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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, December December 18, 1947. i j i i i Fire Girls Plan ,.C"&apos;STMAt.,,.,,LNTO"Y.y, T,,.,.T Belfair Women's for Mothers Th,, elementary schools will pre- -, Chesk Cha May Camp prog:ram at 8 p.m. tonight ill the The l?,elfair Women's Club De- ,EEDTaESLIYl 14. will entcrt.ain their Lincoln Gym. All lh'e Sh,,li(m low- october meeting last Wednesday 0TF. 3"E Pc With a hmcheon, or grade scho,,ls will participate will be served by in tim program, including stu- qv<ning was tte ocetlsion for the orRanization's anllLlai Christnms )¢L,I:tMRI'ION  Cr0ES5 'is in ttle home of 'their dents from IAncoln, F, ordcaux and parl.y.  Mrs Winston Scott, and the Airport. After a short business session WRY_)[ Il Horace Skclsey, assist- Parents and friends are invited the group was entertained by a  Il also attending, to attend tim affair. • LJ quartet of club members singing IWill be exchanged and car- by the group. USE JOURNAL WANT ADS Christmas songs. The quartet, consisting of Mrs. R. W. Cady, Jr., Mrs. G. E. Wieland, Mrs. Tom Marsh and Mrs. William Forsyth, was accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Their delightful program of i afford a new ELECTROLUX va¢llUl Christmas music was well received and air purifier, though, if you bwYl by an appreciative audience. %CK MANLEY. His criers are al will Later Mrs. Ed Fischler, Mrs. ble . . . quality high. 'Drop in anytl George Shacklcford, Mrs. G. E. /0 Wieland, Mrs. Win. T. Walbaum, these wonderful machines on disPl! Mrs. John Matson and Mrs. Guy .MER ELECTRIC, 207 Cota Street' Williams, refreshments hostesses, oodsport 2-W-2, or Shelton 664.   beautifullyserved a deliciOUSappointcdlUnChtable.from a The Christmas welfare fund was swelled by the generosity of the 70 members present. The next month's program, a discussion of children's books, was announced hy Mrs. William Wing. For Your HEATER - CIRCULATOR - Homemaking Committee OIL STOVE - FURNACE Plans Party Tomorrow The members of tile Women of M a the Moose Homemaking Commit- y BE THE SMART FELLOW! tee and their husbands will hold PHONE 196 their annual Christmas party at Have a full oil tank and be able to keep your the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. tomorrow evening, De- ' |i. thermostat set for constant comfort, cember 19 v ,'.'''''" EAT |:!,,.._ Each person is asked to bring" avl | . a gift for exchange not exceeding IiIave a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANKS .,0 cents. PHONE 242 _d[( from 50 to 1,000 gallons for new oil burner installations , .......... Ill l|i=;'  1- --- I SD'BSCRIBE TO ; ., 1P.l=k.. n ir%ll ll_n i The HOOD CANAL NEWS I, . I Union, Wash. ,i ' , Mason County Distmbutor for Associated O I Products I $1 50 year in Mason County .......... lb. Sg;*: : 'll .. Beef ...... lb. 29pi c UOTOR SALES [(Rib)... lb. 4 ...... .... lb. 3 TURKEYS UCKS, CHICKENS S H A M S ii • . • ...... For Better Automotmve Servre Jtry mmng • • • ® • • i iFender and Body Repairing Wheel Ahgnmg - BULK SAUSAGE 49¢ ] g and Color Matching ® ® Steam Cleaning " Estimates Gladly Furnished on Any Job "THIS' TIME IT'S HUDSON" ER ONE ROOF WILL GET IT FOR mr Regular Lines of IAL SUPPLIES Ld Now tmas Tree Li corations OUR CHEAPEST :- ON ON ELECTRIC HEATING ....... supp.. --E. A. Phone 645 / - V i s Present / ?::B ............ $150 : l Telephone mmunication. Not a toy ,x L5,50 '-'--- :weight Irons : rocker, Proctor $5 )S / o $1600 :eam Irons 8 " • Pay WeeMy )er Sets  -diamond engagement ring in smart]' styma, exquisitely $2.50 fashioned setting of 14K ha, $42.00 rural go. $59.50 SHELTON-][ASON COUNTY JOURNAL , ............................................... . Cubs Slate Christmas X ' -= . -- ilil ii  • I " . :i.! Party For Friday Night "" OOClal Events "" .:.  CubScouts of Pack 10 willhave • , Dee, 19, in tile basement of Lin- .L...;**;..;..;..;..;...;..;..;.,;.¢..;** .;**;..;o.. ;.;..=**;....;.€..;..;.;%. ** ... ....;.. ;..;..***.. :..} ] coln Grade School. Cubmaster Claude Pevey urges all parents Hoodsport PTA Hack Home Scene to attend. Hears Shelton School Speakers An interesting evening was spent reviewing children's liter- ature by members of the Hoods- port School P.T.A. when they met last Thursday evening in the school house. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hudson of Shelton brought their opaque projector to show pictures direct from the newest books, enlarged in their own colors on the screen• Mrs. Hudson told of the con- tents of these books especially de- signed for grade school children. while Mrs. Mary Anderson, also of Shelton, assisted by placing the pictures in the projector. Spectators were impressed with the novelty of this entertainment and Mr. Hudson allowed them to inspect the machine. During the business session of the meeting, the association voted themselves a project for the year, the donation of a sum of $100 to- ward play equipment for the Hoodsport school, the money to be earned by fund raising affairs. Room count showed that chil- dren of Mrs. Cook's room were en- titled to the monthly party for at. tendance. Mrs. Larson of Pot- latch and Mrs. Frances Radtke were appointed to entertain. Plans were discussed for the Christmas candy project, an af- fair which has been taken care of for many years by the community at Yuletide season when donations are taken to furnish a sack of candy, nuts and fruit to every child. For the past three years ladies qf the Hoodsport School P.T.A. have donated their time and ef- forts to organize this affair. A committee was appointed consist- ing of Mrs. Millie Deschamps, Mrs, Alice McClanahan with several other ladies volunteering their help. _-- New GoveyGuild Organized Here Holds First Meet edicThe . . ey P Guild met December 4 at the home of Mrs. Gene Hanson. This guild was named in honor of the late Mr. Govey for his un. tiring efforts in the modernizatioh of the Shelton General Hbspital and general betterment of medical facilities for the care of sick and injured in this Community. Officers elected for the coming year were, Mrs. Oliver Kelly, pres- ident; Mrs. Fred Doherty, secre- tary; and Mrs. Lobert Bell treas- urer. The guild will meet the first Thursday in each month except for the first meeting which will be at the home of Mrs. Fred Doherty off January8. ' ' Members of the guild are as fol- lows: Mrs. Ernest Grant, Mrs. Richard Hill, Mrs.' Roy Kimbel, Mrs. Albert 5Iunrb, Mrs. A. B. Govey, Mrs. S. W. Price, Mrs. Don Remsberg, Mrs. Roy Ritner, Mrs. Steve Rupert, Mrs. Virgil Smith, Mrs. Fred Snelgrove, Mrs. Don Sperling, the officers and the hostess ab6ve mentioned. WITH m Fixtures ;e or Sink [ Lamps $4 ,,hts. $4.71 set to Wreaths $1.07 $300 ;1.99 to $3.40 Trade at the Store That Love Built ;Lights 49 '.ad,'Starwaoh,' F  2eckwith . 89 ¢ to $3. withlT-jewel movemenL--rfamed = [] for accuracy and dependability. 00tric GIFT$  JEWELRY  MUSIC Phone 645 Of Gala Garden Club Yule Party THE SHELTON GARDEN Club met Monday afternoon in the pine playroom of the L, D. Hack home with approximately 40 present. The room was festively decor- ated in keeping with the holiday season accented by a 20-foot Christmas tree gayly adorned with lights and ornaments. Many games were played using the theme of Garden Club as the basis. In a tree-naming "contest four ladies tied with perfect scores. Those naming all tree samples shown correctly were Mesdames George Drake, F. M. Gage, Guy Hutchinson and A. J. Conner. Straws were drawn for the prize with Mrs. Conner winning. In a song and picture contest two other ladies tied for first :i: place, Mrs. Walter Elliott, Sr., and I:', Mrs. Frank Mako, Mrs. Mako .:. pulled the winning straw for the ii  prize. _ Another type of tree naming J. contest was won by Mrs. Walter ,:. Elliott, Jr. i!: In the holiday displays entered . Mrs. F. M. Gage won first place for her swag made of Yew. Hon- orable mention went to Mrs..4.1- fred Killmer for her swag and Mrs. Phil Fredson for a lovely wreath. THE FANCILY wrapped gift cmpetition was won by Mrs. rle Gonter with Mrs. Phil Fred- son again receiving honorable mention. Mrs. Don Woods won first place in tli childs gift department. In the miniature tree fray Mrs. Hutchinson received first place for her gum-drop tree; Mrs. W. D. Coburn took second place and Mrs. Minnie DeMiller placed third. Mrs. Phil Fredson took first place in the table centerpiece con- test. A large carton was filled with the white pound packages to be given away. Supper was served at the close of the afternoon. The club would like to take this opportunity to thank the L. D. Hacks for their wonderful 'hos- pitality in offering their home for the Garden Club's Christmas meeting. 'It was •announced that anyone wishing to assist in making small holiday wreaths for the hospital trays Christmas morning should come to the home of Mrs. Robert Miller, 1027 Elinor St., today (Thursday) at 1 p.m. Cuttings of small sh'ubs, rib- bon, large jar rings and berries are needed for the making of the wreaths. Dinner at Raus Enjoyed by Club There was a no-host dinner par- ty at Rau's chicken dinner inn Saturday, November 13. The tables were adorned with holly and red and green tapers. The rooms were attractively dec- orated for the hOliday festivities. After a chicken dinner the guests spent the evening dancing and in group singing, accompanied by Mrs. Dwight Morris at the piano. The tnembers of the Union La- dies Civic Club and their hus- bands who participated were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Mawson, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Grout, Mr. and