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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday,, December 18, w will , Mat- 2-11-% USED CABS FOR SALE: 1929 Tudor lodd eelhmt condition, 600-16 rub) lno(or. R. Franldin. Mafia Shelton. A GUARANTEE? ,t what a dealer makes I cars are covered 100 y0, in your mind, just ask led customer., .JR CUSTOMERS ARE KTISFIED 4-door, R & H .,t 4-door lb Coupe, R & H .t Acre Sedan, R & H leer, R & H Sedanette, R & H door, R & H Club Coupe, R & H ape t 4-door, R & H Club Coupe ,t Coupe .oor upe oor .oor ional Pickup t Pickup 00RK'S 00CAR LOT :--SheltonPhone 533 I--Olympia--Phone 231 bAYS, SUNDAYS and for Your Convenience i" r " ' t5 . . , _. :da.3.,December...1 ,_,, 194. ...... , ............ ... gT-TETIT'0N-MASON COTTN'TV JOT.NAL I i ml i i i " . . _ -i - : "i • ii i i i i i I I I i J ....... .* ,, , i _ __  - c ii _ - _ ,a - . _ '_. '_L"'.._ __,_: .................. ! .............. RAY L. DREBIS Electrical Contractor Licen,ed and Ionded Electrical Servicing -- Repairing EXPERT FITTING and alterations Mrs. M. MeCann, 222 So. 4tl St.. lqu)Im 4S9-1Xl. I;-10-tfn '.__ _ ' _i ........ :: _:_7 ..... BE READY FOR THE STATE CAR TEST IAg'hts -- Erakes -- Toe In TESTED FREE NO. 5015 ORI)INANCE NO, 462-65 SUMMONS FOR PUBI,ICATION AN ORDINANCE relating L. Police IN THE SUI'ERIOR COUItT (51o TIlE Court and Police Judge and r,,pealing S T A '1' lq OF WASIIINGTON FOil Ordinances NoN. ,t and 171. MASON COUNTY. Itl'' 1T ORDAINED I;Y THE CITY Nellh, Malthews. Plainliff, vs, Ihmnah Peter.on. Cuardian of Esinie of I.illian Libl)v, an Insane Porsnn Til(dnas SII)('I|TO,* Elb!n Young, Josol)h ].. YO/Ulg, llannah ])etlq,s,,u. lil|i:lu Ltbhy, lhtnnah Andersnn, L, Anderson, Arthur Anderson, Anlo]l Ail- derson, Frank C. Willey and Mary N. Wilier(, husband and wife, Hattie Pal- mer, " Elmer Wiliey, Edith Lark(n, Fr,mk Willey, Clydc Deegan and Har- ry Deegan, The Unltnown Heirs of Thomas Shcs'unl, Deceased Tim Uu- known Ileirs of Elicit Younl4, Doeeased We Deliver MILL WOOD FOR SALE aitai Lumber Co. Minerva Park The Unknown Heirs ¢,f Joseib L, 'hone Hoodsport ll-W-3 Young, Deceased, The Unknown Fie vs I)f l-lannall Peterson. Deceased. The PHONE ESTIMATES FURNISHED Unkm)wn Heirs of Lillian I.ibby, De- - 766-R2 ON NECESSARY REPAIRS ceased. The Unknown Heb's of Hannah ..... Anderson, Deceased. Tilt"  J'nkll ow I]. Heirs el Ernesl L, Anderson, Dec.cased, The Unknown Heirs of Arthur Andev- ' F. FULMER ELECTRICAL BOB ERVIN s,,n Deceased. Tile Unl, nowl, ncit,s ,,," • Anion Anderson D,u:eased, The IJo- .DECOIATOR known l-lcirs of Frnl,. C. Wilh'y, I)e- , NERAL CONTRACTING SALES & SERVICE MOTORS ,.,,as,,d. The *,nkllow., ,Ii, b s of M,l,'y N. Willey, Dec.eased, and All Otlu,r  dk- _.' "11I . "1111"  \\; ]:ersons Unknown }lacing or i']ailoing llullg, railer Ilallg- Olympic Highway South First and Mill Streets io have any right, title, .state, lien ing, Alterations ll-20tfn, interest or oqllitY ill and to tiw here- PHONE 4g PHONE 673 fondants,lnafler described real properly, l)e-. .............................. TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON. ,G MACHINE REPAIRING, ItEMSTITCHING, ]0c per yard. gels- FOR PAINTERS TO Tio said, llannah Pcierson, Guar- iLparts for all makes of sewing sore and knives sllarpened. Inquire dian of Estate of Liilian Libby. an 'nes. Phone 5965 or 38W be- 427 Bellevue Ave,, Shelton. Phone PAPER HANGERS Insane Person, Tlloluas Sloeum, Ellen 10:80 a,m, and 5 p,m. B10-3tfn 376-M. E12-4-tfn SIGN PAINTERS Young, Joseph L, Young, Hannah Pc- terson, Lillian Libby, Hannah Andev- _: ................. ". I Phone 212 , son, Ernest L, Anderson, A,'thtu' Ao- surplus Building Supplies derson A.t(,n Anderson Fran,. Wllley and Mary N. Willey, husband and wife, Hattie Palmer, Elmer Wilh,y, [,' LAVATORIES SHOWER STALLS dlih Larkin. Frank winey. Clyde Deegan and Ilarry Deegan. The un- known heirs of Tln)nlas SINcEre. de- [:SINKS WATEg TANKS HEATERS Rebuilt Engines ceased, ,he ,mknoW,, he,rE of Ellell [ WOOD AND COAL RANGES r,,,n, de(eased the unknown heirs o'f Joseph L. Young, deceased, the un- [, and other home building (terns Ford V-8 .... $:118.50 exeh. known ltoi,s f t,annah Pete,son. d,,- ceased, .tile nnknown heirs of Lillian Libby, dereasod, the unknown heirs of 1' tr at prices to save you money Ford Model A .$95 exch. Hanna Audelson. d,,ceascd, ,hc uu- i I%'1 known heirs of Ernest L. AndersoN organ-Eacrett Lumber Co. L, *''1324 Olympic Highway Phone 656 • dcoased, tl, e unknown heirs of Ar- thui' Ander,4on deceased, the unknown heh's of Anton Anderson, deceasrd, 111o I".r;vwp-rm-  " " ' '  : Prepare for Winter ,,,,known l,,;.s of Frank C. Wmey, (1,,- " ADDING MACHiNES Weather (,eased.N. WiUey.the unk.ow, heirs o," Mary H . =o o, ,.,,,,,,. [: persons llnknown having or claJllilll[q  AND CASH REGISTERS car Hot Water Heat.rE to have any right, title, estate, lien, Sealed beam headlights, interest or equity in and to the herein- • Sealed beam fogllghts aft odrbeadrJelp,pcsrt;nYrtda '  Sold and Repaired Top Dressing -- Top Material appeal' witiin 60 days after tee ate of the first publication of .this um- ! mons, to-wit: Within 60 days after L " H.D. BAKER CO., INC. • the 20th day of November, 1947.. and • defend