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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 17, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 17, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christina,town, U.Z.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December ANNIVERSARY 40 YEARS--Friends of Mr. land Mrs. Elvln Hearing will honor the couple with an open house in the Matlock Grange hall from %4 p.m. this Sunday on the event of their 40th wedding anni- versary. The couple was wed Dec. 20, t924 in Montesano. Mrs. Hearing (Dora) was born in Mattock and they tLave lived 35 of their married years there. Before his retiremen~t Elvin was a Simpson Timber Co. employe. There will be a wishing well in place of gifts. A L u 426-6283 / Un. 419 Railroad Heavy Duty Laundromat ® Washer LTFIO0 and Gas Dryer DGFIO0 Giant CaPacity washes and dries 24 or more pounds of clothes at the same time. 5-Position Water Saver adjusts water input to sizegf load, Installs Anywhere ~ing 9nl~/27 inches of floor spa~e. * Two Deep Rinses--an exclusive Westinghouse feature. 4 Preset Washing Programs auto- rnatically adjust to type of fabric. Five Pre-Set Drying Programs for every type of fabric. Automatic Dry Setting dries clothes completely, then shuts roachine off. Large Capacity Lint Collector is easy to reach, easy to clean. ]Balanced Air Flow System elimi- nates hot soots. Today, Thursday, Dec 17 o Rotary Chfb ,noon, Methodi.,t' church. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers restaurant. Navy Mothers Chlb, 7:30 p.m., Memorial ha, ll. Hood .Canal Woman's Club, 1:1 a.m., Potlal:ch clubhouse. Nm'mal meeting of Shelton Porl Commission usually held ti~is date lms been cancelled. Friday, Dec. 18 Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild hmeheon, 12:30 p.m., Coloniat hence. LDS Bazaar and bake sale, 10 a.m. - 9 pro., PUI) auditorium. VFW Post and Auxiliary Christ- mas i)arty and potluck, 6:30 p.m., Memorial hall. High school basketball, Shelton vs. Chehalis, B teams at 6:30 p.m., varsities about 8:00 p.m., Shclton gym. Saturday, Dec. 19 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., police station. LDS Bazaar and bake sale, 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., PUD auditorhnn. Mt. View Community Club party, 8 p.m., at the clubhouse. MR. AND MRS. FRED E. LOCKWOOD * ¢ * A golden wedding reception will be held from 2-6 p.m. December 27 in the Midland Community hall in Tacoma to honor Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Lockwood of Shelton. Ho,~tinff the open house will be their children and families, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Lockwood, Puyal- lup; Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Laura) Rund, Anchorage, Alaska; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald (Leola) Andmson, Crescent City, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lockwood, Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy (Nina) Di- shon, Jr'., Allyn; Mr. and Mrs. Lester (Anita) Wolfe, Tacoma, have tons of jewelry, ins ls a good way to-keep it in order.You get 4"rnaTn cornpa ents 3 more in the bottom drawer, Plus a dozen sections for earrings and pins in the pop- '~p tray, 18 more in the upper drawer. It folds into a compact chest: 16Vz" x 8" x 7". Richly lined inside. Elegant hardware outside. With carrying handles. White, light blue, black, gold. $21.98 We_have other beautiesstarting at $5.50 Jewel Cases byLADy BUXI'O Sunday, Dec. 20 Shelt, ml churches invite you to aLLend the chllreh of yollr choice. Yacht Club social, 6 p.m., at the clubhouse. Monday, Dec. 21 , PUD No. 3 commission meet- illg, 1 p.m., PUD commission ro,mL County commission, l0 a.w.., courthouse. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD auditorium. Tuesday, Dec. 22 Kiwanis Clllb hmcheon, noon, Memorial lmll. City commission meeting, 2 p.m., city hall. Goodwill truck in town, phone 426-4847 for pickups. Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport ha 11. l)egree of Honor Protective As- sociation, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. High school basketball, Shelton vs. T~mawater, B teams 6:00 p.m., varsities about 7:45 p.m., Shelton gym. Wednesday, Dec. 23 Rotary Club, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Drivers license examiner,10 a.m. - 5 p.m., police station. BE FETED IN i i~l" ¢ * $ and Mr. and Mrs. James (Nadine) Eckman, Portsmouth, Vs. The Lockwoods have 31 grand- children and 16 great-grandchild- ren. Eight of their granddaughters will be serving at the reception. ~Thcy bad two children besides the above mentioned. Donald Lind- grcn and Gladys Alfreda are de- ceased. Fred Ellen Lockwood was born in Minneapolis, Minn. Alfreda May Lindgren was born in A:cme, Ore. They were married Dec. 19, 1914 in Florence, Ore., with the bride's sister, Della M. Funke, now Mrs. Della White of Eugene, Ore., and her brother, Ernest O. Funke of Florence, Ore., for their attend- ants. Right after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood moved to Ta- coma where they remained until his retirement in 1952 when they moved to Shelton. His last 15 years of employment were with the Tacoma City Health Dept. Since moving to Mason County the Lockwoods have been active in the Twanoh Grange at North Ma- son and the Mason County Pamo- na Grange No. 20. They are mem- bers of th~ Shelton Methodist church. