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December 16, 1971 |
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$85o80M| WOJ,
YOUNG G IRLS IN colorful red and'white floor-length dresses were waiting
to serve Christmas cookies, coffee and punch to guests in the Youth Center
following dedication services in Belfair Community Baptist Church last
Sunday. Pictures below show some of the many people who turned out
despite the snowy weather.
Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - December 16, 1971
Griffey CR 5-2117 LeD Dobbs TR 6-4783
CR 5-2774
first Aid course
A Standard First Aid Course
(Multimedia System) sponsored
by the Kitsap-North Mason Red
Cross was completed Thursday,
December 9 at the Earl Lincoln
home on the North Shore. with
For fun on the back trails you can't beat a ......... Did ave so man M r s. E le a n era Fedenk as
, So many notes have been up me nm. LtWO S Y . . .
~fJ~J|AI-Nj/jF~gVlIBU~III -It ~ received regarding Mr. Ervin dented fenders and lost tempers, instructor.
Furchert that Mrs. Furchert said Those receiving cards were
The 1972's are here! 60cc Mini Enduro up to 650 Also BSA,
it is difficult to express their SUNDAY SCHOOL Harriet Barton, Port Orchard:
appreciation, and a thank you to Sunday School classes are Vivian Just. Tacoma; Jean
all who have been so helpful and being held at St. Nicholas Fedenk, Clyde Jacobsen, Heidi
BREMERTON CYCI .E 5 ~ given encouragement to the Episcopalian Church in Tahuya Jacobsen, Kristi Jacobsen, Gloria
E57-3341 Across from Big Mo, Navy Yard Hwy. family. Mr. Furchert is doing very each Sunday at 1 1 : 1 5 a.m. Any Lincoln, Earl D. Lincoln, Robert
~---- : iijl :i well, and has tried a few steps childrenparents wouldin thelikeareatoWhOSehave B. Mayberry, Patricia MayberrY,Ramona Olsen, and Jan
with the use o, crutches he
continues to progress this well, he them attend will be welcome. Stevenson, all of Belfair.
CONSTRUCTION from the hospital.
in the meantime, their son,
L p l UV.LV, no--r'ore--n'"tr ¢n Paul Furchert, has requested a L & D CON
discharge from the army service
so that he may remain at home We Specialize in Your Needs ',
WE HAVE BUILDING LOTS taking care of the family business By Hour or Contract :
WE HAVE FINANCING, VARIABLE INTEREST O g until Mr. Furchert is out and Nothing Too Small or Large i
ir ::
around about again.
NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING Mrs. Carol Pederson, joining John Levang CR5-3053 George Dinovi CR5-3358
LICENSED--INSURED- BONDED with Mrs. Erline Amick, Mrs. Free Estimates
Betty Leatherman, Mrs. Hazel
5-202 Cook, and Mrs. Diana Worms,
gave a warm welcome for
baby-to-be Berger, hosting a baby GtAS PLY BOATS
shower at the Pederson home. 16 to 23 [1.
Sunday, December 19the Christmas Sunday Opening of the baby gifts of all
n ur"e"aur Postmaster ~ze, and shapes was enjoyed by LIFETIME WARRANTY
the honor guest, Mrs. Neil (Diane) 16 ft. GP-SP with top & Curtains
9:45 a.m.
is a class
for everyone.
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service. Berger. Games were arranged by 40 h.p. Mercury and EZ loader or Calkins Trailer
I 7:30 p.m. Sunday School Christmas Program and Christmas Mrs. Worms with prizes won by
i Presentation of the Chancel Choir. This year the choir Mrs. Gina Herman, Mrs. Sharon $|99S
and the Sunday School have combined their program B]ankenship, Mrs. Kathryn Bland,
into a single Christmas Presentation for the church and Mrs. Haze] Cook.
