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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 17, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 17, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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DecemlJer ].7, 1964 " ,qITEI TON-- A ON COUNTY 50UI NAE--Publi he t in U.g.A.", helton, Wa. hingfon PAGE 17 ii That's how up-to-the-minute everything is in Elwood Manor. As constructors of the swimming pool at Elwood Manor we feel most pleased and privileged to have had a part in bringing to completion this elegant addition to the housing needs of a growing and progressive community. Our congratulations and best wishes to Elwood Larsen, when progress is being made. We've done so often in the past as Shelton grew, and our part in creating Elwood Manor is one more example which we deeply appre- ciate. Thank you Elwood Larsen, and our best wishes to you. It was our pleasure to provide the financ- ing which made this fine new addition to Shel- ton possible, the latest in a long list of housing improvements we are glad to have contributed a part to in your community. May the best of 'luck attend this new Elwood Larsen enterprise. I • Tacoma • Bremerton Heating, Plumbing & Sheet Metal Olympia, Washington BALL ROLLING Thank you, Elwood Larsen, asking us to do the excavat- work for your new, apart- tion Contractor Phone 426-4889 Another major roofing pro- ject, like so many before it, done by Rudy Flakus • Phone 426-4541 We are grateful to Elwood for the opportunity to in another major improvement by doing ceramic tile, carpeting and installation for Elwood Mt. View Phone 426-2292 \ T Come and inspect Shelton's splen did new 20-unit apart.ment complex on Mountain View---on Adams street betw een G and H streets. Now available for rentals, unfurnished. Elwood Manor is a completely modern, highly attractive, conveniently located apartment complex. BUILT AND OWNED BY E LWOOD H. LARSEN, Inc. Donald Eby, Architect • Vancouver, Washington in being ,able to help create such a. wonderful addition to Shelton as the New Elwood Manor apart- ments is hard to express proper- ly. Let us just say we consider it a privilege and we wish the finest fortune to Elwood Larsen. Olympic Hwy. So, Ph. 426-2042 BEST WISHES Woody Larsen on this fine new project in m--one of the most attractive cities had the pleasure of working in--and for giving us a part in its realization. of the wallboard and sheetrock for ElwoodManor. Vancouver, Washiltgton jP around Elwood Manor after we finished lay- ing the blacktopping in the proper areas. It was a pleasure to play a part in helping complete another fine improvement in Shelton, as we have so frequently done in the past. l SALUTE YOU, It takes men like you, willing to risk their assets, to make communities move ahead. May good fortune attend this newest of your contributions to Shelton's growth and pmgress. Gordon Bennett, Contractor \ The vision and courage of Elwood Larsen again helps our community keep in step with the needs of the times, and is to be highly commended and appreciated---just as we ap- preciate the opportunity to have been a part of the over-all project as representative for the land owner, the builder and contractor, and the financial agency. Kurt Mann 121 Railroad Avenue e rl m Contractor-Builder Elwood Larsen has clearly proved his confidence in our community's future by constructing Elwood Manor with its 20 fine apartment units to help re- lieve Shelton's housing shortage--his second major contri- bution of this nature in this community. He has also---for the second time--demonstrated his con- fidence in GRAYSTONE PRODUCTS by asking us to supply all the concrete building materials used in the construction of Elwood Manor. In which we are most pleased to have had a major role. $ * * $ As has been the case in so many building projects prevriously, the Lumber- men's Mercantile Industrial & Builders Supply has been called upon to furnish all the building materials for Shelton's fin e new Elwood Manor, a 20-unit apartment project needed badly by o tr community. THANK YOU, ELWOOD LARSEN, FOR ASKING US TO HELP. We thank Woody Larsen for this new opportunity to again assist in the progress of Shelton and we extend our sin- cere wishes for immediate success with his newest enter- prise. ,/ Like Woody Larsen, M0reand More Builders are turning to We are pleased that we have the facilities to answer the needs of a major building undertaking of this magnitude a nd we feel it is a compliment to be select- ed to carry out this responsibility as wel 1 as proof that we can do so. We wish you instant success with Elwood Manor. MORE AND MORE BUILDERS ARE P LACING THEIR FAITH IN OF SHELTON ! 7th and Park Streets Phone 426-3344 !