Mrs. Lud Andersen, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Ma- son, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Buechel, Mr. and Mrs. George Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Dalby, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gott, Mr. and Mrs. Judd Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Mr- ris, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brun- strom, and Mr. and Mrs. DaVid James. Mrs. Gene Stark was es- c'orted by Phlllip Johnson due to the absence of Gene who is at Pullman and will be home this Saturday for the holidays. The opening ceremony will be conducted by Den 3 with Charles Kinsey in charge. There will be an investiture ceremony, and the pre- scntgtion of several awards and advancement badges. The closing ceremony will'be conducted by Den 4 with Charles Beret in charge.. The Cubs are to bring exchange gifts to bc placed trader the Christina's tree. Each den will present a collection of unused toys or games for other boys who may not otherwise get any Christ- mas presents. 'Refreshments will be served by the sponsoring, organization, the Lincoln P.T.A., according to an announcement by its president. Mrs. Gene Hanson. • ...... • • . • • • :":'. • r i TOTEM CURIOS Phone 426 Union, Wash. Union Civic .Club Meets For Party Mrs. Nolan Mason and Mrs, Fritz Dalby were hostesses for the Union Ladies Civic Club meeting on December 11. The home of Mrs. Mason was beautifully dec- orated with a snow scene on the mantel, many 'bouquets of ever- eens, and with a lovely large hristmas tree, . Under this were the gifts for which names were drawn at the previous meeting..For the center- piece on the buffet table was a tiny decorated Christmas tree. The guest of the day was Mrs. B. B. Forman of Shelton. New members are Mrs. Walter Frankland and Mrs. Lud Ander. Sell. Final arrangements were made for packaging of Christmas candy for the children, clean-up plans for after Christmas program, and re- ports were given on the bazaar. It was announced by Mrs. David James that the Christmas party would be Thursday, December 18, starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Ma- sonic Hall. The next meeting will be Jan- uary 8 at the home of Mrs. Alfred Brunstr0m. R.C. Spanish Club Holds Gala Party The R.C. Spanish club held an all-member hostess Christmas par- ty with all members present last Thursday. The honor guests for the evening were Misses Ruth Creasey, for whom the club is named, and Alice Gee. Holiday gifts, were exchanged and games were played. Milre Grimes entertained by singing and playing the piano, after which all present joined in singing carols. The next Spanish class will meet January 5, 1948, at the home of Agnes Alexander. t I'M HAVINGTNE GI :EEl IS FOR CHRIST- TAPIOCA Hixson . ............. 17  HC/CAN YOU AND HAVE A Bl" FOOD STORE COCONUT Sweetened PK ............... 19 € ,,,,Ave =v,,,,., ,WA.T....,o , ,ASo.E,OO. - , ,. PUMPKIN Rock Dell LGE. CAN 29* NAPKINS Household PEAS FRUIT 303 Lkota COCKTAIL Heart's Delight Distinctive Gifts 2 CANS .... 21 ¢ LE. At € LOE. CAN .............. -, G ............. 19' HAND CARVED ORANZ-S I I CANDY COFFEE gany Book Ends Mule Heads, Horse  New Navels I':: . I'ard .MIX Maxwell House HALF $.1 -oz. '" g 0 .... $9 ntt ,i CRATE'  " I PKG ............. dO -LB$. IL eV Heads, Salad Bowls, Mixing andspoons, Forks,Individuali All Prices Good @hrough Xmas Also a Good. Stock of Cranberries, Sweet Jewel and Cigarette Boxes, Trays Spuds, Mince Meat, Mixed Nuts, Ohves,-- Carved in Haiti. Candy Canes and Pineapple Juice CERAMICS bY Virginia Weaver MANY OTHER DIFFERENT AND UNIQUE GIFTS 11 a.m. till 8 p.m. TUesday through Sunday ..... i ................  7 7-7"" -' ...... Many deluxe features usudly iy hi ghe found on on r priced ranges are on th00s , t Q/ill\\; \\; Model R J-40 Shown @ s249.zs Some features that make Frigidaire Ranges famous ! • Never before have we offered a medium priced Frigidaire Electric Range with so many deluxe lea. tures. No home baking or toasting job is too big for the large one-piece oven.., a 25-pound turkey, or 6 loaves of bread, or an entire oven meal will go into it with room to spare. And this oven is so thoroughly insulated that you can bake without heating up the whole kitchen. See this new Frigidaire Electric Range before yoa buy. • Cook-Master automatic oven control • Automatic time signal • 5-Speed Radlantube surface units s Deep, smokoless4ype broiler • Thormizer doop-well cooker and Idding pan • Stainless porcelain cooking top • Full.width storage drawe • Fluorescent cookin84op lamp Many, many others you should soo ! O T H E R M O D E L S IMMEDIATE $ $ ..... 187.75 to 339.95 DELIVERY HARDWARE "DEPARTMENT J II L [J III .......... 1111111 I / [ .... Ii ][[ . I ........ _.L: