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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TiUlrsday, Decenber hants The latest news and Jour- scandal----from 1897--are ants" Lafe Rcdafe&apos;s stories ew?ry week in gEAR'S EVE ,NCE ,,water Camp .m. to 2 a.m.  ORCHESTRA ,amps $10.95 pr. EAT COVERS, $14.50 tOME Lamps .30 LECTORS kR RADIOS -- $54.95:1 GIFTS TO CHOOSE FROM ( SUPPLY .=ss0ries, Oil, Tires, Batteries / }ALE AND RETAIL Phone 126 o i ! of giving--Christmas trees, :hts, stockings filled with tokenS: i tS to show our care and affectioo e dan offer--the finest herita€ : :: generation--is a better in the future. "Peace on Earth". May this, lized. LS better world let us help 1  may continue to have the Free" =t. get .them he free to use jt iot with others who have  ' may If.., lm that have made/kmeriO : { ve in--can join co£operativel conduct their individual -this wlH tm our most :this Christmastide. amilies, operating tber ss and working togejber to.operative assoction, raples of Free Enterprise," December 18, 1947. Rau's Chicken-Dinner-Inn i HOOD CANAL MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW FOR Christmas Day Dinner 1 Serving From 12 Noon to 8 P.M. p MENU SEA FOOD COCKTAIL BLACK OLIVES CELERY HEARTS VEGETABLE SALAD IN TOMATO ASPIC CARROTS WITH MINT GLAZE CANDIED YAMS MASHED POTATOES GIBLET GRAVY HOT DINNER ROLLS CRANBERRY SAUCE CHOICE OF Roast Hen Turkey, Old Fashioned Dressing -- $2.50 or Butter Fried Chicken -- $2.25 and $2.00 DESSERT "STEAMED CHRISTMAS PUDDING with SHERRY SAUCE or ROQUEFORT'CHEESE AND WAFERS COFFEE TEA MILK TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE FOR ANNUAL SHELTON-MASON C0uNTY JOURNAL New Year's Dinner Dance DINNER- DANCING- FAVORS GOOD MUSIC PHONE UNION 294 40 and 8 Sets Christmas Party Members of Mason County Voi- ture No. 135, Forty and ]ig'ht, will be entertained at a dinner cele- brating the Christmas season'to- morrow night at their club rooms at the Hotel Shelton, a communi- cation from Correspondant keg Sykes announces. All members, properly regaled, are expected to attend, with a refreshment hou F planned for 6:30 o'clock, the dinner and business session foltowing. The session will be the final get-together of the Voiture for 1947. USE JOURNAL WANT ADS First and Grove PHONE 162 I I GO-DEVIL COASTER WAGON Usually $9.95 SALE PRICE $ .95 ..... 00! 4-H Members Get Christmas Gifts Of Prize Ribbons Santa Claus paid an early visit to three Mason county 4-H mem- bers. The three were poultry ex- hibitors at the 2nd Annual Junior Poultry Exposition which was held in Seattle recently. The boys are all members of the "Junior Livestock Club" of Skokomish Valley led by :Mrs. Theo. Ritchert and Mrs. E. Fourre. The following members exhib- ited and the awards are Donald Fourre--blue ribbon, Plymouth Rock trio; William Dunham--red ribbon, New Hampshire trio and white riblon, New Hampshire pul- let; Geary Sailer---red ribbon, White Rock pullet, red ribbon, New Hampshire dressed fowl and white ribbon White Rock pullet. Cash award won by the above boys was $12.40. County Agent Andy Kruiswyk has expresRed hope that more :Ma- son county 4-H members will ex- hibit at the exposition next year. Harstine Island Firestone CRUISER BICYCYLES before leaving for China where he NC: Will be stationed for some time. , ' Mr. and Mrs.  E. A. Rutledge of Alder-Brook had their grand- son, David Spear, and his wife and • GIRLS' 24-I ZE children, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kimbel and their boys, Don and, Reduced from $58.95 Ray, as dinner guests Sunday last. I Edward Kneeland spent the . TO OUR .AIl d'bk week end at the Highlands. CHRISTMAS PRICE...,fs Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Clover spent the week er, d in Olympia visiting with Mr. Glover's folks. / Corky Karnes went to Seattle with his grandmother to take in the holiday sights of the city. GIRLS 26-INCH SIZE Mrs. Grewwe is Corky's grand- Reduced from $49.95 mother and has been spending the past week with the Karnes 2am- fly. reSt0e  TO OUR 43 0 Three dairies have new milking CHRISTMAS PRICE..._____=____ parlors, or at least soon will have, . for the Hackerds and Northover dairy has one •under construction and will soon be in working order. :: BOYS' 26-1NCH SIZE BOYS' 26-INCH SIZE zf our milk is up a bit in price we , should not grumble too much. The Reduced from $69.95 Reduced from $58.95 / otherDavetWOswanson,are KarneSthe Raleighand, called at the Highlands and on TO OUR 4 1 TO OUR   others in the Valley Monday for CHRISTMAS PRICE .... • CHRISTMAS PRICE .... a'P•4dP the last time. Mr. Swanson has been our Raleigh man since 1929. He joined Shelton Grange 403 in the early 30's and took an active' ]fl  part in the Grange and being the iyS, 26-INCH SiZE--Usually $3"50"77 for Xmas *38 95 master for a number of terms. ......... • Mr. Swanson will go back to En- umclaw, Wash., where he and his family lived before coming to Ms- "-"  son county and Shelton. restone TRICYCYLES ' " Go Down, Ioo . . . Holsport One of Hoodsport's oldest living residents has been ill in bed since ,6 - -, Front Wheel. 