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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LIBRARY BOARD MEETS Tile Shelton Library Board with Chairman Nell Lewis, Mrs. D. B. Davies, Carl Quarnstrom and W. L Jessup in attendance, held their ,,st meeting&apos;, of the year at the library building Tuesday evening, winding up 1947 atfairs of that public, institution. "l'le library building  has recently been rnoderrfized and redecorated and prc,Jents a pleasing tppearance to its llany users. Scouts Schedule Many Activities During Vacation Boy Scouts throughout  he Tumwater Area Council will be especially busy for the next two or' three months with three of the year's major activities. The first of these will be the ammal green bar training conference to be held ....................................................................... in Shelton on December 29th and t .......... Fai.,ank00.00or'00 i PUMPS J I For Every | Purpose | SHELTON I ELECTRIC CO. I_ Govey Bldg. Phone 154-W I I HEINIE HILDERMAN'S CHATTERBOX CAFE 3rd & Railroad -'Shelton • II'll}llll 3'Oli cllll liOilr lniillhr, it lilll litllry 7 The gl':ll,Hlit il|n'r I;4 Sollll'whlit ,If 1 lill,l.'7ll'llill, hill lht  po{;llll b/Ig 1.t till  ltlltTl indfffqtilzabh nlusiclilll, lh' IJh.tv4 on the illhR. Silly, Jsli'l it? lV,ql, hurl, it,; II hliiltlllh, lliolLlght ill l'Oll£hlSloll. ,Try Olll' " 'a- ' ix" lira, ocappillg SYl%IoIrll <lid l,qtrn what m'al sails- fm,:tiorl l., RAUSCtlER & SON 1528 Olympic Hiway (Hillcrest) 30th. The second will be the annual mid-winter competitive rallies, sections of which are to be held in Central,a, Chehalis, Olympia, Shelton and Morton. The dates for these will be set by the district commissipner in each district With Scout" leaders and Scoutmasters. The Green Bar training confer- mice will bring together the troop staffs of elicit troop consisting of senior patrol h:aders, patrol lead- ers, scribes, quartermasters, bug- lers and other troop officials is scheduled for the Christmas vaca- tion. Registration" will start at 1 o'clock at the old gymnasium. The afternoori session will deal witlf troop programs, troop formations, etc. The evening program of the first day will be Scout games and how to play them. The next morn- ink will be for out-door patrol methods. The afternoon will see a very interesting field trip and in the evening the banquet will be held. The Scoutmasters and other troop leaders are being' especially in- vited to any or all of the sessions. Council officials have asked that each troop indicate at once how many scouts will be attending in order that final arrangements may be made. The third big activity is Scout week, in celebration of the 38th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. A week of activities from Febalary 7th to 14th will feature potluck dinner by cub packs, Boy Scout troops, senior units and their parents and friends. Some of these will be in the form of joint affairs between several troops with courts of hon- or and achievement nights. 0akhurst Patient Appeals for Aid In Movie Fund Duncan Eddy, a patient at the Elma Oakhurst Sanatorium, has made an appeal for contributions to aid in the purchase of a movie projector in a letter sent to the Journal this week. In his letter, which follows, d- dy indicated that a projector for use by the patients in the institu- tion would give a boost to their morale arid help make the long convalescence pass nlore quickly. Duncan Eddy, patient at the EI- ma Oakhurst Sanatorium appeals to the Journal ill a letter tiffs week for a helping hand of voluntary contrihutions to help the institu- tion secure a motion picture pro- ector whicl will do much toward l%elping, the welfare of the patients. Mr. ddy's letter' follows: "1 AM writing this for myself and the other patients here. "We want to purchase a motion picture projector for the entertain- ment of the convalescent patients. A gentleman Item McCleary has heen bringing his outfit every sec- ond Thm-sday for awhile, but as it costs him about $15 for rental and express of films he had to stop. We have a fund of m'ound $400 donated by Aberdeen clubs. Many of us here arc from the other four counties tllat use this sanatorium, namely: Mason, Thurston Cowlitz and Clark. %Ve believe that people of these counties are not aware of out" need here and would help. A NOTICE in your paper might enough donations from clubs