the above entitled actton in the 1'212 E, 5th OLYMPIA " Phone 80,t¢ Machine *,v'o" Service above entitled Court, and answer the , Amended Complaint of the Plaintiff, : Office Furniture, Files and Fireproof Safes and " and serve a copy of your Answer upon ,,,,, , ,, , tim undersigned attorney for the Plain- -- ---2U_-TLZ:=:_-__SrlAIeV]NI ..... Motor Overhaul ,tiff at his office below stated; and In case of year fatlure so to do, judg- Motor reborlng meht will be rendered against you ac- tRESCRIPTIONS Valves faced and resea(ed cording to the demand of the Amended Complaint, which has been filed with , LawnmowerS,and GardenKnive'Tools ScissOrSof Crankshafts ground the Clerk of the said Court, The ob- . . ject of lhis action is to fluiet the i  _ all lund ' • Plaintiffs' title In and to the i'ollpwing n S pply described lands situated in uason County. Washington to-wit: , Bicycle Repairs Wester U ofAttracNt ladctnate9d it;e 2SoW ]  ]  | ' Keys Made - Locks Repaired 218 N. 1st St. Phone 126 Waslfington, moreRange 3 Weh't, ';:M. inparticularlyason bountY:de. scribed as follows: il Beginning at S.l, corner of Storts , s Fixit S..op ....... of S.W.IA of N.E.V*.. Sec, 19, T wp 20 ^ Third and CoLa N. 86" 19' W. 154 ft, from S,E, corner n Contracts with the N., R, 3 W.. W.M. (The sam .J. corner of S,W)g. of N.E,U is .m.arked on County Medical Assn. PHONE 243 ..,...,..,...vvvv.v,. 'by a 2" pipe driven deep stinKS up 10" and has a cap nlarked "N.P." and Or Direct tO YoU Service ' .... ' _ .!- .... , NO. 1961 is on the West hne of Kneeland Park , . NOTICE TO CREDITORS about midway), Thence, along North P R E P P S Stoves and IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE side of Park St,. N, 70 ° 25' .9,8" W STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR 259,65 ft.; thence N, 57 ° 38' W. 69 MASON 'COUNTY." ft. to initial point of this description, In the Matter of the Estate of Addle Thence cent nuing the same course 162-ft. to SE corner of Altken's lot; Drug Store & Railroad Phone 89 Furnaces I. Bishop, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: tlmt thence N. 29 ° 12' 11" E, 103.50 ft,. the uiidersigned, Lester E. Bishop. thence West 40 ft.; thence S. 73 ° 48' W: has been appointed and has qualified along Easterly line of Frank Willey's V A C U U M as Admiaistrator o'f the Estate of Tracts 39.90 ft, (Equation hetween our Meridian, which is the East line of [0FF00IONAL CARDS BOOTES PUBLIC ACCOUNTING SERVlCE Title Insurance Bldg. PHONE 720 Shelton, Washington Heustou 00CIALS Tudor, $700.00 oupe, $625.00 5.00 ,or, $425.00 kup, $425.00 :Tudor, $425.00 :4 door, $350.00 door, $250.00 Tudor, $175.00 ATTORN EY-AT-LAW ,| Courthouse, Shelton iL Phone 312 . " ,, K. McCampbeli Iersonalized Accounting Service ddress: Shelton, Wash. Rt. 3, Box 54A Phone: Shelton lllW P. ELIOT )AL ENGINEER T!tle Insurance Bldg. yllone 645 R. LEWIS &T'rORNEY AT LAW South Fourth St. Bell BUilding ShItom Washington C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Lnuranc¢ BEtiding First National B,mk 93 - Shelton Automotive Service, boring, Gas, Tires, etC. SERVICE C. VIEW (: USED CAR LoT: w open at [ FIRST STREET  eek these special,: IT 5-pass. 'coupe, R &t({"' E 4-door Sedan, R & 1 T 4-door Sedan, R & I Sedan, R & H E 4-door Sedan, I-I 4-door Sedan, H K, Eaton rearend, motor .ILER, new, factory PRICED TO SELL " ' B. SPRING Tax 8ervloes flng Syteme Bt Phone 0 INBURANCB [ COMMISSION OF' TIlE C1TY O' SItELT()N, WASIIINGT()N : Seetion l A, poiil'' V(III'I IS lloreby esLahlished in Ihe City el Shell.n, Wastlillff[oo %t, lllell ,'DIH'I sh:lll :l]W'lys |)0 el)ell ['t)l bllsiness i,x(.o])[ o11 ill}ll- j(Idiciai day.q, lind Socti.n 2. The polh'e .huh"! shall lm a praclivJng ll,|ll.llf,y :ITI{J shall be • 1 H)ointed I)3' the nlay(ll, sui)je(,t to Colll 1.11111|ion by ,he City Co1111n ssion. Set'Lion 3. The ,oliee jut'lEo shuil have exi']us %',, It risdit on ove' a l Of. I''I1F, IS ( e tiled )y anv , 'dinan(,e of the Cty O' 11" toll all l" a 1 iLIle' acliens I)r(iLlght L( OI1 f(l'{'l' f)l" reco%'[l ' any ORDINANCE NO, 461-67 i AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CER- TAIN ORDINANCES AND SECTIONS OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES. WHERE},, during tho process of tim i,udifi(ation f the (rdinan[os of the City or .qholLon ii has boi,ll noted that t.,l,lain i)l" alld ae(,liens Of ('(,t'lairl oF(liRan(.os }llll'O ))eco/ne 0])" Folele :Llld Ill eff,,ct re )ealed I)y tlw e(aiutos I,f the State uf W:lshtngLnu add i'(|illaltt' .s f t}t' C tY o[ Shelton ltnd: WtIEREAS. it is for the ilest inter- (,st ,d" the ()it:," of SilelLon tllat such ordinances Itlld sevth)llS ot' ordilnln('os .bould bt" repealed, flOW. (herefore, ])E IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE COMMISSIONERS OF TIIE CITY OF SI1ELTON: ;toned and on consignment, R..Dodge ' VETERINARIAN South of Shelton on Highway Shelton, Wash. CLEANED Phone 576-W 620 Cedar St. Prompt Service I I I PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating George W. Sawyer 105 Front Street I I I M CABINET WORK PLATE GLASS SETTING REPAIR WORK Homes Cut to Blue Prints Shelton Cabinet Shop JACK DREW Behind the Bowling Alleys I II I FOR EXPERT WELL DRILLING AND Berkeley Pumps SEE ! NASH BROTHERS Easy Terms Phone 334 m,, i h lil - UNDERSEAL A 1-16 to 1-4 inch thick rubberized undercoating (Minnesota Mining Co.) . from $35 BOB ERVIN MOTORS 633 S, ist St. Phone 673 • I'l  (ll "l-" I [l' I I NO, 188, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY, In the Matter of the Estate of Jauntta M. Roundtree, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that the undersigned, Hattie F, Roundtree has been appointed and has qualified as Administrau'ix of the Estate of Jaunita M. Roundtree, deceased, and that all persons havin claims against the said estate are hereby required to serve them, duy verll[ied, ton the Adndnistratrix r upo her Ely appointed agent and attorney named below, at his office in the Govey Building, Shelton, Washington, the same having been designated as the placc for the traisaction of tlm busi- ness of said estate, and file. the same with*the Clrk of above entl.ld court, together with proof of such service, withtn six months after date of fil'st l>ublieation, of this notice to wit: De- comber 18th, 1947, br acid claims will be forev0r barred. E HATTIE F. ROUNI:YRE , Administrati'lx of said estate. J, W. GRAHAM, Attorney for Administratrix, Govey Bldg,, l'2:l:=:f:l:8-4t ' Addle I. Bishop,' deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to serve them duly verified upon the Administrator or upon his duly ap- p.inted agent and attorney named below, at his office in the Govey Bldg.. Shelton, Washingtqn, the same having been designated as tim place for the transaction of the business o1' said estate, and file the same with the Clerk of above entitled court, together with proof oI such service, within six months after date of first publication of this notice, to wit: December 1lib. 1!|47 or said claims will be forever "Darre(i, LESTER E. BISHOP. AdlnJn|strator Of said estnte. J, W., GRAtIAM, Attarney for Adnfinish'alor, Suite 5 Govey Bldg., Shelton, Washington. • 12-11-18-25--1-1-4t NO. 19tT NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRE- SENT AND FILE CLAIMS, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In Prollate In the Matter of the Estate of Georgia Anne McDonald, also known as Saster Mary Carmelita, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fhat 5essle McDonald Clinton has been appointed and has .qualified as Exe- cutrix of the Last Wfli and Testament of Georgia Anne McDonald, also known as Sister Mary Carmalita, Deceased and that all persons having claims against the sid DeceaSed or the said estate are hereby required tg.serve the same, duly verified with the neces- sary vouchers attaelmd upon the un- dersigned Executrix or her Attorney of Record at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, 119 South Fourt]a Styee Bell Building, Shelt0n, 1Vson County, Washington, the same 0eing umg- nated as the place for the transaction of the business of the said. estate and file such claims together with proof of service with the -Clerk of the above entitled court withlh 6 ffonths after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: December 4, 1947, or all claims ot so served and filed shall be rot:ever barred.. JESSIE McDONALD CLINTON, Executrix of said Estate CHAS. R. LEWIS, "' Attorney for said Estate, 119 So. Fourth Street. Bell Building Sheltbn, Washington. 12-4-11-18-25-4t NO, 5023 SUMMONS FOR PUBLIC&TION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Annie N, OIson, a widow, Plaintiff, v8 Herman Wittevee and,. ,J, ane Doe" Witteveen, lmsband and wife, and the unknown heirs of Herman Witteveen and "Jane Doe" Witteveen, if aLv and also all other persona .or parties un- known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate de- scribed in the complaint herein, De- fedant. ' , . - THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said Herman WltteVeen and "Jane Doe"' Witteveen, husband and .wife, and the unknown heh.s of 'Herman Witteveen and "Jane Doe" Witteveen, if any and als all ,other persons or arties unknown clamdg ay right, itle estate, lien 6*" interest in ",lie real estate described in the complaint herein: You are hereby summoned ,to appear within sixty says after the date of the first publication of this summons, to- wit: within sixty days after the 19th day of November, 1947, and defend It he above entitled action in the above [entitled coufl, and answer the eom- plalnt of the plaintiff, ahd serve a copy of yotu. answer upon the under- I.slgned. ttorney or pmmff, at his ] office bemw stated; and in case of your / failure so to ao, audgment will be ren- dered against you according to the demand of the complaint, whtch has been filsd with the Clerk of said Court.. he object of bringing this action s to quiet tltle to the follow- lng des cr!bed property: The outh half (S) of the South- east quarter (SEl) of _N.orkhwest Quarter (NW) and the lortnwest uarter (NWaA). of "Southeast Quar- tel, (SE/) of, NRt'th.west. , uartgr (NWf) of SeCUOn "rmrty -s (36), Towhin Twenty-one a North, Rahge Two (2)West W;M. situated in the ,County of Mason, State of Washington. , CHARLES T, WRIGIIT .... Plamtift s Attbrney , P.O, Addre8: Angle Bldg., Shelton, Maon.CounW, Wuhttgt6n. 11-13-20-27--12-4-11-1 -5-7t I USE JOURA.L .]