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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 iii i School Scoops Well Drilling Water Wells--Test Holes OUR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Bedell Drilling Co, LAURENCE BEDELL (fomner!y 1)aviason Drilling Co.) Route 3, Box 101, Shelton For Best Service and HIGHEST QUALITY Let UNION HEATING OILS Provide You Home Comfort This Winter FUEL OIL TFANKS AVAiLAtlLE GIBSON.WiNN£ Oil. COMPANY UNION OIL PRODU$ tesano and Elms Tuesday, De- cember 16, were 37 members of the choir. They presented two specially arranged" concerts for the students of the two schools. At Montesano the occasion was indeed an unhappy one, as it fea- tured the forfeiting of the football trope/ to this year&apos;s champion team, Montesano. Affcer staging a 40-minute con- cert for the student body, Ure choir went to Elms and presented a re- peat performance of their concert. Tim Girls' anti Boyl' Club are presenting a joint Christmas assembly program Friday, cli- maxing the last scimol (lay of 1947. A one-acl play will he pre- sented by students from .the dramatics clasfi. Girls taking part lit the play are Gloria SteRn, SheBa MeGIII, Alison Gass. Martha Pahne, r, Nadine Drake, Lodema'Johnson, Merci Napier and Bobbllee Evans. The choir, hired and girls' glee club 'will eacit present SHy- end nUmb and the student body will jo[n in singing Christ- mas carols. ;p * * YcOf the gins in the retail lass are gaining practical m e by @orking in local dness houses after school. . Delores Rutledge, Bernice Man- ke, Bonnie Jackson and Betty Meyer are clerking in a depart- ment store. Donna 01sen is helping in a res- taurant While F r a n c e s Alger works in a bakery. $ * $ Membea of ':the GIrlS' md Boys' .Club peat Monday af- ternoon • lmtting up he aehal (wlittnas tree. The bemntiihfl big fir is deamrted MONEY TO LOAN $50.oo $500.oo UNDER STATE REGULATION We are open Saturdays Till 1 P. M. Eddy Busl'ness Service PHONE 540 120 SOUTH THLRD i i,,a, i i IL E A D ! N G T H [ W A Y *iNT'O St N E'W SIIELTON-M:ASON with lights, balls and tinsel and will stand in the anditorium thro.ghout Tomorrow morning the Dis- tributive Nducation Club will have a party. Names were drawn prior to the party, and gifts will be ex- changed. Refreshments will be served to class members and hon- ored guests from the superintend- ent's and principal's offices. The Distributive Education Club is also planning a tolo dance and skit for January 16, The theme is "School Daze." q k_ G eL D'|N ER& . . • JUNIOR IIIGH NEWS by Myrmt Wlfltaker Most of the students are pre- paring and planning for the com- ing vacation which begins De. cember 19, and ends January 5. Many of the rooms are being dec- orated for the Christmas season, Beverly King took it upon her- self to bring a small Christmas tree to school for Mr. Davidson's room. She put angel hair on the tree and cotton around the bottom of it with a little mirror as a lake md a wax deer standing by it, Verna Bell Botts decorated the blackboard in his room. • On Miss Litven's desk are two wax deer standing in fir twigs which help to make her desk at- tractive. She also has Christmas 'cards and pictures on the wall, This type of decorating is being done in several of the other rooms as well as the ones mentioned. nl X¢ ¢ by Pudge Kutzea It seems as though the junior high is having a vacation before a vacatian. This week the stu- dents will have only two days of afternoon classes becau@e of the full week which Is scheduled for. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday aft'ernoong. Tuesday they will see a bas- ketball game with Dewey Junior High flom Bremerton. This is a return •game and is also the first game Of the season to be played at home before "the students. Wednesday, the all hlgh school play, "Our Hearts Were Young ' ' H ' • and Gay, is gomg to be presented, Friday the boys will compete in basketball game with Port Or- cha,d. Thursday is also an important day for the student who eat in the cafeteria. They are serving turkey. After this. glorious week we will be excused for Christmas vacation and will return January 5, 1948. by Audrey Putvin .Friday and" Monday Mrs. Chase's glee club went caroling in the halls. She divided her class into two parts and sang Christmas carols 6th period. When they fin- ished the classes were in a very high Christmas spirit and ap- plauded accordingly. by Sennie MaRae On Thursday the Glee Club memberS Will have their Christ- mas party. Each girl is bringing a g£ft :and they will be exchanged. The enterltnment committee comprtsitg Joan Hadell, Colleen Smith, and Adene Loughnan are planning a swell program. Dora Lamon, Aylene Loughnan, Barb aWley, Jennie MacRae, Joan  i i OLDSMOBILE History is in dw making at Oldsnuil, In edebration a/the fifty years just past . • • in antidpathm oi,eve jp'eaf years ahead ... America's ddet motor x manufacturer is now swinging into production on the first of an vnthudy amy cycle of eupcrlativdy fine cars--the Futuramic