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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, December 18, December 1S, 1947. SHELTON-MSON COUNTY J0tUAX, Page 9 .... ji I II II ! I I I Ill| ....... L i iiil I I II I I I I I I II Jill I I I - , , , , H, , , An Immigrant Views Us ......... oo,,**oo ...... ld iN , Z We Here May Thank God , ,oo The first thing Freddy never dreamed of, of finding the - y [// ) very apples lying to rot under the / ( Manela noticed in this coun- trees for which not many weeks try was the different attitude ago. I would happily have queued . ._ - up for hours and patd a ]otmore ll( of people here as compared than two hours wages. t with those of Europe. Speaking about this little town, who came to this court- well, I am amazed by the friendly h.-.. Manela, - - - --- try with his wife, daughter of helpful attitude of the people, the t,;-,.-J I k WINES BT Mrs. Auguste Goldschmid of Shel- generosity and last, not least, the  \\; ton, and their two children, Rob- very little difference in social sta. hrisIia. bie and Naomi, has been in the tus between the "man of today" country only about a month, and the ordinary citizen. .t tJ sAtt WJ[VAaDS. IAA. CJt0f0Hfd They spent a "fortnight" in "What is Britain like," someone CouIous Dr|v;ng will preven most ace|dents. Give New York, and then came west asked me the other day. Well, wey and care[e, drivers. Observe fraff;€ s;gns. -g to Shelton where they have been it's hard to explain to people.who Sae dr, ving means lower inturance rates. only about another "fortnight." have contributed so much to vic- tory, but, thank God, have not FOR €OMFL|T1 INSURANCE PROTECTION MANELA SAID that he first been touched by the cruelties of INSURE WITH PARM|R$ noticed the different attitude of people in the eastern part of the war except through the painful loss of some of their mefi-folk United States, but that it is even or the minor rationing of articles  PEARSON more noticeable here in the West. during the war years which to . BILL Ad he was surprised to find European standards compare like |IUUI{k£, little privincialism in the smaller towns of the country. He pointed a flea bite to the human misery out that Shelton hmq all the con- and the physical and moral de- veniences of the largest city in structlon brought ulffon every in- .mnamu.v,inmlu. portation system to the "cinema," or baby, all alike. He plans to settle permanently But an actual description of my , - , , H,, .., in Shelton, and is now waiting for impressions would be very hard .- some sort of jobany Jobto earn to give. In fact, with some fan- I I I II I  e& a livinguntilhecanreturntohis tasy, if you drive towards Mt. first love, chemical engineering. Washington, you suddenly notice IH WAS a maintenance engtn- the burned forest, the bare um .eer at a 'works" in Manchester be- crowned trees, the rotting masses fore coming to this country. He of timber floating in the dirty had been in England for four looking waters of the lake, the years, coming there as a refugee decaying greens, the fallen limbs, from E u r o p e ' s concentration the lifeless scele accented by the A__ _" is 00ommg 00gam , in The Manela family was on 'the roadway filled up with rainwater road for nearly a month before d all that amid the beauty of FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19 arriving here. They started.from the surrounding green, forest, the • Manchester, which is .in the heart majestic • mbu ntalns, with white 2 TO 4 P.M. of the industrial midlands of. Eng- snow-b0und: to .l'ray out a certain land, on October 1. They Stopped clean and untouchable purity. in London for a few days to visit . Stand_Ing,.smtd this stillness, this SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 his parents, then took the Queen ctrast-6f seenery just imagine Elizabeth to the United Statds.. the noon siren of Shelton is send- 10 A.M. TO NOON  2 TO 4 P.M. He said that the fii*st thing he hug the air-raid warning. did when 'he got aboard tile'.huge , Still, '.life goes on, whether you MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 o(American The price BUt, in Ert g'lnd, • one said to which has been increased 'several oneself, "better stop smoking 2 TO 4 P.M. -- 6 TO 8 P.M. hundred per cent by taxes onto- W/' for tle bacco in England makes smoking h