..,,kT_,&D. said SWA of NEIA, and that ?fFrank Willey's plat is 2 ° 23' to right,) 'rnence N, 34 ° 35' W. 158,26 ft. (the Wll)dy pla shows this line, to be.N,36 ° 58' W} ; thence N. 41 ° 41' E, 81.40 ft, to iro post on dike of. Goldsborough Creek' thence along dike,  6 ° ,£ E 170'.35 ft" thence S, 63' 46' E. 12%987 ft to WlIcox's West line: tlmncc S. ° 10' W. 245.38 ft, to initial point of this description excepting therefrom the following described real estate: A tract of land situate in the South- west quarter (SW'6) of the Northeast qnarter (NE)of Section.! 1'3: "¼owx)- ship 20 North, tange ; west, w,m., particularly described as fotlows: COMVIENCING at the Southeast corner' of the Southwest quarter (SWU,) of the Northeast quarter (NE) said Section, Township and Range;' .run thence North, along the East line of said SouthweSt uarter (SWV, D of quarter NE,t), 230 et, more or less,, to an iron post set on the rortu nne ot Park Street; thence Westerly, follow- ing along the :North nee of said Park Street, North 16 ° I9' West 154 feet; thence North 70" 25' 28" West 259.65 feet; thence North 57 ° 38' West 69 feet to the Southeast corfier and the initial point of the tract of land here- by described; thence continuing along the North line of said Park Street Nortll 57" 38' West 162 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Don- ald Aiten and Dorothy Aitken, ,huS- band and wife, by deed recorded in Volume 102. of Deeds, page 624, under Attditor'S File No,. 11.0227;._Tlenqe North 29* 19' 11" East, along .the mast- erly ltng of s.atd Aitken tract 103,50 feet, more or less, to the center of tlte bed . of. Goldsborough Creek as .tile same existed on the 3rd day of MarclL ]1917; thence following along the cen- ter Of the bed of said Goldsborough Creek, as the same existed on said date. to a point thereon which is North 18 ° 10' East from the point of begmmng and the initia t point; thence South 18 ° 10' West to tile point of be- a'lng)erpetually bar and en:oln you a.nd each of you from asserung any Fight, tttle, clmm, equity, lien or in- terest therein and thereto and for a decree adjudging her to be the owner of 'the said lands. B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON, . Attorney. fDr Plaintiff. Office & Post Office Address: Court ,HqUs¢, Shelton. Wahington. 11-25.27/12-4-11-16-25/1-1"7t CL FOR BIDS FOR GASOLINE .Notice iS hereby given, that bids tll be received aid opened by th i*osrd of County Commissioners_  Mason County, Washington, on Wed- ,heYdaY,, January 7th, 1948, at 11:00 A, M. at the oftce of the Board tn the Cottrt House in Sheltont, for furn- Ishing gasoline to Mason county for all its .needs, and including sucn school districts as wish to avail tltem- selves of the belmfit of this contract, for the year commencing Jannuary let, 1948. Dated this first day of December, 1947OARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- sIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SUSIE E. PAULEY, Clerk of the Board. 12-11-18-2t NO..1962 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIZS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In Probate n the Matter of the Estate of Ber- thInL, Flsk, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaL Travis M, Fisk has been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Bertha L. Fief, Deceased, and ttmt all persons having claims against the said Deceased or the said estate are hereby required to serve the sarde, duty verified with the neeassary vouehers attached upon the nndersigned Executor or ,his Attorney of Record at the law office' of Chas. R, Lewis, 119 South .Fourth Street, BellBulldhg, Shelton Maaon County, WaShington, the same being desig- nated as the place for the transacuon of the busine.s of the said estate and file suclt claims together with proof of service with the CAcrk of the above entitled c0Urt Within 6 nonths after the date 0ftlie firt,lU.blication of this notice, to-wit:- Dmbct" 4, 1947,. or .all als 0t  served end filed shall ,,, E¢utor  said%state CHAS. R. LWIS '" AttOrney for said Estate I 119 So. Fflt!rth Street, Bell Building Shelton, washington. 12-4-11-18-25-4t Drs. Landers Cover Ground 4n a Hurry Dr, Glenn W. Landcrs and his son. Clenn Jr,. both Sbelton op- tom(.Lrists, crnmmed n lot of ac- tion into n ]4-hem" period last Saturday 'rod Sunday ntorninl4. Leaving Olympia by plane at 2:30 Snturday afteT'noon, they reached Portland in time to spend two hours from 3:30 to 5:30 a , tlc annual NorthweSt Optometric Congress. attend the annual re- union of Dr. Landers Sr, old "World livenED, l.,naltv t)l. "or'e tu'e declared i Section 1. That Ordinance No. 2. or given 1):,, I[11/ Sll(:il ordinan('c, an(I ) elltitled "All, Ordhlan('e to define tiN, full power to, lOl'Ieit bail bonds and duties and fix the colnl)ensatiolt ,if issue exevLlt|oll t|lel-o¢ln, anti |'till pow- er to forfeit casil bail. aud full In)W er i IOWll officers:" |m and lhe Sallle is hereby repealed; and authority to and determine ' That Ordinance No. 19. entit|ed "An all causes, civil or criminal, arising Ordinance amending Section 3 ahd add- IlndeI' su( II ord na l('es and ])rou iln('e in" o... ul - .,.,4; n,,t NY I,' • / I 1( " ' ( t I g ov(:tmOl ,) /,) tO v.',,nh..C. ,,,,. . it dgln '1 t In I :cor(lane(, I)1 'r wl(l ,'t ' I n  to t ,(" du|ies line 1 cnu,ensa- lrw,'i(i,d Timt lot tlu vmlation ,,1' a  h,,;;" 77 ;.J,'," ,re'Vo;L tAo ',.51 ,fie • " " "S . ..... ). =.