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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
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• !i r lural fin- first Cou- wth; ixth; after Christmas vacation, probably be only six teams Chipmunks may be Walter L. Representing the ]{ETROPOLITAN INSURANCE Life and Personal and Health 1903 Stevens Phone ES, IHC. )W HAVE FOR SALE SHELTON as and Veterans mntative here 00rough Thursday [)5 ELLINOR Call Shelton Hotel PRODUCED IN THE Under the Direc/ S,,perv;do O'er Expert Conadian Blender a Here's smooth, mellowness in a fine "whiskey., sincereIy believe you'll enjoy light, sociable blend. Ask for Corby'z next %.Grain Neutral Spirits LTD,, PEORIA,. ILL! ing Units Heights) terboard plies, Etc. • Plumbing enience SHEI.,ToN-MAg'ON COUNTY JOURN'AL ,, i ,-J . i t i i i CLOSE GAMES MARl( CITY LEAGUE Factory Approvcd Chrysler - Plymouth - International SALES - PARTS SERVICE We /kre Equipped to Repair and Rebuild All Makes of Cars - Truck - Tractors and Heavy Logging Equipment In Our Service Building at SOUTH FIRST AND MILL STREE  Electric Welding and Brazing PHONE 601 BASKETBALL START MONDAY (!ITY BASKETIIALI I,EAGUE W L pf pa ],l(,,an-lacreLt .... 1 0 22 17 M(.Cleary Sportsmen 1 0 25 23 P:mt)rium .............. 1 0 25 24 \\;Vtmdfiber . ............. 0 0 0 0 Rayonier . .............. 0 1 2.1 25 Moo.m Lodge .......... 0 1 23 25 McConkey Pharm... 0 1 17 22 Opening N(,ores Morgan-Eacrett 22, McConkey 17. McCleary 25, Moo. 23 Pantorium 25. Iayonier 2,1 (lames Monday 7 VVoodfiber vs McCleary a McConkey vs Rayonier 9 - Morgan vs Pantorium cvrY LEAGUE basketeers got away to an evenly matched if un- conditioned gtart Monday night with three skin-tigl ball games goin K into the records, five points being the widest margin of vic- tory, r lad th Morgan-EaeretL Lambs , safest edge with a 22 to 17 Verdict over McConkey Pharmacy in 1.he opening tussle of the new casaba season, then Pantorium's defend- ink champions barely squeezed out a one-point 25 to 24 duke over Rayonier as Jim Rose dunked in the vicLory-snatehing bucket in NEED INSURANCE? See GENERAL INSURANCE the second game, while the eir- cuiUs only mlt-of-town entry, the MeCleary Sportsmen, thanked Herb Stinker, ex-Elnm prep slur, for the winning bas!cet in a 25 to 23 victory over Moose Lodge. Stinker flipI)cd home his win- producer with the score knotted at 23-ai1 and only a few second:4 more than / mimlte left to go. VICTORS were ahead at the halves in each game, but only by two points in the case of both Pantorium (16-1,1  and McCleary t 13-11 }. Morgan-Eacrett Lmnber held a 9-2 bulge on MeConkey, the pharmacists failing to Score in their second quarter. Not a single double-digit indi- vidual score wax recorded by any of the 49 players who saw action in the opening night tussles, the eight points tallied by Larry Car- dinal and Chet Barger of the Moose. and Dan Cormier of Mm'- gan-Eacrett Lumber 1)eing the i)est of the night. Pantorium, in- cidentall:V, turned in an iron-man act, playing without a substitution. TVO Oi: the opening night win- ners tangle in next Monday's bill when Morgan - Eacrett Lumber squares off against Pantorium in the last game. Woodfiber the only team which rested on open- ing night, makes its debut against Monday's third winner, MeCleary, in next Monday's curtain-raiser. One of the first night losers will join the win column next Monday when MeConkey and Rayonier tan- gle in the second game. The lineups: FIRST GAME Morgan-Eat. (22) McConkey (17) Levett 4 f Parsons Cormier 8 f " B. Daniels I Sundsten 6 e Gruver 2 MeCann 4 g B. Armstrong Fraser g Lee 2 Subs: Morgan-Eacrett---Nelson, Eacrett, Morgan. McConkey--B. Viger 6, P. Smith 2. D. Smith 2, Mildenberger, R. Viger 2. ECOND GAME Pantorinm (25) Rayonier (24) roods 6 f D.Daniels 5 Valley 8 f Howe 2 Rose 5 c Kendall 5 K.Fredson 2 g Jeffreys 4 Blazers Split At g FIPl * Dewey; ,- earn Wins in Overtime by Ilarold Carr The Junior High Blazers came out even with Dewey J.unior Itigh aL Bremerton last Wednesday. The first string lost 24-48 with the second squad winning 15-14 in overtime. The first string, playing against much larger i)layers, were out- classed completely in the second half after holding the score to 25- 16 at halftime. Fritz Priszner, Blazer center, did not connect with his hook shot and was held to two points. Elmendorf. his opponent, who was six feel tall contrasted to Priszner's five feet nine inches, wa:; high point man for Dewey dumping in six field goals and one free throw for a total of 13 points. Willard, forward for the Dew- ey squad, was second in scoring with 11 points. Hartwell Ditt- man, gtlar(J for the Blazers was outstanding on the floor and was high seorez' for the team with 10 points. The second string, nnder the cuidance of Loren Bezzo came out on the top end 15-14 m a low scoring contest with the Dewey second string. Lumbermen Reach Commercial Top; 5 Teams Close Up COMMERCIAl, LEAGUE W L Morgan-Eacrett Lbr. 2.1 18 Simpson Electriciains 24 18 Olympic Plywood ...... 