015 P.O. Box 3 Allyn, Wa. 9/23tfn Septic Tank Installations 500-gal., 750-gal, 1,OO0-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, Backhoe, Trencher for Hire Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfn REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN terrier male puppies. Phone 426-6152_____: F3/25tf______ n __--- PAINTING K-9 KLIPS professional poodle & DRY WALL clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment. Residential And Commercial 426-8988.8/31tfn DOG CLIPPING and grooming. Je E. HARRIS For appointments, call Mrs. LaMonL 426-4164. L9/17tfn Bonded & Ins, Call 426-8773 Ip Wanted WANT WOMAN as oyster opener Personal experienced or partly experienced. Call 426-3750 after p.m. Gll/18tfn CONFID-EfiT~AL-CARE for unwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls __- accepted. Florence Crittenton -Work Wanted Home. PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178.8/28tfn NEED CASH? We buy or consign WILL BE companion or will do plain sewing very reasonably. Phone 426-8140. B12/16-12/6 WILL DO sewing, mending or housework. Please call 426-4766. B12/16-1/6 LICENSED BABY sitting. Mt. V~ew area. Fenced yard, good care. Phone 426-1580. H10/21tfn EXPERIENCED PAINTING and remodeling done reasonably. Call 426-1571. Y 12/2-23 Mobile Homes '68 BUDDY 60'x12', tip-out, deluxe model, excellent condition, 2 bedroom, skirting and extras. Call 426-892;3. W11/25-12/16 IP YOU HAVEN'T SHOPPED SHELTON HOME CENTER AT TAYLOR' TOWNE ~fOU COULD MISS YOUR I~EST BUM KI RKWOOD-BROADMORE Golden West - Villa West . Olympian ~L 426-4455 SHELTON On O!ymoia-SheHon Freeway CLOSED THURSDAy and SUNDAY almost anything. Tropics Ballroom Auction, Olympia 943-9949. D2/26tfn ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and referral center 428 Birch St. Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S2/12tfn Cards of Thanks We wish to thank all of the friends and neighbors who helped in so many ways during the long illness and passing of Stanley R. Karvanek and especially Dr. Donnell, Dr. Wulff and the nurses of the sixth floor of St. Peters Hospital. Mrs. Lorene A. Karvanek and Sons Mrs. Fay Karvanek Mrs., Evelyn Lacey Mrs. Elaine Petzold Mrs. Lorna Viney Mrs. Beth Altendorf For Rent #~%%%%%%%%%%%%~%%%%-- HOUSE FOR rent, references required, unfurnished, butane range, three bedrooms. Also trailer space. Call 426-3158. E12/9tfn FOR RENT: trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/9tfn For Rent 2 BEDROOM partly furnished beach home. References required, first and last month rent plus damage deposit, 426-2589. $12/2-23 EXCELLENT 2"bedroom duplex, carpeting, range, refrigerator, washer, dryer, carport, $115.00 plus deposit 2 bedroom home, Dayton road, garage. $80.00 per month. Mann Real Estate -- 426-6592. 12/16 For Rent MOVE IN One and two bedloom apa~ tml~nts, with cal pet, drapes & appliances. Jefferson Apts. 2329 Jefferson St., Mgr. Apt. 11 or phone 426-8663. FURNISHED ONE bedroom apt. all electric no pets 426-3242. 12/16tfn FURNISHED 2 bedroom mobile home. Mature adults only. No pets. 426-3242. 12/16tfn FO R R ENT furnished mobile home. References, cleaning deposit. Available Dec. 15. Call 426-2455. W 12/9-30 GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- furnished modern apartment downtown. Water and heat furnished, adults. 119 E. Cedar 426-4895 or 426-4481. G12/9tfn ONE BEDROOM house for rent furnished $75., water paid. Phone 426-2716. $50.00 deposit. L12/9 MASON LAKE furnished one bedroom house plus garage. Call 426-8773. A12/2tfn MT. VIEW Real Estate Wanted WE NEED small tract of land to relocate nice home being moved from path of freeway. Matlock/Shelton Interchange area. Brush Realty. Call 426-1141 or 426-6744. 12/9 EXCHANGE -- WHAT you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592. 