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Grapeview Gadabout
Now I know for sure it is my
typewriter that cannot spell for
my name came out Louise Wart
and I sure know better than that.
This was one of the windiest,
wettest and coldest weekends on
record this winter and I had
twenty Boy Scouts from Seattle
camping on my cove lot all
weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Les
Freeman brought the group of
boys over from Seattle. I really
had to admire them from my
warm spot in front of the
fireplace for they cooked all their
meals by campfire and really
made themselves a comfortable
and fairly dry camp. They toured
the Olympic Geoduck plant in
Allyn and Dan gave them five
packages of breaded geoducks
which they cooked. Saturday
night I invited them in for
popcorn and to dry coats and
boots and it was really fun for they
had skits and a song fest.
The Freemans lived in
Grapeview for several years and
their two boys attended the
Grapeview school. This will be
news to Ernie Nicklaus but I took
Ruth over to say hello to her and
see her lovely new home but I
guess we just missed her. 1 took
her to see how the Grapeview
school was growing and then on
to the Ha'nson home and the same
story : Melba .nd Ken were
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moore
have just returned from a "'eight
thousand-mile trip in their
camper. They planned their trip
with alternate routes to take in
case they would run into bad
weather and it was a very good
thing for hurricane Laura changed
their plans to go to the new
Disney Land in Florida. While in
North Carolina they were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore who
hved in Grapeview some years
ago. Weather permitting, they
enjoyed Bryce Canyon and the
Grand Canyon.
The flu bug has made the
circuit of our house. I thought
Peggy had missed the flu but
Monday I had a call from the
school that she was ill and to
come and pick her up - so; one
car would not start and the other
car was penned in the garage and I
tried to exchange batteries but
they wouldn't fit. I was in tears
for I did not know how I was
going to pick her up so I called
Mr. Query and he took me right
down and brought her home, and
I want to thank you again, Mr.
Query, for being so kind to us.
Christmas cards are coming to
our house from many former
residents. We have heard from
Kathy Stoudt and the Query
family in Oregon.
Where to give body parts after
death: Here are a few of the
national organizations which can
give you all the necessary
National Kidney Foundation,
315 Park Ave. South N.Y.N.Y.
The National Transplantation
information Center of the United
Health Foundation is 150 Fifth
Ave., New York, NY 1001 l
The Eye-bank for Sight
Restoration Inc. 210 East 64 St.,
New York, N.Y. 1002 I.
The Living Bank International
6631 South Main St., Houston,
0 0 ql~lm- -ilml~ ,lllllP- 41lID- .9i~ .qlm~ ,91~ ,qlB~ 0 ,9lb. 0 0 0 0 0
By Leo & Margaret Livingston -- CR 5-6421
0 ,IIIB~ 0 9alll~ o 91111~ -MIII~ 0
Needles & thread dept.: First
meeting of the Sewing Bee at
Donna Swanson's was a big
success for a few people. Alma
Jacobsen brought a necktie
pattern and copies were made of
it. Sandy McKaig cleaned out her
sewing basket. Maxine Youens
made night gowns for her
grandchildren. Donna Swanson
finished some muumuus. Next
,,I~D- .,elll~ .,ml~- ..lID- .,im~ ,,glm~. 0 0 0
on North Shore road last week
advertised arrival of Bobby, a
bouncing baby boy, who arrived
Dec. 3 to Bob and Dolly Theroux.
He joins two sisters, Kim, 13. and
Teresa. 3. He is officially named
Robert Donald Theroux, Jr. His
maternal grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Ranniger of the North
Shore Nursery.
By JULI PRESTON -- CR 5-6288
Young Patrick Casey Hart
who is the two and a half year old
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney
G. Hart of Twanoh Falls,
underwent open heart surgery on
December 14th in Long Beach,
California. Patrick was born with
two major heart defects.
At the age of six weeks he
underwent surgery at the
Children's Hospital in Seattle for
correction of one of the defects.
This past September his mother,
Marsha Hart, moved with him to
Long Beach because he was prone
to pneumonia. It was hoped that
this operation could have waited
until Patrick was four years old,
but his doctors felt that it should
be done now because his heart
was enlarging due to the extra
work it had to perform. Needless
to say the folks of Belfair are
sending lots of wishes and hope to
both Patrick and his Mother.
Bill and Bruce Landram will
be home soon from college for
Christmas. The Landram family
will have Miss Mary Richmond
from Wenatchee as a guest for
several days during the holidays.
