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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LE Miss.. were married Miss.. Justice Walter A. Ma JaUl'elt ton. O lays up to 12 ,ec!i cords in 31,/2 seconls, S Itl lasy record Ioad!n. R} itl erh,t radio. •C01- "'* trol. • Powerful - Oat bno P Gorgeous "pit IA meet cabinet; lg ightly higher pri¢#, T E R I Ei, E[Tii[ Perfumes Xmas Nite Bellodgia Caron Coty's Emeralide Paris Lament L'Origan uguet Cara Nome Eve Paris Mai Ouis Roger & Gallet DRESSER SETS $4.95 to $25.00 MUSICAL POWDER BOXES December ],% ] 947. BORN I PARENTS ()F SON pound baby boy was bm'n I Mr. and Mrs. James Buzzard, Mrs. C. W. l:h)binsolL at. 3. Box 135. became the parents of a baby boy born to then] at the 12, Deeelnb(,r 15 al the Shelton General Hospital Deeem- )ital. ber 15. YOUR CAR 16.10 REAR- VIEW OUTSIDE MIRROR 3.00 CIGARETTE LIGHTERS 2,20 KLEENEX DISPENSER 2.S0 SEAT COVERS 9.00 cod o WHITE SIDE-WALL TIRE RIMS METAL 6.95 MELL CHEVROLET CO. PARTS WHOLESALE -- RETAIL Store Hours 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. First and Grove -- Phone 777 or 778 I George Franklin i Funeral Friday Funeral services fro' George LT. Franklin who (lied in Shelton Monday will be held at 1 p.m. to- 1Ylorl'oxv fFom. W'itsiers Funeral Home with the Rev. Veayne Wright officio tin/l,', Mr. Franklin was born Novem- ber 8, 186,1, in Edinl)urg, II1., and had lived in Sllelton for 18 years. He is survived by one son, L. E. Franklin of Oakland, Calif,, and two daughters, and Lneille, both living in California. He was a member of Aerie No. I, Fraternal Order of Eagles, in Seattle, Wash. Truck Speeds Limited A speed limit of 25 miles an[ hour vas placed upon logging I trucks wfl.h trailers operating over I county roads in a resolution passed[ by tlle board of county cOmtnis- Si'oners at their meeting Monday.' The speed limit will apply until further notice. The commissioners also made plans to install flood lights and pilot lights at the Harstine ferry landing. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG • . . For Your Christmas Gifts . . . WITH STANDARD LINES tIOP EARLY ! ! ! SHOP WISELY ! ! ! Botany Robes 100% Virgin Wool Feel the Fabric . . . and You'll Feel the Difference! s15.95 MANHATTAN and B.V.D. PAJAMAS Widest Selection Stripes, Figures and Paisleys $4.65 to $5,95 Auto Fire Here An automobile fire at 3rd and Railroad in Shelton last Tuesday, December 9, caused approximately $100 damage to the maehine owned by Carl Lorenzen of Lilliwaup, Fire Chief T. E. Deer reported. The fire whictl occurred about 7:45 in tlm evening was caused by a short in the battery cable, Deer said• Charles Hartman Dies at Age 94 A resident of Shelton for 32 years, Charles W, Hartman, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emily Grant, Saturday. Mr. Hartman was 94 year. old, and was formerly a watchman for Rayonicr Incorporated. He was born in Portsmouth. Ohio, on Sep- .tember 22, 1853. SurVivors, besides his daughter, include two sons, Alvin and Er- vin, both of Shelton. The funeral service was held yesterday at Witsiers Funeral Home with the Rev. Wayne Wright officiating. Burial was in the Ma- sonic e_ne{ery. ___-- MARRIAGE LICENSES I Marriage license * applications' were filed in the office of County! Auditor Susie Pauley this week by] th following couples. ] Glenn Bonnett, 22 and Dolores | Hopkins, 18, both Shelt0n Decem- ber-9. Clifford J. M. Strand, 21, and Joyce'A. Sanges, 18, bot Bremer- ton, December 12. John R. Scott, 25, Natches, Miss. and