December 17, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 17, 1964 |
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PACE 2 HELTON--MA ON COUNTY $OLrRNAL--- Publlshed in "Chr stma, fown, U.S.A.", helton, Washington Thursday, Deeember 17
Sleven C. Sehmidt, sonof Mr• V. ndl=rbl/l=r.=n I¢ Teacher Attends CHRISTMAS J').... I
and Mrs. Max Schmidt ,It'., arid .....~..=rv~vm, m. R == . . ........ MlilEJIlW ttUl =,l~,l VII, t; /rlCj A 6:30 p.m. pc,hick dinner will State Rep. Paul H. Con
Mike W. Carte son of I)r and .... [[~A~n]n.l~e_ |~l~l~g~r~nl~.l~_ I [MP,.~.~II|]~ I ~,w ,~ start tile annual VFW Post an(tithe 24th legishltive distr
~ls,. Wayne P-., , .... call(:,, ,a~'e en;o led. D~.= j~'IA_ Jr__ _! ..... . O .......... , , w. ,'"==vvM~='.., . ==m =m= ~ n mm~.~::~! 1,'r uu is. , ~•' Akers,, elect r''mlan s Auxiliary. ." Christmas• • p'n'ty, . this which Mason. County is a
in the Air l,'oree la, OTC progvan $1~ ~'1~[[~O .. The State Dep,n.tnlent of P!lb..t . (Contmu,({ I,,~)~n Pig,, Om,) [~ [] ~ ~'i{~ mate fireman a, pprentice USN Friday in the Memorial Hall, has been named to a he!
at tile Un versitv of i:'us~eI Sound nc Jnsu'ucuon, m eonaunetmn also toe great "unifier of Men" ~ i~ ~ son of M ' 'wd Mrs Fran~i~ o' i Entertaim~mnt will 'follow tile committee on the "Interstal
..................................... f,f%~ fwI . !elth the t nlvtaslty of Washing- t Men may be divided by then' pc- [~ Im ~ ~ : [Alters H,,,,dsport is a c,'ewmem- i dinner. All post and auxiliary [granl After :1972" of tile ]
~'fl lii0Jr ]lg,~41|llR,.~. 1VIIIR,~ ....... ~[~[*~' [ ,~Je~!Y~]~]~ ton, spons%t~o a reacung center- Inneai. nellefs yet find themselvesI I~| ~ ~'~..~ ~ ibm' of the .itt'lclc' ~/i,'cr',fl cart et j mentbers and their f.milies are[tive interim Joint Commit
.............. * " • • u I . , . ..... ll£dtlon[il t)aI'- I iA8 ~ " I~l~ I USS Kitty Hawk, ol)eratin~ o," I wemome to atten(t. I Hlgnways by ~en. Nat v,,
.'l,ne ~nelton. t-!)l:l.. L;oln!lllSSion , S. W. VanaerWegen was re- eamptls. , . . ]~'}e,~s oitenseparate us; but we gi [] ~ ~ of lgl'elllel'ton Tile Kiltv ~Iawk~ - ..................... ]ton, chairman of the gl'otll
wnl not meet lontgnl ,or its reg'- eleetea Ior a second term as TOe guest met, rer was John I hna unity in Christ The shep- ] | ~ ~~-'7~ ~ { ..... )~u.( .~, ~"i,~ " i. • ?',.-,-1 " MONDAY I)EADI INF / "It is my ho,~e that thi
• . ~ , . • • • . . " . " ~ *,*~ ts*,v. ~,'*t,.~,~,, ,S el/. aa[)l~ el. * a " * t-
