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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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=. t .................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... smLTOoi CO aOVNAL .... &apos; 80th Birthday WSCS Annual .:. 0 Reunion Here For Shelton Woman The 80th birtl/dny of Mrs. Bells .farvi brought toge.ther for the l'ir';t time 1)1 20 year all of ier cllildreu 12w a. reunion in Simlton Monday , December 15. Mrs. Jarvis is the mother of Mrs. Edward Fanbert, Mrs. Well- dell Hemphili ScatHe; Mrs. J. ti'• Morris ard Alvin ,larvi,% both of Cotler d' Alene, Ida])o. Mr. and Mrs. Faubert enter- tained the family at dinner after which tile group had a photograph   Semi-Formal Dance " . Three new Rainbow Girls were g  initiated into the organization on O  Tuesday at the regular meeting , _1    of the girls. Plans were completed for the the DeMolay Boys this Saturday, December 20 at the Masonic Tern- ,- pie. All high school students have • been invited to the semi-formal affair. There will be from 9 p.m. to 12 nlidnight. Holiday Tea Held Tile Woinan's Society for Cilris- tlan Service gave its annual Christmas tea Wednesday, Decem- ber 10, il tile Methodist Cilureh l)rlors. An impressive program was planned by Mrs. Robert C. JO]Ul- son. Several ladles in costume in- terprete,l the "Spirit of Christ- mas" in other lands, China, Afri- ca and India. Mrs. W. A. Brodt told the hristmas Story. Carols were sung by the robed choir intermittently through the made. program, Those attendiig the party were Two special numbers were of- Mrs. Jarvis, tile houor guest; Mrs. [ fer'ed by the e.lmir aecomlmnicd at Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mof the piano by Mrs. Alice Palmer. rs, Alvin Jarvis. Mrs..lames Me- "Lullaby on Christmas Eve," was Comb and daughter, Pamela, and l the first special number by tI:e the host and hostess. [ chorus with the Solo parts by Mrs. ............... , ................... Opal Packard; the second selec- Rainbow, DeMolay Plan tion was "BeauUrul Yuletide." 'Pile rooms wer,, festively dee-  orated with Christmas greens, or- ACTIVETTEN TO MEET Tl'ie Actlvettes will meet at the home of Mrs, I,'-ieilard Gardner, 1928 Hay St.. for a Christmas meeting Monday, December' 22. Shelton Lodge No. 6Z I.O•O.F. Meets Every Wednesday 8 p.m. I.O.O.F. HALL Visiting Merdbers wtll be Cordially Welcomed W. S. RAWDING, N. G. GUY CALL, Secretary eeead and Fourth Fridays Mary Dobson, N.G. Elizabeth Butler, Secretary Shelton Lodge No, 1684 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE MEETINGS HELD EACH 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the .Month 8 p.m.--Eagles Hall Gee. Thompson, Governor W. D. Coburn, Secretary GIVE HER rheGift Supr Cook;ng wlth a Crosley is soeasy and fast les almost aufomatlcl See the new Crodcy Elecfdc RanSes foday. nalnents and many lighted candles. Mesdames W. C. Batehelor and Wayne Wright ponred at the "tp- pointed tea table centered with greens and lighted tpers. The Fidelis Circle Was in charge of the refreshments. Installation of officers will be held in Jan- uai'y. ---v Firs Methodist CiiUreh Foiirthand Phm S|.s. Wayne W rlglit, Mlnls|ei. Come to the Sunday School Christmas program on Sunday nt 9:45. The mornihg worship fOl- lows at !1. Come and sing (Jhi.i,4tr nias carols and hea/' abbut "Chrl.stmas." Dent miss the mtisic,'ll ChrisG nuts prog/'am bythe choir on SUn- day evening at 7:'0. The Young Adults invite you to a reception, honoring the choir and returning college students after tile pro- gram. There is a nursery for the small children during" monaing worship and tim evening program. .................................... Hood Canal Church Rev. Paul Sw(,ney Tile