Mrs. Beatrice H. Jones, 26 Laurel, Miss., December 13. Johl R. Dodge, 27, Shelton, ant Corrine Baker, 21, Tacoma, Dec- ember 13. Joim S. Robello, 55, and Edith E. Lenning, 51, both Tacoma, Dec- ember 15. CUT YOUR FOOD BILL Have those weeds plowed un- der this fall and have a good gardeu ii the spring. Let 'ex rot and watbh the garden grow PHONE 59-W Mt. View DraWs Many Students in DraWing C0test It gets a little monotonou s wait- Ixlg for the school bu morrilhg af- ter morning nd as the time wears on children are apt to get into mischief. To alter this,Mrs, lstev Ridley, owner of the Mountain View Gro- cery, where seyeral children awaH their buses, conserved the idea o] a drawing contest, Chlldt, eri fronl the ages,0f 3 and 15 years entered the chtt whiei was held from  November 1 to December 1. The pictures entered in the contest could be drawn anywhere bdt must t have , been original ideas and not a LeOpy taken from a magazine or book. SO MANY Mt. View youngsters entered the contest that they. were divided into three age groups. ,Judging the contest were two Lincoln teachers, Mrs. Cora Kelly and Mrs. Alice Dielle. Charlotte Hetser drew the win- ning picture in the 3 to 9 group; a young man, Ian Systna, won in the 9 to la group with his draw- irig and Ia's brother, Noel Systna took the prize in the 13 to 15 age group. Honorable mention went to Larry Ridley. 1 MRS. RIDLEY, assisted, by the Mountain View CommiJnity Club mohei% is ,plafiniag a Christmas party ir. the children and Cheii- parents at the skating rink Mon: day, December 22. All Mountain View youngsters and parents are invited to attend thi§ presentation party Prizes for the winning drawings will be awarded and skating and luneh con will be enjoyed beginning at 7:30 p.m. The winning drawings are on display at the Mt. View Grocery. tIerb Rotter New Agent For W.U,, Railway Express His appointment, becoming ef- fective January 1, !948, as Shel- t0h area agent for both the Rail- way Express Agency and Western Union, was formally annouiiced this week by Herbert Rotter, lo eal public accountant. • Mr, Rotter succeeds Ha'old E. Lakeburg, agent for the two Ser: vice agencies for the past 17v years, Who is resigning his con: neCtions with them iii order to de- vote his full time ahd el]orgies to operation and development of The Pines Auto Park on Mr. View which he recently purchased. Mr. Rotter als0 hs moved his public accounting office, estab- lished last July, from the Covey Building to the Title Insurance Building, where the Railway Ex. press an4 Western Unioh offic quarters have been located for the past several years. P'/TS OF GiRL On December 14 a baby girl wa, € born to Mr. and Mrs, Williarr Smith bf 1312 Edgewood st., at the Shelt0h Genei'a] Hospital. NECKTIES...  MANHATTAN and BOTANY ,I Selecting a tie was never such a pleasant t;sk as you w., ,, ,his .ca. a* ou..o00 w,*h .ao00 o.o.  rack of gay, colorful patterns. o, q; $1,00--$1,50 and $2.00 Manhattan and MEN's HOSIERY Essley SHIRTS Large Selection.,. Argyle and F|gured Patterns! Handsomely Tailored .., 55¢ and 75 . . . Beautiful Patterns[ $3.95 to $5.00 Botany Wools.. $][.50 Owght M M W " ' CTIC JEWELITE tar. aria Urs. ,eriaaiill :bhrs ,: " U " "  I)eeame tLhb parents o! a baby boy December I5 at the Sheltdn Gener- D SETS I orris en s ear i (formerly Needham's Men's Wer) DAUGHTER i BOll2g P ,, ,, ....... '" ! .o =,.