December 17, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SHELTON--MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL Pubhshed m :'Chr?:stmastown, U.ZA , hel.t0n, Washington PAGE 13
" uayton area/amng ; i~ ~~_ .FLEXIBLE iP,
iallum pn mmuna|v , . .. 3KoK0mmsn G( mmo I1[ I flurcfl KEEPS OUT COLD, .,.,,..,,oo,
=,,,,---vt,,,.,..,...,.b Plans On The t.ooK ut _ --. Y - - .o,oo,. u,.i
• " '" l .
PenechWe Party Hew Years Eve ChrislmasSeason Present Chnstmas Pr0glam Sands. Savesu.t040%0nfuel
$ By Mallei Kidd ' " 3 ] "h dinnez %E' r -
13,, Fr.m(.es Calto eipL" then) from au old f!~rn) ,Vcll, it;s getting closer and SI{OK(~ISMI;ry 'ralh~he firs" ::;~t at'sl61~"l0bp~ilz~e:~tmt~ee~]uF Tim/i~ .... ST [ ~/~~~ ~
LILLI'WAUP . P no(hle play-pal)er s~ n e 3 ) years ago an(t umt closet" to Christmas and with snow ~." .... " :: ,- • --/ - , ' : ~ .... -~--- --~:i-- 7: .... ;,, ,% .... / ~' ~ I [ [~U~'~"
• 1 • • '• ~ ' " • • ' " ¢' " UUI'ISLn3aS uarol Wll| De l'cSenL(~(1 k~III'lStIIIEL,% p~lva.y ~,¢xS *at cxtt~t'~:~e
ors in the Lfl ~wau ) V1ClnlLy are it v.'a:~ L]evlnan in orlgm. She has on the ~round this cold Tuesda ' • " P ...... • .... ~
;fet:~:!.x,~::;n~Onsth,~tn.:he~i~ tz: tpo ;.?llin:~:~t:;, li(::Hl:~.l?,~te(l~[:~s a ]]i'l:)eZn;tl~L]Stb:~m:~ntght° .~?~ n~tzze Chm:ch S,!nday. sc!z~(:ol this Sunday iPz:zyl2ias Bz~;'~]:v~;hcorMat~SonKinney ¢! I (~.yX~
..... 3$~l'Y~i'de' t .. " ' ' c ll it g Y by the Skokomish Comnnmity ,>f Mrs Vehna Dock 'x,d M,': I~
old year than [o play pinochle Bem~ie(.'e boils noodles, enough sun is shinin but a }~iiim: cold cvemng at 7:;~o p. . .... 'g' "' ' :" ~ ~ I .~ ~_,,~ nnd T*,,~ t~n
and enjoy . ,n,.gasbofd refresh- for a oo.p e ,,f layer's i. a l rge wind is blowing across sn,,wy pe.,,n w. s The Women's FeUowship of the B[ I ",';'" _Td:---_-- I
ments aL the (:lose of the evening casserole. She uses two No. 303 fields Houses are bcgim~ing to guest, a~ .~ne ~1 a.m.s.ey- Counmmity Church met at the ~,.,.~q~-~ I ~~ [ [ ~~,~[
and of the year. ]cans of sauerkraut and 1% to 2 gleam with' "decor~tcd trees and ~ce o~. ~5!COJ~OlnlSh won)pumity home of Mrs. Ida Johnson on last ~ I ~l I~~lil
And so, on Dee. 31 the Lilli- pounds of pork sat|sage. First you outside decorations. Notice how~:.l.u.l~n^¢l'~,~l~:~'~iil,:aal)Jze a,~- Tuesday eveInnK (or a Ch['istmas ~~ [ I
• ) cram m" ' '- ' "x~ make a layer of noodles, then o1: lovel Bill and Ria Brown's houses ............ - ...... y. program ana excnange ot giles, ~ ~ T.U,. [ ~,~,.al~..,~r [ ]¢~.,~h.~d, mt[
~aut C t ~ty Chlb is gp, zzg . . y .... . . . ~,,,~u,,. I L "-"
a pinocifle New Year's party in the kraut and pzeces of sausagelooks as you drive by Mrs. Ida Johnson entertained Mrs. Carl Spauldmg gave a zead- I ........ J
and repeat the l.lyers Bake in ......... ]n ....... the Missionary circle of the Shcl-
tim community hall, starting at . ~ ~'- '" " -r- wecmes(my ~virs *~e4 etn worn-
8 p.m. Party guests will contrib- a' sJow oven ]or 2 to 3 non ~. ~ • ' ton Baptist Church Wednesday
~" niec( d.~ 'miners the kraut en, Mrs. Bill Wolden {rod son of
ute food for the smorgasbord. Tim zor" ~erawnne "';~ ~'oelore'° m pu~nng~" "'in t'he .ShelL°n-. and Mrs.. A.: E..Lvmk,~, . too- hostess.With Mrs. Mary Valley as co-
club will furnish prizes, dish as she sa s "lon cookin-torea to the Nortngate home of
Plans for the party were made A " : s . ~,ys, "g" a o~ Mrs .4 H Wolden where they Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson and
is the secret (t tne aerie ey ' .'" .-" .'. ...... • Edith were Sunday dinner g~zests
aL the business meeting of the this ingredient". It's a zesty dish, oe'r~gYe~has D~t~eaY ~'ene;~e°nfn~TM of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin of.