10 95 __ Tuesday of last week.age Mrs. Mary ,lc d Jane Kilby, 86, was feeling • slightly improved Monday but still )OWn from $12.95 to .............. " unable to be up. Her daughter, , Mrs. Alma Heath of Vashon, has • been attending her mother and 95 will remain until she is better. The Hoodsport school Christmas a Front Wheel. $12 program will be held Friday, De- from $14.95 to .............. " cember 19, at eight p,m. in the sclol house gymnasium. Every* one is invited. There will be no school after December 19, until January 5, 1948. Those who are to participate in the choral sing- ing group for Christmas Eve are $] 95 to meet for choir practice in the HI-BAttER SCOOTER school basement at 7:30 p.m. on Friday night so as to be finished OUR SPECIAL before the school program begins. SALE PRICE " Mrs. Flora Lockwood, Mrs. Mary Nance and Mrs. Ella Lunt traveled to Seattle Thursday to ,  call on Dr. and Mrs. John Richter. Mrs. Nance left Monday morn- These and MANY OTHER Christmas Gift Bargains will ing for Woodson to be with her help make your Christmas Shopping easy and economical daughter and family, Mrs. Fred Siegel, over the holidays. at the  Mrs. Josie Lassoie is entertain- ing her daughter, Mrs. Elden Roh- inson, and family from Bonners STORE son,Ferry'Idah°'°vertheh°lidaysea" [] . . Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Smith and ':, family spent the week end in Ta- coma visiting relatives. Bruce Johnston is home from  Mrs. Wills Ann Smith received many lovely and useful gifts at the bridal shower in her honor last Thursday. The Harstine school is putting on ts annual Christmas program this Friday evening and will be the first time a Christmas tree could be lighted electrically for the occasion. Captain Earl Harriman is spending a week or more in the Shelton hospital, and he left the Ferry in the hands of Second Captain Clyde Harriman. Mrs. Lewis Williams, Mrs. Gor- don Simmons and Mrs. LeRoy Fessler spent last Saturday in Olympia doing their Christmas shopping. Mrs. Mary Carlsm and her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McManany of Aber- deen, had their Christmas dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Carlson of PickeTing. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Glaser of Cosmopolis and Joe Glaser of Bremerton were Sunday guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo A. Glaser. • Shelton Valley Mr. and Mrs. Larry Karnes were much pleased last week wlen their roan bossy brought twin calves to add to their herd. The 4-H club met with Mrs. Bob Evans last Saturday and those attending from here were Mary Ann and Hewitt Slater, Bob Hiester and David Jacobs. Mrs. W. Hiester has been on the sick list for more than a week and missed the installation of of- fleers last Sunday at Shelton Grange in Shelton Valley. The day being nice many Grangers turned out. The Pomona put on the dinner---free and very good. The,.hall was nicely decorated. Mr. Hiester and Walter Cooke helped:with decorating:of the main hall but Mrs. Lula Jones gets the credit for decorating and making the center pieces for the tables. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Warren's son, Delbert, who joined the Navy early this fall, was home on leave Plaque Honors t War Dead High School - A plaque honoring 32 men from Mason county who gave their lives in the second world war was pre- sented to the Irene S. Reed high school student body at a ceremony in the high school auditorium on Friday, December 5. The handsome plaque was pre- sented by Dave Eager, president of the boys club, on their behalf, and was accepted by Mel New- man, president of the student body, on behalf of the students of the school. TItE PRESENTATION cere- mony opened with a march played by the high school band, then the plaque was given to the students, followed by additional talks by Principal George Hermes and As- sistant Superintendent of Schools Homer C. Taylor. The program was concluded by two numbers sung by the school CapeUa Choir, directed by Lynn Sherwood. Most of the wives and relatives of the men whose names appear on the plaque attended the ceremony by special invitation. three week stay in the Shelton General Hospital where he was treated for a back injury sustained while working in the woods at Camp Grisdale. It will be two or three months before he will be able to return to work. Hugh Wolcott, with his friend, Beb Levenhagen, came to visit the Lloyd Wolcotts over last week end. Mrs. Katie Abbey entertained Reverend and Mrs. Paul Sweeney and Johnnie Boyce at dinner on December 8, the occasion being the Sweeneys' 14th wedding anni- versary. Hales store will remain open until 6 p.m. on Sundays through- out the winter. Clarmel closed December 15 for the winter season except for spec- ial dinner parties. They plan to open about March 1st. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Dickinson of Seattle were visitors of their mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Kilby, on Saturday. The blue spruce tree in front of the William Gilbert home is be- ing strung with outside Christmas tree lights in celebration of the Yuletide season. Windows of Cal- ahan's store look festive with ar- tificial frost on the windows and Christmas trimmings with spec- ial lighting effects. A beautiful tree has been decorated in the Rainbov< Fountain Lunch. Every- one seems to be getting into the spirit of the thing out our way. naportau rooa In hospitals milk is ar important food and is also used in pharmaceu- ticals. Hoodspot Commercial Club Planning Singing Choral singing: a Hoodsport Commercial club project, will be enjoyed at Hoodsport this Christ- mas. Practice, under the direction of Richard Bates and the Rev. Paul Sweeney, begins shortly af- ter 7 p.m. December 19, so as to precede the school Christmas pro- gram which starts at eight. Additional 0ontributions from the Commercial Club toward the spirit of Christmas is the white sprayed Christmas tree, with al- uminum stars on the school house bank, which is a part of a shep- herd scene. The plywood wise men and lambs were painted by Mrs. Nan- cy Brown of Cushman and are being floodlighted from Archie Calahan's store. Among the guests at the De- cember 8 Commercial Club meet- ing were Mr. and Mrs. Sven Lar- son, recently of Shelton who have moved to Potlatch and are look- ing for a site to start a bakery at Hoodsport. Southside 4-H Club Sets Christmas Party The Southside 4-I-I club meeting on Monday will combine a Christ- mas party and play in the evening session. The meeting will start at 8 p.m. The last meeting of the club in- cluded demonstrations by Jimmy Miller, on fumigating seeds, and Allan showed how to make can- die-holders from logs for the Christmas season. The Southside orchestra, led by Mrs. Hurst, has been very suc- cessful. Members include Pat Hart, Elinor Brumbaugh, Betty Newman, Allan Brumbaugh and Jimmy Miller. Club Reporter Roberts Ward has reminded members to "bring your Christmas cards for the par- ty." HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates Page 11 HERE... ...IT Nice Christmas Present AT HALF PRICE A Small Radio and Phonograph Combination Set $27"50 for ................ We are going out of the radio business and have only two of these sets left. Place your order now to insure delivery of one for XMAS. S. L. PEARSON & SON 120 E. PINE PHONE 676 ANNOUNCES His Pending Appointment To Be Effective January 1, 1948 AS SHELTON AREA AGENT for WESTERN UNION 4r NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title  Insurance Bldg. and RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY I I Balloon Dance •  ;:i Dayton Conlthtmity Hall SAT., DEC. 20 As Successor to Harold E. Lakeburg, Resigned Office Quarters for Both Agencies To Remain in the TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING --AND-- Transfer of the HERBERT ROTTER PUBLIC ACCOUNTING OFFICE SUPPER WILL BE SERVED from the Covey Building Modern and Oldtime Dancing ' to the " " GOOD MUSIC GENTS $100 ' LADIES FREE TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING .;..:o o:o .:, .:,: .o,.:o o;,.;-:o o;.,;.o:, o;. ,:..:..:, o:o o:. ,;..'o o:oo:, o:oo:, o:. ,:. o:o '. ,:.o'o.:o ,:-:o o....o o;o ,:,:o .? .? O=O " OO iil J tt S "th, A ii! . Emme nnounces i; His Purchaseof ii o;o %o o*o q  • • O :i: hash Brothers Refr,gerat00on; Plumb,ng :i: ,% ., , • . , o% and :Heating Service Department. :I: :,:, T 0,  ".Jl af'q - " ... J. 5. uompany IN A NEW BUILDING ON MT. VIEiW PHONE 767-J-1 $ %o ,° :: OFFERING SALES and SIRVICE FOR ;.  : 0 , , , #9 ,, Commercial Refrigeration Systems **, .:. . . - .:. .. Home and Business Heating Systems .j. 00 . , • 00 $. General Plumbing Installation and Repmr $,; **% ,.% .:. .. EMPLOYING A LARGE, EFFICIENT and VERSATILE STAFF  °;'°T MIKE DRAKE, in charge of heating and plumbing  CLIFF HOWARD, in charge of sheet °;° metal work -- ART HOWARD and BOB LATHROP, staff assistants. i You are Invited to Consult Us for solutions to any Heating . . . Plumbing or Refrigeration Problems which may arise in your Home or Business. :i: ° ***************************************************** * • *o°oo°*o*°o°o °o° , *°ooo o • ° • • ° ° ° ° ° o o • ° ° • • • ° • ° • • • °,o • ° • ° • ° ° • ° • • '  ° • ¥ ° • • .:o °:., o:° • :. .:.