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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 17, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 17, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 17. 1964 SItELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in t'CllrL fm,. fow b U.,R.A.", heIton, Wa h!n on PACE ]1 I I I I I I I I I1' +m,~f,i ,,,,,,,,u ..... )! mas By Dora Hearing -- The Matloek Church will present school program next night at 7:30 p.m. Every- welcome to attend. Grange will meet Fri- with a potluck supper with Christmas program afterwards. It will he meeting. Edward Valley, Mrs. Aug- and Mrs. Lud Ross- were Wednesday luncheon of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin on Wednesday. It was a birthday luncheon in hon- Sirs. Rossmaier. and Mrs. Louis Churchill spent Thursday eve- Mrs. Augusta Port- :and Carl Portman. no-host dinner was held at of :Mr. and Mrs. Herb- and thoso attending Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson Edith Johnson of Skoko- Miss Zellman Cowan and :Mrs. Robert Trimble and ,. AND MRS. EDWARD Val- Saturday evening at the Spalding home. : and Mrs. I. C. Ford spent with their mother, Mrs. Repairs - etc. Any Make - Any :Medel Guaranteed Satisfaction Warren Refrigeration & Cota 426-2445 Glass :Expert Installation JIM .PAULEY~ INC. It & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Baked Bread - Cakes - - Rolls - Buns - Custom Baked Cakes HI'S BAKERY 01y. Hwy. No. (Mt. View) 426-3179 Complete Hair Care Merle Norman Cosmetics free demonstrations) Elaine's Beauty Salon & Laurel 426-4582 Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry were Sunday evening dinner guests of :Mr. and Mrs. Wes Good- :turn of Shelton. The occasion was Lori Goodbm'n's first birthday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rodgers of Elms called at the Kenneth Howard home Saturday. Mr. and :Mrs. William Lazell and two grandchildren of Seattle were Sunday. diuner gnests of Mr. and :Mrs. Kenneth Howard. Earl Howard of Montesano was a dr@p-in guest Sunday. MR. AND !%H~S. JAMES Ross- mater and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Lud Ross- mater home. Mrs. Andrew McGarvie and Mrs. John McGarvie and Henry Schapp called at the Roscoe Crowell home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry attended the Daughters of Jobs installation at the Masonic Hall at Shelton Friday evening to see their niece, Miss Terri Tm~er installed as the honored queen. Bernard Swarthout of Michi- gan has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Son Moore. They took him to Portland Sunday. Snow was falling again in the vicinity Monday and hope old man Winter will not be too hard on us. "Floor Covering • Linoleum • Tile • CmS)ettng • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 • Safety check • Clean-up • Minor & major repairs STARKEY'S HEATING Sales & Service 514 Ellinor 426-4673 • Lawns, rockeries, trees shrubs • Top soil, tilling, leveling • Free estimates SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426-4718 Rental Service Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 E. 4th Olympia 357-7731 By Belly Dean UNION ..... Tile Hood Canal Sportsman's Club Will meet to- night in their new meeting place at the Hood Canal Junior High School at 8 p.m. Speakers for the program are Carol Reick a "big game biologist" and Jack Grubh district ranger from Hoodsport Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shumate are in charge of refreshments. The Union Ladies' Civic Club held its annual Cluistmas party Thursday. It was held in Mary Jarchow's home with Bernice O'- Berry as co-hostess. Small decor- ated Christmas trees were theI lovely center pieces for