club Friday evening. The sessionserved bubbling hot on a cold _8 . :'. .~ ....... ~ :"Matloek.
followed a potluck supper and ni-ht atue. aotmng tnem ~rom l~.ent Mrs. Jim Valley, Vicki and Ja-
pinochh.' was played later in the ~--" ............... n- were Mrs Betty Chilson and Mrs.
"WIIEI~ ,;uiil~ /~tlt¢,o trims a (1 .... L" . - . ...... mie of Edmonds visited her grand-
evening, with eight tables in play. li-hts n" his 16 foot front lawn ~ecu zv~c~am ana warm Ann win-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Hostes'~es were Mrs. Matt Kaare~ v -
holly tree,the Yuletide season den, Seattle• Valley during the week and also
and Mrs. Anna Johnson.
Roland Willson was elected to has officially come to Lilliwaup. Kathy Hickson of Lake Nah- visited Mr. and Mrs. George Val-
fill the vacancy on the club's He has had to add each year orwatzelspent the weekend in the ley at Ista1]d Lake.
board of trustees, following theso to his string of lights, because James Hickson home with her Miss Edith Johnson was guest
recent death of William J. Ever- of the tree's added growth. He cousins, Sheila, Elizabeth and Ja- speaker for the 11 a.m. smwice at
has a large number of holly trees mie. On Saturday morning, the Mathmk Sunday. She also spoke
piano is We've hinted at the gourmet son, Dale, with his wife and small children of Kent spent the week-
possession that can bring m]rprise dishes to be found at the son of Winlock, their daughter,end with :Mrs. A. E. Lemke.
Miss June :Moffett, and a friend, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chappell
etoyou ~,dastingly. Lilliwaup Community Club pot- Michael Bird, of Olympia. Dale attended the 25th wedding anni-
dcrafte he makers of luck st~ppers held monthly on the
famous REY organ, second Friday. Perhaps you'd like stayed over to spend a little more versary party of Mr. and Mrs.
mndfinishes to hear about some of them. Here time with his mother, who is con- William Hall of Kamilche Point
walnut, is one we particularly enjoyed the valescing from the flu and a bron- held Friday evening at Dayton
ehial disturbance as an aftermath. Hall.
i'). other evening. It's a wonderful
ua • ~ dish for a wintry night and was She is much improved and plan- Dozma Bloomfield came home
n~ IS ~US|~ ~0X made by Mrs. W. A. Leimback, ning to have her family memberson Friday from Bellingham for
who says that her mother got the all home for a Christmas cele- the start of Christmas vacation.
Cots. St. 426-4302 recipe(probablycalleda 'l'ec- bration. Mrs. Doyle Howard honored her
.......... Others just getting over attacks husband Friday evening with a
~ ; • • " ~ ". • • " ~ of the flu are Mr. and Mrs. Fred birthday dinner. Guests were Mr.
,~ ~ ~'~ '~ ~ ~~'] Martin and Mrs. Lulu Smith, whoand Mrs. Ted Ber/'y, Shelton and
were miss e~,~ at the Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown and Shel.
They live in ' ~,,,,wa,,~ Community Club gath-
ering, lY[rs. Martin is the club's le~ir, and Mrs. L. A. Todd called
\ secretary.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Schultz on Mr. and Mrs. A1 Fraisure on
of Mike's Beach Resort are win-Thursday. Donna Hulbert and girl
tering again in.Mexico, where Mr. friend Radiun Somme of Federal
Schultz enjoys his hobby--under- Way spent the weekend in the
water photography. They report Alvin Hulbert home. Guests to
from Mauganillo, Colama, where view slides of Norway which Rad-
they are at present, that they tun had taken while there were
have been disappointed because Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley of
the water has not been as clearSkokomish Valley.
. as they would like to see it for ~zlday' visitors in the Pete
photographic purposes. Staying at Bloomfield home were Jerry Man-
the resort while they are gone ley of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs.
are Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Bartch Claude McIrvin of Shelton.
who spent last winter there. The Eldon Todds were Sunday
~V[rs. Sig Anderson spent Fri- callers in the home of Mr. and
day and Saturday in Bellevue vis- Mrs. L. A. Todd.
