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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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----- " _;_L __._.± .........  ........ L_.L_L.=__-2:L-L .... L ....... _ ..... ..2 ' ........ ._'.'.'_' ......... ....... ' " L .............. A! ' '_ ' ......... ' - , ,=,=, ................ More people read Journal Clnnsi-I The Journal has Lafe Redafe.? '|#] ,ed a,ls thn i,, ,,y other papo,,o ,,her poper cn mal, e that "" Mill Captures in Mason county. I ...... Top Rung Again In I Feminine Circuit DUCK HUNTERS ATTENTION Immediate delivery on Duck Boats. Can be carried on top of cars. KIMBEL MOTORS PHONE 601 707 SOUTH FIRST L__ I FOR AN EPICOIAN QUART 81 ............ I] PARADISE EVEN BURGESON HAS NEW RADIOS SENTINEL :;: Ji Also a Few Reconditioned and Guaranteed USED RADIOS -- $1.5.00 - $25.00 FINE FOR CHILDREN'S ROOMS OR THAT EXTRA RADIO Guaranteed Repairs ..% i ALL MAKES  HOME ORAUTO Burgeson Radio Home Service 1221 FRANKLIN PHONE 112-W CLOSED SATURDAYS 'OMEN'S BOWLING W L Old Mill ...................... 30 15 McConkey Pharmacy 29 16 Ritner's Corner. ......... 26 19 Pantorium Cleaners .. 23 22 Goodrich ...................... 20 25 Shelton Grocery ........ 19 26 :Mac's Corner . ........... 17 28 Werberger Winery .... 16 20 High game--Hazel Ferrier 181 High totalPhytlis Tembruell 80. Old Mill regained solitary pos- session of first place in the fem- inine bowling league by edging M uCCOnkey Pharmacy, 2 to 1, esday night in their leadership battle, wintfingthe last game by six pins as Merna Mifflin and Edna Robinson scored over their averages. Thied place Ri.tner's Corner kept pace with an odd-game nod ove. tailend Werberger "vVinery, fomh p, lace Pantorinm Cleaners, getting the benefit of Phyllis TembruelPs circuit leading 49 total, edged Goodrich in the odd game, and Shelton Cash Grocery won from MRc's Corher by the same margin as Hazel Fela'tei  dante within a pin of. matching the night's top t0htl, her 181 grabbing single game hoors. ' . Vbinder, Ashley, Wells Lead B-Team To 4 Straight Wins With increasing "scoring tempo in each outing, Coach Grant Pack- ard's Highclimber B-team contin, ues its unbeaten pace in pro-sea- son practice games, posting its fourth straight Tuesday night at Silverdate, 52 to 29, Two other victims fell to the rampaging little Highclimbers in the past Seek, ]P0ulffb0 by a 34 to 32 count Friday, Beliarmihe by a 29 to 27 margin last Wednesday. All three games were played in the losers' own gyms. Toby Vasbinder, Gene Wells and Bob Ashley all had their flings at leading the B-team offensive, and collectively were responsible for 34 points in the Silverdale rout, Vasbinder nailed 15 tallies in lead- ing the victory over Poulsbc, while Wells was top dog in both the Bel- larmine and Silverdale struggles. Deb Getty chipped in with nine point assistance in the tight BeN larmine tussle in which the little Hig'hcllmbers barely outlasted the battling Lion reserves. Subs: Shelton --- Edgely 1, Loughnan 2, Gohrick 2, Dale 6, Hopper. Silverdale--Scafe 4, Sul- livan 4, Gingery 2. Jou,'Want Ad..'--"-----"----he L----TTLZ GIANTS of Advertising. • NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 & L. CATTO HARDWARE Mason County Post No. 1694 Veterans of Foreign Wars Regular Meeting Friday, Dec. 19- 8 p,m, Memorial Building J. H. Gray, Q,M, AdJ. Phone 352J W. T. Jaclon, Commander Phone 697 CHRISTMAS HAMS AND POULTRY SHOULD BE ORDERED NOW Cranberry Sauce Ocean Spray .................... 3 CANS Ripe Olives Large ..................  ........... Oranges Large Navels .................... 