the club'sI 1)othtcl( hath•on. After the ladies i exchanged gifts the main topic of the meeting was the annual chihh'en's Christmas party which will be held tonmrrow night (Fri- day) in the Community IIall at 8 p.m. Entertainment will l)e of- fered and Santa Claus will be there. This is for all the chihh'en of the community so bring your children and see what Santa Claus has for them. A DANCE WAS fIELD in the community hall Dec; 4 for the teenagers of this community and the ltoodsport community. The dance was well attended with 50 boys and g'irls there. They ilOl)n to llave another dance soon. Mrs. Karl O'Berry motored to Seattle Friday morning (in the snow) to pick tip her mother and take her to North Bend. She re- turned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Allen left Dec. G to spend a couple weeks ill Avenal, Calif., whore they will sell their Christmas trees. They hope to sell them and z eturn home by Christmas. Harold Cain is in the Shelton General ttosl)ital recut)erating from surgery. Mrs. Cain reports he will be there about another week. We wish him a speedy re- covery. Union residents were saddened to hear of the death of Edwin Morris of Naches. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris of Union. Those attending the funeral from Union were Mr. and :Mrs. Guy Morris, Mr. and Mrs, Steve Morris, Harry :Morris, Edna Gatewood and Mr. and Mrs. Dmmy Johnson. Federal Land Dank Dividend Declared The Federal Land Bank Assoc- iation of Ehna has decl%red a $14,300 dividend to its stockhohter members. D. A. Whittaker, association manager, said the dividend rep- resents the association's share of a $1,200,000 dividend declared by the Federal Land Bank of Spo- kane. The Elma association, he explained, is one of 61 FLBA's in the four northwest states which own all of the Spokane bank's ca- pital stock. The FLBA's make and service loans for the bank. MONDAY DEADLINE FOR DANCE TICKETS ~i Tickets for the Sheltou Golf i Club New Year's Eve dance must i be picked up at the McComb Bus- :~i iness service by next Monday. Price has been set at $3 per cos- i: pie. Dancing will be to taped ! lllllSic. + ! Upwards of 420 farmers and stockmen in Grays Harbor, Thur- ston, Mason, Clallam and Jeffer- i son counties, the area served by ! the association, will share in the I $14,300 dividend, Whittaker said. Whittaker said the bank's $1,- I 200,0000 dividend is the largest ', paid In its 47-year history. It :! brings to $7 800,000 the total paid in dividends since 1944. III mimlf LB. FOR ONLY County Fair GRADE "AA" Tuck - 26" wide 100" 6 ro,,s 77 ’ U.S.D.A. Choice RIB ROAST F,rstl3 R, s ............ ,b. U.S. CHOICE - BLADE or 7-BONE CUT Every Tradewell Pot Rout is U.S. "Choice" selected from top choice beef --- it's so tempting 'n tender with a mouth-watering flavor the whole family iS sure to enjoy. , C Ib Doz. Ctn. U.S.D.A. Choice Boneless CHUCK ROAST Cross or Chuck ................ lb. CHUCK ROAST U.s.o.A. Choice Round Bone ........ lb. 59* STEW MEAT Choice Boneless Beef ............ lb. 69* RIB STEAKS u.s.o.A. Cho,ce ........ 89’ pTT*" Whole Kernel Vacuum Pack .................... Nalley's (Tradewell Qt. 45’) ........................... Dole's Finest ........................ 12 oz. Tins 46 oz. Tins Salon ~nOmplete Beauty Care enings By Appointment der New Ownership trlstmastown Beauty Salon So. 4th 426-4783 Lg ~xperienced Operator + A1 Greenwalt 901 E, Cascade ,PNone 426-8550 Office Now Open 323 Franklin Street Phone 426-8060 J. L. DEBBAN, D.C. 2-6 closed Thurs. Sand, Gravel • Top Soil i • Peat Soil • Custom Tractor Work Johns Creek Sand & Gravel 426-3552 Norm Anderson Machine • ' Sales, Service Rentals • New and Used • Free Pickup & Delivery Singer Sewing Center 117 5th Ave. East - ,Olympia Ph. 357-7586 Equipment Sales - Rentals - Repairs Bikes - New ~nd Used Pet Evap, Milk 6 NO. lT,ns 77 ’ Dr. R,oss Assorted Dog Food 5 15 Tins 77’ Dole Crush'ed or Sliced Pineapple 4 No. 1 F Tin 77’ Tradewell . 