and lodges to get the extra $200 which it will cost us to get tim necessary equipment, leaving some to defray the cost of film rental. Dr. John Stall, in charge of the institution can provide furtlmr in- formation to any inquiries." ilsiportalil Jt'*ooo In hospitals milk is an irnl)ortant food and is also used In pharmaceu- ticals. Doings among your' merchants SHELTON-ASON COUNTY JOUAL AMONG YOUR MERCHANT S l is resigning to devote full time to another business enterprise. The new business aianouncemont comes from the G & H Trucking Company of Olympia, which is opening a branch office here lit Btlsiness changes, new business, a business record, and monkey business highlight this week's bus- iness scene in Shelton. The business changes hlvolve new ownership and managelnent for two established enterprises of this community, details of which are announced in separate stories and advertisemer/ts elsewhere in this edition of The Jonrnad. Suffice it to say here, then, that they involve the purchase by J. Emmett Smith of the service de- partment on heating, l)hnnbing refrigeration which IValter Nash established for his Nash Brothers firm some time ago, and Herbert Roller's pendirig appointncnt as est employe in point of service is George Gems of Shelton. The firm is prepared to handl,, the moving pf lumber', building mater- ials, heavy machinery, agri(ultlll'- al commodities and forest products a3 well a, general item,; of small- er si:ses and bulk. Meateutters at Safeway are without their head man this week, and will be for the next month, because Johnny Schnehler under- went an operation for hernia at She!ton hospital last Monday. The Safeway meat department will be under the supervision of Bill %Vhal- 220 South First Street to carry on a local cartage and household nloving service. George Grim, R. C. Fulton, llo/ner Fulton and liar(It Kllng- hell el)crate the G and H Truck- in Company while their old- ey during Johnny's absence. Speaking of Safeway's meatcut- ters, among the four-man staff is a talented free-hand artist nnd sketcher in Bob llellinghausen, who enjoys highly sitting down with pencil and paper and sketch- i ing scenery. Very accurately and expertly, we might add, having SCCII sonic of his \\;vork, [TlldPr the lleading of monkcy business corne t.wo now comic sLrips which this edition intro- duces to its readerm "The I Scream Kids" is a new strip span- sored by Boh 13Inns of Binns Ice Cream company, while "Mickey and His Me" is another new funny underwritten by Ja('k Manley, the Electrolux agent for' Mason Coun- ty. These two newcomers join a comic strip fan,.ily which already includes "Speedy," sponsored by Stan V, qfite of the Olympic Motor Sales. Still a third new comic will join the family soon with AI Hnerby, your Shelton Ford dealer, as spon- sor. MIXED NUTS 1-Lb. 40 I • I • • Pkg. C STRICTLY FRESH (2-LB. PKG. 79¢) FANCY PUMPKIN ,, ,,, • No. 2½Can 13c LIBBY'S, MAKES 2 NINE-INCH PIES MINCEMEAT. . . . 31-OZ.Jar 39c VALAMONT, MOIST AND VERY TASTY HABD CANDY... SATIN MIX, 33 DIFFERENT KINDS N alley's Fresh Potato Chips. 5-oz. 23' Golden Crisp Ritz Crackers 1-1b; 29 € Philadelphia, 3-Oz. Pkg. Cream Cheese 2 for 35  1-Lb. 29c Pkg. Libby's, Medium; Ripe Olives .. 9-oz. 23 ¢ Rose-Dale, 5-Oz. Jar Stuffed Olives .... 23 ¢ Large 14-Oz. Bottle Heinz Ketchup .... 24 ¢ MIRACLE WHIP ............ _qt. 65 ¢` SALAD DRESSING (PINT 38¢) CIGARE F2 ES ............. ctn. $.59 XMAS WRAP, CAMELS, LUCKIES, ETC. FRESH BREAD ............ lge. 20' MRS. WRIGHT'S, WHITE OR WHEAT DINNER WINES ............ 5th 99 ¢ "ROMA" SHERRY, PORT, MUSCATEL Thursday, December 18,, i WINES BY TH[ TOBACCO December 18, 1! Prince Albert, Velvct Tobacco.. l-lb. can 81 € TEA & COFFEE Luxury Blend (2-lb. 99¢) - 1-Lb. Edwards Coffee .. 50 ¢ Re, Tan, Box of Fifty DeLuxe, 1-Lb. Pkg. Cigars ...... box 4.15 Nob Hill Coffee... 45 ¢ l Van Dyck, Fifty Cigars Cigars ...... box 4.50 CRANBERRY SAUCE Ocean Spray, oelllea or Ill € Whole Berries . 1-Lb Can JI- I " . CHEESE Kraft, !/-Lb. Package 01d English ....... 37  Dutch Mill, -Lb. Pkg. American Cheese.. 33 ¢ May.Bud, 11-Oz. Pkg. Goudas Cheese... 47 € SAFEWAY VALUES Gum Drops, ,hocolates Orange Slices l-lb. 39 ¢ Hamilton, Fancy Asstd., 1-1b. Chocolate Creams 89 ¢ Xmas Peppermint Sicks Candy Canes 3 for 25 € Diamond, Fancy No. 1, 2-lb. Large Walnuts .. 