23 19 Local 161 .................... 22 20 Pantorium .................. 21 21 Kimbel Motors .......... 19 23 Grunert's Sewice ...... 18 24 Mell Chevrolet .......... 17 25 I-ligh game---Jack Stewart 198 High total---Jack Stewart 515 Culminating a long uphill pull, Morgan- Eaerett I.,umber pinmen finally corralled the Commercial League bowling lead last week and now share the top rung with he fading Simpson Electrician.. The circuit race hit tim half- way mark with last week's matches and finds itself with five teams crammed into a three-game span at the top of tim standings. Morgan-Eacrett topped Pantor- ium Cleaners while the electric- ians were losing to Local 161, both decisions going by 2 to 1 scores. Sixth place Kimbel Motors dropped the faltering Olympic Ply- ]'a, ge 1 IIII II ............... Shelton Lumber Company FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT gill I II I I I I I /I I II [I In Our Location on l00Iountain View ON TIlE OLYMPIC HIGHWAY MAILING ADDRESS  P.O, Box 598, Shelton Charles Weirauch PHONE 657 Saving 15% on Preferred Fire Risks " 116,NO. 2nd Phone 30 .z / Price 4 g S.Armstrong 1 Subs: Rayonier McPherson 7, Steinberg, Buekley. TIIIRD GAME McCleary (25) Moose (28) Kcrns 3 f Gardner 2 Redman f Dickinson Turner c Cardinal 8 E.Lumsden 2 g Chase 3 Brisker 6 g Phillips 2 Subs: McCleary--Olzendam 6, Salisbury 2. Claflin 5, White 1. Moose--Barger 8, Stevenson. WAGES- TAXES. MARKETS. BUSINESS The meeting of seven Western governors ,with private, state and federal forestry a,uhorities at the Western Forestry and Con- servation Conference in Portland a few days ago cast a bright light on the future of the timber industry. These leaders agreed forestry programs must be understood and supported by the people. They pointed to improved forest management and sustained yield as the key to the future. State after, state reported progress in fire protection, insect and disease contrl, better utilization of wood and reforestation. Such programs merit ptiblic interest and con- fidence. | SIMPSON LOGGING €OMPAN.Y " SHELTtN AND McCLEARY, WASHINGTON III I III IIl IIIII The half ended with the sc°re w°°d int° third place and Grun" LES 4"2 f°r the Dewey team' The see" ert's Service' capitalizing °n Jacl¢ BICYC end halt" became more interesting Stewart's league pacing individ- when the teams finally began • ual scores, escaped from the base- dumping • in baskets in the fourth ment with the only whitewash "verdict of the night, scored over Mell Chevrolet to end the meclan- ics recent whining streak. Beanie Daniels set the pace for the lumbermen. Bill Pearson and Buzz Phillips did the stickwork for Kimbel Motors, and Art Ja- cobsen, Phil Sharpe and Ade' Wright all shared in the Local 161 wins. quarter. When the last quarter ended the score was tied 14-14 and both coaches agreed on a two minute overtime. In the overtime Karl.. Schwarck was fouled, and made good the free toss for the game wining point. Murry Cole- man played the best ball for the second squad. Jimmy Moore. Blazer forward, made 6 points to take honors as top scorer. Sheiton (26) Dewey (48) Davidson 5 f Beathe 6 The lineups: Grunerts (3) Meli (?hey, (0). Handicap 222 Handicap 387 Cormier 493' Gerhardt i22 J.Stewart 515 McNeil 418 Kenyon 446 Toney 371 H.Cole 352 Wiseman 358 Rank 452 Rau 428 819 826 835 24801802 759 823 2484 Morgan-Eat. (2) Pantorium (1) Handicap 210 Handicap 171 Giblet 455 Lindberg 452 H.Daniels 396 Besch 483 C,CoIe 444 E.Anderson 425 B.Daniels 466 Kier i45 Riehert 1 f Willard 11 Priszner 2 e Elmendorf 13 Cole 4 g Hike 10 Dittman 10 g Cardinal 8 Subs---Shelton: Austin 4, Hawk, Hunter. Eacrett. Dewey: Levitt, .lly, Alfred, Howard, Crosby, But- cher. SECOND TEAMS Shelton (15) Dewey (14) Coleman 0 f Howard 0 Moore 6 f Murphy 2 Young 0 c Alfred 0 Hawley 0 g Butcher 4 Yarr 2 g Ketrick 0 Subs--Shelton: Johnson, Gray, Dale 3, Schwarck 3, Hunter, Ar- cber, Coutts, McCord 1, Hudson. Dewey: McCowan 2, Callison, White 4. Matheson, Martin 2, Kee- let. 3 Teams Jousting For First Half :00impson Pin Flag SIMPSON BOWLING EniDeers ................... 24 15 Woodfiber 24 15 . Lumbermen's Mere .. 23 16 Reed Mill 1 ............... 22 17 Office ......................... 18 21 Olympic Plywood ...... 17 22 Reed Mill 2 ................ 15 24 Accounting ................ 13 26 High game--Ken Fredson Paul Marshall each 215. High total---Ken Fredson 594. Three teams go into tomorrow evening's closing matches of the :first half schedule with chances to take the split-season title in the Simpson Logging Company bowl- ing league. .Woodfiber, 3 to 0 victor oyez' tailend Accounting in last week's competition, moved onto the top rung along side the Engineers, who suffered a 2 to I setback at the hands of the fast-coming Of- lice aggregation. Woodfiber and Engineers tangle tomorrow night .in the final first half pairings and to the victor goes the title, pro- viding 1. The decision is a shutout; or, 2. Lumbermen's Mercantile loses one game. The Mertc ,can sneak in ahead of both Woodftber and Engineers by sweeping its mtch with Olym- pic Plywood) providing one of the present',, tied leaders doesn't win all 'three tomorrow night. The L.M. stayed in the running definite a 2 to 1 defeat by Reed I liil 1 last week and is just one i game' behind the Rnotted-up lead- ers. In the only match not hav- thg a bearing on the first half title last week, Olympic Plywood declsioned Reed Mill 2, 2 to 1. Ken Fredson and Paul Marshall were scoring leader of the night, for top .individual game at 215. Ken tattng top total of 594 as he paced the Woodfiber white- wash victory. Marshall's scoring', abetted by Percy Punk's 548, led 't&e Office vietoT. Reed MI1 ;t had consistency to back its vllict over the L.M.; and Earl Lurrmden rolled well over his 'average in the. pair. won by the iplywood. ltllll t. (2) L.M. (I) Handicap 315 Hanlicap 303 Dunbar 450 B.Stewar 553 Temple 427 ,Ashbaugh 336 Scott 457 McCaslin 420 Bishop 436! &Stewart 441 Fredson 458{ G,Gustafson 454 769 918 856 25431894 802 811 2507 Olympic Ply. () Mill 2 (1) Hncticap 504] Homdieap 495 E.Lumsden 415] Sergeant 492 Rodenburg 3781 Drummond 396 L,Lumsden 4301 JessBaxter 368 Nutt 440] Jim Baxter 376 hite 469 Roberts 485 72 857 907 2636 843 866 897 2606 Woodfiber (3) Accounting (0) Handicap 3451 Handicap ,66.0 B.Brown 501! Kruse 338 Hanson 417 Fortin 388 Kalinoski 394 Gabrielson 314 Walton 4151Redman ,148 K.Fredson 594 Gruver 389 884 946 836 2666 826 902 809 2537 Office (2) Engineers (1) Handicap 317I Handicap 174 Mal, shall 5541V.Earl 470 Fitehett 444{ Aronson 56 Munich 468 Carlson 508 atie 356 Snelgrove 479 Funk 54.8 J.Danicls ,189 7fli044 977 2682 919 931 816 2666 Dtimmy 483 Lindeman 450 822 800 832 2454 815 841 770 24•26 Khnbel Mtrs, (2) Plywood (1) Handicap 393 Handicap 483 B.Pearson 469i Fletcher 174 Bud Earl 391 Holt 332 McConkcy 419 Miller 378 J.Pearson 339 Jessnp 336 Phillips 474 Ahlskog 341 728 869 888 2485 812 745 787 2344 Local 161 (2) Shnpon Elect. (1) Handicap 330 Handical) 525 Jacobsen 413 t McClymont 333 Olivet' 380 M.Leman 385 • Dummy 492 L.Leman 357 Sharpe 359 Boardman 402 Wright ,469 Coburn 344 815 832 786 2.t43. 703 7U2 851 2346 That's Our Business STANDARD and DELUXE MODELS for BOYS AND GIRLS Priced from $41.50 up WORLDS  COLUMBIAS  COLSONS and ROADMASTERS Also WAGONS and TRICYCLES Use Our Xmas Lay-Awy Plan  Budget Terms Available SLEYSTER'S BIKE SHOP Third and Cote Phone 243 " VVE MAKE EYS e KNIVES anti SCISSORS SHARPENED Q / / Now is the time to Paint Concrete! I . I .[_J Yes!- The fall months are ideal for painting your concrete walls and buildings, as damp weather does not interfere with the work when you use a good cement paint. We carry in stack and recommend MEDUSA cement paint, na- tionally recognized for its hieh quality. Two or three coats, properly applied, beautifies and protects the surface, assues dry walls at e|ativety small cast. We also carry MEDUSA Weatherproofing Pae for mixing in with the last coat. Fu|l information gladly! Call us or drop in for information on how to mix and apply MEDUSA cement paint, coverage per pound, etc. Comes in ten colors, and is packed in 10 |b. and 50 lb. cans.