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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Plan Now To Attend the Ben,efit Dance for The JUNIOR EAGLES Hew Years Eve In EGLES HALL Sponsored by Shelton Aerie No. 2079 DOOR PRIZES - . ] ning. I T T .SIeEL2,0:N-&lt;&01q ;COLIW?V .IouIIqAL i WatChHonestReturnedFide I Shows Benefits Rise By Final eompihiti0n of results in. __n__r lh,, takon by tlte 00edcr,,, One Shelton lady found lnst Social Security Administration weel tta: .Imll,rittl Want Ads Old field office in Olympia duriu Oc- Canal Bazaar Is pay. tober has revealed that the nlnn- Mrs. Bernice Stewart placed an bcr of ¢digiblc persons who lost Success; Prizes qid in Thl Jourllal stating that l)enefits by faillug to register has had 00rl,e, w,*istwat00l, d,.o,>pc00 from <>,,e i,, four to Galore Are Given and offerP(t a reward for it:l re- ii 12. Another financial success equal- tilt'n. Tile stn'voy followed a similar ing last year's record, was the re- Friday Mrs. Bill Smith returned poll which was made in February sult of the I?,uilding Bazaar spon- the wa.teh to }Ii's. Stewart's son, and which was lsed for temper)- sored by l;he Hood Canal Woman's Jnck Stewart, working in th<e L.M. son. The drop in lost benefits was Club and held last Saturday if- attributed to the publicity cam- ternoon and evening in the Hoods- sportsgoods department, stating paign by the agency which has port school that sh( had found the diamond- resulted n) a more coral)lets studded waLl:it on the floor of the knowledge of tile old-age and sur- The complete cooperation of business and professional people ten-cent store, river's insurance progam, of Shelton and the Hood Canal When offered the lromisc, d re- Benefits are lst by survivors area. combined With the endeav- ward. Mrs. Smith refnsel, failiiig to register c.laims with ors of ehlb members made pos- Needless to say Mrs. Stewa their office withirl three months of sible such satisfying' results, ac- and family arc vetT thrilled, the time they become eligible. The cording to the general chairman. _ district office is at 121 State Ave. Mrs. W. E. Ca'ey. Olympia, tnd the local office in The affair, held for the benefit , , olunoer'o Shelton is open in tile Memorial of the club's building fund and to Hall Thnrsday moi'nings every stimulate interest in the Jaycee- other week. sponsored civic- youth center in T A X I Shelton, was attended by friends Rebekahs Initiate frmn all over the county. Olympia Members ATTRACTING afternoon shop- Forty-one Rebekah Lodge mere- pet's in the big gymnasmm were Ph{)ne bers motored to Olympia tednes- several sales booths. The Christ- day evening, December I0, to take mas decorations booth managed by tlae ga.rden department ehairmgn, 620 OlympiaCharge Of Lodge.the initiation of the Mrs. O..K. Linseott, was a colorful Refreshments were served by corner; nearby plants, and bulbs the Olyn, pia members and those were sold by Mrs. W. E. Caroy. O E S h d Maso " thnd at Chevron 'Gal taking' part in the drill were g'iv- Mrs. E. O. Gifford's needl'cWork • . . : n l Station - First ii Cote en a gift and an escort for the eve- and gift Booth did a heavy bust- ............ ness in hand/york e&,tribute'd by Party Success members anti friends. The "Post Office" did, such a rushing busi- ness with its parcel post mystery packages, that merchandise was :sold out before Mabel A.vey and Homemakers Hold Gala Christmas Party Sunday The Hillcrest l[onitunakers Chlh held a Christmas party for the nlelnbers, husbands and families Sunday, December 14. at the Odd Fellows hall. About 4'2 people were served turkey dinner with all the trim- nl lllg'S, During the Christmas party which followed Leona Savage en- tertained with several numbers on her accordion. Gifts were ex.. ehaug'ed and games played. Pi,iZes were awarded to LeSnard Buck, 'Charles Savage and Wflford Jackson. A table cloth was awarded to Mrs. Helen McCann. Committees for the occasion consisted of table decorations. Mrs. Doris Buck. and Mrs. George Clifton; dinner, Mrs. Victor Ell)- son and Mrs. Marion Helser; en- tertaimnent, Mrs. Grace Wells and Mrs. Helen Savage; invita- tions and gists, Mrs. Gloria Wil- liams and Irene Jackson. The Order of Eastern Sta;l" mem- bers and families with the Masonic Lodge members and families held a joint Christmas r)arty "at the 'Ma- Christmas time is Tie Time! MEN'S HOLIDAY TIES 1 15 ! Beautifully sheer nylons to wear in your busy holiday whirl or to give as gts. Full fashioned in hues:to blend - with every costume. Sizes 8,10. ,lie€. U. S. Pat. Off. llrighien his holiday with several of 1 4 9 these colorful :Townera£t* ties. Pr/nts, I  3 Dainty Gift Box? stripes, figures on crepes foulards: i it---- in satins. Look lhem over. " '--- HANDKERCHIEFS Hy < -£ 98 A,00ay. Noed. SH,.TS, He iI beam over t hete new Towneraft woven stripes, ,.It :[,! ' oxfords, piques, it's the best Christmas gift assortmt+nt :',, ,, Exqulsitely made from title of fabrics, patterns and collar styles tli'at  )ll f]l ,a : .... cotton lawn, beautifully you've seen in years. He's bound to like "era. t2'.tt:T embroidered with white or 1, floral motifs. Lovely gift! White is 91ways right-with any outfit, on any occasiGn. He'll be proud of these Sanforized * high count ( 136 x 60) Boadeloltr with the non-wih Nueraft* M E N ' S H A N D K E R C H l  F S  : ...... 2 98 " " ,tir. Yo,, can't heat this vMue. . tlug¢, i7 a 17 man,eked handkaehiefs , f in soft, fine cotton." He'll like the smart "Z, 9ae c. _ - , ........... printed borders, 'bright colors! ti ..... I I A )i/, Use Aft Year 'Round! Beautiful EmbrotderyI LUNCHEON SETS PILLOW CASES 2.98 Large 2" square tablecloth witll.six napkins.., lovely all year long, and perfect for Holiday tables! Printed floral and ribbon design in gay colorsl 1.98 ,,. Floral or "Mr. and Mrs," motifs are embroidered on fine cotton for pillow eases any woman would'be proud lo usa for best ! 42'.'. x 36" si, In box. Men's Eleetrtyted SherZtng WARM SLIPPERS 3,98 A cozy warm gift thet?slie w'ill, li'all winter long[ Furry shearling uppers.on corduroy platforms. ]Royal, I red or white with red,to setLoffherirobe,llit019. KITCHENETTE CHOCOLATES 3 1-LB. S2 BOXES for Men's HANDKERCHIEFS White Cotton BOXES OF 3 ] ior .98 € Smart Plastics, Fabrics! NEW HANDBAGS Yoti'll'have to see this style. smart eollocti¢/n to atipre. Ciaie the richness of "these new |landbags!. PatelTts, leather grains, failles, sot'lies alid hroatlt'lotli& * Reg. U. S, Pal. Off. n in in u nun Men's COWHIDE BELTS Plain or Wester'/1 Styles 1.49 Helen Andersen, postmis:resses, warmed up to their work. MRS, N. J. SCEVA'S food booth the' attention of those who sought home-baked delicac- ies and Mrs. Dave Collins' "'VVhite Elephants" god %heir share of at- "tent)on. Mrs. Verne Hill at the Tish-pond nearly had te put up a "No Fishing" sign and call a game Warden to get  rest. As popular' as the bargain base- ment in a departmen¢ store was the SChool basement, where the sonic Temple Saturday, Decem- bd. 13. Approximately 185 attended the party started by dinner and fol- lowed by a tree from which anta Claus distributed gifts. On the program was Coco Lo- veil wo gave two readings, "Back Neat Driver" and the other the play "lomeo and Juliet." Anoth- er little lady performing was Jody Amla Dayley. She recited the "Night ]efore Christmas." The evening was ended by the en'ergebic Mrs,. Floyd 1]mith su- sinking of Christmas ca:rols. pervised the *Snack Spot." Land in the evening served many en'hus- ,ias00le 0000t,,ons abet :inner. Southside Grange Her 'labOr trn-over' 'as beeatlse club members did Plans Open Party • they could be The Southside Grange met with their other activities. 