December 17, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 17, 1964 |
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December 17, 1964
i big processing firms such as the example. However, it's not a
!Kirk Evergreen company, Puyal- good idea to choose a paint-
;lup, J. HoferL company, Olympia,ing for this purlx)se alone. You
i ~~ ~ i or Stohr & PesLe, Shelton. AI- should select, it because you
~ -~ ~ ~ i though these aren't the only large like it, Keep your decor person-
Ioperators ,in the state, they are nally yours--not artificial.
' jrepresentative. You may want to group sev-
I FRED PESTE, for instance, has eral smaller paintings for wall
been in the Cbristmas tree bus- interest, or create a wall dis-
iness for 36 years. He and his play for hobby items. Srtifacts
partner draw their trees from brought back from a special w~-
20,000 acres of farmed ground cation, pieces of sculpture, an-
where all the trees are fertilized, tiques---all can give your room
Their sales this year will amount eye appeal. Today's trend is
to about $350,000 and right, nowtoward more ornamentation ......
about 200 people are working so be bold!
From eye-catching wall decor
around the clock to see that allto striki'ng accessories.., and
the waiting railroad cars and
trucks are loaded, shipped, and famous names in quality furn-
sold before Dec. 25. ishings for every room .'.. our
selection offers solutions to
They sell their trees right at your decorating needs. Let us
the fa'rm and mostly to local peg- help you beautify your borne
ple who like to select their ownin keeping with ~;ouz' good
trees and do their own cutting, taste.., and your budget.
For such adventuresome families,
outings like this l]ave become
harder and harder to accomplish 0 :: ]~E~
legally in recent years as more
and more land c'omes under pro- )
tected ownership. The Plumbs and
growers like them have filled this ~ ~ ~,~1~,~I~
need and. in most cases, the buy-~. |~
ers come away with belter trees %,,,,~,~,~ ~ 328 Cota~ St.
because their purchase has been
grown with care.
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 3
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