82 ¢ Canterbury, 48 Bags Tea Bags. ctn. 43 ¢ • i GRAPEFRiJiT-JiJI(E--- Town House, Fancy Unsweet- t€ ened .... Lge. 46-Oz. (;an -=- . (2 Small Cans.. 15¢) DAIRY PRODUCTS Mason County Creamery, Grade "A" Fresh Milk. qt. ctn. 20 ¢ i Mason County Creamery, I/2-Pint i"' ' Whipping Cream.. 30 ¢ AA Sweet Cream, Quartebs Montrose Butter lb. 95* ORDER YOUR TURKEY NOW! Get a" Wash. Co-op Prime Grade "A" Broadbreast! "Prime" grade Hens or Toms in desirab, le sizes. Safeway's price will be as low as any on Gov- ernment Prime turkeys. We will draw at nc extra charge. L :V ittle Miss Hat Sh Iaek and White P= !oll Houses ............ 011ow Dot Books erland Alumi] Alumil iich Baby Doll Peddle Push Bears .......... Clothes, small Doll Sulky Model Stov PHONE 585 nas'sare reported,,AmongWeeklYYourinMerchants,,The Jour-  8/eu)ag U-l du  soft She, Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed! DOllMachinesHOUse '.. ......,._l.--..=.,.--<.,-,i,,- .............................................. ___°°'umn" o c , IXL Almonds l-lb. 49 ¢ HAMS Xmas Wrap, skinned hams, "Rath," "Hormel" lb. 63 ¢ ' r Sew, 1 Soft Shell, King Cole or "Diamond,', 10 to 16 POUNDS ............. ' ........... ORANGES , 7¢ Large Pecans l-lb. 53 ¢ RfiAqTITD¢ Full Drawn, ready to StUff Tea Sets .... r N u  grade A . Locke eats .,. Sweet Nave,s <'/, case ,2.,5; ease ,,.,9) ........ LB.. Oregon, Large. --"=0,,,,0 ........................... : ............. lb. 77' Tea Sets ...... CELERY , , 7,1//., Large Filberts.. 39€ .v D'lililr I Shoulder BladeCut. Commlgrade. 45* t" Dir4' Ukl01 ("Good" G.ade Beef Roast lb. 51€) lb. offered at California fresh crisp stalks. All green ............ LB. II /  'The Best" Brand .... o THESE BIG SAVINGS  TANGERINES 1file Brazil Nuts. l-lb. 43 ¢ llpi:n ]A'''][ Hormel Dairy and other lb. 89 ¢ [) Jane Martin," 3-1b. 4-oz. qA'IIqACI7 All pure well sasoned lb. 49 ¢ i' Florida, sweet, easy to peel oranges ........ . ................ LB. v Fruit Cake . ea. 1.29 ..o.,u..ii(l[,Do porkFr,sh ............................................................ Pacific Oysters, 59¢' i!:' CRANBERRIES AI¢ 'Heinz Fig or 14W-O, UlOlr410  t0 12 per pint ...................................... pt. by the Eastern Cape Cod, Late Howe variety ................ LB. -.. Plum Pudding ... 49 ¢ PfiRlf FHflPe Lea, center cuts : Pork Chops -.... ....r .................................... lb. 67€ I i: GRAPEFRUIT .................... lb, 5¢ Marsh Seedless Lime Rickey 2 for 27 ¢ • SHELTON MEAT & ICE CO. . FLORIDA "Fox" Co,a or len,'l," 28  and 30 ¢ lb. )IL;J..J It ........ • • • ddP hAlIY iH,l;i. Ol" , nL BEH ....... 40 ¢ lb. SKINNEI) VEAL ....... 36  lb. r  ", :1 ) " r ' ',1 ALL MEATS STATE INSI ECED , " li Ji "N t Available at Slaughterhouse on lshmd L'l La e Road or' TELEPIIONE 21 or 141 , > • WINESAP APPLES .................................... I b. 10¢ (29-oz. bottle; plus deposit) Fancy and extra fancy , Wash. AA Med .... OO HUBBARD SQUASHcALAvosCUt up, bake in skin ................................ . lb. 3¢1b.39¢ - - Fresh EggSRainier, Sicks, Golden" "Age,dOz" 75*Olympia,___ Kj ..................... , ................................ AcmeBeer case 2.89 o. California (approximately 29¢ each) t 24--11-oz. plus bottle deposit • YAMS ...................................................... lb. ].2½¢ PRICES START, DECEMBER 19, 1947: Famous East Texas, smooth even raze Subject to Market Changes.. , We re. "' - r O POTAI?OES lb. 5%t serve the Right to Limit Quantities. No ................................................ Sales to Dealers. ' U.S. No. 1Yakima Gems, large size A SHORTENING S p r y Shortening. Crcamy, purc. l-lb. 45 ¢ 3-lb. Can $1.29 SPIC AND SPAN Cleans painted sur AII¢" face like maQic. 2 forint: '- CRACKERS Krispy Sunshine salted soda crack- 25 ¢ ers .......... l-lb. Pkg, FACIAL SOAP Woodbury's, for the skin you love to touch. Re0o,ar ........ 3 for 29 ' CRACKERJACK Caramel coated pop- 5¢ corn! Fresh stock. Pkg. LUX SOAP Make sure of daintiness with Lux. Bat size ................. 15 € SOUP MIX Lipton's delicious Noodle- soup 3 ,o,31 ¢ Mix ............ CAIVIAY SOAP The soap of beautiful women. Bath 15 ¢ Size KARO SYRUP LUX FLAKES/ and Domi Hamilton Fo( Uncle ..., ........ Star Baseball ( Board . .... Ree "(Fireside Bow1 ...;... ..... Co,n Syrup (1V-Ib. Blue For washing Fine . Label 21€) 12-oz. :: 1,/=.,b. Re. .............. 22 ¢ SIERRA PINE .................... " : Fragrance of the p i n e s. Puss 'N Boots. Purr-f ill RegulaP bar ..... :-.:..--.-. 10 € food! L 3 8-Oz. __ for •