10.LB$. Gold Shield Coffee Walnut Meats Fancy Dates Mince Meat 4115 Pennant ......................... 2-LB. JAR HIGHCLIMBSRS MEET POULSB0 HERE FRIDAY; SEEK REVENGE After two false starts on the morrow's P()xllsb() vetHvn game tie road, the Highclimbers finally clicketl for a strange-floor victory at Silverdale Tuesday night when Southpaw Bob Tobcy found his eye for 18 points to lead Shelton to a decisive 38 to 23 verdict over the Cougars. That triumph squared tile Higl- climber practice season ledger at two victories and two losses, with a cimnce to avenge one of those Hiffhclimbers go to CI](,halis next, Tnesday, then tackle Stadium of Tacoma here December 26. The lineups: Bellarnlitle (.13 helton (31) Olsen 10 f Et(:k 7 Farrel 6 f Tobey S Hermsen 10 e Cardinal 3 Smith 6 g Anderson 3 O.Fink 7 g Clary 7 Snbs: Bellarmin( ....... ,lense, 2, i Boice 3, Carlson. Skagen, Maze, Bremerton 57, Hoquiam 33 McPherson, Rice. Centralia 42, Longview 23 N. Kitsal) (42) Shelton (30) St. Martins 39, Elma 37 Longmate 7 f Buck 5 o,,,oo ...... o., = ,._ ..-.- :;:::;:--::='::-;=m--=;:,'-;:- ;'::i'-- AntOlSon 0 f Tobey ,i day) evening' when Shelton plays Hansen ,t c Cardinal 2 host to Poulsbo in the Highclimb- cr gym. The Vikings scored a 42 to 30 victory over Coach Chef Dombros- ki's lads at Poulsbo last Friday, which was preceded Wednesday with a 43 to 34 loss to Bellarmine at Tacoma. Tle Lions return that visit December 30. In the meantime and after to- Office Pulls Up On Maintenance After Whitewash Victory RAYONIER BOWLING Maintenance ...................... 32 10 Office .................................... 27 15 Supen]isors ........................ 24 18 Grease Balls .................... 22 20 Bleach 'Plant ...................... 21 21 Electricians 17 25 Clemists ............................ 15 27 Research Girls .................... 10 ,q2 High g'ame--.Ernie LemleY 202 High totalJoe Rank 550 Drubbing the tailend Research Girls for a 3 to 0 victory, the Of- fice resumed its pursuit of the leading Maintenance five in Ray. osier bowling leagxte play last week, shaving a game from the leaders advantage when the paee, makers won, but only by 2 to 1, from the thh'd place Supervisors. Hal Briggs and John Gavareski fattened averages to help the Of- fice whitewash application, Briggs getting his best game at the right moment to Will a two-pin verdict in the last tussle. Joe Rank's 550, top total the night, led the Maintenance fensive, although Stu Steehler Ply d Ic l 9 317 Art Jacobsen got the telling W00 a " sticks which won a six-pin n0l in the final fracas for Maintenance. Ernie Lemley's 202, best single game, won the Supervisors' only game. John Stevenson, Walt Jensen and Ray Frutigar did the cruci'al scoring in Electricians two to ohe For All Members verdict over the Chemists with Johnny Eager's 194 salvaging the losers' lone point, while Bleach and Their Families Plant won the night's second shut- out victory over the Grease Balls in the evening's poorest scoring Sunday, December 21 exhibition. The first half closed Monday 7:3b P.M. with the league to be idle over _ __ at the MEMORIAL HALL , -'.the C?rlstmas holidays. Jnrlsla]I Sen CANDY, NUTS and FRUITS FOR THE CHILDREN Union Oil Climbs To Prep Top Rung. lllGII N(llO()I, IOVIJN(I Texaco Servit'e . ...... 7 5 Union Oil .................... 7 5 Miller"s Men's Shop 5 7 HedriclCs Fountain .. 