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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 17, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 17, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE__ 18,. SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December 17, . Sale "---I .--_--Pets, -----__._Livest°ck Classified Advertising Estate "-- Estate Legal Publications Legal DeWALT RADIAL SAW -- 9 in. with -F()-R--SAi~E -- Used electric range PRIVATE DOG Obedience lnstruc- ". Rates EMIGRATING TO AUSTRALIA -- FIVE ROOM HOUSE -- Garage, nice NO, 8805 ] NO. 3al9 cabinet, two extra blades and dade Good c)J~'dition.. ...... "~:ile.n • .~° .... Phon(~ tion..( Teann Kennels Phone 426- Must ,qcli our waterfront home. Four neighborhood, half block to school. SUMMONS ]|Y PUIII, ICATI(}N ] NOTICE OF HEA|{1NG bead, $200. Daisy CO2 pistol, like 426-6312 after 5 p,m. G 12/3-17 6940. F 9/24 tfn 15 words or less (minimum bedroon,s, 18x24 living room with Good rentalproperty.Phone 426- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE I AND I'ETITION FOR new, $10. 426-2277. B 11,'26 tfn ~4~--SAi~--~--~se~-~n-~-~" HORSE SHOEING done in Mason charge) $1.00 single insertion, wall-to-wall rug and drapes, fire- 2484. N 10/22 tfn STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR DlS'rltlBU'rlON place, separate dining room,rec-~LANCi~--Z2~--a~-r~--~stly---clcai,ed" MASON COUNTY ] 1N THE SUPER1OR COURT ( ~OY:~LELECTRiCS(,l-nda;.(ltypewrit[ Guitar and tun~r-$~-6. "Pl~on~ 426-" ~lnty. yo~6 place or mine. Jim $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for real|on room, breakfast roon,, etc. sprinkling system, five bedroom DARLENE L. WHITE, Plaintiff vs. ] STATE OF WASHINGTO1 or with legal size carriage. Excellent 3209, ' W 12/3 tfn . ua zo-euua or ~zo-s~zo, three insertions. Additional 115 feet of waterfront and tidelands, house, barn other buildings 21/.RICHARD L. WHITE Defendant. ] MASON COUNTY IN PROBA condition. Call evenings after 6 p,m:, ~-OYS~--2-6-r,--ScHwi-N~T--Tigi~:-bic-y-~]~, .......... 5._]14 tLn insertions 25~ each. Rates for 4.6 acres, Would nutke beautiful salt miles' from Correchons' ' Center, phone' " STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE ] In the Matter of the Estate 426-6864. K 12/3 tfn chrome trims, whitewall th'es, ligbt, NEW SUPPLY of turtles and fish are larger ads on request, water" subdivision. Only 2~ miles 426-2387. N 10/22 tfnSAID RICHARD L. WHITE Defend- ] KINGSBURY, Deceased. BOYS BIKE, Rototiller, roaster oven,carriers front and back, blue, $25.In. Also greeting cards of all kinds, from Shelton. Make us an offer on : NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVI 45 h.p, Mercury electric with bat- Phone 426-6217. E 11/26 tfn 5c apiece. Call evenings, 426-4378. Classified display $1.25 per our equity, Phone 426-2101. 10--ACI~ES~--l~gged--0-f-f_~-cl~, %~]o~ly- ant tory, skiis, ski boots, poles. Call ()-IL" "-CIi~CUI~.~TING---h~.aters-50000" ........... ~-- V 3/19 tfn column inch. It 12/'3 tfn fenced, two bedroom house with wa-You are hereby summoned to aDnear[DOLORES SIMMONS, Excc~ ter and lights on highway. Route 3, after 5 p.m. 426-4408. b 11/19 tfn, BTU, complete with pipes, 'barr'els. I FOR SALE OR TRADE for-71-~J~/sa]]o]-d Card of thanks $1.50. Read- ~ Box 394, Arcadia Rtrad.sNl~/~F~/~i within sixty (60) days after" the-~late [ the Estate of L. M. Kingsbt of the first publication of this Sum-[ceased, bss filed in the office F, LECTi~C--'0RG'A~l-'-f'~-~'r---5-1~l:istllia-s-," extras. $10 each. Phone 426-8584 or I furniture. Registered puppies, Toy _ _ - Half price 426-4408 after 5 p.m. see at Edgewood Apts. (Airport) Collies, Australian Terriers, Wester notices 15 word minimum for sale. Phone 426-8563. No Satur- umns, to-wit within sixty (60) days ] Ch~rk of said Court a Rel)ort $ L 11/19 tfn S 10/15 tfn ,Higlfland Wbite Terriers. Phone $1.00 or $2.00 per col~-12n day or Friday night calls, please. ~--IN----~I-ON-on--v-iew after tbe 26th day of November 1964 I t tion for' distr' bution, asking th h 7/4 tfn lot overlooking water and moun- and defend the above entitled 'actton] to settle sahl repQ~'t, distribt 1~ ~G-~IN'-N~, ~~r-~£~oors, ~'~)-P--S-0-I-L~flI-H--dirt-L--F__E:I .. 