-W ....... (%.-*. ............. (rl'Ulllnal ordln'ln('e. , 11o 'roat 1' 1)unl..ll-  s,/11 - ix" ...l', .)Jh a} • t, nltl 11it'11| shall |)t. I111 )t)s(,d than a line of q', n  ,,l|.Irlv¢ ,t q11/ n'ifld On( I|undrl (I Dollars ($100 00) or ira- , ,, ,';';{;t',".;I.;(,'; , ''x,,'i'" • . ' ' ' , 1 ...... ' ........ C2 .) ....... g *.- ,-.o ........... ])FlSOIllll,'llt 1101 i,) exceed thn'ty days } of|.iccr s sa arir " }m '1,1d the Ralne (30). i,r by IHth such fhle ill' lnlpris-, IV I1('r )r')'y relrealeu'; "' ' " ' ' (nllrenl, In a trial el acti.ns brotlgllt q'l nl O,.d|,,nnp,,  ,fl roll(led "An lor tile t i latiml rl any (ity ordinance I c,(". ,:. ..... '"'; 7"i ";'¢_" "''-;,Y; ..':7; " • • .' I ..,'..,na+.e. l'e.a,..g .O Lilt' t|Utlt all%l 11(! J.urY. shall Ie.allowed, All er.vll )or  e,uupenalion of town officers of the c'rllllllal )roce ulngs beftwe sued l " I Towr o e allelton and r,oeal n I!' el'l- lice jude and judg,ll( nts ,'ende ,ed by I ..i..,' .',,,,, 9r, ..a an ' h ,,(I the him slltUl  subic(t to review In the I ..... he,,eb- is re-,ale(I superlm' court lo,,, Ma. on County by I Ttm( Ordinance No 79 ent tied "An a writ f review or appeal, and st ell I Ordl'anre alnendin ' bl4Jinance No 40 procedure shall be i.n accordance with I bol ' ah ol.dlnanc entitled "An'Or-' the pr,,visions r.ow governing appeals i '(itngce rolat n-' •to the' dl.ltie, and ,1 ust,ee's co,!:i. .ne%,7 ' ,1% s i/,, ,ompensatton or town offics,s ,,t tt,e Se;cti m ,I. AU c!'.mnngt_l v :e:.  " I Town : of Sbelton.' and repealing.Or.d- sue(I I)y SUCll J) rll(t' ]uag snail DO , - . 9r, a on, ,, t..  ..r in tile name of the Stt{te of Washing-] ulntceil',°w " Ine,t  ............. ten, and run (hroughout the state be Tti'at Ot'dfnance }t') 83" ent tied "An direeted to the cllhf (}1' police nmv- Ordinance amendin  Ordinance No 79 shal or other police ofhcer of an>, ] I-#ln-. qqed" 'AlgOldlnanc '' amend-' city' or to any sheriff o,' censtable nile. ),.tla'n(,e No 40 hetng" an el.d- 1he state. " ' . . .. ) In'nee entitled 'All O,:dlilanee relating Secticm 5. All ln..osoeutjgns or tnl t o' t)[e dtlii, s and onlpensaton of X elation of any (l[y orulnance Sllal!  . ._." ,.,.: S* e .t r ¢ o • , ' • town elm K'e,' Om tile OWn Ot ode,- bt (ondu t,.d n the name ot th= (.7 ty , tm lind r(T|eallnl£ C)!dtnan(  N  • "'" "" " - " ( o tl t toln . ......  _IS ( , ,) el Sneilon anti may D LID n 1, -' ...... - - " ....... ' ...}., .., ..... ..=.=^. ..,a no .,hano'e " and 30. he and (he sam(' hereby Is ([ frem the00 00:llat nan,,° No. ol#l"ed 1 2' . , '' . 10"d nan(e alnendlng Ordlna ' N - Sect on 6. In all ehul and (,vlrnulal , ', ' ' aethns arising f,'n t)le vi(da(i,,n of IdIlng(,anl¢]rdnnCo *-[/tlCliutlA ' (},Id eli ' (ir(lillances tried DY 4(Ich lmilee " ' " " S' iult,¢e Ill' shall chal-e tl-'aa ots l,l compensation 'f th(, town' t'f , = '  " ' "g " " : " ' - lhr Town of Shelton and l'¢peating ;.ach t:as( the same fees as are cllag.u _ , .. X.  ' • " " " 'es )€ qle' ")eact' '¢ r lii/e s;',!' or(linanee ro. zo and 3u'," be tuld tne oy iNS.u(.. ,  ) ,' l o, .L" ::7 an [ I erehy is repealed. vices In (,v(,ry a('Llon, .%lt lt+!. . ) ',.,.¢Jatartt[t|otl" '" " (harged and eolleeled by, and all fines O1:d'i'nan;/l''![n"'ol't{oe'{lt'i'e ,t'n;J An and forfeils l)a d t such pol ce jucge ._. ...,.,...,.  .,ant .qhl-' " " shall i, elong to. the C>..,,f Shel,-n and shall be paiu over lay nim weo¢ly Nunbel 79 °onti{led 'An Ordinance to the city treasure' ' " " Section 7. erile Cit' cf Sheiten shall ] [a)natlontb " tto%thoefd::l;So}'lltdheC(npexlm furnish for use of theboosOllce court et.^t,_....; . a.u mc,d|nn, ooNo.'  ' " " " I)lanks and blank, fornls which are ' "]mA ..' ' -. -'. --- -".- deemed necessary to the l,roper ad- ,.a[.n'malneedn°/ddin(anUUeo ' ministration of said court. The police V. '" " -."  • ..... '..-.' [it, de shall ,lie last Satu, dav of each oelng an ortllnaTlce relating to tne uu- 5;  ,' "" ........ /^" eaves ties and eonlpensat on of the town nlenLo, inaKc a LL(II l't'l;urL ux U.II . • ,, " . . {rl ill h{u -^.... €, fht*I mn.,h aIl(l O[flCel's and repealing O]dinanc(s NO, ......  ....... vuut ....... ." ""X':" O¢ avid Nn' 30' be and the same file the same with the city clerK. , ;g.Tis JX-eal6d " Section 8. In tle event of the'po- ne. . _;r2_ .; ;.._ a o¢.l.a ,,. lice Judge's Inability to act, or du,'U)l{ n'i,ta'.(*nn;,/,{' t;e'l'es "' ariy temporary absence, or If he snoul(1 ..,u. =., ............ . ..... point from amen rue practlein - .• . " . " ' torneys and qualified electqrs of the betnd :iamnelebl,Olstl(;d.,An CRy of Shelton, a police J uge P . ,. • tenporo, who, before entering tp :'. , .. , a,,.r.,. ' l on Ordnance creatin the off it1 of Tow the duties of such office, shall take Engintel:; 1rS(i;i,sinlnlrSns[,(,;;'], a be and EEl)scribe anu earn as Otller JU- F''. *'=u'''t =' • " --" •  ' " - --' ial offi(ers and while so act ng he and the saue .uereDy is repealed. dic ....... (, t' That Ordinance No 285 entitled "An shall have all the powers of the p)llc ... .:. '- ',--' .. • judge. Such appointment, however oroAnanee provlu|ng for tile rtcens,ng shall not continue for a loner period of vending machines, manual games titan the absence or inabthty of the ann automatic games as herein de. nollce judge. " Such police Judge pro fine'd, providing penalties for the vio- }elnpore shall receive compensation for }atlon here°{/,.tanod f re.anngesa)]  °ord n" such services at the rate o£ ilve OOf tpa,t-,: .