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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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__ T1).ll.r?dny Drr,emb¢.r nnu  u , II is and Badminton :TS RESTRUNG WL TENSION MACHINE • I Tautness- Perfect Stringing lACK STEWART gTING GOODSDEPT. • A II Illlll I I I • !day, December 18, 194:7. i i , ' The J o urn al has Bill ] Journal classified ads will sell 'a Sports Slants. I paddles to Indians. 'L"" 'i, ,t , I :. I I SHIP YOUR FREIGHT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN 8HELTON battle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, eoma Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 :rzrz Time Schedule as follows: .... .... Leaves Tacoma dally, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for |  "-1 'l Olympia and Shelton 1 | HI ,.'{,_1rI!" | ! 1 P JU.[ Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday 1 • FOR t PUGET SOUND I00EIGHT LINES i ileh r i s t m a s F 1 o w e r s . . . AT KILLMER S WAFFLE IRONS]I POINSETTIAS $'€ to $1 SAINT PAULAS fLEX COFFEE ,o E,ootr,o s8.95 ELECTRIC ROASTERS OF ALL KINDS CYCLAMEN MIXED POTS CUT FLOWERS AZALEAS and CAMELIAS COOK PLANT FARM Rt. 3, Box 265  2 miles off Olympic Hlway on Cole Road FLOOR MODELS ), 14.95to t Phonograph ,00 TREE LIGHTS DECORATIONS 4.17 00o00'oo=oo00 3tti Bulbs, Each , er Electri00 t Phone 664 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY OI Phone 656 for PITTSBURGH PAINTS ', ,  i  ',';. -,." ,, $@ HAULING . BUILDING SUPPLIES Dancing Every Saturday ' at FORMERLY SCHNEIDERS PRAIRIE DANCE HALL ow Completely Redecorated LEFTY FARMER and His Orchestra Playing Music to be Danced to DANCING FROM 9:30 to 2' REFRESHMENTS AND SANDWICHES Admission $1.00 (including Tax) For Real Refreshment 00INE Handsome brocade robe w(th_ breast pocket. Tasseled tw belt. Dark blue, wine. $13.95 to $17.95 ' WOOLS $13.95 to $32.50 ;hop" ..... i Phone 609 [:!:f:i REWING CO. 1878 ': Oldest LLY FAMOUS $1NC£ |81dl At Your Friendly Tavern-, +,,., RON DODDS VICTOR IN SINGLES'MEET WITH 861 SCORE Welcome Christmas stakes came to 13 Shelton bowlers whose scores topped the 77 entries in the four- game handicap singles tournament held on the Shelton Recreation al- leys last weekend. Ron Dodds, scoring the most ac- tual pins at 804, won top prize of 1560 with his 861 net score, edging Bill Smith by a single stick. Smitl blew a golden chance for first money with a 140 final game after opening with 201, 188, 196. Dodds won on his games of 167, 200, 216, and 227, plus a 57 pin handicap. A1 Ferrier's 244 was best single game of the tourney and put him into fourth place at 837, behind Babe Carlson's third place 841 to- tal. The prize winners: ken Dodds 861--$60; Bill Smith 860--$50; Babe Carlson 841--$40; Al Fer- rier 837 $29.60; Hugh Gruver 830--$20; George Merrick 825-- $15; Ernie Anderson 823--$13; Burl Brown 822 $11; Bud Earl 820--$11; Gene Tucker 818--$10; Mary Carter 816--$9; Charlie Cole 810--$8; Bill Levett 808$7. St. Martins as Member Of SW Loops Suggested Addition of St. lVrartins Prep as a member of football and basket- ball leagues in which Shelton com- petes was suggested at a meet- ing of the Southwest Washington Principals Association in Centralia Saturday. Represented by Basketball Coach Chet Dombroski and Prin- cipal George Hermes, the latter president of the association, Shel- ton favored entry of the Prep Rangers as members of the Cen- tral League in football competition and the northern division of the So[thwest Conference in basket- ball rivalry. The action taken at Centralia was not final. Ragtime Doubles Under Way at Bowling Alleys With Christmas layoffs keeping league bowling on the shelf for the next couple of weeks, local kegelers are concentrating on a ragtime doubles tournament now under way at the Shelton Recrea- tion alleys. Started Dec. 12, tle ragtime continues through Jan. 4. Early leaders are Justin Keever and Ade Kopperman with a 1229 total, closely followed by Rubye Frisken and Bill Smith with 