=nAn nta^L,L-.a. . .A babr dgtlgliter wS born to '*] .................... " Mr. and rs..Alfred Hadley, Rt. 3, gaywoodle, Yello.bole, r||||Hil| ||jHi{||||||||U|||||||||i| Medico, Demuth and 0 tfi# : LIGHTERS 's[{EE DECORATIOlgI__ IciCles -- Lights J 00,!I00'NOW Ready TO Serve00You In,$helton LUMBER -- ;;fN MM;;IL&c2n]BdESAtt'H[dHINLCIC-- r RICULTUBA L COMMODITIES -- FOREST PRODUCTS ! i SAFETY ,0 SERVICE 00,0,o ] IllilllillllULllllllh..dllilllllllll|lllllllllllllilillllllRilllllillllll iiiiiiiiIll[ii|= Grisdale Party J Tonight Fetes Santa's Arrival Children residing at Grisdale, the Simpson Logging Company conmmnity 48 miles west of here, will celebrate Santa Claus' first visit "to the woods" at a party tonight in the Grisdale recreation hall. i Loggers on the Grisdale recrea- tion committee, headed by Jim Puhn, are decorating the hall and putting up a huge Christmas tree. Children attending the Grisdale public school will stage a Christ- mas play and sing Yuletide carols• Friday's program will be the first formal stage presentation, other than movies, to be given in the new Grisdale hall. Puhn said Santa Claus was so excited about distributing presents il a logging camp that he arrived several days ago to take a job as a whistlepunk. TinGS AS THEY SEEM (Continued From Page ) tunately there are no cases of ex- treme need, but some families will be without the extra Christmas ttiinrntngs, toys, gifts and holiday food goodies, unless some assist- ance is proffered. To take care of that situation tle Shelton group of the Junior Chamber of cora- merce have undertaken to see that no family sha]l escape.the ffillest erijoyment of tile holiday occasion. Committees represent- ins thfs ,group are at work col- lecting items of food, clothing and toys for distribution at Christmas and inany of the community's kind hearted have freely joined in that movement.. Any cash contributed to the local charity drive shall be t}ansf0rmed into articles of use for the enjoyment of people, who, tltrough illness or other misfortune W6uld otherwise be Without tlflrigs that make the anfiuat Christmas holiday one qf cheerfulness and joy, particdlarly for the young- sters wile have little or no under- standing why others are mqre favored. I ADIES of Veteranfi Auxiliary l. organizations are busy at work collecting donations of money and gift offerings that may be sent to veterans who are still in vet- eran hospitals as the result of War wounds or other war con- they have reported excellent re- sponse to their efforts. The giv- ing of things that will relieve the monotony of life in a hospital; things that will provide a divers- ion from routine life of confine- ment and offer a bit of recreation and mind occupation is to result from the drive, eacll gift of Which Will bc of .tnestlmable pleasure to tim hospitalized veteran and will demonstrate to ldm that a gratefdl and appreciative public has not forgotten their sacrifices. "LSO in connection ith the 2"1 cheer giving this hol{Jay sea- son is the appeal to the hearts of most Americans that comes through the misfortunes caused by war's aftermath to the peoples of Edrope. Facing starvation and health impairment, disease and even death by a lack of food and warm lothing, millions of the common 15eoples of Europe face a very dismal Winter and look hopefully to America for a hand of friendship that will Offer some ray of light in their darkened ex- istence. *America has never turned cold shoulders to the suffering and in connection with that tra- dition the people of the North- west have undertaken the collec- tion and shipment of enough food to fill a 1.0,000 ton steamship Which shall be called the "NOrth- west