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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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or new homes. J. A, Sciflange, Box 28, Belfair. Phone Belfatr 552. 7-17-47--7-17-48 NEW QUICK heal omvcrsion bur&apos;nev re" r illges, $i4.75 and furnace $29.50. Phone 561-R or 117 MIll St. 12-18-.-I-7 .... "SEWING- MACHINE REI'AIRS ....... EXPERT WORK. Reasonable charges. Estimates made tu your holm by a courteous, bonded employe. No ob- ligation. Leave calls at The oJurnal in Shelton Phone 100. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 510 E. 4t3a Ave. Olympia 8-5-tfn HEMSTITCIING: 10c yaro also but- tonlmling. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadia and Boundary Streets.} 2-.'-I fa I DRY SLAB WOOD $1 per cord Shlplap and Shingles KAMILCHE VALLEY LUMBER CO. Rute 1, Box 60 Sheltoa |11 I (Corsetiere) BERNICE STEWART (Charts) Established Clientele BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Phone 372-R 616 N. 1st St. i I For Prompt Delivery STOVE OIL DIESEL OIL Phone 87 STANDARD HEATING OILS Distributed by SHELTON GAS COMPANY C. C. Cole, Mgr. 122 So. Third St. Phone 87 I J ' . |! I I [I li SOME ONE WANTS THE ARCTIOLE YOU NO LONGER NEED 'h Call CLARK'S 2nd HAND-STORE 201 E. Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL i .ll ] ] i i I KIMBEL OIL CO. FCHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 465-W L-. Ilil P]'IONE, 190-W for lmn m-mtde pies and cakes, etc, Order one day, pick C12-i1-18-25 up next, , ._. peLt.crY, Phon 212 or 551-J. Ciaucle Logan, Business agent.'n col, old age assletance, o direct th you o.n your doctor's order._ Prepg'a Drug Store, Second and lgau roaiL 10-Jtfn. Chris-Craft Boats SALES and SERVICE Place your order now for Spring delivery The Marina Phone 3754--Columbia at B OLYMPIA, WA, SH. 9-iltfn MOVIE CAMERAS By KEYSTONE and BELL & HOWELL 8 mm Sizca $74.50 to $103.(l O We A,Io Have 16 mm Outflt AND REWS STUD I 0 North Second PHON Stewart-Narner Balancer $1.50 per wheel Weights Extra Chassis $6.00 $7.50 Angle, 10-30-tfn Inquire Herbert G. Angle, Angl " Minerva Park good well, outbuildings. Mrs. Rose %rILL T/kKE-(:ARE-of-cilTlc[re-n--in-'n, Bldg. 10-23-tfn Phillips, P.O. Box 424, Shclton, home by the day. Mrs. Ed Bergeson, FOR SALE: Oil range; Toledo wood bh0ne Hoodsport ll-W-3 1411 Railroad. Tel. 272-R. 11-6/12-25 I range, both with cells; also galvan- YOU CAN now insure your Ese Sight l lzed hot water tank. Inquire 427 Harvard St. after 6 p.m. S10-9-tfn for a single premium whmh will ...................... allow for best medical attention in { CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. Phone FOR SALE the United States, Investigate today. I 691-M after 6 p.m. B12-18 Herbert G. Angle. 10-30-tfn  " Z 5-t--abe t-'ae-n-no-d- "W-I-LL--C-R-E--f-o-r-cla'ho-'m-e el radio, $20, Inquire Journal Of- by hour, day or evening. Reasonable  ficc. _ .................... ii12-18 satisfied customer., rates. PhoBo 421-M, 1920 Olympic FOR SALE: Ivory satin wedding dress Highway (lIountaln View). S12-4-18 and veil, new, size 12-16, very reas- :Iff48GOY/EMET-ff6BS)-S-TAR2-as enable. Also crocheted bedspread tflgh as $58.09 week. Men-women. just finished. May bc seen at Journal office. All pur guaranteed cars are covered 1000! there is any doubt in your mind, just ask '-- :! E. F. FULMER , DECORATOR NERAL CONTRACTING Paper Hang Motor and Chassis Bob Ervin Motors Bob Ervin Motors Buick Distributor Buick Distributor 