Prizes were awarded to :Mrs. in the area back of his residence, girls joined other 4-H members at at the evening service in the Shin-
Brilliantly lighted homes ,in the the Pool iuotare for their Christ- ton Baptist Church.
Matt Kaare and Fred Johnson,
first; 1V[rs. Betty HorLon and Nell Holiday Beach community are al- mas swimming party. Rev. and Mrs. John Hadley
Vance, second; Mrs. Stella Mor- so adding to the Christmas time MR. AND MRS. BILL Brown spent the weekend in Spokane.
look of our area. motored to Enumclaw Monday to THOSE V~]O TURNED out for
ken and Matt Kaare, pinochle,
and :Mrs. Henry Mourik, the door Weekend visitors at the Bob purchase a new Tree Farmer. Grange last Friday evening had
Moffett home were the Moffetts' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil, McLain and a very enjoyable evening, start-
~t ~-~O'zes'" Toddlers From $3.00 to $5.99 w.A. (Jack) Leimback. Mrs. Bert Davis is leaving this
Retirement from her work for Thursday, with her daughter, Mrs.
'"'"''a-U~ 'rom $4.99 to $8,99 Juveniles as captain in the King Hobart Hedrick of Shelton, for
County Sheriff's office, .has .not a stay in Seattle. Her plans are
:S s~ize7'14F\:7" Lrom $5.99 to $10.99 affected the continueu interest o1: to attend a wedding ill that city
Capt. Florence Ross in the prob- and 'stay over tim holidays at the
~~~O lems of youth. Capt. Ross, a ire-home of her son-in-law and daugh-__|vs /
" " __ quent Lilliwaup visitor, mother of ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor.
our postmaster, Faith Evans, has ph~~gy
just been elected to the chairman-
ship of a group known as Re-
.' : ' ' ' Treads Unit of Friends of Youth"
in Seattle. The group was organ7
ized to make use of the talents *
of board members who have com, P[afls nr
pleted their active memberships
• :; ::,Third " in Friends of Youth. The Griffin
Home for Boys is sponsored by Ch
, Friends of Youth. ristmas Rush
Millions of Christmas gifts will
take the form of Christmas calls
• You'll asree...
HOl ~day HOS1" ()eg[, this year. Pacific Northwest Bell
to friends and relatives are ex-
"--1,, w th manager John M. Doyle said calls
pected to break all PNB long dis-
tance records this year.
Oi ~~IG A peak crew of more than 2,000
telephone men and women will be
on the job throughout Washing-
ton ~nd Northern Idaho complet-
ing calls Christmas Day.• Dur-
5gg' ing the holiday season operator,~
will handle thousands more long
distance calls than in an everage
" business period of comparable
Doyle said that with the ex-
F~ragrant with spiee~ and
pected heavy volume of traffic
the t~aditional flavor of some calls might be delayed, but
~ fine l~ura, (non.alcoholic, callers can help speed up calls and
of coursel), the first sip avoid delays by following these
telephone tips:
~)~ will convince you, 1. Use Direct Distance Dialing
(DDD) when possible. (Nearly
Darlgold Makes It,Better.
90 percent of PNB s Washington-
nt your door or fovori~ t~ore
Idaho customers now have DDD)
2. Call by number if the call
is placed with the assistance of
.. an operator.
3. If possible, avoid calling on
Christmas Eve and Day, peak
hours of holiday telephone traf-
fic. Calls placed early in the week
will assure Pacific Northwester-
hers of making undelayed and
completed Christmas calls.
The usual holiday rates will be
in effect from 6 p.m. Thursday
(12/24) until 4930 a.m. Saturday
(12/26). The after-nine rates also
will be in effect until 4:30 a.m.
ing, 'Ninety Miles to Bethlehem'
with Mary Valley assisting at the
piano. A delicious lunch was serv-
ed by the hostess, Mrs. Johnson
,;ith Mary Valley as co-hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evers of Shel-
ton and Roy Meeks of Camp Gov-
ey were dniner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Spaulding to honor Mrs.
Evers on her birthday.
Dick Doak, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Don Doak, was married recently
to Miss Janet Smetzler of Long-
Martin Smith is in Seattl~ help-
ing the Hunter Brothers with the
marketing of Christmas trees.
Rev. and Mrs. John Hadley were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Richert on Monday evening.
Roger Richert of Bellevue and
George Richert visited their pap
cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Richert
Plus Such Other Winter Protectors as:
Aluminum Windows • Storm Doors
Storm Window Kits .