426:6(')40. .................... F 12/!7 U'n inch. FOR S~L~ tains. Three bedrooms, two bathsin tbe above entitled court, and answer ll)roperty to the persons thor, the Complaint of the Plaint ff and titled and to discharge the pe Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn ] FOR SALE -- Scalpoint Siamese, eight"Not Responsible" notiee~ "at Five Corners. Phone 426-8158 af- and den, carpets, garage with work- serve a copy of you,' answer upon the ]as Executrix; and that said 3 car starters, one set oxygen and ~'^~r~--~--~,~hXi--=~£Y~77(~-~;. ~-;:1 week old Christmas kittens $10 ca(h ...................................1.., ... • -- • .... ~ : . $1.50 per insertion, ter 5 p.m. B 7/23 tfn shop. Phone Union 898-2138. undersigned Attorney at his office be- ] and petitiou w 11 b( h mrd on acetylene couplers. One motor 6-32 pack camera at a sensational $117.50 .... ~m)ne~ 42678808_ • ........... S 12/3-10-17 All clarified advertisements ~-~~~ D 4/23 tfl5 volts. One lawn mower sharpener, Ziegler's Camera Sbop, 124 No. 2nd. I FOR SALE --- Seal-p-oin-t-Slamese kit- one small gas heater for trailer. ~-I]~,---S--E~-L----------~-6- t~i~o--~ low stated and in "case of your'fail- day of January, 1964 at 10:00 , Jerome Kerhart, 204 East Pine. Z 11/19 tfnItens for Christnms. Phone 426-4326.must be paid in advance. Ad~ brick, 2 bedrooms main floor ure so to do, judgment will bcren- in the forenoon of said day, .-- K 11/5 12/31NE'--V~'--~l'~m-'obilh---h-om-e's!-Natioii;s ] W 12/17 taken over the telephone must full basem6nt includes rec, room house, fireplace, three lots, fruit dared against you according to the de- I soon thereafter a~u the matter RE-D--Uc~-7-'x~cular~, c--oa't-~ best seller, your best buy. DeTray's I __ .. ,,,, be paid before the end of the that can be used for bedrooms, deep- trees. Near stores and schools on mand of the Complaint which has been Iheard at the court room of tl~ drilled well, excellent water supply, HillcresL Phone 426-6190 after 4 p,m. filed with the Clerk of said CouPt ] entitled court, in the Courth Mobile Homes, 1617 Fortes Road, I Miscellaneous month. An extra charge of or weekends. S 9/3 tfn ed lens, guaranteed. Regularly $34.50, Olympia. Phone 352-2907. D 10/15 tfn 5 acres, (3½ pasture), 1½ merch- That the cause of action herein is I Shclton, Mason County, Was NOW $29.45 at Ziegler's Camera Shop 10¢ Will be made when billing antable timber, young fruit trees, AN---N-GL-E-SID-E three bedroo--m--~- -Two for a divorce between the parties above ] at which time ~and place any 3/26 tfn T~A-S'-"OR-G-h~'~i'20--~--c'h-0"rd:I COIN COLLECTORS -- Buy your coin is necessary, berries and fine garden spot. 426- fireplaces, large family room, dining named wherein Plaintiff seeks a div- ]interested in said Estate may ~0P(-)~-FREE--Hou~t--~--beauty--~]l $250. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cots. I supplies locally. 2129 Adams St. Call 8563. No Saturday calls, please, room, all electric, w/w carpet, patio, orce from the Defendant RICHARD L. ] and file objections thereto and .................... 4/l~tf~[ 426-4366. H 12/3-17 3t A 5/21 tfn fenced yard. F.H.A. terms $15.80qWHITE, on the grounds of cruel|the same, for a Merle Norman Cosmetic dam- by owner. 426-4400 after 5 or week- treatment by the Defendant. [ DATED this 27th day of No onstratioa. Elaines phone 426-4582. BRAND NEW COLOR pack P olaroldl~:RTiST-S~i)p~iES---~---Ca~a~;--ta~:- For Rent ISLAND LAKE fo~r fun or ends. O 6/18 tfn E 6/4 tfn camera, ~rtce tenured to, I lets, pads, oils. water" colors pastel JOHN C. RAGAN I 1964. ~mgmr's wamera ~nop ±/z;~ un I chalks a~ortea h~.