633 S. l st Phone 673 633 S. Ist Phone 673 TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton-Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Plmne 65 Charles R, Lewl,s, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nolan Mason, Secretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE Member Washington Title Association i REAL ESTATE WORTH LOOKING INTO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: gro- cery, service station and cabin camp near city limits on well trav- eled road; modern owner's cot- tage; on acre of land, Nets over $700 a month. Further information and price on request. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE on 90 x 100 foot lot on Y[t, View, com- pletely furnished; ,$6300, half cash, 3-BEDROOM MODER-'N r HOME on Hillcrest, hardwood floors, plas- tered, large kitchen, basement and furnace, corner lot, paved street, cement walks, house newly paint- ted. * * • $7850.00. INCOME PROPERTY downtown, lrge corner, 8-room house, com- pletely furnished, oil furnace, fire- place, nook; additional building with two apartments; 4-car gar- age; reasonably priced on terms. Excellent lmssibilities for increased income. See this now. 5-ACRE TRACT v n d 2-room house 3 miles south of She]ton/ woodshed, wash room, chicken house; some fir and alder; berries; 66 ft. drilled well; electricity; road FOR SPENCER FOUNDATIONS and supports, phone 799-J for appoint, ment or call at 1416 Summit Drive. $9-28 ELECTROLDA CLEANERS. SALES, Service and uplles..Free pickup and delivery. JaCK Manley, omy authorized fac- tory representative in Mason Coun- ty, I'hqno Hoodsport 2-R or Shel- ton 664. 7-18tfn. REAL ESTATE Navy Highway WATERFRONT Hood Canal PRICED FOR QUICK SALE BY JANUARY 1 5-room modern homo lmd- scaped, guest house, furnished or unfurnished. Owner leav- ing for East. Phone Belfair 228Hazel Wyckoff McCaw & Company Realtor i I |11 I 12-4--I-8 Four-room house at Hoodsport, fine view. $2650. Two houses at Union, one on. hill with splendid view. One on Prepare for Washington exanflna- 12-Ii-18 main highway. Priced at $5000. tlons. Particulars FREE. Write, :'OR SALE: Praetieafly new rust cloth- Franklin Institute, Dept. 1104 S, coat with detachable fur collar, size Other good buys. Rochester 4, N.Y. 12-18 16-18, cost $150, will sell for $65. Can YOUNG WOMAN will earc for children __bcse en.at_Journal_of_f_!ce--! 2-11 FOR Frank _. _._Nosworthv, afternoon and evenings in your rh.SALE: Evinrude outboard motor._ home or ,nine. Mrs, Ziegler, Golds- Inquire at H, H. Crary or REALTOR I)orough Apts. 12-18 Sargtson, 1031 E. Either St. ,vvv.v,,.'v,.. v.,.-..v..-...,,.-v,Mr,,.Tv- 12-II -18 Union, Wash. Tel. 441 FOR SALE ;OR SALE: Montag w0od and coal range converted to oil with copper ' -- coils. $95. Bill Cooper Radio, West COMBINATION tnbIe saw. wood lathe, Railroad Ave, 12-11-18 FOR SALE: 3-room house, bath. elec- and grinder, regularly 57.20 special :FOR SALE: Whizzer motor bike In trlc pump, wired for range, Gar- price $45, A fine gift for a man or good condition. Charles Wright, age, fruit cellar,'  acre on oiled boy, Hillcrest Hardware. Phone 499. Phone 337 or 368-R. 12-11-18 road. $2000. Inquire at Junction Auto 12-18 ...... Cmu't. North on U.S. 101 Hiway ..................... --m- :FOR SALE:" Thoroughbred cocker 12-181-1 E mtz } m2  U  " l  : €1 '  a] " puppies,. 4 blonde, 2 black. Avail- lowance for your o1(1 *ron on any able for Christmas Mrs E Julian new iron in our stock, Shelton Elec- Rt 9- Box o59 (A:-t IIst'close to tric. Govey Bldg. 12-18 'store')' ....... 