tan tea g" p t a costly luxury.there, he said: ordLnm-y packet. Suddenly, one THE SMALL. friendly fellow used pins or* holder to get the ,, STORE HOURS ,as a strong "Oxford" accent.with last smoke out of the end,. or one just a trace,of the continentar.teu- ,' " ,, became a .unday smoker. Thursday,'Friday, Saturday 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. tonic for flavor. He' loves his Well', you ut down to five aday, ,,.,'e. COFFEE Moo,, only. 9 A.M. to  F'.M. small children, bothof whomare but gradu.lly you smokedyour under five, and is happiestkover hot,real amount again and the Tuesday 9 A.M. tn 6 P.M. the fact they Will be newspaper,,headUn'a still .shouted (2-1b. 99¢) - 1*Lb. grow up, and become "proper thattoo :many dollars were being Yanks" wlth good food and edUCe- spent on tobacco. So is life in s Coffee .. 50 € ,,o, in this country. "'. gener$l, over'there... ' .' Manela ls,a writer as well as :Whether: .the butter ration had Pkg. being an engineer, He is unde- C0medowno 2 ounces or not, cided as to .which he likes best, some blamed' this r that as there 1 Coffee 45 ¢ " and inqu|red about.the posib|li- Is always.someone.toblame, but • " " . ties in the writing field in this Mr. Smith wflI do wi,th the drip- country. 8 Bags He lamented the fact that rpape pings and his kids get his share ctn. shortages in England prevented of the butter. . s Whether .the loe'al'cotmcil elec- ..... 43€ any possibility of his first novel, tions'are won by,this Or that par- RETAIL STORE IN 8HELTON AT a 'story about a fugee s escape ty ,the &verage Citizen never both- - ,,oo a 00ooooo,00,,oo Shafer's Bakery JUICE fare 1959. ary election' Wliere thel'esults of- e, Fancy Unsweet- - .... '.HE ItAB completed pat.e$.1%* bi, i0"r6p; _,.:: ....... ,, '" ,' '' ...... . ...... Lge. 46-Oz. Can 19 € .. .......... Dther novel, as.well as several r t:'dS'.theyi' sang during the 111 COTA PHONE 330 short stories, and would like to war iht "there will always be an 3mall Cans.. 15€) continue writing as a hobby after o -,]lF I0 .t. " he becomes settled in a pet'man- pRODucls , ent job here. ,. Freddy Manela, speaking foi- ii " himself and his family, is '.'glad .to f Creamery, Grade A' ' • | be h ere."andHe believes that:Eng. 1` i  il;: I land will "muddle through; some- 'Creamery,[ilk" qt:v2. PintCtn" 20 ¢ !00il .},j_." - " " in theby FREDDYPast'" but heM AN ELAW°Uld rather $2.40 ::i Wood Burning Sets ........................... ...... $349  beh°W'overJUSthereaS itnowhaSwherealwaYSfooddoneis $1.'-39 :!: ! plentiful advantages are more numerous for the "kiddies." tg Cream.. 30* $8.005 .,: Soft Balls . ................................................ .. $1.45 -earn, Quarters 60¢ :!: Havingbeenaskedmyim- LIE £ U G, " | 0 N S  e Butter lb. 95* e Set *1.98 ii pressions of this country, G E s"'r " ;; Soft Ball Bats .... :.: .................................. $1.95 - i well, wouldn't it be similar to Aluminum Tea Sets ........ :... $2.39 ii , ;" Boxing Gloves: ............................ $7.98 and $8.50 a question from your wife ¢T$ ich Baby Dolls (Cry and Sleep) .... $4.95 i!;. asking whether you liked her mNOW!  PeddleBears .............................................. Pusher and Bobby Dolls .... $4.4954"50 Task Force ................................................ $1.98 new costume? Useful.00. {lifts for Full of love and tact, I suppose Every Member of the Family • 89¢ one usually says, "It's lovely, it's Texan Gulls .............................. $1.19 and $1.98 wonderful," ,,o.., ooe ,as.., .o. the Ladies quainted oneself with the idea that * • • • t Clothes, small and large .... 39¢ 49¢ 98¢ Lincoln Tunnel $2.19 the skin is so 10ng that the old Lady Buxton Bill Folds and Keytainers ........................................ joke about the diminishing inches ,le sizes, is out of date now. Combination Evans Lighters and Cigarette Cases o. Go,. Doll Sulky .................................... $2.29 Cub Printing Press $2;49 And so for me, I'm Still hard up Robinson Reminders .................................. at getting hold of the idea that at ,0 Model Stoves and Refrigerators $1.95 the shop-assistant is there to sell Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets (Sheaffer's) n Guaranteed! Doll House Furniture .... .75¢ and $1.00 Toy Fleets ...................................... $1.29- $.5 meis partthingSof andthe bargain.that his politeness Eaton's Fine Stationery and Notes I still 1Jok for the sour face, Photo Albums and Scrap Books Machines ...................................... $4.50 Ladder Truck ............................................ $2.89 the "I haven't," the "sold," the Personalized Book Matches tath," dHormeiP ik "no" sign, or "not this" or "that," tu. € Sewing Kit 49¢ Steam Engine ......................................... $2.95 the constant "sorry," and remem- Personalized Cocktail Napkins DS ............. ' ........... . ....................... ber the queue-craftiness one de- Stuff lb. 77 ¢ . i Tea Sets ............................................ 49¢ Dump Trucks " $1.49 velops over on the continent. ............................. One saw a queue, lined up, then For the Office Manager Tea Sets ............................... 29¢ and 35¢ " after ten minutes, with 'feet get- • • • Comm" grade' lb" 4'€ I -I': I /,  Skates jV  q $4.95 ting cold. one asked his neighbor She&fret Lifetime Desk Pen Sets Roast lb. 51€) - t  what it was all about. ,., ... o,,o00 lb. 89 ¢  Lionel Electric Trains. $42.50 = $5.50 He in turn, shrugged his shoul- Ronson Lighters ............................. - .............. ders, went high up on his toes, and tried to get a glimpse of things Swivdex Desk Sets and Telephone Indexes I going on far down at the head of GenuineLeather Desk Pads lb, 49  the queue. Last, not least;, you ............................. were in front of the shop-keeper ' Robinson Reminders ............................. pt. 59 € and he had frozen Australian rab- Buxton Bill FSlds and Keytainers bits. lb. 67 € However, you hadn't got a news- Evans Lighters, Ash Trays ............................. paper to wrap t in. so somehow Appointment Books, 1948 Calendar Stands and Pads or .other with a bit of grumbling, and Dominoe Sets $2.25 TeachTot A.B.C.'s ..................................... $1.00 yo managed it and happily you " walked o. 00o.r the Student Hamilton Football Game .............. $3.75 Teach Tot Mak-a-Boat $1.00 it came to your head that you @ ............................ hadn t got the faintest idea wheth, er the "missus" wanted a rabbit or Genuine Leather and Durable Fabrihide Zipper Uncle .............................................. $2.98 Block Craft ............................................ $1.50 not. Note Books  You took a deep, breath, lifted .......................... your shoulders, and marched off Pencil Boxes and Crayons Star Baseball Game ...................  ....... $1.45 Sound and Rhymes Books 10¢ om into t kitchen. ut ther Scrap Books and Photo Albums ,. Board . ....................... $7.95 were no arguments, thoagh it "'res"e(] m Detective) $2.25 Judy Puzzles $1.19: wasn't a rabbit month. It was Kiddies Stationery Ree ............ food, and that's what 'matters, Boards $2.25 Softie Squeezies Toys 60¢ and it helped to stretch your - .............................. week's For the Home . . . The kitchen fire's a bit .low, but Bowl $3.95 Panorama Books, 10 ft. long .................. $1.95 what do you expect from motes Poker Racks and Chips .............................................. and cinders baked into a coal- . bricket with some ,coal dust ? Still, Family Files SEE O0R GIFT WRAPPINGS, TIES, SEALS AND TAGS LlJX FLAKES it's burned, and kept the chill out of the place, till the coal man got We can still Personalize Stationery, Greeting Card, Gift Matches and KIDDIES KORNER a supply. Leather Goods in tim© for the Holidays. For washing Fine Suddenly, you" found ' out 'that ..... 12-oz. your shirt wasn't ironed, and your Package ....................   - i t face got grim, but your wife had queued upforfruitforthech|l- MASON COUNTY STATIONERS - -- dren with your rationbook, md' in ' " ' ' FO@ turn buy a lot of unwanted, ...... " had to CAT unwashed and half.rotten fruit .,.,L and greens. Stationery, Office Supplies and Equipment Puss 'N Boots. Purr-feo II I I I _ I I Anyhow, she couldn't h a v • food! j 2 r ironed the shirts, because the elec- 8-Oz .............  for .v * JETABLI,,.qHED 1895 trictty was shut off for some 118 N. Second Street Phone 602 hours. SO, ask me how I find this coun-  ...... .....  . ,. .. . ., . .. . .. ., .. ., ,. try iff the face of finding foods I - -.-..'.-.--. --='-----.-.