8/18tfn WE BUY and sell equities or contracts. We trade or exchange homes, farms, waterfront or acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr. Mitchell for quotes, bids or further information. Have buyers for 2& 3 bdrm. homes. Mason County Realty 107 Railroad 426-4486.8/12tfn Elwo o d Manor Apartments 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished Available NOW No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 tfn Mobile Home Spaces Carports - Storage Rooms Laundry Facilities Rex Mobile Manor 426-4560 Real Estate Real Estate IMMACULATE HOME $18,500 on 7/8 acre, walking distance to Belfair Shopping, school bus at front door. 2 luxury size bedrooms, roomy living room with cheery fireplace, country style kitchen, 2-car detached garage and carport and boatport, live creek, fruit trees, and space for your own garden, call Annie Nuttall at Larkin Realty, Inc. in Bremerton, ES3-2557 or ES7-4660. 12/16 FOUR BEAUTIFdL acres only one mile from town with bubbling Mill Creek winding through. Perfect spot for your new home, $7,000 terms. Maple Valley Land and Homes 426-1203. 12/16 93 ACRES, private lake, a natural for campsite development. Secluded area eight miles from town, $70,000 terms. Maple Valley Land and Homes. 426-1203. 12/16 Give A ;ift That Lasts! 1,000 ft. East Shore HoodCanal waterfront. $75.00 per front foot. Excellent terms. 5 acre mini farm with 3 bedroom home, like new -- barn & outbuildings. Completely fenced. $22,750. 3 bedroom home on saltwater lagoon. Attached carport. Landscaped yard and greenhouse. Ideal family home. $33,000 good terms. Beautiful 2 bedroom brick home on 198 ft. of river frontage. Spectacular view of Olympic Mountains- $34,500. Terms. COU OH PH: 877- 7 6 R,d FOR SALE or rent 6000 sq. ft. covered building, large view lot, suitable for any type business or storage in Hoodsport 877-5774. J12/9-30 THREE BEDROOM just remodeled inside and out, new well, natural gas heat, one mile from Shelton on one acre with year round stream. More acreage available. $15,950 with terms. Maple Valley Land and Homes. 426-1203. TWO BEDROOM home, utility room, newly painted, large corner lot, by owner. No down payment. $10,500. Will accept a mobile home for our equity. 426-6539 or 426-1872. Pt0/7tfn WATERFRONT -- BAYSHORE: 125 feet beach w/tidelands only 1 mile from town. $12,500. COUNTRY LIVING WITH PRIVACY PLUS: 4 miles from town. 3 B.R. house still needs a little work but the price is right. $12,500 w/1 acre. SPECIAL! 3 B.R., 2 bath, f.p., completely carpeted, panelled, built-in D.W, & Garbage Disp. and much more. $25,500 w/1 acre. FHA SPECIAL: Excellent financing. No closing costs. Small down payment on this 3 B.R., 1% bath, F.P., garage & carpeting. See today. $17,500. INVESTMENT: 3 B.R., D.R., view and all for only $6,500. BUILDING SITES: Acreage with or without trees. Also Lake Limerick lot. Call today. FOR RENT: 3 B.R. house. $100.00 per month and $50.00 deposit required. Available immediately. Call 426-1641 Bey Thomason 426-8615 Keith Anderson 426-4379 AGENCY REAL ESTALFE - INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. 1618 Olympic Highway South 426-1600 Sue M. Daniels -- Broker WATER FRONT INVESTMENT!! This elegant home has 2 large bedrooms, entertaining size carpeted living room and formal dining room, massive fireplace, gourmet designed kitchen with all appliances built in, bath and half, landscaped yard, panoramic view, waterfront, 2 acres, extra rental or mother in law house as bonus. All this only $49,500. ANGLESIDE LOCATION Never have we had such a buy! 4 roomy bedrooms, living room with fireplace, formal dining room, large family size kitchen with eating area, bright and sunny, full basement with recreation room, fireplace, room for pool table, workshop, utility room and many extras, private back yard, corner lot. Only $23,000. WALKER PARK Needs some fixing, 3 bedrooms, | large living room with fireplace, picture windows, elec~ant view, bath and half, dining room, breakfast room, t00 ft. waterfront, bulkhead, 3 acres, i $36,000 or best offer. ANOTHER ANGLESIDE GEM Custom built, 3 bedrooms, extra large living room carpeted, separate dining room, kitchen has all built in appliances, recreation room unfinished with fireplace. $21,900. WALKER PARK 2 building lots, excellent view. Will sell on contract $12,000. HARSTINE ISLAND 40 excellent acres only $20,000 on contract. Evenings & Weekends Phone 426-8540 Thursday, December 16, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21