ulal monthly meet,ng, qhe next ehal,'man of tile Mason County Downing, nese.arch Dn'ector o[Iherds and wlsemen were tile first| : I [] ~~'..'~ ~i ' i] la ulchin~ both iet an( ,~rnn.l,.,. ] FOR DANCE TICKETS [committee of the Joint Corr
meeung of the Pc,'! C,,[nl,,iss, on Republican Central Committee in Edueatim at tile University of to point up this truUt. The for- | di'iven ai,'c,' ft Tickets for the Shelton Cole{on Highways together wt
wiu oe ,Jan. 21. Tne Deccnlr)er'the olganization meeting held L.,mdon, Engl,md. Downing ex- met could talk sheep and herr- {~ ~ [~'~'~;~\~ ~7. : air 'sun'nol~t'' 'rod re~:on,{a,~;g~'~': Club New Yea,"s Eve dance must[%Vashington" State Highwa)
meeting v, as c(n elledb cause el ; Satulday at the Mason Countyplamed the Iatlo:tale behind the i mg, the latter could dlseuss 'as- [ ~ ~ ~:~:. ~ !~ " [ missions [ be picked up at the MeComb Bus- [ ntission can have a eonst
Christmas aetiviUes. Court House. Also rc.-eleeted were Init!ul Teaching Alphabet (I.T.A.', [ tronomy and math'. Both found a[ !~ ~ ~l~:{~l~*` ~ g [ " " :: ....... [ loess service by next Monday.[influencc in developing th~
...........7 [Mrs. L. I: . Mclnelly, viee-ehair- at it was dD, eioped m Enteland [ forum.on ntte,'est and center of [ [] : [ Oua,'term:tster First Class I c,m [ Price ltas been set at $3 per eou-[ way program following c(
man, and Emon ,I. Kahny, tleas- ant Is currenuy used in the U,fited[ {mvotlon in the Stranger in the [] [] ['!~"~,~ ~ : l)ilhm USCG soil of M,. ~;nd [ ple. Dancing will be to taped [ tio{~ of the interstate s~
[ ,.____ I l,,e:.. .......... t * nger• - I [] [] lll ml l lt :: ]Mrs. Gerald N. Dillon, Shelton','Tis] music. 'said Conner. .
I []HTII= II Elected to a party office for the ~uls. v{lglnla, me~.'lnela, reatmlgI Trades many times separate the 1B ~1 . ~:;::e : serving aboard the U S Coast ....................................
| ~ m~mmm~-_'~ I I first time were !~ll's Robert O consuLtant rot toe Snelton Schools I best of friends Howexer I ~ee ] [~ ~ ~ : ~1~ iI Guard Cutte.r Chautauq'(m which I[
t ~ |lV|~ [[ Pl~hn State committeewoman" attended the conference, in the New Testament the f()i)i- ] [] [] /~1C77~ ~i] retu,'ned to Hon,)hflu, Hawaii Nov. I[ . --
I II Clarenc.e A. Anderson, State corn-'I.T.A: is being used as a me,hot! ] prints of fishe,'men; tax-gathelei's~ [ [] [] ~ ~] 12, after conu)leting an ocean sta- II , 't I ~LOSE OUT
] ~~{;;~ ===._..,=]:i~1~.~I1~1¢1[ | [ mitteeman, and Mrs.. Herbelt Von- OtuiWl'lUng~,. to help children, . harn I sellers, of pulple, tentmakezs,• ,lnd ~:i lion p-ariel' . ' , ' . " .