Hood Canal Community Church has planned a Sunday School party for Sunday, Dec. 21. All are welcome. Election at the Women's So- ciety of the church found Mrs. Hattie Pierce, president: Mrs. Er- nest Worl, vice-president; Mrs. Marian Robbins, secretary; Mrs. Elaine Bates, corresponding see- rotary; arnd treasurer, Mrs. Katie Abbey. A review of the book, "David," was given by Mrs. Marian Robbins and lunch was served by tile host- ess for the day, Mrs. Katie Abbey. Trustee.s elected for the coming year were Herbert Dickinson and. George Jackson. Deacons elected were Erhest Worl and Harold Sund. The regular Sunday School Christmas program will be lleld by the church at 7 p.m. Sunday in conjunction with the evening church services. , Foursquare Church It is v¢ry evident that the actiV- ities around the Foursquare Church for the past few weeks hve been nnnsual, the Christmas s  has_filled the hearts of all true worshippers so that again the star of 13ethlehena hangs low o,er the hills to guide all men in the .way of peace. The windows of the church have been beautifully decorated, mad have brought many favorable cere- ments in keeping with tile holiday season, For tile Sunday School program much time has been spent in plan- lling the best for the kiddies this Sunday at 10:45 a.m, with treats at the close of the service. Sunday' night the young people of the church will be presenting a Christmas pageant, depicting shepherds, wise men, angels, Jos- eph and Mary, and the Babe in the manger, platform decorations and scenery of the Nativity, Church of the Nazarene At Matloek The Church of the Nazarene services at the Mary M. Knight school house December 21 at 11 a.m. with Christmas message br the pastor. At 8 p,m., a Christmas Cantata "O Holy Night," will be presented by the church in the auditorium. he public is extended a cordial vitation to attend. 'I: = t;:< Soc,al00 Ev S IE " ocia vents Swedish Visitors Smith PUrchases On Tour Here Service Dept. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Wikstrom o, sun<l..all, Swede,l, tou,.in00 the 0f Nash Brothers lJnited States and South America, Transfo.t' of ownership (if tile spent two days in Sheiton last plumbing, heating, and refriger- week inspecting operations of the ation service department of Naslr Simpson La/gging Company. Brothers to J. E. Smith and its Mr. Wikstrom is assistant to the establishment as a separate bust- general manager of Akarsviks hess concern to be known as the Company, a Swedish concern with j. E. Smith Comuany is formally a program quite simihn" to that of Simpson in that it conducts operations from the woods on through sawmills to plywood and wallboard manufacture. The Wikstroms were "amazed" at tile magnitude of the Grisdale logging community and at the quantities of food available to the loggers. "In Sweden we think we are well off, but compared with here we have nothing," tlty asserted. The visitors are traveling by automo- bile. Gibson, E00le Wed Here, l00ondaY Miss Jean Anelene Gibso;n, daughter tJf Mi's. I0ez Gibson, and Gerald. L, Eagle, son of Mr. and Mrs. it. B. Eagle, wct'e united in marrtage Monday, December !5. Thii Cllsader Chapel of tlie Foutsq}ai'e ChUrch was decoi'ated with white tapers and fems for the 9 p.m. ,wedding officiated at by Reverend Russell D0rnbaugh. The bride Was gowned In a blUe dress with black accessories. Her  gown was accented by a corses% of pink carnations. Mr. George Gibson acted as best lTlan. The bride's mother chose for her daughter's wedding a navy blue dress with black accessories. The groom's mother wore a blue cheelt dress with brown acces- sories, FollOwing a wedding trip to Anchorage, Alaska, the newly- weds will reside in Shelton. The bride attimded ][rend S. Reed High School. The