12.11-18 FOR SALE 21-ft. boat, 25-h.p, mar- CHRISTMAS TREES for sale Phone WATERFRONT 474-M.ine motor excellent shape. Phone 691-M after 6,p.m, " B12-18 A12-18-tfn F-OR--SALE: Black crepe sequin F-0-R- SALE: Wine colored, pillow trimmed afternoon dress, like new, armed daveno and swing rocker $75. size 16, price $12.50. Phone 274-J. For Sale by Owner  Simmons bed, spring and matt- B12-4-:18 ress $25. Large leather rocker $12.50. Lamp and stand combination $10. WTL-L'S-ELL or trade: For good car PRICED FOR QUICK SALE J.B. Sehott. corner of Laurel and or pickup, 24-ft, Bender metal trail- K Sts,, Mt, View. 12-I8-25 er house, dual wheels. Phone 100-7, Sequim, Wn,, or inquire Fred T. $7 to 17 per front foot. 20 choice bR-SAIE: Vaughn drag saw, and 3 Smith, Shelton, E. Dlckenson St, Rt. lots, clean, gravelly beach, no pot- blades $60. C. J. Moore, Star'Rt. 1, 3, Box 100. S12'-4-18 Box 193-AA, Shelton. Wash. 12-18 FOR--'SAL-E: 24-inch sawed shakes, son oak. This tract lies 10 miles FOR SALE: 6-year old Jersey cow cut to order. No business Saturday east of Shelter and eight miles and week-old calf, very gentle, L.. or Sunday. Inquire B.D.W. Oedar West of Allyn on Shelton-Allyn _Ellis, 3n)i!qs,outColeR2ad:12-18/l=l Products, Star Route 2, Box 63. road. Follow the Signs at this FOR SALE: 6-wks, old pigs, , mile 10-50-tfl point one mile to beach, on Benson and Mason Lake road "l(R---SAL-i.7"-i:i'opo| electric "st-6vv. Clyde Benson, rapevlcw, Wash. in good condition, priced ,for quick EASY TERMS 12"1871--1 sale. Phone 876-M or Inqmre at 427 7-QUART national pressure cooker, t Bellevue Ave. Ell-20-tfn nice Christmas present for the lad1 REMODEZING'¢' k about the new Caretaker on grounds to show ef the house. Hillerest Hardware epmplete "Packaged Kitchen"--In- . or write owner Phone 499. 12-1 cruses RANGE, -REFRIGERATOR, FOR SALE: Young corn-fed geese for SINK & CABINETS. Uses space from your Christmas dinner, $5 each. John 4 to 6 ft. Low as $495.00. GARBAGE C. P. RUSSELL  MacRae, near Dayton, 12-18 DISPOSAL UNITS. Low as $89;50. FOR SALE: Vaughn drag saw, 2 WHIr PAY MORE?--Stop and see us Gig Harbor, Wash. blades, new frame, motor just .over- soon. MISKELLA SUPPLY CY)., 10-16tfn. hauled. Price $75, Ted Bollinger, Olympia Htghway at Aberdeen "Y:'. • Upper Skokomish. 12-18 Our salesman will call if you wisn. " ................................................ Phone I)690, Olympia, at. 1, Box PICKED APPLES for sale: $1.25 per 103. ll-20-tfn ; box, Bring containers, Lawrence LOGGING SUPPLIES: Single &"-dou'= Gasser. Rt. 2. Box 102-A. 12-18-25 ble bit Saeger & Knot Kllpper axes, FARM FOR SALE or trade for city F--(SR-S.L,E: Arizona Mistletoe. Call brown stred wire rope, hooks, property. Phone 671-M. D12-4-tfn Jim Sauer, 2001 Hay St,, or Phone chains, etc. Holm Feed ,& Auto FOR-SALE: 3-room house, one lot on 404-R. 12-18-25 Loan, across from Safeway. Phone Park St. $1700 cash, $1850 terms. FOR SALE: Fully automatic gas'range A78<IN--T'-  ................ !l:20-tfn. Mrs. Nellie Storts Matthews, 3 miles like new, use on city or bottled gas.  ORS (3 sizes in out on Dayton Road. ll-20-tfn Priced for quick sale. 303 Kmeo stock). Gas engines, water systems, FOR SALE,. 100 ft. of waterfront on (Southsldo). 12-I8--1-1 light plants, HOME FREEZERS from Island Lake. Phone 615LR-5. MANY PRACTICAL Christmas gifts $225 up. Full line of COMIERCIAL Mc12-18--1-I on our shelves. Come in and Io0k REFRIGERATION. Aluminum pre- over our stock. Hillcrest Hardware,. cut buildings and aluminum sheet. vvv,...v, ,,-.T',.