The lovely hghted Christmas
Tree out on the dock in front of
the Krueger home can be seen
across the canal by our North
Shore neighbors. It's a
wonderfully cheery sight to see
on these cold winter nights as
we're driving along]
Ran and Sandi House have an
early Christmas package at their
home. Master Matthew Stuart
House was born on the morning
of December 6th weighing ten
pounds and twelve ounces with a
grand height of twenty-two
inches. Little sister Melissa Dawn
who will be two on January 6th
thinks her new baby brother is a
wonderful Christmas present !
The South Shore Spotlight
column will need a new columnist
for the new year. Your present
news gathering gal will be moving
to Seattle next month to attend
college at Seattle Community
College. To all of those who have
called with your news goes a
warm and hearty thank you.
There are also those of you who
have been so good as to come up
with last minute news when there
was no news at all and to you I
say thank you for making this
column possible. I'll be writing
for you for two more weeks
during the Christmas holidays and
if anyone is interested in writing
for the column please call myself
or Lou at the office.
(Editor's Note: We're sorry to
see you leave and will miss your
cheery column. I hope someone
will call within the next two
weeks to take your place so we
don't lose the coverage of South
Shore news.)
As usual, a call for help, this
time for a place to be used as a
community clothing center, has
been answered. This time by a
man who issued a similar call for
help through the Huckleberry
Herald a year ago when he was
Commander of the Pack Rats and
was searching for a building, and
later, a site on which to place a
donated building, for the Belfair
Search and Rescue group.
Ray Sage, one of the three
owners of SS & T Auto Parts, has
offered space in an unused back
room in the building which
houses the business. Co-owners
Gene Triplett and Barry Snover
are also Pack Rat members.
The room to be used is being
cleared out and some arrangement
for a space to be used as a fitting
room for those who wish to try
on articles of clothing are being
made. Clothing turned in to the
local Sheriff's office will be
moved to the new location.
Persons wishing to donate nice
usable clothing or to pick up
needed articles are welcome to
donated items. Some shoes and
slippers have been turned in and
tables or shelves are needed for
display of these. Racks are needed
to hang dresses and coats.
Many people have already
gone through their closets in
search of clothes for the needy.
Any volunteers for making or
donating tables, racks or shelves?
No volunteers are needed for
distribution of the articles since
persons needing the clothing can
simply walk through the front
office of SS & T Auto Parts, next
door to the PUD building in
Belfair, and help themselves.
CR 5-6155
session is scheduled at Donna Sports news: Earl Lincoln has
Swanson's January 13. found a way of combining a drop by during business hours Call Us Collect From Anywhere
Bandage dept.: Twenty-tworewarding business with pleasure, when the shop is open, 9 to 9 5303 K, itsa.p Way .E5 7-3836
wee kdays and 9 to "~ on Lester M. Lewis, "~r. Lester M. Lewis, Jr.
people attended and finished the He has become a standby ski
Red Cross Multi-media first-aid instructor at Alpental Ski Resort Local citizens who became ~-~-.g,-.~.,D-.,~,-.,m--,~,-,,~,.,,m,.,~,..~..,m..,~,.~D.,m. 4~.~..,~
courseFleanora atFedenkthe toughtEarl Lincoln'S.the crash skiingand willeverybeweekend.duty bound to go concerned about the need for I OVER 100 GUITARS TO CHOOSE FROM |
course. It was held three nights in extra clothing by some families in 1 Over 6,000 sq ft filled
three hour sessions. Travel column: Art and the area who have been hard hit | with musical items, t
Birth notice: "It's a Boy" sign Minnie irvin have returned from a b y t h e h i g h r a t e o f~ kowrey organs Wurlitzer organs, many, many used organs and I
two week vacation to Arizona and unemployment gave birth to the v pianos. '
New Mexico. They visited friends idea of a community clothing 0 l
.......... I in Phoenix who took them on a center. They feel it would be , nllUlllON MUSIC CO. '
BELFAIR -- Two bedroom I ............ more successful if some locali ID II1 I
apartment. Utilities furnished I sloe tap to Mazauan, mexico.
organization would take over theI KItsap County's largest most complete music store.
$100 per month. BILLI Wedding bells ring: ttarold
G RIFFITH REAL ESTATE, I Parker and Mrs. Cleo Rajala were project. Members of the Golden v Located in East Bremerton, below Hosp|tal•
CR5-2433. I married Dec. 7. They plan to Age group at Belfair Community I ~ ~m,~q I
remain on the North Shore. Baptist Church are willing toI IE~J"~O~I I
donate time to sort and hang Im,~m.,,m. 4~,,m..~m.,~,~,,~D~m..,~,..,~,.~m..,m..,~,.~.~.,~,.l[
' T/da/Wae -# " '
Xmas '; to Books' ! I
for Special Friends . . . ALSO 1 • , 1
~. "~' ., If
A Selection of 'or complete beauty service A
l I I
Hard-Cover Books • - - '
I Naw Featuring tke NEW I
• •
Expert I Cutting & Styling Our Specialty , +
• .