-. .",'7" - : - • , " lars per day, to be paid by the city. fhct .herewith and ueeLarmg a tune Secthm 9. The police court shall this ordinance bcconles effecAive," be hae a seal, plovided by the Clt of and the same hereby is repealed, the City of" Shelton. shall bear the sea/ repealed.., .......... of said court. That OrDinance' No, ti;L enuuea, "An Section 10. Said police judge shall Ordinance fixing a street poll tax and before entering upon tbe duties of his providing re," the collectien of the office take the oath of office and lve Haole," bc and the same is hereby re- bond in such penal sum as the Aty pealed. Commission may ,determine condlt- That Ordinance No 76, entitled, "An loned for tile faithful performance of Ordinance regulating the equipnmnt of ])is duties; such bond shall be ap% certain buildings with fire escapes, proved by the city attorney and when and imposing a penally for the viola- s approved shall be filed with the tion of the provisions thereof," be and city clerk, The salary of said police thr same is hereby repealed, judge sbali be .payable nlonthl} and[ That Ordinance No, 103, entitled, shall be fixed by the City Conuhl/slon. : /Atl , OrdinaNce establishing a iowu Section 11, Tilai Ordinance N0. 4, i hase or plane of reference for cleva- entitled "An Ordinance to Establish floEs, and fixing the elevations of a )r mal hen(h mark atld five secondary eneh nlarks Ill the town of Shelton,;' be and the same Is herehy repealed, That Ordinance No, 104, enlilled, "An Ordinance establishing .ffieial elevations for sidewalk prades iu the Town Of Shelt0n," be and the same ts hereLW repealed. That Ordinance No, 174, entitled, "An Ordinance relating to the con- struction of new sidewalks In the City of Shelton," be and the same is here- by ,repealed. , r That Ordinance No. 11. entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate the Imilding of sidewalks in the' Town of ShelLon," be and the sam( is hereby repealed. That Ordinance No. 41, entitled, "An Ordinance relating to the repair of sidewalks in the Town of Shelton," be and the same iv hereby rel)eah'd. TImt Ordinan(:e No, 92. entitled, "An Ordinance rlatlng to sidewalks and parking in the Town of Shelton and repeallng Ordinance No. 71,*' be and the same, is hereby repealed. That Ordhlanee Ne. 55. enlitled. "An Ordinance relathlg to tbe cmnpensa- tlon of the town marshal of the ToWn of Shelton, Washington," be and the seine is ,hereby repealed. That Ordinance No. 65, entitled, "An Ordinance ameading Ordinance No, 40, relating to thi compensitlon of the toWn..arshl of the Town of Shel- ton, Wahingtoh," and Ordinance No, 126, entitled, "Ah Ordinance fixing the compensation of the nlarsllal of the ToWn, of helton" and Ordinance N0. 58. entitled, "An Ordlnance reg- ttlatlng and fixing, the rates to be (narged for the use of docs belong- ing to the Tbwn of Shelton, Mason County, Washington" and Ordinance .No 63 entitled "An Ordinance amend- ing rdinance' No. 58, eltitled 'An OrdtnancP regutah*ng tee charges anu fixing tile rates tO be enargeu ,or tne use of.doeksbelonglng tp the Town of Shelton Maon Coxntt¢, Washing- ton" and C)rditxance No. i10, entitled, "An Ordinance. providing for and pre- scribing charges for the use of and for vedsels landing at public doelts in the Town of ,heqton.. and repe)n all ordlnance, nl c0nfnct tnerew ,' and that Ordinance No. 5. cntitled "An Ordinance relating to the tlutles of standirg ,committees " be and the same are,hereby repealed. Approved" • '. A. TRAVIS; Mayor Attest: ALMA K, CATTO, Clerk, 12-18-1t N, lST NOT!C.OF,HEARING ON FINAL REP0 AND ]q;TITION Felt DIHTBUTION IN TH.E 'SUPEPdOR COURT OF TRE STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY . In Probate In the Mtter of the Estate of Frank Rabideau. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Tens Shaw, Executrix of the estate of Frahk Rabideau, Deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court her Final RePort and Petttin for Distribution, aking the court o approve tim stone, distribute the prop- erty to me persons thet'eto entitled, and to dlschlirge said Executrix; NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Final 5report and Petition for DistribUtion will be heard at the hour of 10 b'elock on Saturday, the 17th day of January, .19,i8, in the Court Room in the Court House in Shelton. Washington, Dated this 13th (lay of December. 1947. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of Said Court. 12-18-25--1-1-8-4t RESOLUTION WHEREAS, due to the heavy traffic over county roads Maon County. is nnable to lteep the roads In repair dlh.- ing the winter inoliths', and WHEREAS, the rate of speed and a Code o[ Precedure for the Police Court and its Officers." and Ordin- ance No. 171, entitled "An m,dinanee defining the duties ef the Police Judge of the City of Sholton and pro- vlding' for lis Salary" be and the same hereby ar repealed. Approved : F. A. TRAVIS, Mayor Attes! : ALMA K CATTO. Clerk. 