grpom is in the US. Army Air Corps at the pres- ent time• RiWaiiis OffiCers Meet The 1948 officers, directors and committee chairmen of the Shel- ton KiwmliS club met Theiday evening fit the home of Vie6 Presi- dent Elect Roy MeConkey to make committee assignments for mem- ber's durtng tIl6 neiv ieeat. , President Elect Emil Latiber presided over the session which was well-attended. Refreshments were served by the imst follow- ing the business conclave. TOWNSEND CLUB TO MEET The Townsend Club No 3 will meet Saturday, December 20, at. 408 Cola St., with a potluck din-i ner at 6 p.m. Members of the. PensiOn Union No. 181 have been invited to at- tend this meet. St. David's Episcopal St. David's Episcopal Church will hold services of Holy Cmn- munion at 9 a.m. Sunday at the home of George Grisdale, Sr., 309 N. 2nd, in Shelton, A special service, for the chil- dren and a Christmas tree for them will be provided at 11 a.m: announced this week by Walter Nash and Mr. Smith. Under the new operation the J. E. Smith Company will handle Sales of commercial refrigeration, underfloor heating, and plumbing supplies as well as operate a gen- eral maintenance and repair ser- vice for all refrigeration, heating and plumbing equipment. The J. E. Smith Company is established in a building on Mt. View. Retail Sales of home appliances and its radio repair service will continue to be operated by walt HaSh of Nash Brothers at 123 South Second street, providifig homes in this community witli StlCli famous lines of appliances a tt0tpoint, Maytag, Ironrite, Re- cordlo; Stromberg-Carlson, Stew- ar-Warner, Spark, Norge, and Launderall. YUletide,Party Given B Meiiibers of inner Orele S0eml Club • The members and guests of the ][nnev Circle Social Club held a clwistmas dinner party Thursday, December 11, at the home of Viola Ferria, as an all-member hostess afro jr. The Ferris home was beautifully decorated with Christmas green and ornaments. Dinner was servec 1 at thi table centered wil, h tall red tapers accented by silver flowers: Gifts were exchanged after din- ner and the door prize presented tb Hazil Young. Guests for the occasion were Dorothy King and Ella Mac Town- send.. Those members present ln- c!uddd Vt01 FerNs, ShiHey Mar- shall, Myrtle Strine, Myrtle How- 'ell, Evelyn :Mko, Bertha Vaughn. ,0thers, attending were Mickey Myers; Ethel Miller, Marjorte Jo}inson, Grace Wells, Betty I-hul- bert, Gertrude Elson, Frances Rucker, Mildred Greenwalt, HaZel Dammann, Hazel Young, Manilla Gallowasr and Mamie Clark. egion Membership Up Herel Kneeland Says The membership of the Fred B. Wivell Post No. 31 of tie Amer- ican Legion in Shelton has come up to 244, making the post third in the district, to Com- mander Dave Kneeland's the members at the Tuesday meet- mS. Applications for membership were received fronl George .. Caidinal; a new applicant, and for transfer of memlaership to this post from A. J, Bartholomew. The men were accepted. The post moved to donate $20 to the Auxiliary's Christmas fund for destitute families. They also moved to donate $10 to the Christ- mas Ship fund, and to donate all possible food and other goods for the ship, The cap door prize was won this week by Cloud Jackson. ii ii I i I • - CHRISTMAS Sugg esti°ns Portland Meeting Stresses Many Forest Advances Forestry advanemuent tlarough- ()tit the west featured reports nt the '}8th annual eonferenee of the Western Forestry and Conserwt-i tion Association in Portland last ! MAGOON MARRIES COUI'LE Miss., were married John R. ScOtt, Natellez, Miss., Justice VVnlter A. Mngoo:l: and Mrs. Beatrice Jones, Laurel, ton. • Silvertowri Tires Automobile Upplies • Spark Pltigs • Seat. Covers i Batteries • ThOi  Washing Miitiitis • Thor Gltdii.0fls Electric irOfis Electric