~h,,~ ~'1~ e year round living, 115 ft. of water- ~'~C-TROLUX S/~LEB, service end ..........................: .............. e ......... t .m- front suitable for one or two fam- ~'(JI~--'SX:LE---'U------Skol¢onH.~]-i--liSme~'--3 Attorney for Plaintiff | LAURA M. WAGENER TRY OUR CATALOG SEItVICE -- I pera paints. Ziegler's Camera Shop, FOR RENT -- Furnished 1 bedroom files' enjoyment. Call 426-8589 any- bedrooms, 5 acres, 2-car garage and Office & Post Office address: / Clerk of said Court Supplieg. John Rice. Phone ~-~10& Many thousands of ltetrm to choose | 124 N. 2nd. 12/10-17 apartment, downtown. W/W ear- time. ' L 7/16 tfn shed. Phone 426-3784. Gary Deyette, Title Insurance Building | By Tcckla Vermillion, ]: affer 2:00 p.m. Demonstrations. from. Large descounts. We pay |----JERO-M-E-BU~-R-'KE------------ pet, tiled bath. Suitable for one ,or Star" Route 1, Box 65-A. 12/17 1/21 122 Railroad Avenue | GLENN E. CORRE/k ~t ~/7 tfn ~-I-L~N---D~rb-~----H~--~-E~---w-i~K freight. Shelton Marine Sup~yd~I-I~l~ ~ GARDEN" rotovatlng, field plowing, two people. $75 per me. References. FO-R~--~e-~room --iio~se_ THREE-BEDi~EiOM--H0i~E~'-flrel~-fa-ce-. Shelton, Washington 98584 | Attorney for Estate fans. Box spring and mattresses, ~'"~' "* ~- .... ! pit-run gravel. Minimmn charge un- Call Kurt Mann, Realtor 426-6592. Make offer. Phone 426-3209. carpeted living room; garage and 11/26 12/3-10-17-24-31 6t [ Bell Building "CHRIST~TOWN, U.B.A." rubber | der four hours. Anything over four 12/17 W 12/17 tfn carport. 15 minutes from Shelton, 10 / 121 South Fourth Street like new, fumigated. Electric stoves, ,tamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 | hours is by the hour. 426-3678. ~she-d F~AL~ R-e~o~-~ty~--On~-3~ minutes from Olympia. $13,500. Ph. ~-~.~-..~.. [Sbelton Washingfon 24,upright30 andcooler36 forinChstorageSizes" orG°rd°nrest- each. 227 West Cota~ 12/1 tfn | B 6/25 tfn cabin, close to town. $35 per month, bedroom, one 2-bedroom, and one Olympia 357-7448 or 357-7178. l~lbl ll~lb~ [ , ~ !2/10.17. am'ant. TV's, washers and dryers,~V.OU-'-tT~AN.~..P~.i.~ ~?ore water and |~~--N-IN~atl~o-r not over one child, References re-1-bedroom house, Good condition Mc 12/10 tfnTWo BEDROOM HOME on Arcadia / NOTICE OF GROUND WA Several pieces of old furniture in-tonger wire FalrDang~ Morse pumps. I written and driving tests. Privatequlred. Phone LaBlssoniere Agency, close to school and business district. T-~p~]~--~I~R--O-~-I~--I~)-571E---- -~g~" Avenue. Large living room and kit- | RIGIIT AI'I'I.ICATION NO. eluding several oak tables. Miscel- See them at Shelton Electric Co., / lessons beginner and refresher eour- 426-4666. N 12/3-17 2328 Adams St. Phone 426-4238. living room with nice rug. Refriger- ehen. Good location. Close to store~ |STATE OF WASHINGTON ( ianeous items of all kinds. Herb's _419 Railroad. 8/16 tfn |ses. Pick up service. Call ely. 857- I~URNISHE----~~S--~D P 7/16 tfn ator, r~.nge. Garage, workshop. $5750. and school. See to appreciate this ] OF SUPERVISOR OF WAT] Second Hand Store on Mt. View. Y~)R SALE -z Used steel, plates, p llla~ | 6131 collect anytime. Phone 426-8077. Y 12/3 tfn buy at $6,950. Call 426-2278. / SOURCESI 'Olympia Phone 426-3532. H 10/15 ftn pulleys and shafts. All type. ~al-| C 6/26 tfn one bedroom apartments, two blocks------~ ~LTb-N-'JUNK~P--ANY--~-I~Tn= v a.~.e. Shelton Junk Co., First and |GI~]:)I~X---~ from bank, shopping center. Appll- ~ $5B00 / C~E-----d0iNG~AL--L--Y'E~:BUSINESS, M 12/3 tfn |TAKE NOTICE: ances, beat, hot water, garbage ser- Right size for couple. See at Allyn~ O~~R-'-0-Ll~~~o-m--h6us~ | That .State Parks and Re, mui pnone 426 8626, 9/8 tfn coin welders and equipment, new, ---", ~"~ " • | Journal is a weekly reminder of vice furnished. Tiled sinks, bath- Wash, or phone 426-6719 evenings, with full basement on Lake Nah-|Commmmsion-of .Olympia, Was watzel Call ~9.6-6885A 9/17 tfn /on October ,1 1964 filed apl; for sale. 426-8626. 