12-16-1t OBDINANCE NO. 463-66 AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Attorney and repealing Ordinance No, 240, Secti(m 1. The City Atto,'ney of the City of Shelton shall be a practlchtg attorney, a qualified elector of the City of Shelton and shall be appointed by the mayor subject to confirmation hy thc City Conunission. Section 2, The city utto,'uey Mlali be t.' 16gal 'advihel' 61' "the 'Clty Corn- miss(oh and of all the officers of the city in relation to matters pertaining to their respective offices, He shall represent the city in all litigation In all, courts irr which, the city, is o. paety or directly tntere4ated, and shall pros- ecute all violations of city ordinanceS, and shall act generally as the attorney for the city and the several depart- ments af the €it¥ governen.L anaAie shall erform such other Gutles as the City Commission may direct, He shall receive such salsrv ss may be de- termined by the City Commission: .. I See,ion 3, The City Attorney snaiL] before'entering upon the duties of his office, take the oatll of office and glve 1)ond in such penal sum am the City Commission may detcrm[ne ron- ditloned for the faithful performance of his duties, Section 4, That Ordinance No. 240 entitled "An Ordinance relating to the dUties of the City Attorhey of file cry of Slleitgn, Washington, fixing his compensation, repealing Ordinance No. 203 and all ordinances tn conflict herewith' be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved : F, A, TRAVIS, Mayor Attest: ALMA K. CATTO. Clerk.18.1 t RESOLUTION HEARIN ON EMERGENCY EXPENDITURES WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that certain expenditu,'es for the main- tennce and repair of the roads of Maimn Couhty are necessary for th public welfare and convenience; _ AND IT FURTHER APPEAtING that no budget funds are available for such expenditures : NOW THEREFORE, IT IS DE- eLARED That in the Judgment, of this Board an emergency exists and that ! the sum of Six thousand dollars ($6.000,00) will he required to meet seen emergency, , AND IT IS ORDERED that a hear- lng thereon be had on Monday, De- cember 29, 1947, at two o'clock O.m, nt the office of this Board in the Court :House at Shelton, at which hearing I any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against the expenditure of mon- eyfor such alleged emergency, ' UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED this, 15th day of December, 1947, OkRD OF COUNTY( COMMIS- SIONERS OF IASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON H. R. DICKINSON, Chairman. LYLE O'DELL, Commissioner. ROY CARR, Commissioner. ATTEST_ : SUSIE E, PAULEY, Clerk of the Board, 12-18-1t load liinits are exeesgive; NOW THEREFORE. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED thaL a speed lhnlt of TWENTY-FIVE (25) mil(s per hour be placed on all logglhg trucks with trailers until lurther no- tice, i ' DATED tliis 15tli day of Dcceln )er, 19'I7BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- f0NR8 OF MASON COUNTY, wso ROY CA.RR. CommissiOller. NOTICE DF CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the City of Shelton eall [or bide and will. on Tuesday, the 30th day of December, 1947, at the hour of 8 o'clock P.M., open bids for furnishing the City of Shelton with gasoline, oil, kerosene, and fuel oil, in not to exceed the fol- lowing descrihed amoanl.s per montt: 1500 gallons Ethyl gdsoline; lens staridard gasoline; 100 gauons Intor 11; 20' gallons kerosene; and 1500 gallons fti'-0:u. ,. , The; CRy, rserve tle right to re- Ject ah:] ant all bids.Dated this ninth Day 0fDecemoei', 1947. LtMA : CATTO, . y Cle:x, 12-11-18-2t  " I ATTEST : ;lzrnal Want Ads Pa-'! ssm z. 'AWEY, J. "Clerk of the oard. Page 7 St. Edward's Catholic Father Mark Wiecirnann Mass will be held at tho regular hours /qundny, R and 10:30 a.m., with "Preparation for Clu'istmas" as the sermon topic. Evening services will inchlde n Christmas party with :in apponr- unce of Snntn Claus arranged for the children at 8 p.m. The regular catechism classes for school students will be held at 9:45 Sunday morning. Mass will be held at 6:30, 8 and 10:30 the morning of Christmas War I outfit, the 162nd Infantry day, , (the old Oregon National Guard) ............................................. between 6 and 10 p.m., to spend another hour and a half with one t'Alll} OF 'I'llANK,'4 of his old buddies, then board  W(. wish 1, ex|,r'(,ss our bonrlfelL b  ...a..h+ which dronned g 'at tt d' "or t I, f )w'v. vrnlmthy US .a ,., ..... 2,, _ •  t'K kindness and assistnnco ,;l:rot.;,d us b: them in Olympia at 4 a.m, unGay, our f'l'ien(Is. Mr'. Wltsievs, the V.F.W,, ...................... 