[ "~' [] hof secretary, q ekly with less effort and with |even a doctor. They were all till- l I ~ R,': * * * I I . :1 1964 MODELS
I ~%:!i~ annam l[ Mrs'. Puhn and Mrs. Vonhof more satislaetion. . [ited in Christ. I I ~ ~ ~_~+!l Fire Control Techniei,Ul Thh'dll | I~Ld~J', 'i}
headed lip tilt Dan ]~ vans fol Downing will be intervmwed oil I , • , ~'.d k~
I IEl il I] "' " , g •" ' ' , .............. '.. , ] n the third instance we find ] [] [] ~ []E! '~i Class Norman ,I• I ell rcit, USCG, [i | .. ' Vr&l "~ " '[ { oA¢,r*aotlnl
| |~L'|~t I I Governor campaign in the County ~nats ,xew. t,l tne_~cnoolnouse, that He was also the great Sav ~ [] ~ ~ son of Mr and Mrs Claude A ] ' _ "- /; I uzxa~Jt~a-xwtaa/*-~
i . it !.his f~l~. Anderson was chairman ~te:s ~e°~gnannet ¢. He wiu ai~-iiour of Men. Our selipture says, [ ~[] ~iPetereit, Shelton. has arrived in i l "-r- [ Fastback Hardtop
I m~~ " i iror the Christensen for Senate " • •~' |"In I-~inl was life and the fife[n ~iMcMurdo Sd., Antarctica aboard I I • I "va" - Automatic - Ra0
| ' |icampalgn in 1962 and worked ill ........... .............. |was the light of men"• No Christ[ ~i . ~[the Coast. Guard Cutter Eastwindl[ ~{[J~,~,~[J~,~[,~ I LOW Mileage - SAVE $l
I Ptomaine. l[ the Evans organization in 1964. ] Rl[~|t] ~=kllPSk ~|eH$ [--no Christmas. I B [] ~ ~ I for participation in Operation [] =" .71 I .........
I .-, .-..v II .............................................. I~N~ss~s u~IIMIUU /lUlIIO I The Christmas stor" was ae'- I I~ ~ ~ ~lDeep Freeze '65. The Eastwind, I I • ~, I ..... "~"..='~'f-'-'--%':'~:....
• y ~u R i ii ~ ulon with two Nay leebletkels ]~L]~-[~/I~-IU TM
i While food poisoning csn re- li ..... .. ffL._= D~.~m tally the beginning of the end o~] ] g " ' Y ' '~ '&[i I, ,.~li
i suit in death, few.people know il ~gmu[r~ ~:m[~ ]~ll°tl||•°t[I.~l(ill| [Redemptions Story 'The Babe in SFC Leroy C. Smith was recent- ]}~breakil~ ice for the resuj_)!)!dYo[] iU :P..LI I i 2 Door Sed. n.- ,,v..v,
[ that the wor~ ptomaine' lit- it I.. What; ~s wnristmas? ' is the[tne crio would soon be thc Mall| iy presented an Army Commen- i~,s y ...... ase at ~v~c~vm~u i| | ' ' : . , i [ Heater - ~utomattc.
I frilly memos "corpse" in Greek. I ~ I ~$ * tneme of the Christmas program ton the Cross How does Jesus/ dat on Meda for mer tot ousI~°tum" [I | : " . : 1 I NEW - "BIG" Discoum
to be resented save m ~ * * * ~ " " ]
I ............. II E 12~Jr/ E tl~lr~J~J~ [ p b tl~e Primal ] en The recess of convlc service whileserwng in Korea _._______~ "
t-romaine actuany rmers tu ~,m4$mn ~EE, t,~IE EIIt, ffEW , = Y :,. .'Y . , " P ." .". " " "
ia group of nitrogenous c01n-[[ Depaztment of the I~lrst Baptlst]ttonbloughtonbytheHolySpn.,t/ In July and August.of 1963 as i ~=: [i~~
".. ' " ' p. i features of the program mort made possible by faith in maintenance supervisor with the
c°mposltl°nt~~ a~eima~lglbstfan~ [ (mS:~n)of Ct~:klviaWs~~ e~e~ed c~imr-]include recitations, a playlet, and|the shed blood of Jesus. A man 6th Transportation Company 6~ VALIANT 4 Door Scd~,n ................ ~16'
