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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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 .g_, = . ........ *-.&apos;"---= .......... I, ]:: ....... L.-' ......................................... --..=..!-:£.-:. _ ","" :.=_= .... II III II I HOLI DAY HIGHLIGHTS Handbags and C stume Jewelry .... I I I I II I Ladies Famous PtaSSie HOODED RAINCOATS ....................... $3.95 In a large range of colors II I II II I I I III I I I II II ' '2 SHELTON-ASON COUNTY JOURNAL I ,i,i  *: . ii,, II New Telephone Book Larger; Has Shelton Classified The new telcphone directories for Shelton boasted an increase of approximately 35 per cent in num- ber over last year, with 3,200 cop- ies distributed this year as com- pared with 2,500 in 1946. The new books are exclusively Shelton's this year, too, with their Tahuya Jolnn}y l-]u;on, is still ill }le, ]-iarri:on Memorial /-tospital in Brcmerton with .Dolh feeL in casts after an accident with his l)ull dozer in the wo()ds whe]'e he has been hauling h)gs for Dan Orcutt. Th. accident happened Monday, l)ec. 8Lh, Mmrtly after hmcb. The left I()ot was broken in five places and will bc out of the cast in three weeks, but the right, which two-year enlistment ill the U. S, , ' 'S was In. t thought to he sprained, own classified section included in 00rane s'----'- mpp l----are" .,,,,,,o.,.= ,.:= .o,..,,,.=. of it tlmught to result from an the Olympia white page sections accident on the ship going to are also br)urld into 'l:he directories, Alaska when Johnny was in the as they were last, year. 321 COTA STREET PMONE 22R Coast Guard and a fine rolled The size of the Shelton directory • onto his foot and crushed it. Af- has also increased over last year, II I II I II llll IIIIIIII II I I II I I I/ I ter three imsuceessful c.asts were with 12 pages in the white section removed, and another x-ray taken, this year as e.ompared with nine • -------- an op(,retion was found neees- last year. sary. The l',)ot will remain in the The Hoodsport-Union section j (:ast for ten weeks, so says the l ms also increased by nearly a half [bone spe('ialist. But will be in page, and has been moved to tim I better shape than before the last extreme back of the new book. l aeeident. ,,,,,,v,,,v,,,,,,.,.,.v ,, ,.,...v.rvvY.. r, ougls Clare a r,'ived home for LllllWaUp Thantsgiving" dinller with the vv,,,,.,,,,'vvvv,,,,,..vv,,..v.,,,,',,,vv,,v,,,.,,,v,, K I  S 7 I{endslnnd# after eomI)letion of his The Lilliwanp Community Club has sent out invitations to the children of the neighborhood to attend a Christmcrs party in the community hall on Monday eve- ning, December 22, at 7:30. Plans include a Christmas tree, program and refreshments, Parents and local residents are invited, accord- ing to the cards, which read, "Bring your Morn and your Dad- dy too, so the neighbors can tell them 'Howdy-do'!' Plans for the party were made at a special meeting of the club on Tuesday evening, December 9, The following committees were appointed by the president, Miss Virginia Prusia: Program, Mrs. Cliff Johns and Mrs. Jenny Hoff; tree and decorations, Lee Erhart, C, E. Hill, Mrs. Cliff Johns and Virginia Prusia; gifts and invita- tions. Mrs. C. E. Hill and Mrs. Lee Erhart. Mrs. C, L. Atkinson, Jr., of