5 7 High game---Don I Amd 172 High I3ercts ,167 Sweeping all tlwee games, Union Oil rocketed into a first tie in the high school bowling circuit Monday afternoon on a whitewash triumph over the pre- viously leading t-Icdriek's Foun- tain Service. Mary Am Fredson and June Magnuson scored above their av- (,rages to make tile upward leap possible or their club, but it took "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" titles tile Lesson-Sermon which will be read next Sunday in all branches 0f the Mother Church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bos- ton, Massaclmsetts. Golden Text: /P.salms 33:4,9. "The word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth... For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.,, The. following verse from I Chronicles is included in the Les- son-Sermon: "Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine." From "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy is the following cor. relative statement: "The trUe the- ory of the univet-se, including man, is not in material history but in spiritual development. Inspired thought relinquishes material, sensual, and mortal the. cry of the universe, and adopt the spiritual and immortal." First Baptist ChUrch Rev. ft. O. Bovee Sofffethtng new--something dif. ferent; Laymen conduct speci meetihgsWhere ? Baker 7 g Anderson 5 Paulson 8 g Clary '2 Subs: North Kitsap--- Mariner 1. Svare 2, Van Horn 2, t3remer 2, Pierce, Fullerton. Shelton- .Carl- son. Skagen 3, Maze. I tara]on 5, Boles 3, McPherson I. Shelton (30) Silverdale (23) Tobey 18 f L.Berg 3 Carlson 6 1" Birgc 5 Buck 2 c Johnson Anderson 5 g Lee 8 Clary 4 g Dull 3 Subs: Shelton--Boice 1, Boze 1 McPherson 1, Rice, Skagen. Sil- verdale--Ernst 4. Reynoldson, K. Berg. LEGION TROPHY GIVEN MONTESANO FOOTBALL CHAMPS Montesano's championship foot- ball team was officially presented the Shelton American Legion's trophy emblematic of the Cen- tra] League gridiron crown Tues- day in ceremonies conducted by i Shel.tofi school officials at an as- sembly in Montesano high school. The trophy was presented to the Bulldog football team by Mel Newman, president of tim Shelton student body and a member of the championship Highclimber football team of last year which I relinquished the tropiw to the 'Bulldogs this year. ' I The Shelton school choir, di- rected by Lynn Sherwood, sang several numbers during the pro- gram and also presented a pro- gTam at Elma high school on the return trip. Principal George Hermes accompaniet the group. the cooperation of the Miller's Men's Shop lineup, Leo, for the haberdashers upset Texaco Set- vise. 2 to l, to pull gas-peddlers down from their lofty perch. Chuck Berets 467 total, top for the week, paced the Miller victory move, although [)on Lund. post- ing a 172 single game for the league's best of ttw day, won the opener for Texaco. Louis-Wolcott Fight Films Here Next Week Shelton sports fans will have an opportunity to see the official motion pictures of tim recent Joe Louis - Joe Woleott heavyweiglt championship fight next week the Graham theatre having dated the films for Christmas Day, Friday and Saturday, December 25, 26 and 27. Mt. View Alliance Bey. Theo. W. Chapman On Sunday evening at 7:30 the children and young people of Mr. View Alliance Chapel will present their annual Christmas program. Again this year a wide variety of choice recitations and special vo- cal and instrumental music will be given with the singing of the old carols of Christmas. The closing feature of the pro- gram will be some Christmas and Christian sound film reels. Treats will be given all children present. At 11 a.m. the pastor, Rev. Chap- man, will bring his Christmas mes- sage entitled "No Room for Him." A hearty welcome is extended to all to these Christmas services. Th lll'2f] n.r, Din'ore her Tennis and Badminton CHRISTNIAS PARTY Scarfs