-,-,,,.-v..,'vY,,v.vv,v, Phone 499. 12-19 Tires and tubes, batteries. AND WE ' FOR RENT 'YR---sz--Wood or coal range, DELIVER. MISKELLA SUPPLY CO.. on Olympia highway at Aber- _ - .............. good condition, Inquire 1517 Dirts- deen "Y". Try our SALE & SERV- ion, E, C. Kenyon. Phone 183-J after __!CE, you,ll like It. ll-20-tfn 4 p.m. 12-19--1-1 ....... FOR RENT: Unfurnished 3-rooms and bath, apt, above Vanity Deluxe "Fbi-SALE.7--Walnut--g-at'eg--tab: CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. Pl Beauty Shop. Call 375-M. 12-18 Phone 418-J. 12-19--1-i 691- M after 6 p,m. B12-18 FOR RENT: One 2-room furnished FOR SALE: Davenport in good cabin, one 3-roo,n furnished cabin, tton, nearly new mattres $20. H, Phone 765-R-4 Maple Beach, Shuer, 2001 Hay St,, Phoffe 404-R. AUTOMATIC in front and along entire length; ].)riced at 330(I. NtJW .I-tOME of 4 rooms, bath and utility; oak floors, cement founda- tion, walks and porches; floor fur- nace, laundry trays, automatic hot water tank; roomy closets; excel- lent condition; priced at $6800. 200 FT. WATERFRONT, 5 acres, on Pickering; some timber; tide- lands included, road ahmg one side; 0nly $1750. NINE-ROOM HOUSE on 5V:-acre tract near city limits; double plumbing; includes 3-room apart- ment renting for $32.50; all newly repainted and redecorated; two acres cleared, Mill Creek crosses property; 9 fruit trees, berries, grapes; spring-fed well, electric pump; oil circulator, trash burner, automatic electric tank. A wonder- ful combination of acreage, home and income, priced. • ilght.,: - HIGHWAY TRACT 4 mi, S. of Shelton, 4.85 acres, level; 165 ft. frontage on paved highway. Only $550. TAVERN BUSINESS fully equip- ped and in operatn; and 2-story brick building centrally located; priced right, terms. For Realty Buys Consult a Realtor M. C. ZINTHEO Phone 157 --- Title Ins, Buildhag Slelton W12-18--1-] 12-19--1-1 FOR SALE FOR RENT: Locates on orth Bay" FOR SALE: Red fryer's. $1.O each. , ,, and State Hiway 14-A at Allyn, '.l.l..,lay,]enc{.lsKe. l=l:-la 5-room modern home, plastcre., " wash. Known,. as Baysido Apt$ : 'lO'r 'uR Ab: rrmeu to sctl right, , The usual furniture hot and esl ', none-561-R or 117 Mill St.. ' with hardwood floors, floor ffi- running water, refrigeration electric ),' D12-18--1-7 lights, laundry facilities, ne grade/'-FOR " SAL]".-Pah'--gc-nulne -snhkekii{ lace, o bedrooms, utility room. school, and high school bus tn front [" pumps open toe. Size 8AA. Prac- Nice yard and well located on Hill- of building. 2 and 8-room apts. from | tically' new, $15. Inquh.e at Journal crest. $6400.00. , $25 to $35per month, also cabins for / office. S12-18 z,u xT: t;omtortable meeping day hed, dining set, also complete 6-room modern ]lome with three room in QUIET home. PRIVILEGES set mechanic's tools• Phone 682-M. bedrooms, new gas range and as- to right person. Employed young S12-18--1-1 tomatic water lteate, nice yard n preferred. 811 No. 4th, Piton_? F6l('S:AL'I--D7oitgh-t-p|-n-,'Tg001 ...... '- ......................... . ..... ": watt, new batteries, washing roach- and flowers, Large garage with FOR .RENT: Floor axers, 50c a day. ine, V,-h,o. motor, radio, other equils- concrete floor, Has new building awton bumoer uo,, 420 So, First ment, all 32-volt. John Hltchcock, on property suitable for store or st., Phone 56. 