Oldsmobile. Here is a car so new and exalting,  reqtd a hrand new word--Futuramic--to describe it, A car with styling so daring and dramatic, it's just as modern a Oldsmobile's Hydra.Matte Drive. A ear so advanced and ahead of the times, in every w', it herak]l the dawn of a new Golden Era. Watch for the 1948 Futuramic Oldsm0bilc--soon to be seen in our mhetmlm; CELEBRATING OLDSMOBILE'S GOLDEN ANNIV£R$,A.RY ,- - Y 0 U ,'t S M 0 D I t E E A 't R .0:: !.., 0 b" E ,, . ,,, ....... ME00.L CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 777 or.778 First and Grove Streets COUNTY JOUPNAL leullez', Bsrbnra LeGarde, Joan I ttadscll, and Colle Smith will sing "White Christmas." A skit called "Thc Littlc Sister Has Big' Ideas" will be presented    and Barbara McElroy, Jean Had- Edto the Jou l a sell, Greta Simmons and Mary To the city of Shelton, county Ann Fredson will act oat the parts, Barbara Stone will sing a solo Lavina Stiner md Pat Cox will yodel; Sonic Larson will sing; and Mrs. Chase will surprise them with some entertainment. The refreshments will be coke and cookies. by Dorothy Fisher Last Friday night the Freshman class had their Christmas dance. They danced by the light of the Christmas tree lights, and the coke bar was . lighted by candles. The bfreshments consisted of choc- olate and sugar doughnuts, and coke. Mr. and Mrs. Bezzo, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Mr. and Mrs. Schwarck were chaperones. by Nmacy ltandley The girls' club of the Shelton Junior High is going to have its "Scrag Party" Monday, December 15, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the old gym. The girls are to go in couples as dates. One Is to dress in a plaid shirt and leans and she is to act as the boy on a date. The other" girl is to dress in school clothes and act as the girl. The boy is to pick his date up and take her home afterwards. There will be of Mason, civic, fraternal service organizations and people of Shel- ; ton and ]ason county: Some four years ago WAR en- tered into the life of every man, woman and child in these United States. This war called into ser- vice all people of ur country in some form of sacrllice. The cream of our young men and boys were called for the su- preme sacrifice if needed and these men and boys did not ques- tion why and wherefor they crawled into trucks, hitch-hiked on the higlways and used any means available to report for duty. THEY KNEW they were not all coming back alive, they knew many of them would be brought back in boxes, still they did not question the need for sacrifice of their lives, They were told by radio, news- paper and every means of com- munication that the people of this country depended upon them to keep our American way of life intact. Industry, civic, fraternal and service organizations, business and pleasure alike were very out- spoken in promising their eternal gratitude if only they could be allowed to carry on as they had no charge• The head of the committees is before. Joan Barley. The head of the MANY of these boys came home decorating committee is Karen alive, these boys are able to z'e- Condon. Cookies and ,coke will be member all of those .promises and served, to stand face to face with the people who made these promises =° =ce,t00in t=m00 their ideas as to how add where those promises were not being ( ) kept. England," and they Imve always maintained they lost all the bat- To these we can do only one thing. Keep trying to make those tles except the last one, so this promises good. self-confidence and non-pity keeps On December 12, 1947, one of the people going. . these boys came back to Shelton Whether one is in favor of hav- ing Churchill in power and think- in a coffin. He was not wealthy and prominent; he probably lived ing that then there would be more on the wrong side of the raih'oad food from the USA, or the other tracks. one prefers his social security sys- HE ItAD a family; he belonged tern for the whole of his family to different clubs and organizar and extra children allowance for tions; hc was only one of the boys each child, .the average .man in the who had to come back in a box street of England does his job. not able to tell us our duty to ,'The long hours of work, for him and his family. there is a shortage of manpower, What did we do ? the reconversion from total war, the lack of modern machinery, the Did we have a front page sto,-y in our local paper about when and inheritance of miscalculations where the funeral would be ,held ? from former governments of the Did our Chamber of Commerce last 25 years, the lack of fuel to attempt to put over to business run the plants--all that, the trit- men the need of pausing for an isher carries on ,his shoulders and hour to honor this hero ? "goes to it" with a hard grin and Did our fratezaal and civic or- s smile as if going into his local ganizations to whom this boy be- pub to have his pint, a beverage longed or not make any effort to tasting more and more like ep- show any reipect to Shelton's