9/17 tfnFOR SALE-- Large selection of re-| your thoughtfulness at Christmas.tubs, showers. Ample storage. Quiet, ' G 11/19 tfn ~_~R~Z~_~~~tw~_- |for permit to 'withdraw public ~RT~ST-SUPPI~IES-~--(~a-n¥~7-~b-Z c~,ndltlonea ranges, refrtgerator~, | $4.50 inside-Mason County. $5.00 out- clean, attractive surroundings. Also washers, dryers. Eells & Valley AP- | side. We send a gift carol with each ~ room ~" .... Z"~,.. t. ' ,. ~ .o~-o.;.~ |waters through a well sittlate, lets, pads, oils. water colors, pastel bachelor units for single persons, after 6'v.~:" ~'~ ~ac~ yar~, ~,~,~o.~u |in SE~,:ISE~,:i of Section 19 T~ clmlks, asm,rtedbrushes, easels, tem ...... pliance Ce.tar. -8/St.fla, gift subscription, 12/17-24 electric kitchens, tiled showers, ex-Lay A y D ,t ............ n,22N pera paints. Ziegler's Camera Sbop, SEE OUR I~NE stock of fireplace .......... CARD OF-TI-IA-N]K:q .......haust fans, built-in dressing rooms. 124 N, 2nd. 12/10-17 e.qulpmenL From flr.eglow to F~ank- May we extend to our many friends Tbree laundry rooms, automatic wa- wa eposd Shorecres Beach Lots FOUR BEDROOM borne, 1 ~ baths, |Cotmty, in the amount of 75 nn ~roves, grates to glass uoore, and neighbors and especially to the shers, dryer. Abundance hot water 70' $4500 up double garage, w/w carpeting. Birch |per minute, subject to existin~ 8"-MI~ TURRET:H~3AD-}~{i)vie.canicraCarlacnaTile and Fireplace.Mr. Clinic staff our deep thanks for tboand heat. Good beds,of course! Call Collect VA 2-5041 or /cabinets, fireplace, electric heat. ]continuously, each year for t] with 1.9 ff and 2.5 wide angle adapted 426-4711, 307 West "D" St' S 11/19 tfn |pose of domestic and gener~ lenses. Carrying case, type "A" fil- View. , 11/16 tfn flowers and sympathies given us dur- Lawton Apts., 7th & Pine. Shown Can make it hers for write Herman Hanssen tars. Excelh!nt condition. Low price. 8RIC~. S and STtL&TTON replacementins our 'bereavement. by appointment. Phone 426-2121. ~W-'I-L-L---TI~A-i)E--t~,-o' ~purposes, Twanoh State Park, Pbone 426-2235. L 12/10-17 engines, short blocks, parts in stock Irving Clay L 12/10 tfn 204 10th Ave.,Kirkland honm for smaller house. Call 426- t Any oojecuon:~ must be accot -~-----~--" 4408 after 5 p m L 11/19 tfn ]by a two dollar ($2.00) record Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 S. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Batsione FOR RENT ~--~-l~'u~apartment-s: I)HRISTMAS 11/5-12/24 ~-E~[S~NAB-~]~'--~'~_______-.-" ...... land filed with the State Sill MbNXl~Ct~Wo6D-a-i~d-'c-oa]'--i'ai=g~:~i~d First. Phone 426-2412. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Clay ... . ~ nine z l?eoroom..nome ]of Water Resources" wtthin ~il range, like new condition, $125. Will 8/28 tfn Mr. and Mrs. E. A,. Dahnmn Phone 426-6663. C 12/3 tfn ~ ~ wmse to stores ann scnoot, uau ~2~- /da.,~ f, om wn .~i~:. ,~ ~o~.~ accept trash burner as part i~ay- SI~EI~T-(~N-,~-~.R-C~E-S~,------~-o~t~v--~ Mrs. Shh'ley Pitzer O----NE-B-E'DR-O-O I zflshe-d_ First monthly payment -- ~ 8553 B 10/1 tfn .,., ", ~.,~ee ..... r, ........ ment. 7~z h.p. Sears outboard motor, ~,]---'" - .................................. | Witness my hand and offic less than 40 hours, $95. Phone 426- Christmas Tree lot open Dec, 10. Live ---(i)iRD--0F-TllAI~K~s- 718 North 6th. D 8/13 tfn HIS VERY LARGE HOME on Mt. |this 30th day of November, 8775. E 12/10 tfn trees, cut trees. Park St. Nursery, We wish to express our heartfelt~]~-~--CCl~a~he-~one in February View has everything anyone could / M.G. WALKER 432ParkSt. G12/3-17 gratitude for the sympathy, kindnessbedroom apartment, reasonably USED FURNITURE want, including four bedrooms on one| State Supervisor of aud assistanee, also the beautiful fie- floor. 