Syr- acuse, N, Y., spent h'om Sunday to Friday visiting the C, E. Hills and Frank Robinsons in Lilliwaup. Mrs. Atklnon, whose daughter, Navy. He is now attending Ju- nior College in Bremerton prepar- atory to entering Pulhnan College for a. course in veterinary Stlb- jeers. J(ssie and Leslie Wycrs are  p again :tfter a bout wit'h the flu. Remember the school and Com- munity Club program at the gym- nasiurn Friday evening, Dec. 1.9, starting at 8 o'clock SHARP, Everybody welcome. Santa will be l;herc. Erma Ruther£ord and Ranks Rendsland made a bnsiness .trip to Olympia last Friday. i,ii ii, , r * Tips For White V| • j nrlstmas Tree You don't have to depend on the weather for a White Christmas. That "winter wonderland" effect can be painted on without too ]nueh effort, says O, B. Howell, horticulturist of Washington State College. For outdoor d i s p l a y s, that "snowed-on" look can be obtained by one of three ways, You can use plaster "of Paris, casein glue paste or white paint. The paint can be simply appliedjust brush it on, but do not use it on live shrubs as it will stay for months. BOTH TIlE plaster of Paris and the casein glue paste will have to be mixed with water to form a creamy paste bel!ore ither is ready for the brush. Either of these two can be used on live shrubbery. For/nside displays to make that "frosty" look on windows, table or mantel decorations, or the Christmas trec there arc three ways. You can use "a cooked! starch paste, a saturated solution of Epsom salts, oz" whitewash. All three can be brushed on. If you want to add an extra sparkle, use a sticky base and sprinkle on anything handy that will shine or sparkle as artificial snow, flake mica, borax crystals, Epsom salts or bath salts. Grapeview . Mrs. Ann' Westberg drove over last week from her Port Angeles home for a few days' visit here. 'One of our local families, who velT modestly wishes its name withleld, has given a CARE pack- age as a Christmas present. Clare Peters has gone to Cali- fornia on a short business trip. On last Wednesday the popula- tion of Grapeview increased by six. Major and Mrs. Bert Strick- land and two small twin daugh- ters and Harold Vining and his sister, Mrs. Winnie Beard. From time to time we have been giv- ing you blow by blow reports as Farm Union Will Convene Today For County Meet All Farm Union Locals will meet at 10 a.m. today at the Court- house in Shclton. This will be the first ammal county convention of r the Farmers Union locals in Ma- son county. The rapid growth of the Farm- ers Union throughout the county and Western Washington has ex- ceeded all previous exl)ectations arid this huge growth has motiva- ted the calling of this convention to form a county organization comprising all Farm Union locals throughout the eounty. MR, ROLF, vice president of the National Farmers Union, will be one of the principal speakers, The president of the Farmers Union Cooperative at Puyallup wilt dis- cuss the outlook of the berry in- dustry for 1948 as well as new plans now under consideration at this huge cooperatively owned berry plant. Future plans of the cooperative- ly owned slaughterhouse at Cen- tralia, Wash., will be discussed by James Luman, and will be of ut- most interest to all farmers, par- ticularly the dairy and beef farm- ers. The