38 members and three visitors Mrs. Robert A. Smith had a refreshme.nt counter, soft .'drinks, ice .'cream ad candy. BINGO TAIIIES were also in the basetnent, with playing going n paCt'of .the ;afternoon and after ¢linnev until xni(lnight.. Mr. and lWrs. Dess Hanes and Irs. Helen Andersen operated the game awarding players many n i c e prizes, .the last round bringing a laugh when Steve Hate of the H0odsport Mark:st Center, won the ham. In addition to ball and dart games, the entertainment chair- man, Mrs. Otto Radtke, had p/'o- vided a treasure hunt and a Stage program, with dance numbers contributed by pupils of the Jack Moffett Dance Institut Steve Hhle was master of ceremonies. Lowell MeGinnis of the Shelton Jaycees was introduced and ex- to the a'udlenee t2e plan of the proposed civic-youtl center in Shelton. He thanked the Hood Canal Woman's Club for donat- ing" ten' per cent of their bagaar,-, funds to this cotlnty war memor- ial project. MRS. W. E. CAREY, general chairman of the Building Bazaar, thanked residents and business friends for their fine cooperation which made it a success. Mrs. Carey.recently resigned as presi- dent of the club with Mrs. J. R. DeBard, vice-president, succeeding ]er in office. Principal prize-winners included Mrs. M. L. Fesler, at. 2, Shelton, winner of the afternoon door prize, a steam iron. Mrs. Dave Collins of Cushman and Lee Hale, Pot- latch, were the winners of the evening" door-prizes, an occasional chair and an electric clock. Verne L. Iffill, Cushman, was awarded the upholstered living- room chair; Chris Oyan of Spring-- water Camp the portable electric phoaogrtph, and Fred Johnson, Hoodsport, the portable electric washer. Other articles won included a cosmetics kit and a coffee-maker,.,. both awarded the lucky Phillip Johnson of Umon; a record album. given Mrs. Herbert Allen, Union; an electric iron to :Myrtle Whtt- tker, Shelton; a fine picture to :Ntrs. ]:)on Rucker, Shelton; and a pressure cooker to Cliff JohnsOn, LilliwaU, . ack M0ett's pupils entertain- ing the responsive audience, in- clu°ded Eddie Mercer with his steel guitar and tap uumbers; Sally B0ysen, toe dancer; Charlene Han- son, a{p dancer; Garby Elmore, acrobatic dancer; Jackie Holbert, tap dancer; Mary Boysen, acro- batic dancer; Jean Hadsell, ma- )rette dancer and a group of girls in a military tap rice, It is impossible to name all the bazaar asslstants, l:i u s b a n d s worltedof oouseand other men who were not husbands of mem- bers. Bert Oliver aided in micro- phone announcemepts; Principal Sparks and his school stafi  coop- erated £o make things run smooth- ly; Mrs. Dick Addelman assisted ,with p ddle sales. The Hoods- port Boys Club deserves special mention for their efficincy in handling parkinff problems. leebekah Party Tonight ThiS evening at 8 p.m. the Re- bekah Lodge will hold a Christmas party for the members, their {am- flies and the Odd Fellows and their families. A fine program is being planned and refreshments will be served followed by an exchange of gifts. DEGREE OF HONOIt JUNIORS SET PABTY FOR.SAtURDAY The Junior Club of,the Degree "of Honor will hold Its Christ*mas party at 1 p.m. Sittu'y at th Odd Fellows hall in Shelton. There will be a Christmas pro- ,gram, refreshments and an ex. ehange of gifts which arc pur- cased for less than 25 cents. present. Election of of fleers was held With the fg]lowing members tak- ing ofce: Carl Enslcy, M; How- ard Yule, 0.; Antonie Swiger, L.; DOn Clark, S.T.; Keith Evans. A.S.; Edna Evans, C.H.; Virginia Clark, T. Others taking office were Winnifred Carr, S.; Lee Huston, G.K.; Pauline Emsley, C.; Carrel Evans, P.; Catherine Pierce, F; Ire Cook, Las,: Henry Cook. E.C.; and Nina Horst, HEC. Installation was held December 14 at the Shelton Valley Grange with the Mason County Pomona group officiating. The next regular meeting will be the a;mual'open Christmas par- ty with an exchange of 50 cent gifts. The women are asked to bring gifts for ladies, men for gentlemen and families bring:ins children are urged to bring a. gift for them. All friends are invited to this open Grange party. EAGLES AIYXILIARY PLANS CHRISTMAS PART.Y SOON The Eagles Auxiliary will hold its Christmas .partly after the reg- ular busine meeting December 22 at the. Eagles Hall. Each member is asked to bring a gift for exchange. This' is also initiation evening and all officers and staff members are reminded to dress formally l:or the'occasion. SHELTON STUDENT IN CtlOIR Philllp Stoehr of Shelton is a member of the 250 voice chorus which will present Handel's "Mes- siah" in Salem next Sunday, Dec- ember 14 at 3 p.m.