426-2268. D 12/10 tfn | Rcsom'ces Christmas gills. Phone 426-6469, Alvin priced. One block from shopping 11ild(,brandt, Route 3 Box 561. Used ( rs ral offerings given us during the loss center. Call 426-8277. W 11/26 tfn 12/10-24 of ouz" loved on(:. Mrs. Henry F. Boysen GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- Three- ~~OR-~S~,L]C=-Ant]} piano, DAVID BRADLEY cattle trailer. Also Mr. and Mrs. Pat Carney room apartment, Furnished, rood- WATERFRONT REALTY ~mall upright, 8,5 keys Ivories pcr- 1955 Buick hardtop. Phone 426-3169. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyscn ern, downtown area. Water and heat Zig Zag Machine feet, recently tuned, Phone 426.4279. _ B 11/]9 tfn Mr. and Mrs. William Boyscn furnished. Adults. 119 E, Cedar. W 12/10 tfnl~oR--SAI~/i~-()R--~r'RADE"-~-i963-Iii(Si.-- Ronnie Boysen 426-4895 or 426-4481,G 11/26 tfn from $99.95 Oakland Fireplace Wood CITIi~ISTMAS SH0i':-526-,Fi'ankiin ~vili national Scout, 4-wheel drive, Phone -................... Heater - Tempered "Suburban Property Specialists" l, ..... Tb,,'sd,,y and I,'r day. lso S77-5255. H 12/3-17 Wanted FOR RENT -- Unfurnished two bed- Sewing Machines G ass 0oors $895O Monday through Thursday, Dec. 21-"-5iFORDV=8-'i)]ck'ui)-~]/4":t~/n~,goSd coil:" roonl modern, new apartlnents on Excellent .................... '-------------- Mt. View. Wall-to-wall carpeting, from .................... $59.95 THE VIEW IS TERRIFIC' 2-i. B 12/17-24 dition, $450. Call 426-2278. M 11/19 tfn R1,;,~,! ONSIBLI: I ERSON draperies, laundry facilities, appli- Ashley Wood $89,50 ~ ~ 0 ~'CItWINN-R]KES--U:ZN(~w and u:~ed CA-SH- OR-'TtL4.DE-IoOR-'f~'~TTLE -22 WANT MAN OR WOMAN to own and antes, private parking and private Heater Excellent .... 30 sprawling acres, partially cleared, wiLh Parts and r,,pairs. Keys, locks, snow Two-ton 5-yard Dodge dmnp truck, operate automatic vending maclflnes, locked storage space. Heated swim- Vacuum Cleaners Olympics and bay view! Excellent building area on major skis, sales, rentals, repairs. Clin- low mihmge. Also 25 ft. double axle Pleasant business. Higl~ Profit Stems ruing pool. $99.50 month. Contact Wood Heater, $~00 i.railer, good condition and tires. Ph. (candy, confection, gum or cigar- manager. Phone 426-3100. Ell/26 tfn from .................... $24.95 needs Hnings ..: ......... -~-~ ion's Bike Shol). 223 Cots. 12/17 tfn road just 7 minutes from town! Waterfront access is 426-8649. B 11/12 tfn ettes) age or experience not import- ' E 11/26 tfn ~()t~ SALE"/.L:-~usi~(i~36din~t(-(:il(i~ttq( for added sales potential! Contract terms or trade! ": ; 7-: =2 ................................................... rtIi1ge. V~ry good c(,nditi(,n. See el ant. Can start part timc. Minimunl All Naugahide 421 E.,st, "E" Street. T:12/3-2.1'-''!~"/'~-~///~"//~ $600 cash investment required. Terms. ~:)--RR-~-T -- l~e~ APt" ~ bedr°°m' Polishers ~ Rug Large Reclining $.=,50 ~'~)R SALE ~z/Shi)nlng.~n:-slfinet~l~ianiil /~I~/ff~ ], Write Box L, c/o Journal. 12/3-17 unfurnished, garags, yard. Call .La- THE TERMS ARE UNBEATABLE! Blssoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- Shampooers Chair ............................ Vt#' tone and touch of a g,'and. Beauii- ~r¢~ANT TO RENT-with-})i)tiont0 buy}4836. D S/~9 t~n For just $95 down and $27.50 a month, you can acquire ful light walnut finish, like n~w, Small acre.age near town. Two or six yca,'s old. Phone .t26-8476. more bedrooms. Phone 426-6940. ~'70~--R~w o-'~mu-'~ty"-~i-~ from ............... ..... $24.95 Biltwell Davenport $~00 & Chair .................... ~ of Lhe nicest timbered 5 acre building tracts in the cntire T 12/17-24 ~ 12/3 tfn House anytime. For information call Typewriters Antique Velvet Fluted $=~00 Small streams plus your own saltwater moorage for ~UIf.-qX]-~C.z.=-.-S-t-i:~/i;ib,.,-:ii:.Carlso,i.up- ~Zi~'~2=~-t~iNGi--~-~fh~ai;e~--@eel/ 426-3959 or 426-2406. right radio, l,'iph~-range megacycle, days only, in my home on Angleside. M 6/18 tfn from .................... $49.95 Back Sofa ................