local Farm Unio]Lu are spending much tim and effort to make this convention a huge suc- cess and hope the conclave will not only be of the utmost interest but also very beneficial to.the peo- ple of this county. The meeting iS scheduled to start promptly at I a.m, MeCOMB STUDIES INSURANCE James H. McComb of the Eddy Business Service is studying in- surance this week in Seattle. He is at the office of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company in the Henry Stewart White building. Thursday, December 18,i-tJ_day, December 18, ] .......... ' ..... -- -Fire -- Girls Plan for Mothers l)eeember 20, :tt Chesk Cha May Cat trls will entertain th( with a hnlcheon. will be served in the home of 'th Mrs. Winston Scott, a Horace Skelsey, assi: also attending. be exchanged and c by the group. GRAft POP SEz: You can afford a new ELECTROLUX cleaner and air purifier, though, if you from JACK MANLEY. His prices are reasonable . . . quality high. Drop in an 21 fl'lll-, and see these wonderful machines on € at KILLMER ELECTRIC, 207 Cota St= call JACK MANLEY, Hoodsport 2-W-2, or Shelton 664. For Yo ItEA3 OIL STOI Sanitary Marke PH Have a full oil tan ' I thermostat set for RETAIL-WHOLESALE MEAT ! ave a SUPPI 126 COTA " STREET PHONE= 242 i': from 50 to 1,000 gallon, 00oooo .o. o= Friske PORK ROAST... .... lb. Pork Link ,Mason County Oistribt SAUSAGE ............ lb. Short Ribs of Beef ...... lb. __ ", Janis Kay Robinson, is attending these folks have been erecting "- .k" , ,o',>." the UnivcrsitT' expects t° remain t'neir tw°'n°mes °n'tne'mamncy BEEF STEAK lb. !  l€, },-;, lrg -. ',  .' b %-- on the" West coast with friends place, nex ;o zne sin}eel house. , w   • • ." The annual Christmas scnoo • , _4 ,oo4 ,,." N N and feint,yes unt,1 after the hoh- . ........... (Rib) ,., ,--.- _ , .,  "  ao,, program wm oe nero a ale SChOOl ' /',,£::*KE BETTE THAN 1l r, "''%'- "?' *"" ¢' "÷" 'vr'rs T R n-B-,, leo for Se house on Thursday evening at III71?TITI?DO ik fl}boco_'v']laP _ ' ..4 e "'" ............ " ...... " . .n • "., x., _<o,oo ". attic last Wednesday following the "''." , ...... )' ]P.alil]P_al%a. ............. lO. Jg}:OA nuN-- J_" II • , ."i:L m%'H r *" II " , ,x  e,. *" % meetin,-, of ',el'. Camufire, .-,ou-s, .. " LUTEFIS " .A,=.--], J  xo ,. ,, t.  • . -^..a=,.n,.). m. ............. It ]day evening as had been , %, :>° .eYe / ,. partied y he; s,stor. =iss Chor- :ed,:e:..°f&t:°h°°l " " .......... "'" -- I Y" '. -i' ,4qp /' t lotte Carroll, and rethrned Sunc]ay v"2_ ..... V'?. .... 2"s."='A=: ,€ .,, .,k.V.o.q, / ev-,,'-o" mr. anaars, uoraoneterson ,. .,,, XMhS TURKEYS ! }%  " 0*'.!x, q' /' l Re't't,rning in time for the Cush- had a delightful evemng at tl}mr , ..: x'- / / , .................. ;,'; .... a home rest aturaay evening--alE- K E,SE, OCKS, CHlC,E,S I;,,IN 6 4V.O \\;- ./f/ ,;;;, :;..,u,,,]__=,_,,,[:__[ net" and cards Guests were the ILLER ,' ........... [l. " " x /  ,, "2, .. ,o..cev?_.v/, _severn,. . Messrs. and 1VIesdames Etherton, IN PELLET FORM N M A , T-l/ M i t  / 2  Uheli'."anlUVrs.aIeeEart spent leeeVS, NSetllkm, Stvella, CS°ik, Positively Kills Moles. Money ............ e '"" |':" Ldrl Jdr4 ;, '-,W#; =: t . week end with relatives inTa-  ............ L" back guarantee. Compounded AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES |" till I[]llll ' >:": II / ::: :M  .... i'('o"'o';=[" .......... n 5Iatsko, Miss Dorothy McDonald from the moles natural food. '.1 m = v ,__ :".'5o" k' / ',a:;  ' -, .....  ........ . ................. Uses successfully for 30 years. ]l4r P,,,If,.r .h,fi,r, 4..,4 . . . 5:-- Elm= /. f,- : cones, huckleberry, shiny Oregon a,m ounus etocm . .... For sale and recommended loc- xv, =-=--a ---*l,S  Fender and ' ', - or "mere win tae a zamny get-to- i-.,'} 1111 5/ /  , "ape and holly have been packed ......... I ........... , ':'" . .  • • getner at tne [ ,zz nome on aly by Fred Holm Feed & .':. !  ' rote boxes by local remdents and ......... Auto Loans.. O'Nell Bldg., Shel- 1 OYSTERS 69¢ -- BULK SAUSAGE 49€  .... ": ..... • . ' '.r, '" .,!',',',"- .' "";  • • unrmunas Mr. an su_rs. ":.iI'/: :i;'i .;'-j li ar( on thmr way to bmghten the .......... ton • _l,l"b_ _'__ J__" ....... : '  ' ' : " :* m .... aane lZZ mr anu Mrs l' 2,. ,;  : / l es o elat,ves and .,,ends ,n .... • : .  . , :=.-alnang and  ',,. the Eastern states for the Christ ........... , II , (Vwg,ma Zmz) McIntyxe wth r  "_;i:: "l[ m ........ m .......... + ..... , their son, michael ann vu's. izz s  : --'C '¢' that "Kee'in  ashinton reen" brother Paul Sharp, and hm faro- ' " ] ,v  • s s il '! also means ' keeping Washingt0ff Y" .... ]'. , , ('. beautiful. Enthusiastic 1 e t t e r,, .peaKing" of the aizz ,am!ty re- i( ' ' f m the reepmnts of ouz' decca% , , . the Seattle Sunday Times maga- "/ ¢ , zme sectlon eeenl;ly aDou a worn tion for this gift from the West. a- in the el-m-licE' who uses a I E DO ' " '" " .... ' ' *' " ' - QUALITY , WE HAVE IT--OR WILL GET IT FOR ,I l | m ............................................................................................................................. e0W tO haul her groceries. This '" ' "' ' ' .... ' ..... " ' ' " cow is blindfolded so it won't eat ;}! . . . grass along the way. Many of us ELECTRIC I Our gular o .mL IlmB--------- . ---- 1 / /mmmmimmmB remember Babe, the very clever WIRTNe- I ' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ,:,,'-]'-j ll'rl "ll'lll"lrl"'lll *  =IF ltl cow that the Zlzz family had for I such a long time. l'-00l II.ll iJ[ 00lll00l-l-/- I Zane Zizz trained Babe frOm llllll'lll'l $1111 ll ll was a I , ltltaY' Jlilll[,et &l 1.ltltv" Jill: - ford breed, a very heavy, stout . animal. Ttmy harnessed her like Material . :,. l a horse, only they put the collar Workmanship ij]$ ' --.._----- fen upside down. Zane would ride Wo[kmaIls_hp. , I ELECTRICIT:IS-'-Y-O-IJR-ChEAPEST FVI;:I I1[ U cow-back between their Reach [ rui. rv l island home and the mainland at | I |lilt .-A" ' ll] [lOW tide. They used the cow for ] - I _.. 10ll *|! I plowing, for hapling hay from the *' ' ,  " - ll[ 171 111 1 __ / beach to the barn, she pulled pries ' IP I'- E____ ----  I_ --=:uA E.I.I h" ] 30 feet long and 14 inches through, ' .d  • ,Y!|' " i  I- -llllIII-"- rVll /from the timber on the island to 1 11 IIRIM -- /the bay. Babe might still be one € - I lim"''-aml ] of our respected citizens except .  '"i " ' , p,}'u' - " IIIv--T II /at the Suiter place one day and  ,. _e -. -- , lr _/]l/'A_ -- |apples and apples were Babe's I lm mal I   /weakness. We forgot to say that . ! J  jpe,,,,-- lt  I !  ]swimming was another of Bab's D} l " I E"Iw "" - ['--  |achievements and she would sniff I.'  = I Jill IV I" / --  /that gorgeous apple'smell from { ')    I II  -- ' ! -. ,  ]her island home, when the wind Ne  |  W IW  _64 li /was ifi the right direction until - /----m-----    |she could stand it no more and -['"'a " f I ll,l   /  ' ]she'd whisper to the other cows .v-/'.,et  I    r €o land calves, "Come on, girls, let's DeLuxe t;nrlstmas rresent 1,;/  .... --,-- m,, ram, m _.--  %_ [ o  /scram" and together they'd swim -'vg:"V"  [rl fi R ! If"r  go , |away and the Zizz family would - i I rnuuuL I F "a°v°- 11 /lmve to hunt the countryside for, • - ]IVP 1  .-- ,'r _ ---- lX"'.   |Babe .who gave us many a chuckle -, 1 rdl dl 1 , /lk "--'- . /as we saw her and her friends • A'L)  F ' .- 'lg"" k ,water, never tur.ed tei, eads, ifUl,n L JP'    'just swam quietly along. Another Beaut atest-model Lightweight Irons :i [   l k t lit seems that no matter what we .. !, , l_  |read about that goes on in the L,zd/J r ''" % |outside world, Grapeview always - " -,- --- ..... -_ 'l  ,seems able to tie it or go away team-0-Matic G. Steam ::i:  .x/, .. - - :- -;" ' " -  l ahead. We know that Olympics "  ,, ,',, BB cow is a dear, but really Sle,s '__. :ii , II/|, ..... u_ = 'i .... ""-''""--"" . Illuminated House Number Sets : ]i 5-diamond en i | a, -_ -, .....- ,m[u 2, I, Plckermg Were $3.50, for Christmas .... $2.50 _ : !X ,;;,i """"""''""""""""""'*" 3.50 " $ fash,oned sere i " /--"--- * --i ;"- "t I Mr. and Mrs. Tago =ielsen of , ?urah[;}?d, !la;kets " ,o,o. [   -" ' ---'-'=-t-'- ":-_-_" --_"  Seattle were Sunday visitors at _   - - - -,a the Erik Christensen home. ' __ ._: __  Mrs, LeRoy Fuller returned last Ele ;BL .................. 42.00 i! [':  ql--q -,,J"--r" ' week from a to Michigan ms  ""   -"    ""   e she vzslte , -- l -- __ -- f/" whet '' d Mr. Fullers rel- Super-Vac Tank-Type Cleaners., ..... $59.50 ,")."  [       -- atives. " Miss Orabelle Connolly of Se- ' attle and Oliver Bikar of Brooklyn New Broom or Living Room Fixtures wet'e week end visitors at the . . Ralph Howard home. ' , Mr and Mrs LantZ Wiss, Mr Now. A Full Menu of Four Varieties and Mrs. Elmer'WissmdMr. anci . Fluorescent Lamps, Desk Lamps i/ Mrs. Ralph Howard were among Tyrrell s Beef Produe -- yrrell s Chmken Treat the guests a a banquet given by , Pope& Talbot Lumber company Sparkling Xm le_Lig_h_ts, s4. 1[ Tyrrell's Fmh Product -- Tyrrell's Beef & Vegetable Port Gamble last Friday eve- Tree Top Angels $2,19; Window Wreaths $1.0 ;|! • ' Miss ChriStina Roberts is re- ' I -- covering from a ten days' illness Indoor LightSets.... $1.99 to $3.40 )i[i:: $ r ! •..D •' • -- --  • ---- -- • •Irk lastWerewook°verng t ors i Tacoma Outdoor Sets - and Lights /i,ad.,s st' [[1 d --I On Sunday evening, December *  : y . a !1-- -- ' -- ' ---- 21, there will be  community pot- 1, 3, and 8-11ght Candelabra Sets.. 89 to 3.49 - " luck supper at the scnool house at for accuracy an( AT YOUR GROCERY STORE DISTRIBUTED BY WEST COAST VrHOLEsALE GROCERY CO. I l ......... III J II I I I I I [ .... 6:00 o'clock. A social evening will follow. There will be no ex. change of gifts but other enter- tainment will be providl. You are requested to bring Your card , tables ................. ' .al: E. A. Carr Electric Title Insuranee Bnilding Phone 645