] -co'-xe" ' II .. .... • ._ :~ •. "lmusic by the 40 voice Chemtbtbecomes a new creature in Christi and from Se-t 1 19~3 to J-ne I V-100- Heater- 11,000 Miles
! ' rV . !, oclat wenu'al wommlttee recenuy. , ......... ' | " ' r .... ' I I
C ark w ll s ,~nuu oesus 15, 1964 while assigned to the
The connection between pto 1 i ucceed Roy Ritner as ' .... ~ - - I
]maine and food noisonino" was] county chairman Ritner did not [- Sunday evening at 7 p.m. the [ IN THE PROCESS ldading lip [ First Cavalary Divs=on SFC [~ It 60 PLYMOUTI{ 6 4 Door Sedan ....... ~7
Je" B . • ' ' "
[ nroablv est-hllsh~r~ when ~cl- [[seek re-o-lectlon [~.usle uommittee of the Baptist|to the new birth th~h'e is con-] Smith is the son-in-law of Mr. ~~~ I| Radio- Heater - Std. Transm ss on =
-," ~ ............... • . ~ "" _ . ChUrCh is sponsoring aChrist, lfessionzepentance ~estltutton and Mrs Lee Dawson of Lake
entists noted that people be- Other officers are ~eorgia ~v±il, m ....... ' • .... ,, • ..... " '
]came sick after eating decay-] if, i e-chainT~an; John Knee-] Christina " " "•~ • [. ' " ' "[ " " " " [~~~ ][ 60 FOI{D Ga|axle 4 D or Seda ........ ~ ~
1 r v c as musmal entitled Chlist In and faith to beheve m the fin Nahwatzel H s wife is the form ~ O n ~ i
[ ed meat, firLh, or vegetables !1land treasurer; Dr Harry Dee- [ li-h .... s. vnls is to De a candle- / lsh work of Christ on t~e Cross [ er Mary Ellen Dawson. I tl Rad o - Heater - Automat c -,,- ~u~
gan, state eommitteeman" fi'o '' P ' J * * * -
1 , • ' . m the King s Choir and var- following conversion we have th ~ " ~ ' ~
= Jolnson, state comnutteewoman, ious solos d • • .. • ¢ Ca)taln Dante 59 PLYMOUTH Wa on 4 Door ............ $
• ., acts, trios, a sex- sptrztual ap ehtes of etsonal i l J Yarr, son of .... . g $
Pitarma v Gwen 8utherland, secz:eta~, and tette and instrumental numbersaevotion nraPveer Bible P'ead'-~Mrs. Daniel J .Yah" Shelton, has 6 Cyl. - Heater Overdrive
i|lt n| O illUliilUU][ It r~,. n ....... a~ ........... at e pzogram will be concluded]witnessin~ stewardshi- etc igzaduated from the U.S. Alrl ll, ..................... --.
I ...... i ] ....................... I h a sermonette from the pas- ] ......... [ Force transition training course [ ~ [ i Dtl ~.311]G¥1gUL]GT Eielalr 'It l)oor ~e(lall .... ~~
i Fifth ~ Pranm,n St. 426-3327 | [we=e re-eiecteu to ~nelr posluons, i tor / wnen can Jesus save me': wneni for ~.~n T:r~.~,,].= ,..... t~,.t ~; I .. II ~=,.. &.,~=,;~ =
t1 ~pen................ ua==y ~:OU ~o ~:ou IIt't uv. ' e ,'~arKowitz, vice-chairman, ] ....... /] a boy rushes, into the kitchen andl/ ...~o~.~-~ ~-* ~.~=.~ ...... * AWR, m~nn [~[]
and Phyllis Ritner, state commit- -- shout=, 'Mother, rm hun r "' "" ......... ~
I Saturdays-- 9:30 - 6:30|lteewoman'did not seek re.election/ WOOL PROGRAM }When does h. want tn ..t',g yT~'[ Captain' Yarr z'eeeived training 59 RAMBLER Super 4 Door Wagon ....