Insulation • Weather-Stripping
PHONE 426-4522
DEC. 26th & JAN. 2nd
iting her brother, Oscar Olsen, THRIFTIEST
and family. Sig was on another
hunting trip and brought back With both Ruth and Barney ~ FRIGIDAIRE
pheasants and ducks to add to the Zahl working on it in spare t, ime,
enviable supply of game in their asthe aadditi°ngarago andiS plannedalso f(~rf°rutilitynSe MOBILE DIS
• MR. AND MRS. C. W. Cheat- and storage area and a bathroon~.
ham went into Seattle for a re=, An extra bedrom may bc incorp-
union of the family of Mrs. Cheat- 'l~brated later on. ' : . :
ham (the former Susan Ander- A DINNER PARTY at their ~ i"~xu~Hrvqf~~~ f~
son}. A brother, Bill Richardson, Beacon Point home Saturday
and hi~ wife were hosts for thenight celebrated the 12th birth- {(((~/~ (t~] / .~// • Ideal for small
party, a buffet supper Satm~layday of Susan Morris, daughter of '~1 ~I~~i] ~~ families
"~. night at their home in Lake For- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mm'ris. Jim-
esL Park. Among those present mie Smith of Hoodsport, a cousin ~i4 • Choice of 5 cycles
i were another brother, Victor Ri- of the honored guest, spent the ~~!~' |~~- I " 9 table settings
charcDon of Sequim, and his faro- weekend with the Morris family, ~'~..~-'~~~l~ I,.-..--- I capacity (NEMA)
ily; two sisters with their ram- and attended the party. Also Mr.
' ilies, and other relatives, includ-~ and Mrs. Wallace Smith m~d two ~ ~ [[~}~ l~i] [ • No Installation
ing Mr" and Mrs" David Eager' s°ns °f Lilliwaup were dinner lii!~] [
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Knox and guests. Susan, the great grand- -- required
son, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hanson anddaughter of Mrs. Lulu Smith of Model DW-DMH |~{!] I
' ~ _ ~ :Mrs Clar~ Goranson, all of Ta- Beacon Point Resort, is a student , [~ I ~*
coma, and Mrs. Cheatham's son, at the Hood Canal Junior High " Thorough, effective washing action ,,~ A .~, ,am ~.'.'.{~ ] ~ ,1
~. ~" ~ ~ Ralph, and his wife, Shirley of School. 12 table eett[ngs capac|ty (NEMA) ~ ~ ~ r ~~~J i
Seattle. Among the Tlzanksgiving Day
~r~---~ Loretta, daughter of Mr. a~ld guests at the family gathering at Spill-Saver Top with Melamine "~~~~ V~-~
Mrs. Fred S. Kilbourne, entertain- Beacon Point were members of surface " L L ~ Model DW-STE
cd members of her sixth grade the Wallace Smith family of Lil- Single-Push Timer D[a| .
" class at the Hood Canal Junior liwaup. Tlzeir names were'omitted mm [dSt(he joyful bustle of holiday excitement, high school with a supper party in the news item about this holt-
Dramatic bouffant fashions set the party at her Holiday Beach home Mon- day dinner.
scene in a glittering array of jewel tones-- day night. About 14 attended.Ed Scheuer returned Wednes-
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Leimback of day of last week from a visit of A GEM OF A GIFT is an apphance she doesn t have.
: christmas reds and greens to m tke your Tacoma spent Sunday here visit- ,several days in Seattle, spent with
little angels dreams cometrue, ing with Mr. Leimback's brother his daughter and with his brother, LOOK AT THESE OTHER GREAT:FRIGIDAIRE CHRISTMAS "BUYS"!
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Scheuer.
• No frost---no defrosting ever in freezer or
• Big lO0-1b, zero zone top freezer.
• Twin Porcelain Enamel Hydrators. ,
• Roomy storage door and morel ~
• 329oo, ....
Even I~ss With Trade
• PulI'N Clean " ! ACTION
oven slides out i ~ ,eCirculates all
~j~___..,~x.~.. clothes under water
like a drawer, i
~~ for a really clean
.Cook-Master I .... I wasu
J~ automatic oven |
I~1 control, li ~i] ~z~_~z [e Freshrurm|ngwatel'
12 LB. I rinses.
!~~11 * Recessed, one- ~ ~i] Tt to, I • Separate cycles for
~i!~J piece flowing 1delicatea and Wash
~]~~~ top. P,us maw , ~ [ &Wear.
~{~]1] ~ other easy- ~ig/'~ _._~ Modd~DA414
~J~ ~ clean f,.aLurcs! 1
Even Less With Trade
1st and Pine Sts.
With Trade