Including the new Shag Cut IPIIon4D L
I' s=ip i E,ean=': Man., Tues., wed., s.t CR5-2509 * / t
Selwice 9 - 7 Weekdays -- 10 - 4 Sundays Carol: Man., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat.
9 - 8 Fridays I Jean: Wed., Thurs., Fri.
Page 4 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - December 16, 1971
Hi!. Well! Betty Edwards was
complaining to me that she only
got 10c an inch and I'm getting
15c, but look who's at home
slaving away and who's on a
vacation this winter.
The Twanoh Grange will host
an Installation of Officers for
those Granges in Mason County
who wish to participate on
December I0, 1971 at 8:00 p.m.
This will be a pot luck
refreshment meeting.
Karen and Bob Newman of
LakeLand Village just returned
from Hawaii. Karen said they
stayed at the Surfrider in Waikiki
Beach. They took a 200-mile tour
through the island. She said the
guide was real good, he even told
them about the different trees as
they passed them. They stopped
and ate fresh pineapple &
coconut, also brought some
home. Needless to say, they were
anything but ready to come
The R. O. Rasmussen
residence was the scene of some
activity Tuesday night. Lois called
in and said she had a small
chimney fire. The ever
fire-conscious firemen responded
in force, much to Lois' dismay.
Really, though, I'd rather call
them out and have it turn out to
be nothing, than not call them
out and have my house burn
We have a couple of birthday
boys so far this month. Dennis
Griffey turned 8 years old the
10th of December. He celebrated
by having his mother take
cupcakes to school for his class.
His brother Danny was one year
old on the 15th of December.
Happy Birthday, boys.
The area is saddened by the
news that Perry Valley passed
away Wednesday night the 8th of
December. Perry was a long time
resident of Allyn.
Gee, I don't see as many yards
decorated this year as I have in
the past. Come on you people, get
into the Christmas spirit. Put up
some lights and Santas.
When you're passing through
Allyn take a look at Pat
Uldrikson's house. She's really
doing wonders to the place. A
new cement porch and steps with
wrought iron railing have been
added and new modern windows.
You better watch out, Pat, or
you'll end up with the prettiest
and most modern house around.
Hey! you Grange members,
don't forget the Twanoh Grange
Pot Luck Christmas party,
December 17, at 6:00 p.m.
As 1 promised - here is
question No. 1, on "New
Directions in Education". 1. What
you believe about every child -
Not only the cute little cherub
down the street but, the ornery
one who throws rocks and the
dirty little boy who always seems
to be begging. Can your thoughts
divide your tax dollar equally
among them?
As a tax payer, do you feel
responsibility towards children as
a whole or just "yours and
mine"? Does responsibility end
when yours are graduated or does
it end with the North Mason
District? When monies have to be
divided so many ways, how can
work to promote better education
for others, besides those
personally affected by your tax
dollar, really be effective!
Since the school takes a very
large portion of our tax dollar,
maybe our thoughts on children
should be more closely defined.
Though we may want, can we
afford more than the basic -
"reading, writing, and arithmetic"
education? If not, have we really
done our part in preparing these
children to carry on in a world as
diversified as it is now? How
much do we owe "Children as a
whole"; a bed, food and basic
education, or a chance to develop
his individual potential in a
society that may be culturally
different than the one he knows?
Will "basics" fill his needs 30
years from now? I wish I had the
Services held for
Lora E. Howerton
The Rev. Wendell Harder of
Belfair Community Baptist
Church officiated at funeral
services in Bremerton on
December 1 for Mrs. Lora E.
Howerton, 84, who died
November 26 in Bremerton
Convalescent Center.
She was born November 3,
1887, in Dakota Territory, N.D.
She married Fred F. Howerton
Feb. 28, 1906 in San Bernardino,
Calif. Her husband preceded her
in death in 1941, and her oldest
son, Fred, Jr., preceded her in
death in 1968.
She was a life member of the
American Legion Post 68 in
Survivors include four sons,
Jesse L. of Silverdale, Albert E.
and Harold T., both of Belfair,
and Ernest F. of Bremerton; three
daughters, Mrs. Earl (Geneva)
Pickering of Bremerton, Mrs.