Ptoducels wele zemlnd in fh~nt snnulators gzound mare Heater Overdrive
| ; , | to thh posts they held this year. da " - " ' "" "" " ' ed to- [ you were drowning and someone/t "- -o "' - ~ t ~ I I "
_ ~-_____.~ y that ,toe 1964 marketing tossed you a rope when would you/F , turo -prop systems ano [ Mar ne Pvt Ro~er T Mat.,e I|
[ ............... /|year unoer me national wool pro-[grab hold? There is only one arts-[uew tne C-130 during the course, i son of Mr and Mrs Thomas#P' II .... ,
I llRl|l|_'~i# I[ 'mtutural Stabilization and Con-Fhumble yourself when ~,ou are/tY with a unit that supports the[ ...... P, _ _ .. " II
selva i -- ~ rme ~orps ~teorult uepot, ~an -------'---
, i..~Ll|||l~l_ lIMB |~l_ ||~|~|~.lfll |[ " ton County Committee this ,~oa,, ~ .... 't t~'e ~n business--|Tactical Air Command mission of
means " .... ,, , --=,,-. ,.,..-,,,~ -~..-=,-o
i ||will depth~t olP%oY~nmeo~i:$1Ll,19~64 iw.~en you are willing to repent---|providing f~repower and other air I undergo more than 100 hours of II '62 INTERNATIONAL Cl12 i/, Ton $~,
I It ...... v s , at:- ,wnen you are in earnest aoout be-| support tO U.~5. Army Iorces. I .~b.,,.:^,tA__a:,:__= ...... _i i i /~ JL •
..... talJs Or nlarKeting either wool c,r comin .' ' , r, , p.¥=.~at ~u.u=t=unmg, ~Jtnu Long Box Pickup - 3 Speed - 6 Cyl. --
I Pomtmn ]mmedmtely avaiLable for woman Itlambs by that date Marketings h, ,'g .a Cht?st~an---when you, [. A graduate of hene s,. eodI more ,ha. hours ~earn~ng II
- ,, .... • ~ ea'c cries out "~oz'a, ne merci-~ l-lign ~cnool atten~ted the univer- t how to drill =nd devote 3 week= !1 ~ onnwTr~l~~ A I[~h'~D "
[ with good baekgrom,d in accounting, credit [[ mp e e aL er D?cember ?Z y m I fui to" me a sinner"--Then and ] sity of Nott'e Dame. He received [ to rifle an¢i*'-istol marksman I I Ul ½ Ton Pmkup ........ $1[ '.
I .......... "-" i/;-.:.~--,,.~.~ ~u|" payments ,or tne]only then will the hand of faith|his BS degree from the US I .~,. ,. II Heater - 3 Speed Trans• - Real Sharp --'"
'n ,tut)a malKetln eal The 1 " v ,,, -,,~,- ,, --~ ~-=,,,,,,~
I a tl aomm,s~ra~ion. ADIe tO assume responsi- i'. "~! "g'- y~ .r... 984 Ibe ready to reach out and accept[ Military" Academy. I-Its wife, Rox-' I ;rogram " ' ][ , ..................
• P 3" L~ Will nKely Degm In ~ i
| hilitv ..a =,,na.~ri=i....~ 1.... ..... ~... o_, t/.... .. .p-i the pl,omise of He that cometh[ie, is the daughter of Mr. and| L__'~ [I aa uuuu~ rid Vz 1'on Jt'lCKUp ................ ~1
"~'*~J ~ ota& %/~t V/Ik'~It%J'al ~FJL ~k$11&/~ff*lltUi~ ~k$111UU* ~;1 I'll OZ next yeal
1" , unto me I will m no w~se cast Mls H iold o o 1 4 S eed Tran
' ~[ ' " "' " H clid [ ~ = , The ASC county committee is.I fiMlll:i MflTIID
Wilson must hang e Se~uma~ Re( mli T
~L~711~,,,,-, ~v'....~It ~:~..= ~ ,r~ ...... ~ I You know well what I am about[ TJSN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira i of such national farm action nro- [I l[l llg l a"
v,,,u~u xuu ,. r mu ~ uomplel:e lane Ul: R/to say in concluding. The pardon[ L. Morse, Union, has reported to}grams as the Am'icultural (~on-i| .~
~.~M[nA DD~I l[~'lP~O@ a~ aua, ~iwhich Christ offers is not in ef-/recruit training at the N.avallseryation Progran~', the feed grain I ~ ....