and community. Everyone is welcome. The re fr eshment table l. llUIlU~ e~lmlfllll/mtj
' December 24th, featured a cake of blue and white
Christmas Eve Candlelight Carol Service in the shape of an umbrella, with Bank Terms Belfair CR 5-2297
ll:OOp.m. Again this year the church invites you to begin protection offered by the
Christmas Day in commemoration of the birth of traditional, package-carrying
Christ as we gather for this traditional Candlelight stork. Guests wereLizMesdames
Carol Service. Everyone is welcome. Betty J. Dimmen, Corliss, EXTRA MONEY
Yvette Berger, Mary Davis, Katie
Corn, Sharon Blankenship, Dot FOR CHRISTMAS
Monday, December 20th
I 7:30 p.m. The Fireside Circle will hold its Christmas Meeting at Main, Blanche Caldwell, Kathryn
l the home of Mrs. William Butler. Bland, Eleanora Eedenk, Gina Extra brush is needed at
Hannah, Verna Williams, and
Karen Fortner. Whitehead Evergreens in
PROPERTIES nnIt is nice to have Mrs. Kat,e
I BELFAIR COMMUNITY CR 5-2826 1 Corn of Girard, Kansas, coming L Belfair. Top prices paid
To buy or sell ' our way for a family visit at the
Just ri home of Harry and Mary Davis. |
[ BAPTIST CHURCH ~::;wb~a~lo'h Park, South Shore Thanksgiving Day was spent withthe family gathering at the home plus ]0' bonus on so[o].
P.O. Box 407, Belfair Washington lots of good food and sharing, - - '" "-"
with ('hristmas an anticipated
Wendell k. Harder, Pastor promise of more (>f the same.
]Parsonage Phone Church Phone III I to get to feeling hcttcr in what Shirt
CRestv,ew 5 2162
l " - C.e,t.,. ,-.~'' TUNE-UP AND ENGINE s,e,ns like along, slow recovery
from an illness that has baffled I ] V" Statement
"---"'-""""'"' II 2;I~,!* '"'"'* I the doctors.
~ HI~ H~ I i ~ae~g[C~E!se;?~:t': 995 l] When the weather changes to ( . " i; U ltressa
• ~ ~ ~ the unusual (such as snow), there
is a trend toward togetherness
with lhe neighbors. The snowfall
~ m ~ $
last Friday and Saturday was the
l~, Jenkins had put a new roof on
• their house the previous year, and
~1: L~ill{~ Come and join us any clay ~ ~t~~ HEV ON SERVICE with the addition of blacktop on
through December 24, for a l " the driveway and an elegant shag ' .
g.' J T- cup of coffee to celebrate our CR5-2991 celebrationrUg in thewaslivingnecessary.rOom, a
e ,st Anniversary in the"Gift = |
Shoppe': = r .... -- 1 The Bear (:reek intersection
was kept busy last Thursday when
| " it
| L Of | I ~~ ~ Ithe °ver-c°nfident drivers came
oads exa d sliding along on the black ice.
Extreme caution was evident as
| Ch* . ~ these same drivers backed out of
nstmas Th ngs ) ,u o flowerbeds and tawns.
The Bear Creek hill in the
]~ Candles, Rings, Gifts, Etc. ~ ~ ~ morning hours can be full of
' ' ! 0~"'00~ !t+nt++w+r.*s
]~ I request is the same old thing as
last year for the drivers coming
| Living Christmas Trees down the hill to give a bit of
room to tke ones laboring to get
I1~ ~ I Live music, buffet ?inner, I
| Onen 7 Days A Week I! ALLYN HOUSE
1" J
I Champagne, hors d oeuvre i | values.around.
9:30 m m.-6:30 p.m. ill NURSlR6 HOME ! ~, No wonder! It's tailored of luxurious
I Ultressa, the two-way texturized 100%
I I $10095 Per Pen I Has opening for II Dacr°n® Polyester that s practically
N l l 1W°man and 2 Men I care-free" Pr°minent c°'°rs" Sizes 30-38"
orth Shore Nursery l For Reservations: I Registered Nurse on Duty
| & Gift Sh0ppe 1 ' 898-2200or898-2500 , AIIyn, Wn. i 7~ C/O ~ t~'~"
ORS-2171 426-3795 -. I[5) (~7/~ ~ #
I I i (Metzdorf Restaurants, Inc.) I "Not The Fanciest II
I North Shore Rd. CR5-2558 I L--__------ --I Just the Friendliest'"
~limllltmi~JimtllltZlltllillimi=~t.lli:lllt:l~i:l~tl=t&llltH ~ ~ ......i..........,.........,o..i..
December 16, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3