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor's of- rice this past week were: Glenn K. Hubbard, Porf Orch- ard, 24, and Sylvia E. Burrell, 18, Bremerton. William E. Crutcher, 46, Port Townsend, and Lorene Barber, 46, Port Townsend. James A. French, 18, Montesano and Kathleen Barrett, 18, Monte- san5: Robert J. Thomas, 21, Tacoma, and Janet Sanchez, 17, Seattle. Glen L. Finkle, 42, Tacoma, and Dorothy Hiller, 35, Tacoma. Thomas J. Parkison, 48, Burien, and Eugenia M. ~utler, 44, Bre- merton. Moose Lodge Slates Christmas Party The Shelton Moose Lod~e will hold its annual Christmas party at 2 p.m. Sunday in the lodge home. Entertainment will be provided by local school students followed by a potluck dinner with the lodge furnishing the main dish. After dinner Santa will arrive to chat with the kiddies and pass out treats. Your ticket for the evening's festivities is a potluck dish. All invited guests of members are welcome. EVERY ~,.D ]PARTY WINNERS FOR EAGLES LODGE : Winners at the recent FOE card party held at the airport except Saturday hall were Bill Tratnick, men's and Christmas Eve high; Phil Anderson, men's sec- ill ii end high; Roberts Ragan, wom- a,,en's high; Elizabeth Butler, we.. • ~ ~lmen's 2nd high; Ruth Moore and ~`~b~~`]~]p~]~]~b~:~:~~~~~~~~~ Phil Anderson, traveling pinochle. Duplicate Bridge Club Winners The Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club met Monday night. North- south winners with nine tables in play were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hart- ley, Yas Ito and Dick Perry, Dr. White and Bob Quimby, Gusti Goldschmid and Mrs. Frank Tra- vis, Jr. East-west winners were Marden Stroud and Pat Byrne, Gordon Bennett and Dean Swett, Nancy Enebo and Stella Hillier, Lou Stewart arid Ted Brodie. The Shelton Club will play as usual din'inK the lnllidays ol] Dec. 21, 28 and Jan. 4. NEW ARRIVALS Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Thomas. Route 1, Box 406, a girl, Dec. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin VanBer- kom, Route 3, Box 643, a boy, Dec. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dodd, A1- lyn, a girl, Dec. 13, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ha,sen, 307 N. 5th, a boy, Dec. 15. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, 226~ S. 7th, a girl, Dec. 15. Mr. and Mrs. James Swarthout, Toppers Resort, a boy, Dec. 15. Clinic Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Daron Taylor, General Delivery, a girl, Dec. 9. UNION LODGE TO INSTALL MONDAY Union City Masonic Lodge No. 27, F & AM will have an open installation of officers next Mon- day evening. James D. Reeder will be installed as new worship- ful master. The hall will open at 7:30 p.m., installation will be- gin at 8 p.m. NEW ESA MEMBERS WELCOMED WITH IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY i MRS. DARLENE WILSON (left) and Mrs. Judy Byrne model the jeweled crowns presented to them during an impressive candle- light ceremony which welcomed them as new members of the Beta Zeta Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha Sorority. The annual pledge banquet was held November 11 in the Jacaranda restaurant in Olympia with tables decorated to conform to the theme "Rags to Riches". President Helengene Seibert conducted the ceremony and presented the new members with their pins. A gift from the members was given to each of the newcomers. DANCE SLATED GAME ]eRII)AY There will be a dance I p.m. to 1 a.m. after the ball game Friday night. tholie Youth sponsor. Music will be Gents" with admission at lege students are lever needs an ink pad[ Efficient. can be custom on meet any size, shape or quirement. PERMA-STAMP duce colors, fine lines, 10g0types -- even photos - accurate detail. Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. --John Stuart Mill except Saturday and Christmas Eve Polaroid Automatic Camera Oulfit Model 101-K Includes Flash Gun 1 Pack Film No. 107 1 Ctn. M-3 Flash Lamps 1 Polaroid Developing Timer Deluxe Case with Adjustable Strap Reg. Price $162.25 Christmas Special 'Mantilla • • • Our Low Frice ¢ make it: a OTY scalloped lace. _ ,AImdsi: ,a da 0£ be ut u Christmas , IRON STEAM ' Play for keeps wilh Emeraude. Imported r~m France for the woman who dares to be different. Perfume ............. ............ 5.00 to 35.00 All ~l~, Plm lOlL, , SHAVEX ELECTRIC WOrld's finest Mens Electric Razor Unconditionally Guaranteed One full year $19 CHANTILLY Special Acquaintance DUO Enjoy the newest idea in fragrance for only SUNBEAM ELECTRIC by WHITMAN and RUSSELL STOVER Regularly $24.95 NOW KODAK INSTAMATIC CAMERA $179' to $5995 IN EVERGREEN SQUARE Just Right In our wide variety of boxed Hallmark Christ- mas cards, you'll find the designs that are just right to represent you this ycax. C, hoos¢ yo = today. .........