..=u=u,.?no__WIDGETBAGSrnu [/fs vt3n°tnl" ' etacne Ptm f2n °iuS[ r:i ;ng| SatIn eg°N'av a lifrr u g ] Pr°gram' the vohlntary wheat t|ll UT 't*L. a~Z~ DEALER UHH
• • - p ogram, the National Wool ~ro- MOTOR~
|--we are not all children of God|learning basic military law, gram, the Sugar Program, .acre-I| "~
until we are t)orn into the tam-| oms aria .et*quette, seamansnip,, age allotments and k~ting,~ II
........ .t~]ily by way of the New Birth.|and a baslc..knowledge ,of shlp-quotas, commodity loans, and [! 426-:]433
SAWYE " DELUXE ~/ Soon we shall be surrounded by|board routine• storage facility loans. [[ 707 8o. Fir=
" .,~ [ our friends. The tree, the turkey,| * * * i -- i , [ ~ Chrysler---Plymouth--Valiant
~ ~ ~ the bounties of a well spread table| Airman A--rentie~ Larr~ ~ [ We hand ,folks over to God s ~l International Truoks
J[UU ~it~l ~ ' ~|and the opening of our gifts willi~.,oe USN ~- ,,e x¢, ,n~r~" [mercy, and show none ourselves. [[
l~L-m- ~[soon occupy our attention• BUt/T~e~ Depoe,' ~Si~el'ton~'-'graduated| --GeorgeEliot'[
• . ~] !::~1s likan%a;ki,:yg y~htOmb:_wyou [ ~n~athetalsAvSia~g31' #:vC.h;;)Caa~ ~~gg~~~~~'~'a~.r~t~-$~
w,th 3 pos,tlon mus Babe of Bethlehem, little
(latest models) " it.... ...... hb Sa /the Naval Atr Technical Trainingl~
Re 129 50 ~cranger m me saanger c u
g" $ ' Switoh an~ ¢=i1~;" ~ [ ..... "| Center, Memphis, Tenn. During / ~
...... ~|viour of the~ worm, pmase ao~| the four-week course, he studied/~
Sale $ 45 let us be so filled with the greelyematlc
4 ~ =~ Viewer. Reg. $21.95 ....... 1 math ' s, physics, and the [ ~.
Price JL JL Jr of Chmstmas tna~ we ~an to see;
~ " " " o t comin principles of electricity. He re-~
Now ~ithe real meaning or y u' g' ceived instruction in atomic struc-|~
)nly Hel us to have a posittve assur
p . ' .. " ture, static and dynamic electric-]~.
SAWYER'S ,gIHe will be your Saviour ~ you ity, magnetic theory, and the]~
will but accept Him
¢'~ R ! ' ' • ' theory and construction of ait~craft "
~w once that you are our Saviour"• batteries.
Reg. $99.95
Every Slide Camera
owner needs one of
these. Reg. $4.95
Low- Low
Low price on
this brand
new color pack
Reserve yours
The Perfect Gift!
PhOne 426-6163
Fully Price
Guaranteed from
1.24 North 2nd Street
Heavy Duty Laundromat®
Washer LTF600
Two Deep Rinses---an excluslve
Westinghouse feature..
Automatic Time Control dries clothes
perfectly, then shuts off.
5-Position Water Saver adjusts water
input to size of load.
Giant Capacity washes 12-lb. load or
Interior Tub Light makes it easy to
~te small articles.
419 Railroad
Aline assortment of
For The Hims On Your List
Model 25 ............
Head ..............................
Cordless ................
special Bargains On Christ mas Tree Lights
Indoor Light Siring .... $2
Indoor Lighl Sels ............... 98¢
Midget Lighl Sels 98¢ ,o
(Outdoor) No. 9=/2 $1
Replacemenl Bulbs ...... Do=,
(Indoor) No. C 7=/2
Replacemenl Bulbs ...... Do,.
(QuantitiesMay Be Limited)