Edward (Anita) Schneckloth of
Belfair and Mrs. Richard (Ruth)
Smith of Chanute, Kan.; seven
grandchildren, seven
great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs.
Cora Knox of Olympia; three
nieces and three nephews.
Burial was in Bremerton.
A report of 500 Christmas
trees stolen from the Tahuya area
between Jiggs and Wildberry
Lakes from Douglas Tree Co.
lands was received by the Belfair
Sheriff's office on December 7.
ONE of the finer things of life
-- Blue Lustre Carpet Cleaner.
Rent electric shampooer $1.
Sleds $7.99 -- Basketballs $5.29 & up --Footballs $3.39 -- 22
Rifles $27.95 -- Ammunition -- BB & Pellet Guns -- Tools --
Toolsets -- 1-10 speed Girls Bike -- 2-10 Speed Boys Bike
$6238 -- Rechargeable lanterns $15.95 -- Waffle Irons
$24.94 -- Corn Popper $4.94 -- Blenders $24.95 -- Many other
1972 Hunting & Fishing License now
on sale. Purchase combination and save.
BankAmericard & Master Charge welcome.
CR 5-2031 8:30 -- 6:00
By LENNIA CATES -- CR 5-2245
St. Nicholas Church has
started holding Sunday School
Services again for children in the
Tahuya area.
In the past, much interest has
been generated in reviving the
program only to have interest
wane after a short period of time.
Perhaps this renewed effort will
be a lasting one - not only during
the Yule Season but throughout
the year.
Services will start at 11 : 15
a.m. each Sunday - same time as
that for the regular church
Parents interested and wishing
additional information may call
Mrs. Borgford at CR5-3223.
It looks like Terry Sills will be
• wearing the popular bell bottom
trousers as regular garb soon -
come January he's joining the
Good luck, Admiral!!
Nature has its own way of
providing foliage on our lilac tree
here after the leaves have fallen -
birds, birds and more of the same.
They were sure hungry and
bewildered little fellows over that
5V~" of snow a week ago, but as in
years past we are keeping their
tummies full,
"Orphy" and her little gang of
"renegades" are putting it away as
usual - three pounds (at least) of
dry dog food each nile!!
Quite a few steelhead
fishermen on the Tahuya and
Dewatto Rivers. Success has been
spotty, but both rivers are better
known for good results around
January. The b/h tried his luckbut
all he mn into was a big black
bear! 1 wouldn't say it frightened
him, but he came home a lot
sooner than expected!
Happy birthday to Alice
Hudson, and while at it might as
well chalk up another for myself.
(Editor's Note: I'll second the
motion. Happy Birthday, Lennia.)
AND for hevin's sake we can't
pass up wishing the "Tiny Tim's"
a Happy Anniversary!!
What with Mrs. Nixon and Joe
Namath pushing electric popcorn
poppers this year, one might feel
like a traitor at not finding one
under the Christmas tree!
Vandals did damage estimated
at $75 to a picknic table and
garbage can at Camp Spillman
according to a complaint filed by
the State Department of Natural
Resources at the local Sheriff's
office on December 7.
Airman Theron M. Harder,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell L.
Harder of Belfair, has received his
first U. S. Air Force duty
assignment after completing basic
training at the Air Training
Command's Lackland AFB, Tex.
The airman has been assigned
to a unit of the Air Training
Command at Fairchild AFB,
Wash., for training and duty as a
survival equipment specialist.
Airman Harder is a 1971 graduate
of North Mason High School.
Attempted larceny of two
batteries in two motorboats
parked in the yard of a North
Shore residence last week failed
but one battery was broken while
the would-be thief was trying to
remove it and seats in the other
boat were damaged in the
unsuccessful try to steal that
boat's battery.
Tune-ups Minor Repair Work
24 Hr. Wrecker Service
Clearing Earth Moving
Road Building
Days CR 5-2837
Eves. CR 5-2152
CR 5-2235
Sugar ................... ,.,.
Paper Towels ................... IJrge roll
Best Foods Mayonnaise ........... 1~t.
Cranberry Sauce ~.anSPray ................. 160..
Frozen Apple Juice Tree To. ............... 'OZ.
Nestles Morsels .......................... ,o,.
Shur Pure Margarine ................
............ ,=. 59¢
• •39¢
Sour Cream ....... .,,. 39¢
Cranberry gmrbet'.29¢
Milk ..........
MS. THitU Fill. • TO •
SAT. • TO •-- SUN, • TO •
CLJ3SI[O • PJtl. CHilllTiliAl~ EVE
A~k about free delivery service
W• retain limit ril~ts
December 16. 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - P ge 5