first som salt and water, returned World War II dead ? But he's pz0ud of his rationing system because everyone gets his little personal problems, our mak, share at a low, government-sub- sidized price. To think of your lovely kitchens, your labour-saving devices, the glut of food, the choice, variety and many grades of food; the first, second and third grade eggs which you can get by the dozens and that with a bow and a smile and a "come for more" invitation from your local grocer. Well, all that seems to me still dreamland, though I know every- one works for it over here. Looking at your Christmas dec- orations, the list of presents some individuals are writing out, the healthy, growing children in mod- ern schools, the well-clothed peo- ple, the joyous bobysoxers" and gum-chewing youngsters, I can 0nly think back to the gloomy, cold austerity of last Christmas vhere one invited one's friends and shared the few "things while itting at a fireless hearth, lis- tening to shivering children out- side on the streets singing their Christmas carols. That way I am thinking of the millions back in the old countries, ,hoping that soon they will be able to enjoy such life as you people have here so that the meaning of Christmas may at last be realized, and to the earth be peace and oodwill henceforth and haven to man begin and ,never cease. Painthg sement In painting basement or cellar walls, dark colors should be avoid. ed. Light reflecting paints, such as white, cream or buff are particular. Jy desirable, and make cellar rooms lighter, more cheerful and livable. Were our petty grievances, our ing a few more cents or dollars more important than showing our respects for a few minutes to one who gave his all that we could have peeves, petty problems and  grievances ? Orchids to the members of or- ganizations who tried gallantly: to 'cover up the shame of Mason county's lack of appreciation and sympathy to his family of one who helped make it possible for there to be a Mason county. The people of Mason county can be ever grateful to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and other service organizations in seeing that this hero was buried  with full military honors befitting i his sacrifice. C. C. COLLINS, DAILY OLYMPIAN will have HOME DF-LIVERY beginning December 15 Routes to cover City of Shelton Read local news by special Shelton cor- respondent for The OLYMPIAN ORDER THE OLYMPIAN- by Phoning 728 GIFT HINT A gift of thrift this Christmas! Open a Savings Account in the name of your wife, son or daugh- ter. The pass-book you give on Christmas morning will form a foundation for future security for which you will be thanked a thousand times over as the years go by . . . will help instill a life-long habit of thrift for your children, Savings Accounts in this institution are fully insured up to $5.000.00 • . . are currently earning 2,§ eft, compounded semi- annually. Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Association Security Bldg., Olympia, Wash. DIRECTORS CARLTON I. SEARS V. BRIDENSTINE G. W. DRAHAM K.L. PARTLO%V HAZEL NALMER FRED HOLM H. C. BRODIE TiUlrsday, December December 18, " Doings among your merchants The latest 'news and re reported weekly in The Jour- scandaL--from 1897--are nas's "Among Your Merchants" Lafe Rcdafe's "Oh-ti ,,,,,,, we00,< ,n Chil NEW YEAR'S EVE ,"DANCE ' Springwater .Camp l 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. 1 GOOD ORCHESTRA . k HO MAKE YOUR F Christm00 Serving Fr ] SEA t BLACK OLIVI VEGETABLE S. CARROTS WITH ME t MASHED POTA : HOT DINNER Re] { Roast Hen Turkey, ( Butter Fried C CHRISTMA ROQUEFORT COFFEE Fog Lamps s10.95 pr. .,C00E.S .ow Fiber SEAT COVERS, $14.50 !: New Year f Back-up Lamps ill DINNER -- K EXHAUST DEFLECTORS :. $1.29 :nd up  Automobile A0cess0ries, Oil, Tires, Batteries . "" ', , First and Cedar Phone 26 i GO-DEVIL Usually $9.95 SALE PRICE .,,: $6.9s Fires HIS is the setson of giving--Christmas treeS, :: "" sparkling with lights, stockings filled with tokenS, of 10ve, material presentS to show our care and affectiq0 re Sf 0 for our children. " :, BOYS' 26-I - But the best gift we dan offer--the finest herit for them and their generation--is a better Reduced fro to Live in, and a faith in the future, i TO OUR thi Christmas calls for "Peace on Earth". May 's CHRISTMAS PRICE hope soon be hlly realized. ; le0YS ' 26-1NCH € - Alto as *a part of this better world let us help m' sure that our children may continue to have the Fr,  dora of Individual £aort. Let them he free to use It i< alone o in oo-olmration with others who have l!,'  m-.. common in.00 = [ westone T K] • .r t continue to enjoy the 1 diat tlave made Ameri'; I0000'iach Front Wk a wonderful 1I to live in--can join from $12.9 with their neighbors to conduct their indivdua! i :|!i : Fro00t Wi to our children at this: Christmastide. +; ]_J°Wn from $14.9 ,Amica# rm yamilies, operati**g ¢ber individual business and working togatber through their own to.operative associatlo#, ,'m the finest examples of Free EntwpHse,".