1ireNe from For1 Lewis and Mastrr ..................... Sergeant Davis wtm : ,'o H1 Dan ,'rl (hi' . '..o rlnains of our lt,ved on(', Shtff St',r- .......... '!)a'l''"J .... IN'" At' geant W ia I L. (:,"ve I%{;V|%1' t;I  iir.Aitmt i' %1 - 4 " " " ' ' ' T .l' _...., .............. ...... )'N M'" Maxln( L,'av,s aad (hruvhters I:UU-I1 Dlll 1 I, i li IU I t|t I m Wiilrla Mall, nt • ") t ' )  ' " '   an(( 1 (1 r'(Jl }" Tltllll TION ' , ' ' , , . , , Mr Walt +I' (, 'a','es IN TH1 SUl ] R101:L COUI,I OF qHl,• Mt an!" M, -s ' "" ";' " q" ' ON ]'(')l: '. ' 1 'S J S  ielt n STATI OF WA ItINGT " t ';l and Mrs'Con- m  ' , ' r "  a¥1 ', 1 '.. * t' "I(Wll, 'qlU MASON COUNTY. In Re Estate ef G. R, Milllourn, de ........................................... ceased. Notice is hereby given tlmt W, A. CARl) (11,' 'rlIANK Gleason adrnin/s(rator of the enlate We wish to' oxleml Io our ninny O1' G. R. M lboul n' , has. II 'd in th ' fl it'*ll(ls, and nl_igllb[)r.. ,anl*d.u (wt¢oinl.._ .-C .... [' office of the Clel'k of said C,ur't his to (he 1VI.a(i s m' deed thnll(. f,, e ' ' " " " ............... final account and p tltlen lot dis- thc flowers and symlmthies given ns tributlon, aklng the co(,rt it') seitle doting ran' I)er'eavement. said account, to dist,'i/)utc tim prop- Mrs. Margaret Sherry, erty to the t)el'selis therett elrtitiod. Ethel Mac rtud Vickl I,eo, Lnd tt') discharge S I d W A  east,n alld that sahl report and petlti(m will  -- ........ -'-%.','--'-, be heard on tile 17th day of Jauuary, [ [ 1948, at the hour tlf 10:00 a,llh at the [ .,r. .  .. . a . I eollrtr,mn of the above eotitled cmlrt, I lVlrsl; Bal)tlSt CllUrcll I DATED TI[IS 10th dtty of Dee. 19.17, I ...... ,'.'.. -. - ' I 1tARRY DIYETTJI. [ , J, O. tov,-, PastOr [ CoanLy Clerk and Ex-Offieio I  .  •  ....... I unllay kscnool Ill: It 4|1 AM Clerk of the Sulmrior tour,, | ' • *-" " : ' ' • [ 12-1a-25---i-l-3t [ Classes for all ages. ] ............................................ I Morning Worship at 11-- Sub-] N(,I. 1647. I ject "The Christmas Message" I NO'rlCI, OF Ili,:AIt'ING (IN FINAL I ............. I ACCOINT, REPORT AND !'1,71'1- [ otlng Feople 8ervloR, [l:,lt) k'.M. [ I'ION OF ADMINISI'ItA'rRIX FOR I 1 .... t,¢ %ff,,,,c, ,.qn . I SETTI, I,'MF, NT, I)IT ItlI|UTI(IN / " 'V ...... "b .......... '' ..... " .... I AND DlSt?lAIttil,; ' / Christmas program hy / II TIlE SUPERIOI COURT OF THE I " | STATE OF WASHINGTON II AND' [ the Sunday School I FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, | A si,oin, Church with a I , lnProhate. / ' "  ...... -- [ In the Matter of tile Combined Es- | Gospel message. OU are invites I tater of I,] J, Millpr and lV[ary E 1 I Miller, both deceased. !4 ' ........ "-"/ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tlmt ;__  ....... V"":-" "::=-''-::=:=:---=-"='-. Marion E. Michael, Ad(l:inistt'atrlx of I . .... ' .... -- I the above entitled estate, 'hus filed ] Foursquare ,'llUrCn [ herein her final aceounl report and i a,n = r&=,.a.. + I petition for settlement and dlstribu- i ,__'" :--%'?'"'-". I ,inn ot" the estate of the decease,'| /Sunday cnom--m¢ I wherein the Cot rt is asked to approve I  WoihLn erviea--ll'ri0 I said account and report, and make I L" =--'-'ff - .- --'-r I distribution of the ostalc and dls- | .crusader elvlee-.-o,*lo | 1,, l s ' ' i charge tl. Adm nLtratr}x. ] Evangelist c Set'vice-.-7:45 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. thoA I RV RUSSELL DORNB AIII I be had hei'&e tbb. Cl,u','t on'ai{rinal I For unto ou .,x,/./%a,. 1 account, report and let it(tin oa Sat- I J .'//,tUAN' I urday, the 17th day of January, 1948, I IS born this [[/f/.'.' I at 10 o'clod¢ A,M., on said day In ida i. t'e C't I///%' I the Court Room or said Court in the [ Y n I y il'w01P [ Court House at Shclton, Wasltingt(m. I f n  v i d n Jr  "t I Dated this lth day of December, I ..... r |.]tlrit  I 1947 m Saviour which] ,)111i I! m HARRY DEYETTE, I , s umm'.zamJm  i Clerk of the Supe,'ior Court for | ,s Christ thellililhltU I I Mason Couuty, Washington, I /^*d Iil|d.llll I I ALDEN C, BAYLEY, I ..... IDi I I Aor'ney fer Executrix, | Ir--! / Title Insurance 1.uildhlg, | --Luke 2:11 -'--" I Shelton, Washiogton, • )" ,a MT.  IEW ALLIANCE CHAPEL Rev. Thee. W. Chapman, Pastor Christmas Sunday Services: 11 a.m. "No Room for Him" :30 p.m. Ammal Childlen s Xmas Program Christmas Tree and Treats for all Youngsters I .' •  " WORSHIP WITH US IN OUR NEW EDIFICE AT 130 EAST PINE STREET ASSEMBLY of GOD TABERNACLE Rev. Sam MCGilI, Pastor THE TRUTtI FOR THE YOUTH Mt. Olive Lutheran Church The Church of the Lutheran Hour HiLLCREST - HIGHWAY AT CASCADE qM.leph0ne 395- and 230 Sunday School 9:45 a.m,  Morning Worship 11 a.m. First Methodist Church "A Frienlly Church in a Friendly Community" Fourth and Pine SUnday School at 9:45 a.m, Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sermon Topic: "Christmas !' WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276 First Church of Christ, Scientist SH ELTON BPanoh of The Mther Churoh, The First Church of Christ, $iMentist. Boston, Mass. SubJect Next Sunday' "Is The Universe, Ineluding Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" SINDAY 8CHOOL,AT 9:45 , suNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O CLOCK WlEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'clock. and Wednesdays from 6:45 to 7:45 o'cloeR. All are cordially invited to attend the services and visit the Rding Room, CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET , , l,,J , Charles Thomas Shaffer Chmlcellor in Sacred Literature Specializing in Pr0pllecy Consultation Free Correspondence Invited e. Lakeside (Lost rairie) Maon Co,, Wash. Box 66-A, L. L. Rte., Elma, Washington