- The pro.duct)on is sponsored by the Salem Oratorical Society and is directed by Melvin Go)st, dean of the School of Music at Willam- eats. ]rlday, Saturday, Dee. 19-20 DOUBLE FEATURE "KIT CARSON" Jolt Hall, Lynn Bari, Da Andrews A Screen Masterpiece!! SECOND FEATURE The sensationaI Stunt Skat- er, IRENE DARE, in "FROLICS ON ICE" Lynn Roberts, Edgar Nen- nedy, Roscoe Karns Dancing Dynamite on Flashing" Blades ! ! I I1| Sunday, .Monday, Tuesday, Dec. 21.-22-23 "SINGAPORE" Fred Max' Murray Ave Gardner Roland Culver Richard Haydn Adventure in the Shadows of Sinister Singapore! ed., Thurs., Dec. 24-25 DOUBLE FEATURE "BIFF-RAFF" Pat O'Brien, Walter Slezak Anne Jeffreys Percy KJlbrlde SECOND FEATURE "ALONG THE RIO .GRANDE" Tim Holt Ray Whitley Betty Jane Rhocies SIIELTON TIDES Thursday, December 18, 1947 Lo/v ............... 3:36 a.m. 0.5f. High .............. 1I:35 a.m. 15.1 ft. Low .........  ..... 5:53 p.m. 6.6 ft. Higil ............. 9:,16 p.m. 1().9 ft. Friday, December 19. 19,17 Low ............... ,I :,tfl a.m. 1..,5 ft. Ii:']l .............. 12:13 p.m. 15.0 ft. Lo W ........... 6:51 p.m. 5.7 ft. Hih 11:07 ll.m. 10.3 ft. Saturday, December 20. 1947 Low . ............. 5:28 a.m. 2.6 ft. 1-1igh 12:.t7 p.m. 1.t.8 ft. Low. ............... 7:39 4.6 ft. Sunday, Deoen-t,--7-2. 19.i7 in the 1 ' 16 Summit Drive High ....... 12:47 a.m 102 ft. .lh/tt-Ll  I£IAI[J[ , Hillerest High .............. 1.19 p.m. 14.6 t, gtenrld nnd GP0ve'iil,i ' " '   4 ft .......... l,<, Low ................ _2!221n • • 1VIonday,'Deeember 22, 19,17 1[ 'D.| _2"_= -- " - -- - - H'igh . .: .... 2 25 am. 10.6 ft L ]Ur'r/1 ll,lt!, lee, _ 1 1 LoW ........... " 7"21 ann. 5,0 ft. ' il/ -- Y I: I !1 ...... r.  f , ' "" " a,,h .............. l:o0 p.m. 14.,, t. 1 a  . IDNII; "- "-"-'s - "" Low ................. :03 1.m. 2.1 ft. "']: --7---- Monday thru Frldail( ,a.'',, Tuesday, December 23, 19,1'/ : ..... '- I'-- ,,xl High ..: ........... 3:45 a.m. 11.5 ft. M U S l (J ! 'i_-l'i'i{ Low .... : ..... ; ..... 8:22 a.m. 6.1 t" ft. ' _,ii, ']--2]t.\\; righ ............... 2:18 p.m. 4. ft. -Each Saturday Ni !. ,'lt Low ................ 9:39 1).111. 0.7 ft. " ':  W Wednesday, December 24, 1947 '_ #/' '/alll ' i; o ................ a; ,;"; -<a ,, @ $1 - =' " at) Low ................. :. a ........... , . '* 'i " "r:h , r,, ,, I 14 3 ft "-- ;'/1':   , ' Hi,_ .................. )" v 'n .... - " - ':)l,: |m '' / LoW . ............... 10:19 p.m. -0.6 ft.  '"  A i .... il I \\;<  t'. t00tatloner h ; /..!:" " / " ,,.,:'. "., ..-, Close Out . " /,, '! Thursday, December lda.v, Decenlbcr IS, :1. ................... '____ ....... , ,..;...,.,..*,. ........ 1HANDW( ;VIgN • RI ](S, (,le Shelton Aerie 20 Mde i,, ,,,,,. ),,,me FRATERNAL ORDERtl ' <e inviie y()u Io .qoc our EAGLlfI#oo,,,00 .,., Weekly Meetings I pieces. 8 P.M. -- MOND Makes: an Excellent Gift CDNGRESS PLAYING CARDS NORTHWEST CALENDAI:IS FLORAL AND THANK YOU .NOTES PEN AND PENCIL SITS DESK SETS GO:LD N 8COGS "D1CT:ION ARIES JOY OF COOKING "AMERICAN WOMAN'S COOK BOOK OIARIES GUEST BOOKS DA*FE 'BOO KS SHELTON PRINTING STATIONERY CO. Graham Theat're Builling n oa,'Jtreet P H.ONE 7 Mr. and Mrs. E. ',B. Sulk:on p.a R A M 0 U N THEATRE Shelton, Wash. THURS., SATURDAY - 10 GREAT STARS! 2 GREAT LOVE STORI|S|: LEARN ABOUT [IFE FROM GYNTHIAI T WEDNESDAY ONLY, MATINEE from 1 p.m, EVENING Hopa on "UNEXPEI Plus