10-16-tfn Harstinc Island. at. 2, Shelton, work shop, whicll can be pur- vvv',wvvvv','vv,....v.,.,rvvv-wv,v chased separately for removal. LOST AND FOUND Property in good condition and .v...,....... available for $7750. Locatted close in to city. 3-room home with elec. hot water heater and laundry. tray. Located close-in. $3600.00 80-acres with about 30 under cultivation. 7 - room modern home, good barn for 15 cows. Located about 7 miles from Shelton. Will consider trade of city property.. $10,500. 50 x 120 lot on 2nd and Knee]and Street with Fared s'eet and side- walk, close in and will make a good business location. Priced at $3000.00 for quick sale. Also farms and waterfront properties, Herbert G. Angle i  i ,H MODERN HOME ]5 minutes drive from town. Good house, five rooms and bath, with oil heater and large fuel tank. 4: acres mostly cleared. $3900. HERE'S YOUR WATERFRONT HOME . . . 150 ft, fine beach In sheltered cove, exposed to sun from early ntorning to lat afternoon. Good water supply electric pump, LOW RANCH- TYPE COTTAGE, large living room, wide windows command- ins PICTURESQUE VIEW. Two bedrooms, batt incomplete. 10 acres in a11, e, onsiderable, piling to sell. Approximately 10 miles from town, Material to build two car garage. $5750, COMFOWrABLE ttOME excellent district, lawn, shrubbery, garden. New VE, NETIAN blinds throughout. New ELECTRIC RANGE,. new table top Electric Hot water heater, late model ELECTRIC' REFRIGERATOR, roomy garage with cement floor, xiith separate HOBBY ROOM: IN KNOTTY PINE. This modern home COMI LETELY I'(JRNISHED in good taste including OIL HEATER will be sold for :6500, # WATERFRONT HOME near Bclfair, excellent beach. Good mod- ern home. Double garage. $5950. NEV MODE[N JOMIi] five miles from town. Good drilled wcl] s.nd electric pump. 3 acres, one cleared. $4500.00. H. L Olstead Agency .... ,Near Postoffice ...... Phone 30 FOUND: Tan short,haired puppy about w÷ek ago. Phone i7-W. 12-18 "L[JS-T-7"'La'lTfe's--gL'Hfo-oTd- Tn e "tele- phone booth, contains around $17 and student body ticket. Please re- turn to Betty Glenn. Hoodspm.t, Wash,, or call h'ene S. Reed high school, Liberal reward. 12-18 town lasL week. Phone 559-W. B12-18 WANTED ;%;7"=Z7" 7":==: Rawleigh Products in Mason Coun- ty. See David Swanson. 1720 Divis- ion Street (Hlllcrest). 12-18 courteous service. Phone us collect. Ehna 21-3-18. Grays Harbor Render- ing, Inc. $-27tfn. "WANTED . Salesmafi io take VKdfi-un Cleaner agency. This is an excep- tional opportunity for a live wire. Sewing machines will be in line When available. This could be handled on a part time basis. Must be fhmn- cially responsible. Write or phone £or appointment, House of Palmer, 632 Washington Avenue, Bremerton, Washington, Phone 2576. 7-10-tfn LOGS WANTED SECOND GROWTH PREFERRED Prevailing prices paid by Enitai Lumber Co. Mill located at Minerva Park Phone Irloodsport 11-W-3 TOASTERS Our Christmas shipment of the beautiful Camfield D e L u x e Automatic Fox-ey toasters has been received. A small deposit will hold for you until Dec- ember 22nd. WESTERN STORES Across from Bus Depot WANTED Party to contrat falling and bucking timber. P. S.: ALL OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SATISFIED '47 Mercury 4-door, R & H '47 Chevrolet 4-door '46 Ford Club Coupe, R & H '42 Chevrolet Acre Sedan, R & H '42 Ford 4-door, R & H '41 Cadillac Sedanette, R & H '41 Buick 4-door, R & H '41 Packard Club Coupe, R & H '41 Ford Coupe '41 Chevrolet 4-door, R & H '40 Pontiac Club Coupe '40 Chevrolet Coupe '38 Ford 2-door '36 Ford