~l~ and boating fun in the summer! good tone, workal)le condition, $10. Phone 426-3492. B 11/26 t~n ,~E-L--~as-~ 4 pc. Bedroom Suite Walnut, Call ,,venings, 426-6375. M 12/17 tfn "CERTIFIED HO~iE--f(~-n~u:sery car-e- two bedroom cottages. Call 426-4420. DD w/m Chest, Big Bed. MOVE IN FOR CHRISTMAS! :F()R SALE ----Ohlcr nmdclrcl'ciger- by mature mother. References. Phone .Highway 101 south. S 6/11 tfn Shirt Pocket Radios Cannot be told from ,lust an easy house to live in as well as easy to buy on ator, $25. Runs good. I'h.n(~ 426-8192. 426-3552, A 11/5 tfn t;~)P.-REl~~'--~-Tw--d-n-e~-fi]rni~h-d~i~ froln .................... $14.95 new SAVE $50.00 $~t~,50 limited budget! 3 nice bedrooms, roomy cabinet kitchen B 12/17 L--.~DY--W~-N--¢'S--~r-O-~K~--£-i~-y--kii~i. modez*n one-bedroom hotlses at Tup- ~h--e-- Call 426-4378. V 4/16 tfnper's Resort on Lake Nahwatzel, or more ................ ~-~ cluding built-in oven and range, good Mt. View location for ~-~I~T---I-N~p~-XI-~ 8 miles to Corrections Center, 14 Phonographs NEW High Back BHtweH school-age family! Only $200 dn., FHA. house trailers, boats, etc. Phone miles to Shelton. Phone 426-8323. from .................... $24.77 Swivel Rockers Choice of Journal Want Ads 426-4322. Inquire 1202 Cots St. 9/17 tfn R 4/9 tfn F-o~-REN-'£-~--ci~tw~-be'di:o({n~--i]~:'- Colors $~00 20 ACRES - TIMBER ~O-K furnished house. Reference required, i Christmas Record Save $15.95 ............ 4~ A beautiful location for residential development just 2 Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tfn $55 month. Waterlront Realty, phone Rollaway Bed $~00 north of town. Covered with merchantable linlbcr, this tract The Nation's Finest Color T.V, ~DONE ----gdc-an~r~"5-n-e 426-8277. w 12/10 tfn Albums ' 48" Wide .................... ~ ~' ' L9/19 tfn three bedrooms. Nicely furnished, tential! • My wife is convincing me day service if desired. Call 426-4593. l~-bGEWO6b--XPTS--~--0h~;--tWo-and etc. from ............ $ 1.00 Chest, Eastern $1~00 located on the Airport Road near Island Lake. Loads of Zenith Color ~he needs the dryer ~he ~a~ ~l~ Automatic heat. Lots of room, Clean Hardwood ................ I v and neat. From $45 me. At the MANY GIFTS TO Birds Eye Maple $~00 the Want Ads[" Call Olympia 352-3178. Scheller Bros. Shelton Airport., Call 426-8584. Evenings Call: Costs no more. Try a Zenith in =I9,,3-G.M:C[-"6 -whee:|~7302--'e.~t~i~, Lumber, Route 4, Box 414D, Olympia, S 12/17 tfn Vanity w/mirror .... ~-'~]~ your home--no obligati,on. 5-speed main, 3-speed auxiliary, full Wash. 9/17 tfn CHOOSE FROM Antique Buffet Oak, $~00 Dick Knauf ........................ 426.8110 air', 20 ft. double strength frame, AV-6-N--(~ALLING " Need repi:es-e~Z- b'-o-R-'RW.~-~'--~---¢l~hh-~-0--bedrob-/h-fln- furnished house. Rcferendo required, worth more ................ ~--~ Marden Stnoud ............... 426.8277 Compare it with any other. 154 Timkin axles,,$1295. Also tandem at|yes in this area to meet the $55.00 me. Waterfront Realty 426- Open Monday Oak Pedestal $3900 You'll want one when you see logging trailer, full air, $550. Terms. demands of Christmas selling, Write8277. 12/17 It the difference---true color tones J. H, Misenar, Rt. 1 Box 145, Yelm. Mary Rasmussen, 600 North "1" St. Table ............................ WATERFRONT REALTY Phone 458-7513 Yelm. 11/26 12/3-10-17 Aberdeen, Wash. 10/29 tfn F---O~(~]~ac-io(~s-'-0n-c= and Friday Nights and perfect black & white too. ~W~N-Ti~-D--~-/r~i~i-~g~--l~i~ie~--90~ bedroom furnished apartment. Ex- oldestPlus Zenith reliability (our tWOzenith Color TVs have S ortin Goods w ` n--t- -ba it.-i -anh ur.Ph ne426-642 .L11/12tfncellentd wnt wnloeati n.