Rayon or All Wool $2.00 to $3.95 RACKETS RESTRUNG @ BY NO-AWL TENSION MACHINE @ Provides Equal Tautness  Perfect Stringing JACK STEWART L.M. SPORTING GOODS DEPT. ;flay, December 18, 19 i The Journal has B! S Sports Slants. -- III II SHiP YOU BY FAST FREI WITH DOOR DEL Freight should be ro Freight wa Str. S Time Sched Leaves Tacoma daily, e ,  @ --$ IF lr Arrives OlheYnltoPl2 FOR ALL IiliI I II AT KILLMER'S  C h r i s t m a s WAFFLE IRONS '8 "95 COMPLETE SILEX COFFEE Including Electric 5819 5 Stove ELECTRIC ROASTERS $36ff LAMPS OF ALL KINDS TABLE PIN-UP FLOOR MODELS : 1.65 ,o 4,50 . 14.95 to 19,1 COOK P] Rt. 3, BOX 265 -- on Gilfillan  Table, Console and Phonograph Combination from . .. '29 ,o=339.00  Luml 1324 OLYM: XMAS TREE LIGHTS and DECORATIONS BUBBLE LIGHTS Replacement Per set $4.17 .u,bs. Ech 31 Klllmer Electr0000 207 Cota Street Phone 664 MASCULINE GIVE HIM . . . A Miller's At the Baptist church Frida Kaywoodie Pipes D r e s s G 1 o v e s and Saturday evenings of thi week at 7:80. These are speci AND LEE Pigskin  Calf  Deer Skin HENS --l4111il 15 duetedServiceSbyf°ryotmgy°Ungpeople.and old col' *5.00-$7.50" $10.00 Frashly Dr$l ........................ LB. Special vocal and instrumentr , to numbers, ShOrt inspirational ine,. Cigarette Lighters $3.95 ;\\; $6.50 FRYERS 5S € sages and swarm welcome. I-Iel *" these young people to fight :Uve RONSON -- EVANS LB. nile deiinqency in an ehdurih;. $3.00 to $7.50 Way. Join file crowd go,!nff to th, D r e s s S h i r t s BEEF HEART 2S € Baptist20th. AllChUrCharwelcome.December l@ ant. Tobacco Pouches VAN HUESEN or TRU-VAL Fresh Beef ................................ LB. The Baptist Church will have $1.00 up White Colored Christma program Sunday eve LIVER , 39= = at 7:80 $3.50 to $4,50 The Christmas program will b ,, in two parts. First the little folk • under the direction of Mrs. Fran] 3 Swanson, will take part in singing TONGUE € recitationS, dialogues and othel --- S P E C I A L special umbers. -- 7 LB The upper grades will contribut[ L 43 their part of the program which i, Flannel N,te Shirts   divorsifted and will provtdo a go0 OASTS € Christmas message. TRU.VAL JL JL a Moran $2'95 ROUND STEAK € Tonight: Choir rehearsal at8 Sanforlzed Shrunk Frssh ............................................ LS. p.m. , , Friday: The Parent-Tea0her' @ VE OAS 4S Association of Mount Olive Luth- AL R T € eran Sohool will meet at p.m. S 1 i p p e r s Saturday: The Junior/€[ember, Ihoulder of Veal ........  ............ ... LB. ship class will meeL ,t 9 a.m.  He il Always Be Pleased with Sunday: Sunday Schoolmd Bi- VAN HUESEN Fleece Lined $5,50 ble Class at 9:45 a.m. Services at or ..... Romeo Style ............ $4.50 Tru-Val Pajamas , Sroadc,oth or outing Opera Style .............. $5,45 $4.95 to $9.95 Brown or Burgundy SALT FAT BACK 23 = T-BONE NARKET 11 a.m. Text: Isaiah 12, 1-6. Theme: The Joy of the New Tes- tament Church. Walther League meets at 7:30 p.m. Election o officers. Tuesday: The Junior Member- ship class will meet at 9 a.m. Fi- nal rehearsal of the Children's Christmas service at 10 a.m. Wednesday: The children of Mt. Olive School and SUnday School will present their annual Christmas Eve program and ser- vice, begirmirig at 730 ' p,m. Thuday: Christfiaas Da.#.. ser- vices atoll a.m. PHONE 1 Nille00s Men's Hotel Shelton Building COMPLETE MEN'S APPARrL Ph t PITTSBU: HA BUILDI5 Dancing t FORMERLY S( DA] Now Com LEFTY FARM: Playing M DANCIN( REFRESHMEN Admission Handsome brocade robe withe breast pocket. Tasseled tJ belt. Dark blue, wine. i $13.95 to $17.95 :l ' WOOLS $13.95 to $32.50 i00hop I: : o,.., '., phone o At Your FI