December 18, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 18, 1947 |
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Modern Equipment
Operated By
Experienced Men
For Land or Water
For Hire
For Sale.
• Iecol|ections from 50 Years Ago
By Lal,e Redafe
Wal; [ rec']ect scein' in the Journal t'other night--one
o' them Journals I bin saran' to read in these cold winter
nightsabout tile death o' John Slocum.
This wuz back ill '97, an' about the time be really got reli-
a hmg .i(m. He said his soul left his bad
the Journal car'ried old body and went to heaven and
story abotlt the life o' ]Ocilm talked to the angels there an'
they told him he couldn't come
who wuz a Indian, and wuz in.
the founder o' the Shaker
This story in the ,h)urnal told
about Sloeurn's first gittin' reli-
gion when im wuz walkin' (lilt ill
the woo(2hq an' suddenly realized be
wuz a bad man an' had lived a
bad life.
THIS WIZ in %81 the he first
:eed the light, tte knelt down
right m t hi: woods and prayed
fel: ilis l')eol)h: who had eonle to
bad days. They wuz plagued with
all rammer o' vie.e, from drinkin'
and ga.mblin' on up, an' Slocun
wuz worried fer them.
He w/1z afraid his people would
all die out m' there would be none
o' them left. So, he got religion,
Thet wuz about the time he
(:hanged his name from the In-
dian name. They called him Squ-
s'leht-un. He behmged to the
Squaxin tribe.
Wal, this Slocum feller said be
bad died sew, ral times, and come
back to life. The first time wuz
Many a feeder hos found
Larro the answer to his scour-
ing calf problem. Try this
proved method. Economical,
safe, dependable. Save up to
Ibs. of milk on each
calf. They're off milk entirely
by the end of sixth week.
No gruel feeding. Helps
revent scours. Calves take
to it readily. Come in and
us tell you about this
simple, easy method.
Established 1895
NAIl) liE would'either have to
rome to o:Lrth "m' help his peo-
ple see the light---or else he could
go to Hell. go, he come back to
Earth and joined his body again.
After tlIet, they wuz several
oth,,r times he had visions when
his soul had left his body. tie
h,arned to preach about God an'
spread his beliefs to Indian tribes
up an' down the state.
When the Journal writ its story,
it said they wuz churches whicb
folh)wed Sloeum's teachin' at Sko-
komish, Mud Iay, Oyster Bay,
Cowlitz, Chebalis an' Ptlyallup.
TIlE J()UI[NAI. said they wuz
a dozen ministers licensed who
served the group, an'-about 500
] re-call sooth' in the JournM
tAct they wuz a son borned to
Mrs. W. W. Kennedy thet week.
TAct wuz the week the L.M.
company wnz sellin' print yard
goocb at the special price o' four
cents per a yard. Tbet wuz first-
qtmlity six an' eight cent goods.
'I'IIE OYSTER bizness wuz giv -
in' indications of becomin' " bi G
stnff fer the future, lon G about
then. The Olympian run a story
which wuz also printed in The
Journal sayin' thet they wuz 12,-
240 pounds o' oysters opened in
the best month o' the year, which.
wuz O('tober. Thet wuz about dou-
ble the best month o' tim previous
yea r.
Them oysters wuz all shipped
out opened, and they also shipped
out 1.8,900 in the shells, as well
as 2,7.16 clams opened and 1,872
in the shell.
Yelh i rcckin times wuz pretty
good long about tben.
Asl)ar;lgus Stalks
The flavor of tim butt ends of
the asparagus stalks is not sufficient-
ly good to warran canning them.
The more tender portions, however,
when cooked in the boiling wa!er
left over from the canning process
ave satisfactory for immediate
serving or for soup. Overmature
shdl,:s are also good for SOUl;).
Wild Greens
Many common wild greens from
fiekls and woods have been found to
be rich in vilanains A and C,
To Help _ th Holiday T - BONE(00 .Hostess STEAK00°°"
' 59=
Choice HANS
Christmas Wrapped by Carsten,
Morrell, Hormel.
58= H,
Purr Pork
and Other Poultry for your
Christmas Dinner Table
Fine Quality 'fop Grade
lair Drift "
by Kurt Mann
We don't dare believe that BOB
SON'S little experiment hx snow-
making was in any way suceess-
ful, but it was rather strange that
within 18 hours after they took a
cylinder of carbon dioxide up in
an airplane and sprayed it into a
cloud, a light snow fell in this
area. Strictly a coincidence of
course, but it's been fun blaming
them for it, anyway.
There's very little to report on
any flight activities this past
week due to the poor weather con-
ditions, for it has always been the
policy of the airport manager, and
rightly so, that all of out' planes
be grounded unless there's suf- We Will Be Glad
ficient ceiling and visibility.
KEN W. ENSLEY, representin G
Sbelton Air Service, attended the tO Make Up
annual meetin G of the Washington
State Aviation Association, held in
Wenatehee this past Monday.
HILL of the C,A,A. regional of-
/'ices, J. E. MclNERNEY of the z'e-
gional V.A. office and J. P. AD-
AMS, state director of aeronaut-
ics, were among the principal.
speakers, and introduced subjects
of primary interest to all affiliated
with the aviation business.
Further • business obligations
will keep KEN in Wenatchee for
the balance of the week.
WORK. ON our new lounge is
progressing very nicely. (Someone
drove another nail this week.)
mer instructor for Shelton Air
Service, has accepted a p°siti°n]*' ii-= ...mml _: '}'i [ " --
with Slick Air Linesi a non-sehed-
uled freight line which operates
principally between the East, and
West coasts.
The PT-26, JACK
CHISUM and SLIM COX of the|.ll EI i!l '( , , .