$6 . m .CallWaterfront Reatlty 426-8277.12~17 Un:il 9:00 ~--~ ) EN~ at. 21 BOX 46 Call 426-8277 Anytime Shelton, never been serviced since in-15 ~I'. PLYWOOD ski boat and trailer my home. Call after 6 p.m. 426-3002. NI~Ci~-~RN-ISi:i-~]-D--~I-Oi~E~bcd= ( stallation over 4 years ago.) with 25 h.p. Elgin, electric start. . W 12/17 tfn S C rooms and garage, downtowm Close T le roger e. $300 complete, Phone 426-6371. REL-IgF~Shelton Manor Nursing Home. Phone to schools and shopping center. ~ 7 Ask any of our Zenith owners. H 11/26 tfn 426-4552. 12/17, tfn Contact Otis Williams at Bert Bell Get a Zenith, you'll be glad you 18--FO'0--T-B-0~-~T--w~Yh--Vnbb~i~d-~t-g~ Traih'r Court. Phone 426-3169. 117 5th Avenue East did. , ......... for sale, Phone 426-8706, B 11/12 tfn W 12/17 ~n ~'N~ ~ i6 tt.-BOAT~-M~r-6--//{ot0-r--Sb0=$b-H--P. For Rent Olympia, Wash. ~ == Convenient Credit Terms Rag-Guide steering and co~trols. ,,,, Classified Service 357-7586 ".--/ windsheild also trailer. Phone 426- FOR RENT -- Lovely redwood A-frame ( 4866 Chalet, completely furnished, car- PIANO LESSONS -- Start your child 328 Cots St. 426-4702 1965 Models from $399.95 w/t P 6/25 tfn peling, fireplace, sundeck on nice now. Joan MacWilliams. Phone 426- --- 328 Cota 426.4702 1 B AT , ~O O ~, TI~~~"~-~ beach next to golf course. Four miles 4596. M 9/24 tfn "' ' i I merit at Walt', Marine Supply, on from Shelton 426-8277. B 11/26 tfn ~--"BUY ~crap Iron, 1)atte~-eB~.~.dl~ I beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- F(3I~--Ri!]NT-~--Tr~le~a~ tor~, copper, .alvage of all klnas. vort T~ 7-fi244 1/19 tfn downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tfn Shelton 3unk Co., First and Mill 1-~j6-6-~)~iNIEii-t~-a~-e]-ti;-~{~Sk-y£ C-O-i~PLETE~-Y--~n-~h~g-'~---b-~-Streets. Phbne 428-8828. S 4/7 tf~ lark horse trailers on sale now at tween Union and Twanoh State parkFUI~NAG~ C~ANI~NG:~-~= Shelton Union Service Station, 332 on Hood Canal Hiway. Handy to .tallatlons, oil conversions. Shslton So, 1st St. R 10/15 tfn buses and fishing $45. St. at. Box 255 Sheet Metal Cv., S21 So. Third. Dial 426-4792. S 5/1 tfn ............... _=..~,_,~_=~ , Union. 898-2276. C 10/1 tfn ~R--A(~E---PIANO SERVIC]Y--------T-u'n'er ~-I~T ~"~--'rh~d--roo-~-i--l~oi~]-~ and technician. "Regular Care Pre- Used Appliances in downtown area. Fireplace. One vents Costly Repair". Call Olympia bedroom down. two up, garage. $75943-3712 or 357-6622, or Shelton 426- per month. Call Kurt Mann 426- 8267. G 3/12 fin BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS WASHERS (all brands) DRYERS DISHWASHERS ,FREEZERS Refrigerators (both deluxe and those perfect for summer cabins). Phone 426-6441 ............... r-- ~-= ..... ~-: ......... ==.--m= ii1511111 I I McCULLOCH All used appliances have been, 7/23 tfn thoroughly reconditioned and all are guaranteed. CHAIN SAWS LOW AS $124.95 Sales & Service --- Sharpening B & W Marina -- Union, Wash, 898-2355 --5th & MoReavy 4/9 tfn "It's the service after the sale , that counts" LEM WARREN Znd & Cota 426-2445 Home Slaughtering Unit Cooling, cutting Lemke's Service 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst Olympia 352"2255 11/21 tfn IF YOU NEED A HANDYMAN-- CALL C. J. OSBORNE PH. 426-6241 12/10 tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE 426-4867 H 4/4 tfn ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE EASTERN WASHINGTON Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl IPh. 877-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 6/17 tfn Phone Mrs. Bill Wivell 426-3801 Route 3, Box 643 Shelton, Wash. 12/1.7-24 INSTALLATIONS 500-gal., 750-gal., i000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging Backhoe, Trencher for Hire SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 CR 5-2157, Belfair. 8-18tfn 6592. , 12/17LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For ............................................... sxpert painting and wall papering, [I call Bennett Painting Company, I | SEPTIC TANK -gm B 11/8 u. I| [~REES TOPPED, L-lmmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4828. =/18 t.fn ~ERT A~JTO GLASS ll~tallatlon. Prompt- Guaranteed Service WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1at 426-4553 Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. l~aone 4~6-82~1. 