Coupe '35 Ford 2.door '28 Ford 2-door '41 International Pickup '36 Chevrolet Pickup MARK'S USED CAR LOT 119 Cota Street--Shelton--Phone 533 t 728 Fourth Ave., E--Olympia--Phone 23 OPEN SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS and i EVENINGS  for Your Convenience:! USED CA SPECIALS '39 Plymouth Tudor, '$700.00 '37 Pontiac Coupe, $625.00 '42 Jeep $595.00 '37 Ford Tudor, $425.00 '37 Ford Pickup, $425.00 '36 Chevrolet Tudor, $425.00 "If"IN'Rt--;-DIJ OUTBOARD motor sales made, $50, also drag saw. $50. In- and service, a few new motors in quire James Bero, Shake Cabin stock, also a few good used motors. Hillcrest Hardware, Phone 499. 12-181 Camp, Union. 12-4-18 FOR SALE: $35 baby buggy,f Year "F'-OR--S-A-IE: 7-piece bedroom suite" $120; 1 glass paned mahogany door >= old. Price $20. Phone 407-R, C12-18 $10; 1 sofa and matching chair $75, CHRISTMAS HOLLY for sale. Inquire Star at. 1, Box 104, Shelton, Wash. _ Phone_171. G12-11-tfn 12-18 FOR SALE: Gentle horse with har- -= ..............................  .......... hess ood condition. Very ,reason- $175 P[ECTUM Banjo $100, $45 new able' -* *l* -rtin Rt •  .... $3.50. 128 E. Railroad. A12-18 i FOR SALE: Pickea apples, Kings and ...... E.'--cckh" , .... Gravenstelns $1.25 box. -ohern r' FOR SAL .: 'k ngesc pup. 6 miles • Spies Winesaps $1 50 box Orchard rMtlCkBoOadAC. M. PumIe8 I run, 'brlng con'talners. J. Jacoby, [ .............. :_. .............. 7.='_ ...... -- ] Rt. 2 Box 271. 12-4-18 I .-I  .¢,..n.., • ....  ]/dOR SALE" Binder twlne, 8-lb. balls. [ CHRISTMAS TREES for sale Phone  " ' • " ----- _ o...- ............... . .... "° ] Wagner F'eed Co., 219 So. First. Ft)R SALE: Porcelain kite.hen sink - 11-20--12-18 IS with high hack and drain board. /---T--'k--l-i-lFJ--'ad--[ "- ,, " ' " order. Phone 462-J. W12-4-25 [ . .  ....... ----.. ,. '35 Chevrolet 4 door, $350.00 ,, CHRISTMAS CARDS USED CA-RS [ '35 Pontiac 4 d)or, $250.00 i:!i Sacred Phonograph .... .... I RE___ xcenent vames m t Model A Tudor, $175.00 TTgVD CARg " : Many beautiful Christmas v ,,., -- -- ,,-, Also P NuVELTIES, GIFTS and , - -- ";udson I.W Com_lete Automotive Service, Sunday School awards 46 ix Sdan t] Lubrication, Reboring, Gas, Tires, RELIGIOUS SUPPLY ,44 Plymouth Coach • ' 1 J- Motor overhauled I E. 5th st. Olympia '41 Hudson Commodore I I ' 'OR S AL.E:.N.ew water stor- tJ Reconditioned age tank tnr) toy considerablyless m.oney.utan re:ular price. New sln- 0 Plymouth b-ton glc tu cement mundry tub $7,50, Pick-up. Clean + +++ ++ + + !il ator ,regular mo00cl, not table) $30. '35 Hudson Sedan HARRY S USED CAR LoT:I Call 760-R-3. 12-11.18 good. New seat covers " r F--'.- SALE: New Tray Queen washer $50. Mrs. Jonn *teiman, Potlatch, ' + L '' Wash 12-11-18 OLYMPIC MOTOR is now open at  IX-ID:MA-D'E GS." Chair and-van-- ity set, n.ovelties, aprons, potholdors, SALES " doll cmtacso toys, pillows, handker- 322 SOUTH FIRST STREET chiefs. Open evenings. Opposite AUthorized Hudson dealer Pines, Mt. View. A12-11.18 "OR + SXLE.'T-iil6I' new Br 1st & Mill Phone 595 & Stratton air-cooled motor. R. THIS TIME IT'S HUDSON Offering this week these special Franklin, Matlock at., Shelton. 12-11-18 "(R SALE:" Fle{iTh--'Giant buck and "" 1947 CHEVROLET v r--nass. 