Christmas Ship," the con- signment to be sent direct to Eur- ope where established relief agen- cies shall see that deserving needy shall be ssisted. Shelton has un- dertaken to occupy a portion of the cargo space of the vessel and contributions of food, clothing and cash for the community!s al- location may be provided, provided it is made ready before December 22 when the aceUtnulation will be sent to Seattle for loading on the sltp. Further inf0rmatio may b ecured from Georgb AndreWS or ]Iayor Frank Travls.who are in ..harg of tim Chamber of Com- nerce and official City of Shel- :on' responsibilit!es in the matter, SAVE TIME I 1:10 a.m. '5:45 5:55 6:15 "7:00 7:15 7:30 8:10 8:30 9:00 9:25 10:00 10:15 0:40 11:15 i :30 11:55 12:45 12:30 p.m. 1:05 1:45 2:00 2:20 3:15 3:00 3:30 4:15 4:30 4:55 5:45 5:30 6:15 6:15 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:15 9:00 9:15 10:30 10:!5 11:45 11:45 *Daily except tlndays and • Hdltdays qlLltilt BAtt LiNE p,m. III 'l Mrs, Butler Dies ""'"":"''"'¢"+'''"" ..... """''"'""'""""'"" ............ AtShelton Home . Make Her Believe Mrs. BixLie Butler, who had lived in Shelton for 50 years, died at her home at 311 Cool(son Street Sunday. She was 83 years old. ,,,'- SANTA Mrs. Bntler was born in Hagen, Ger,nany, July 5, 1864. She is sur- CLAUS vived by a son, Elvin Butler, of Ehna tin're daughters in Shelton, Miss Elizabeth Butler, Mrs. Min- tie Ahern and Mrs. Ida Armstrong, and a daughter in Seattle, Mrs. Eva WojaeR. There are also 14 :,.''2" grandchildren and 9 great-grand- . children.  The funeral sewice was held yes- terday at Wttsiers Funeral Home, with the Rev. J. O. Borer officiat- ing. Interment was in Odd Fel- low's cemetery. [ Pall bearers for the funeral in- cluded Herbert Chamberlain. Her- bert Cromer, George WalLer, I. H. Wood, Robert Ebert and Bruce Dougherty. LEGION AUXILIARY Tuesday evening iu the Memor- ial Hall eight new members Of the American Legion Auxiliary were initiated with Mrs. Ray Meicum, A district president from Shelton, in charge of the initiation. Beautiful Following the ceremonies the present enjoyed a BOUQUET 33 members Christmas party with an exclmage of gifts, of FLOWERS one of the newly initiated mere- rs won the jaekpot o the eve- or the TRADITIONAL POINSETTA PLANT ning, Mrs. Augusta Twohy. Tlm new members taken into --.,.,=.,,=,,==a=,''V/'T'&M[NVT, VIOLETS, AZALEAS, the auxiliary were Mesdames Dot.- othy. Christiansen, Augusta Two- hy, Loria Joslin, Gladyce Lind- BEGONIAS, or Combinations, too-- holm, Joyce Thorpe, Alta Mae c- Elroy, Jomme Nutt and Katherine ADD EXTRA WARMTH Byars. SON iS naN and Good Cheer to Your Holiday Greetings A baby son was brn to Mr. and FOR THE MERRIEST XMAS E Mrs. Edwin Holmes; Stai" Rt, 1, Box 206, December 12 at the Shel- ton Geiteral Hospital,  '  ' Marriage Ammtmced Forrest s Flowers The marriage of Grace E. An- derson and Robert Hyde took ahd GIFTS I place last Saturday" morning at the Baptist parsonage. Mr. and'Mrs. Robert Anderson 313 Railroad 14oe 432 acted as witnesses while Reverend J. O. Bovee officiated at the cere- ! | ELCT., .... $4965 COMFORTERS .... G.E. ELEGTRIC $,69 BLANKET .............  O ELECTR IC $.95 HEATING PAD .......... We Have in Stock Lots of Christmas Tree Light Sets ELECTRIC POPCORN POPPERS-- $4.95 ELECTRIC OVENS $84,75 O ¸ ELECTRIC RAZORS $1.50 and $19.50 Westinghouse TOASERS $4.95 sPECIAL XMAS OFFER $1 AllowanCe On Your Old Iron On Any New Iron WESTINGHOUSE and R.C.A. RADIOS .OE ' ,,N. SHELTON, ELECTRIC Gvey BUilding B. W| $0PER Phone 154-W • t