4/28 tfn ~OOFING, blown reel~ wo~ tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-8417. 8/90 tfn FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplace., ehirpney., planters, call R. E. Muon, 428-22*/8. 811 fin HAVE GUN ~LL- SPI~AY! Ezterlor and interior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. Phone 426-8248. 5/10 tfn CHAIN SAW SHAI~PEN-ING, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Sbop. Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/18 Un SAND AND GRAVEL, top ~olI, peat sell, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426- 8552, 9/12 tfn Blueberry Planls for i)hrislmas 6ills Shop the easy way! ORDER NOW--- have us ship in time for Christmas. Eberhardt Blueberry Nursery Turn ]eft: off freeway on to Steamboat Island Road Ph. Olympia 352-8031 11/26 - 12/17 FOR SALE Farm of 124 acres on Lost Lake road. 16 miles from Shelton. G o o d buildings. A b o u t 50 acres cleared. Robert A. SI,oane, 110 Cota Street, Shelton, Washington 11/5 tfn Plastering Patch plastering -- Marblecrete Stucco -- also taping reasonable rates 426-4638 8/27 tfn 2 & 3 bedroom homes situated in one of Shelton's most popular areas. We now have available-- LAKESHORE -- 3 bedrooms, fireplace with barbecue, enclosed patio area, oak floors, colored bath fixtures, birch cabinets and gar- age ..... $14,250.00 CORONET -- 3 bedrooms, garage, oak floors birch cabinets, fireplace, colored bath fixtures and patio area ..... $13,333.00 COLINDA -- 2 bedrooms, family room, birch cabinets, colored bath fixtures, separate stor- age room, patio area, and shake roof ..... $10,250.00 All these homes are available with LOW DOWN PAYMENTS & SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS We at WESTGATE BUILDERS welcome your inspection Turn west at Airport Service Station onto Spring Road - WOODLAND MANOR is lo- cated just east of the intersection of Island Lake Road on Spring Road. Watch for signs. Olympia, Wash. Call Today 943-7990 12/17 tfn OFFICE PHONE 426-8642 WALTER GEORGE - ASSOCIATE PHONE 426-3530 .' (1) 5 Acres, with a creek, some timber, close 16 town acres cleared, 5 'room house, 2 bedrooms $7,000. terms. Will take a trade in town. ' . . (2) 5 Acres, close to town, all cleared in pasture, beautiful bedroom home, large living room, with firephtce, ment, Auto-oil furnace, beautiful family home, Will take a trade in town. (3) 6 Room house, dining and dinette, all elect, heat, basement, $6,000.00. With Terms. (4) (5) (6) (7) 2 Lots on Salt Water, 110 Ft. & 200 Ft. $20.00 per Approximately 7500 Ft. of Hood Canal waterfront tidelands. Approximately 80 acres with some timber price $60,000.00 ..... 150 Ft. waterfront, $30.00 per foot ~i~lll tidelands, 100 Ft. with tidelands, summer cottage~'cxcellcnt on Harstine Island. $7,000.00. Easy Terms ..... (s) First class duplex excellent neighborhood, complctcl~ decorated, full basement and furnaces, sprinkler this is a real buy at $15,800.00. Temns. . i9) 150 Ft. tidelands, good level building spot. NO bank, cellent gravel Beach. $75.00 per foot. Terms. (10) 80 Acres, approxinmtcly 35 cleared, house, barn. Christanas tree ground and some timber. Full price 500.00. Terms. (11) (12) (13) Owner leaving United States must sell at discount ccllent 2 bedroom home elect. Ileal Close to district. Full Price unfurnished $6950 00 or $75OO.OO. 3 Bedrooms, Dining room, Fireplace, oil' furnace, 2 garage, 1 acre, cleared $12,500.00. Easy Terms. Angles|de, will sell for less than appraised value. 2 roolns, fireplace, Automatic hot water heater. Down ment $500.00. Full Price $10,500.00. (14) New . . . 3 Bedroom Homes: Fireplace, Patio, Built Electric Range, Completely.insulated, Close to town • Full Price $14,250.00. 7% Down. Evening Call 426-3397