Clocks i Mantels Radios • Westinghouse Vacuum Sweepers • Electric Hotwater Heater Schwinn Bicycles • Evans Oil Stoves • Christmas Toys At 6 TIRE Store , q4iiv ANO eoTh PHONE 754 sen i00urniture "Fine Furniture for the H0m&' a8 COTA PHONe 0 Decembel7 ], 194 BORN pound baby boy was bin' at Mrs. C. W. I¢cbinsor 12, Doeemh(,r 15 at th )ital. week, according to George L. Drake, Grisdale division manager: of the Simpson Logging Company. Drake delivered an address on forestry practice/ he had observed In Sweden during a tour of Scan- dinavian countries last summer. Not only private, state and fqd- eral foristers, but the governors of Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana and a spokesman from British Co- lumbia, as well, gave the confer- cnce an optimistic picture of the lumber indnstry's future. Advanced practices in reforesta- tion, use of wood nmterials, fire protection and insect and disease control were reported in papers prepared by some of the nation's top forestry authorities. Oscar Levin, lnanaging forester of the South Olympic ree Farm; At Petzold, Simpson technical for- ester, and Dave James, Simpson publications editor, also attended the Portland session. Eagles Christmas Party on Sunday Christmas fun and goodies await youngsters whose parents are members of the Shelton Eagles aerie next Sunday afternoon for the Aerie's annual Kiddies Christ- mas Tree Party is scheduled to start at one o'clock In the Eagles clubroom at Second and Grove streets. All Eagle members are invited to bring their children to the pmy and'attend it themselves, reports Chairman Earl Moore. At a district get-together held here Sunday, 140 Eagles repre- senting Cehtralia, Olympia, Bi'em- el'ton: Poi't OrChard acHes Were guests of the Shelton aerie in the Shelton clubrooms, closing with en- tertainment in the Eagles Buffet. Thirteen new candidates for membership in the Shelton Aerie were initiated during the program with the Bremerton drill team in charge. Jess Sapp of Seattle, form- er state president of the Eagles, spoke to the dtstrtct group, • New, |mpfovetl changer plays up to 12 rectdl • ,. Automatlcallychanges records in 3/ seconiJl. • New pufl-eut pciMel fi easy record load!rig. @7-tube, straight A,C. Superhet radio. • C0it- tinuoO!!y variable to,e control. • Powerful - nico dynamic speaker. O Gorgeous "pitO frame" dial. •Walnut veneer cabinet; i mahogany o/ hie,de at slightly higher pri€6. ilgDiO iitl!tiRii YOUR CAR CIGARET LIGHTEt 2,2( WHITE MET G.! SEAT COVERS 9.00 a.d op YOU CAN" • . . For Your ( WITH STA? Candy Gales -- Rogers Brown & Haley Aplets Shaving Needs Lavendar Stag Mennen Seaforth Williams Roger & Gallet Wrisley and Others PERFUME ATOMIZERS $1.25 tO $5.00 B il I f o I d s Ladies and Mens Amity Buxton York Don't Forget!'! To Sign Your Casti Register Receipt for Our Weekly FRIDAY NIGHT FREE GIFTS Last'Friday ANNE SIMPSON Recelved a G.E. Coffee Maker and Stove MRS• BEN BANNER, Sr. Received Klmberly Pen LILLIAN PORTMAN Received 2z pound box Gale's Chbc61ates Perfumes Xmas Nite Bellodgia Coty's Emeralide Paris Lament L'Origan luguet Cara Nome Eve Paris Mat Outs Roger & Caller DRESSER SETS $4.95 to $25.00 MUSICAL POWDER BOXES IIOP EARLY ! ! ! SHOP WISELY ] ,/ 4 ;:5 €-- " ':!."Ji: v I A COMPLETE STOCK OF PROPHYLACTIC JEWELITE HAIR BRUSHES, C01IBS AND SETS cHIP RACK and POKER SETS $1.00 and up Watches, $6.95 tO $20 ! ill i F0untam Pens Parle 51, ieve+sfiari t Waterman and others 98 to $15:00 Dwight , 123 RAILROA r P* S "-- rllliiillilllllilllllilllillli[l/ • Kaywoodie,' Yello.bole I + Medico, Demuth and Ottier! !! I LIGHTERS i XMAS TREE DECORATI01S Glass Balls -- Icicles --- Lights Now R B [ SAF w..o, oo,, ./i Bargain Table [I All Good Merchandise l| OFF ./ ''r ..... ....... - I • iiiiiiiiiiii