'coupe, R dec. One New Zealand white, doe. FOR SALE: 1946 Ford truck, 2-speed; $10 for all. J. Schofleld, Allyn, In- 1936 Chev. wood dump; sawmill, quire unlon Station. ' 12-11-18 Leroy motor 5-h,p. slnle phase 1942 OLDSMOBILE 4-door Sedan, R &: 'OR"SAL'E:-stte-.5:ctric range rind electric cut-off saw, smau aonkey. Frigiaalre. ualL at Apt. 3, 650 Dear- Glenn. Clifford, Star Rt. 2, Box 51 12-n- 1940 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan, R & +" born. F12-11-25 (Dayton). . ............. . .... _+ ..... FOR .SALE"'-Geitle+6]a'6k-'elding ()-RS-A-LE'2-%r:'8 4.door seaans, mew weignt -- --aoout 1200, not thoroughly rubber and rebuilt motors. One '36, trainea. nqulre at The Pastime. one '34, can he ananeed. Prices 1940 FORD 4-door Sedan, R & H R12-4-18 $450 and $175. They are $100 under +' WRITE BOX K -O'R'-SALE i tlsed electric range, used sale price, At Pershall's Associated freezer, electric clothes drier used Station, 4 miles south Olympia High- 1938 OLDSMOBILE 4-door Sedan, H washer. Shelton Electric Phone ,= --.+ ' c-o Journal Office 154-W. 12-4-18 1936 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan, H ............................................... rangeS.. um.ermen's Mercantile , Hareware .ept, 10-16-tfn  1942 FORD TRUCK, Eaton rearend, OR S ALE :- i .Seco-Kd. h-'d--fur nit u re WANTED: women to wor a oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long d ls- and used artc£es ot all klnds at The tance, Oyster Bay, collect, ask Ior Trad!ng Pos ', 338 E. Pine (Baysh6re Brownie, new motor Oscar Zandell, 10-18-tfn , Roaa) "  + .... ..-o-txn rXT-e--]Vffr.-T-a--6gKL6i--fk" '---N--S tor Come milk aenver,-- 1947 HOUSE TRAILER, new, f feed. Myers and Hansen 'Mink Farm, M11-14tfn. Olympia, Phone 4B76 collect. 1-1tfu v'A-NTED':',-h--s:l&ii-6o'nf-l6haqb for auto parm .ana.aecessorles. Firs, ALL CARS PRICED TO SELL rent: Will lease if desired. Bob Keen- and Mill Streets. nnone 595 7-4tfr an, L.M. Office, Phone 305, ll-27-tfu a vallab'le--[n'-"u"t{li-lh-: W . YT a hanging parlor lamp. Phons 315-J Car slzes 4:O6k!., m:ux19, 5:50x17, evenlngs. Mr. Floyd Wiidey, Rt. 2, 6:00,16, 6:50xl,.7:00x18, 8:50x15, TUDIOS Box 206 (Grant community). 12-11 7:00x15, all truer .tlrs sizes, and S' All cars reconditioned and g ttELP WANTED: Young woman with tubes of au sl.zes. A£_so used tires i= all popular smee._.Mell Chevrolet, , 120 N0rh Second St. secretarial experience or business First and roye, none 777 or 778, We sell cars on consi school traing in typing and short- -ie0R sALE: .Wes.tern f .'" PHONE 152 "' ........ " ................ hand, to,' well paid, position--xpeu .......... ' " ' . , ;i ' now. Inquire Box W, c-0 Jotu'nal. " plph)g, Hart on nurner. Sce Grani ...... .(  1311-18 Aagic. tfn t ' , [_ j " s ,/ Alterations DNE 48 MACHINE REPAIRIN( for all makes of sewt Phone 596J o," 38W I I 10:30 a.m. and 5 p,m. B10-3 plus Bu ] LAVATORIE !|:INKS WATE WOOD AND and other h 1 at prices t, Morgan-Eat] 1324 Olympic Highw: I: " . H| ........................ T-YPE-WR ITE R S' AND CAS -- Sold a] H.D. BA] 212 E. 5th O] Office Furniture," llable, Expertly Prepared ?RESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the aaon County Medical Assn, r Direct tO You Service PREPP'S Drug Store & Railroad Phone 8f '00OYK00SIONM, CARD roBeRT RO00rE] ,PUBLIC ACCOUNTING SERVICE ' ' >Title Insurance Bldg. PHONE 720 Shelton, Washington Heusto ATTORN EY-AT-LAW , courthouse, Shelton Phone 312 • &. K: McCampbeli I%rsonalized Accounting Service adregs: Shelton, Wash. Rt. 3, Box 54A Phone: Shelton lllW RAIG P. ELIOT LECTRICAL ENGiNEE! T!tle Insurance Bldg, • yhone 645 B. SPRIN Tax 8sPvIo flng Syne Phone INBURANB O. at Angle Butl R. Dodg, V]ETERINARIAN of Shelton ( Highway 766-R-4 Shelton, W HO Embalme Wtm  l-top.