Powerline Construction Company,
has had a new face lifting job,
changed the color-scheme to a
neat white and wlaroon;
T h e Powerline Construction
crew incidentally, is at present
erecting the new power line for
P.U,D, extending north from Jof
stad Creek, which will eventually
provide electricity clear up to
We certainly hope that: there's
something to the rumor that
West Coast Air Lines is con-
teml)lating on. making Shelton
one of their stops. Partlcnlarly
slnPe West Coast has just made
a request to the C.A.B. asking
for authoriaztion to reduce their
rateu gy 3t per cent. We feel
confident that it Would mean a
great deal to Shelton and the
surrounding territory to lve
this service inaugurated, and
the sooner the better.
Fine Fruit and Vegetables
Thursday, December 18,
CHRISTMAS Ready-to-Mail Fancy Box
Christmas Wrapped H IN GS
Assorted. COOKIES
21/2 pound Box ..... $2,39 E E M
IMPERIALS Beautiful Gift Box
Chocolate Candy
to words, "what
are thinking about,
some study and
bring' out."
County's second huma
another installmer
2 pounds 0ost of wininng the secon
............ War--the remains of Pr
Class Dale Bloomfiel
to final rest here la.'
HARDChristmas /rlilltllV lb. 37c after being return€
scene of his tragic deat
In in January (
• services und(
MIXLIMiV| IMPERIAL and ,of the :Mason Count
'LIMITED AIIV C-AN-Es Brown & Haley's ' 694' Veterans °f F°. ors were held at Sheltc
t] lal Cemetery and were wi
NUMBER %JIlL#A $1 25, $1 50, $2 0 by members of the hero
* * * immediate family, scor(
l and members of vete
10L 35L 75 €, $1,50 $2.25, $300 Boxe.,? ntzations who were deep
y the litany of the ritue
29 €!i tequies. A group of rner
Ripe Olives Shelton Aerie No. 207
al Order of Eagles, serw
bearers. The blowing
for Him-" Large size ...................... CAN ncludedtraditi°nal'theS°ldierSimpressi'fat"
Cherries 29': !rivate First Class Bloor
tas born at Kamilehe
RtendinG schools in. Sh(
A Box of Cigars Maraschino ...................... JAR [re he gained a wide ear(
dships. He entered t;
Army in 1943 rand w
We hayed large assortment- 1886, *--,Pua't;n's
Rot Tan, White Owls, Dutch Masters, at Camp Breckenrid
etc. Clinton's .................. 4 PKGS. before going overse
He battled through mc
during those critic
Cig 4 ¢ European war a:
A Carton of arettes Stuffed Olives in action in the bitt
Christmas Wrapped PER JAR of Northern Belgium a'
"Battle of the Bulg
Pip of Private Blool
A e Coconut returned from his Et
place under auspi(
Various Prices. "Sweetened (limit) ........ PKG. States Army, bet.
to Sbelton by an
W E IN E R S ' Pound of Tobacco Apple Jelly r plotTheatburiaIsheltonPlace:MeW
¢. Private Bloomfi
Pound cans, Christmas Wrapped. His GLASS em_ber of Compeny "t
The ,#
Good O,d ashio0ed K,od avor,,o brands. o..of the irst iv
• . . . army and a letter fr(
-. - • • ,. , Plmentoes -** 'andin officer in noti,
39 € lb. ' tAgarette mgnters ' J. ULiLUI JAR I11 "":*amily -- ------ in of, the tragedy
a ,'.mm naid hign eompimen
nd HOLDERS ' "llt "- ""
, ,?on soldier for nis eo
,- D..,,..-- ,i,[:, actions on a dangerc
@ .-- B "AF'r,I connection with i
!i!"!!iliiiilJizii :ii!ii :v=*, ...... , ade The ShelCert of not RE.
Nalley's MINCE MEAT ....
, i
49 ¢ lb.
Lean Streaked
former national rep
AI¢ ie in a lengthy visit at G
" :'t=!.offiec buried into obllv
• '* ]7 = 47* ," by a seattle newspaper
Mince Meat :;;:lalyst that he viewed.
o - t ................ 2 CANS Pennant ..... . ....... : .............. JAR !,,]:ralo r
e !tl0R all ambition to
Wallgren's chair
When asked in wh
G,aded,.,Good MixedNo , Nuts .. 4S ¢ Date Nut Bread 2] € De turned,his politicalMr. Savageambiti
Ill) J[l.zt-J ........................ CAN As long" as I can be
at the support that
o, 25* ,le at the last eleetior
55 ¢ lb. Carmels 1.69 Fruit Cocktail t should again strive
,..eaSlonal post, and shall
Kraft's Leatherette .... 2Va-lbs. No, 1 Cans ................................ Idate aainst Mack n
i . The Sielton Democrat
Solvv Your'Gift Problem Here!l AppleSauce 25¢ lt !his name in public b'addresses that he'
2"lbs. 45 ¢ Pitted Dates 27¢ .,,a.. CANS .aking over the state
Dromedary ...... f. ............. PKG. " ....................... tinud On Page Three)
(Use u.p,tted ,o..tu,,,.,) Cleansing Tissue
RED FRYERS Cranberry Sauce 21¢ DoeS,,. ................ We Wish
Ocean Spray ........ : ........... CAN Wax Paper 19,
MeatSauce 22' ..................
17 ¢ Coffee
. Walnuts Amocat -B. JA. 1 € .... -
,..:,;}?;'., ii ' B O TT L E
¢ ::'' .qhl nPi'kled .................... , 19
,<:... 59 ¢ Peaches '
" ,.. k !:%
ii,o i; ..r.m CAN De, Monte N0.1 ............ CAN
Crab Meat 77= Sweet Pickles 39*:
100% legs ........................ CAN Mon's .............................. PINT
"551LBI Oysters 53= Cranberry Sauce 41'