1227. Blazers Beaten, 36-16, In Return Dewey Game Meeting too much height and experience, the Shelton Blazers lost a 36 to 16 basketball verdict to Dewey junior high of Bremer- ton here Tuesday afternoon in a return game between the two clubs. Hartwell Dittman and Jack Da- vidson played good ball for the Blazers. The Dewey seconds also won, but had a tougJer time sub- duing the Blazer efghth graders, 22 to 18, to even accounts for a one-point loss in the previous en- counter scored by Shelton. . Christmas Ship (Continued From Page One) of Commerce meeting, said that merchants will be asked for cash donations, the money in turn be- ing used to purclmse stocks of food and clothing from local stores, the relief supplies then be- ing sent to Seattle by truck. NO CtiARGE will be made for packing or shipping, union organ- izations having pledged their ef- forts without cost. Individuals or firms desiring to make a cash contribution may mail a check, made to the order of the (hristmas Ship fund, to Chairman Andrews or Mayor Tra- vis. Mayor Travis, in charge of a committee that sought donations from business houses early this week, reported a partial result of solicitations with the following contributors.  total of over $200 in ca'sh was subscribed. THE ItONOR list included: Morgan-Eacrett Lumber Co., Top Hat, Rauacher Service, Hilltop Tavern, Log Cabin Tavern, Hill- crest Hardware, Twentieth Cen- tury Market, Ralph's Grocery, Mayor Travis, A1 Huerby, Mason County Journal, Mason County Laundry and Cleaners, E. J. Bur- goyne, Ivan Neuensehwander, H. J. Hussman, C. M. Danielson, Charles R. Lewis, C. Nolan Mason, Elliot B. Spring, Taylor Radio Electric, E. B. Sutton, Otto Kump, Walter A. Magoon, J. L. Cattc, Roy McConkey, Ray Mitchell, Dr. James T. Morrissey. Others were: Mason County Creamery, C. C. Cole, Eddy Busi- ness Service, E. Carlson Shoe Shop, Seattle-First National Bank, E. A. Carr Electric, H. E. Lake- burg, M. C. Zinthee, Reginald Sykes, A. J. Curtis, J. D. Finn, George Andrew& M. S. Prepper- nau, F. E. Beckwith, A. NL Munro, Dwight L. Morris, G. H. Ferguson, Miller's Men's Shop, Modern Bar- ber Shop, E. H. Faubert, Agnes Darrow, F. E. Avery. Others include: Charles Run- acres, Wiliam Witsiers, I. H. Woods, Grant C. Angle, H. E. Grant, H. G. Angle and J. E. Angle. Others contributing included Al- den C. Bayley, Safeway Stores, Shelton Laundry and Cleaners, Earl H. Moore, Fred Holm Feed and Auto Loans, Roy H. Ritner, Eclls Auto Parts, James Need- ham, Harold L. Sutherland, Elmer Smith, Walter S. Nash, John L. Dotson, C. H. Kreienbamn, Simp- son Logging Company, H. L. el- stead and M. H. Needham. Some merclmnts may lave been missed in the solicitation but th committee was unable to make re- peat calls because of the shortage of time, so the entire list of con- tributors is not as complete as it might lmve been. Any others who may wisl to bc a part of the Christmas Ship Fund should send donations to Chairman George Andrews. Painting Time Paint authoritfss point cut tha tex. ,erior painting should be done only In dry weather, and when the thermor O- eter registers at least 40 degrees. Cold weather and moisture are apt to iterfere with getting result.% SZr,TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL 3 A WINKFOR THE WISE00 ! " GIVE GIFTS FOR THE HOME "b¢ New Fabrics . . . New Styles . . . Top Quality .,.. i DRAx TREATED UPHOLSTERED FABRICS COVER SLEEPMASTER I SOFA BEDS STAIN RESISTANT i SOIL RESISTANT WEAR RESISTANT { Priced from III:IIIITII'IIL TIIIIL0000;- Drax Treated Upholstering Fabrics COFFEE TABLES -- END TABLES • LAMP TABLES From "8.95 to $24.95 !, -,+ - HANGING SHELVES From s 1.95 to s 12.50 A Gift of Lasting Beauty ! ! BEVELED PLATE Plain or Etched $29.50 to s49.50 Select from a Wide Variety of Colors $66.50 to $74.50 T-SHOPrl]IIS Lane Cedar Chests--Maple or Mahogany Kneehole Desks -- Bath Mat Sets -- Smokers -- Bed Lamps -- Shag Rugs -- Curio Cabinets .- Baby Buggies -- Bissel Sweepers -- Dinette Sets FURNITURE DEPARTMENT 1 t | , , Established 1895 I