6 oz. Jar Instant Coffee ...... Nalley's - 22 oz. Jars Banquet Dills CLINTON'S BIKE SHOP Zee - 200 ft. Rolls llml i i ~$ Cota 426-81~ Waxod Paper Services- Tire Service To Wall Carpet . ~ew OK Tires & Upholstery . . Recapping Line Of Supplier • Used Bits O Sea Tuna 4 NO. ~2 .......... Tins 77' Walls Walls Cream Style Corn & Peas 4Tins.303 =IN 7' J SNOBOY - 2 Ib. pkg. Large Prunes .... 59’ Modess V-Form - 12 ~t. pkg. Sent. Napkins ...... 39’ BLUE BONNET N'S JANITOR SERVICE OK TIRE STORES Pacific Mandarin Uncle Ben's Long Grain & Wild p ' 11 oz. 'E 4th Olympia 352-1367 ,,,,,-----,-----'Mr" Vlew ~Ph"+ .m2 Oran ,as 4 Tins 77* Rice'• Mix". ......... 6pkg.OZ. 69 ’ I Pacific -11 oz. Tins Taylor Sweet No. 3 $ % , ;+T vel ,,, Papara Chunks4, '7 7’ Potatoes3 SqUat Tin 1 ,PILLSBURY ~lelena Rublnsteln cos- I I • Air - Rail - Steamship faeries | | , Bus,- Hotels - Tours Oennison s - 40 oz. Tins Foremost Milkman - 2 Qt. Size Choice of 9 Flavors PreseHpttorm i I • No Extra Charge For • • , I'Iylx~.Allergic cosmetics || Our Chili con Game .... 69’ Instant Milk .......... 37’ -_.. I I Angle Travel Res Center EILP8 PHARMA(;Y " Foremost Milkman - 6 Qt. Size ___ I I401 Railroad Ave 426.8272 Pard Crunchers • @ ,~ Franklln Ph. 426-3327 | I ' " 426 4134 5 lb. - Dog Food ........ s,zo 69’ Instant Milk .......... 99 Trade+, 18 oz 49' Creamy or Crunchy ........ Jar Bradshaw Tin Real Gold (12 oz. Tins 3/$1) ............ 6 OZ. Tins Joan of Arc .................. .............. -300 Tins Bathroom Assorted Colors ........ 4 roll Pkgs. P’ Nestle's 1-~ lb. EvorReady Deluxe ................................................... pkg. PC Snoboy Frozen Foods ( @ Leaf or Chopped Spinach I I I ) @ Peas and Carrots r ._ 1 I d= ( { • Cut arocceli ~ 1U OZ. • • tll } l rge,Red Ripe Slicing | Jeno's - Double Size - 30V2 oz. size Foremost Milkman- 12 Qt. Size ! '-i TV Service ' • $ 69 Cheese Pizza 7 9' Instant Milk ......... 1 pkg, l~alrbanks-Mor~e Pumps I I , Radio- 'IV . Y for ;IIELTON ELECTRIC CO. LER:OY'S TV SERVICE ~, LAST CHANCE TO COMPLETE YOUR ANCHOR-HOCKING | Rallread Ph. 426-6283 I I Mr. View Ph. 426-3172~ • COOKwARE SETS FOR CHRISTMAS '~'a~~, ~ All Items on Sale this week- while supply lasts! t ch Repairing TV Service 1 Qt. Saucepan... $1.95 9" Skillet ..... $3.00 ] ,' New..... Hamilton & I [ Fast and Guaranteed ~: 1½ Qt. Saucepan.. $2.25 10½" Skillet .... $4.95 , ~Ul0Va watches . . ...... II w and Radio Repairs ~" 2½ Qt. Saucepan.. $3.45 Handles ......... $2.00 ~ typen aewetry ILeI[m I I Ante--- a,~a ~.~. ~_~^. ~Pert Jewelry Repatrt g Armagost TV Radio Service Neuensohaander Jeweler II 1"1" K" " ~" x 1, +rr ,’, " ........... r i a ~ v mg 8t (Mt View) t "% T. Boswelb uwn~ • • " • 426 4342 Railroad 426-6182 I I " . Repmrlng ------- Printing tajor Overhauls L • Quality Work ~rakes & Ignition [ of All Kind= Velding & Tune-ups " 'Peelal Winterizing J TH E JOU R N A L ED'S SERVICE I 227 Cota Phone 426-4412 E. Cota 426-3926 I mmmmmimm~mm +mmmmmmimm mammmmm~mm Station umanlng vice Carpets - Wall to Wall For Good •Service Floors - Stripped, Polished Prices effective thru Sat., Dec. 19, 1964. No Sale to Dealers. ~ee Ual: Windows - Walls - Upholstery Relerve Right to Limit Quantity, Equal Opportunity Employer. ~0rk Fully Guaranteed "BHELTON'S OWN" L Time Sel Station CLEANING SERVICE CO. l=t St. & Lloyd Days 426.8138 Nites 426-4376 RADISHES & GREEN LETTUCE-FleSh 'n Crisp~a~ CUCUMBERS -- Long ~’ ONIONS - ~./ Romain, or Red -,af E=. Green F,orid= ............ Ea. a,V Largo Bunoh,, C Ib