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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1975
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WINNERS of the VFW Post and Auxiliary essay contest in Shelton elementary schools were announced recently. Here, the three winners pose with VFW and auxiliary officials. Left to right are Ida Hyatt, auxiliary president; Kim Bykerk, fourth grade winner; Brian Lock, fifth grade winner; Gene Hyatt, VFW post commander; Denise Wilcox, sixth grade winner and Andrea Jones, chairman of the project for the auxiliary. this week by the Department of Revenue fonowing review of testimony taken at two public hearings in November. -No changes were made in the proposed land valuations. They will average approximately 1 1 percent higher in Western Washington over those in effect in 1975, and five percent higher in Eastern Washington. -Stumpage valuations were lowered over those proposed in November in order to adjust variations between stumpage value areas and harvest types in Western Washington, and to reflect differences in management and logging costs between the public and private timber sales used by the department in computing valuations. The 1976 stumpage values show a general decline ranging from 16 percent to 39 percent for the major species in Eastern and Western Washington. The decrease in stumpage values reflects two factors: the weakening of stumpage markets in the past year, and the addition for the first time of a significant number of private timber sales in the data base. The values are based on an Despite a decline in harvest volume, the taxable value of trees logged on privately-owned timber lands in the first half of 1975 increased 13.6 percent, the State Department of Revenue announced this week. Timber harvests totaling 1.77 billion board feet had a taxable first-half value of $270.5 million in 1975, while a taxable value of $238.1 million was placed on 1.96 billion board feet harvested in the same period of 1974. Mason County had a harvest of 30,015 million board feet with a taxable value of $3,861,200 and a tax assessed of $250,978. A 25.6 percent increase in average stumpage values, from $121.62 pe[ thousand board feet in t934. to.$152.7| in 1975 accounted for the net gain in taxable value. An increase in harvest tax assessments of 117 percent from $8.1 million to $17.6 million primarily was caused by a change in state excise rates. The first-half 1974 harvest was taxed at a rate of 3.4 percent, the 1975 harvest at 6.5 percent of taxable value. Forest land and stumpage valuations for 1976 were adopted Olympic National Forest maps are ava,lable Free maps of the Olympic National Forest are going the way of the penny postcard and the good five-cent cigar. Wynne Maule, Supervisor of the Olympic National Forest, said this week that as of January 1, 1976, forest maps will bear a 50-cent price tag. Rising costs are blamed. Under the present free map system, the cost of maps comes from the same funds used to maintain campgrounds. This "bleeds off" dollars critically needed to keep campgrounds properly maintained, Maule said. Church planning Christmas program The Kamilche Valley Assembly Church will have its Christmas program at 7 p.m. today at the church. There will he songs and recitations. The public is welcome to attend, Pastor Ed Maser and Eleanor Krise, Sunday School superintendent, said. 1817 Oly. Hwy. No. For Complete Auto Repair call Under the sales program, receipts will be credited to a revolving fund which will be used to update and reproduce maps for sale. The result should be the availability of high quality maps, frequently revised, with the cost being borne only by those who actually purchase maps. All forest service recreation maps in Region 6 (Oregon and Washington) are included. analysis of 274 federal timber sales, 144 state timber sales, and 145 private timber sales, all of which took place between October 1, 1975 and September 30, 1975. The valuations apply only to privately-owned forest land and timber harvests, in 1974 the taxable harvest amounted to 4.0 billion board feet; the 1975 harvest total is now expected to total about 3.55 billion board feet. The first quarter honor roll for the Shelton Middle School was announced this week. Those on the honor roll are: 7th Grade: Mitch Bac, Cindy Baxter, Erica Bergeson, Paula Bigley, Debbie Bostrom, Lisa Brown, Tammy Brown, l.,inda Clayton, Molly Coogan, Lisa Cook, Holly Danielson, Cindy Davidson, Sandy Davidson, Cindy Drake, Marie Earl, Scott Eichhorn, Kathleen Fuller, Mike Fullerton, Valeria Glassey, Brian Glover, Kathryn Goldsby, Jeff Goodwin, Mark Goodwin, Jon Gorman, Lori Hertell, Carrie Higgins, Shane Howell, Karen Johnson, David Kendall, Jess Kenyon, Sonya Klokkevold, Kent Knight, LaDawn Korte, Shelley Kratcha, Mike Knsmpols, David LaMont, Tom Lindberg, Adrien Litton, Craig Louderback, Jann Lusignan, Candy MacRae, Hans Mak, Jeff McHargue, Michele McHenry, Deborah Meyers, Steve Miller, Teresa Murray, Scott Rapacz, Tanya Rasmussen, Kathy Riker, Lisa Robeson, Sheri Rodgers, Casey Salisbury, Tressa Schrnidt, Tanara Schoening, Jennifer Schumacher, Jeff Smith, Joann Smith, Gina Stephens, Mike Stocks, Rob Taffera, Monica Tobin, Becky Tullar, Donna Uden, Jason Warren, Tami Weaver, Nancy White, Ann Wittenberg, Melonie Zachry. 8th Grade: Pam Ahlf, Lisa Ayers, Greg Barstad, Joyce Bishop, Richard Boelk, Donna Brown, Kelly Byrne, Patricia Byrne, Alice Chapman, Steve Chapman, Jolene Coleman, Mark Core,, Debra Cullison, Tom DeLong, Debbie DeRoche, Devin Devaney, Patricia Eichinger, Karen Evankovich, Jenny Eveleth, Renee Fletcher, Ken Frazer, James Gigstead, Dan Goodburn, Susan Goodburn, Flo After Christmas, Dried ut trees are dangerous/ SHELTON VOLUNTEER FIREMEN 1 will pick up your tree (within J city limits) and dispose of it safely. PICK-UP DATES: COST: Sun. Dec. 28 or SUN. JAN. 4 1.00 per tree MAIL COUPON TODA WI I I ADDRESS I I PICK UP TREE: DEC. 28 JAN. 4 ! $1.00 CHARGE AT TIME OF PICKUP I I Mail Shelton Vol. Fire Dept. I I to: City Hall I I Ad paid for bY Lumblrmen's Santa will be here Monday, Dec. 22nd 4:30 p.m. 'til 7:30 p.m. Hwy, N. at "J" St. Hamilton, Debra Hardison, John Hinck, Dale Johnson, Dianne Jones, Wendall Knight, Phyllis LaMont, Denise Langeland, Teresa Litton, Cindi Louderback, Brian Marler, Rhonda McAferty, Jenny McGee, Eric McHenry, Jami McKim, Leanne Miklethun, Russ Moore, Brian Moorehead, Nancy Morkert, Kim Nations, Dave Painter, Steve Peterson, Janene Pettyjohn, Gerrilynn Pyle, Ross Radzykewycz, Diane Ramsfield, Charles Rice, Aaron Roberts, Steve Robinson, Rhonda Rose, Marjorie Rostvold, Tad Rutherford, Austin Savage, Leslie Schumacher, Jim Smith, Kris Sorenson, Jani Stoehr, Scott Thacher, Jon Thomason, Ivan Thorsos, Shelly Trucksess, Andee Tylczak, Renee Wagoner, Sherri Warren, Bonnie Watkins, Carol Watkins, John Weber, Don Welander, Robin Winne, Jennifer Wishart. FJll i ! li Framed & Custom Cut Wide selection Now as low as Excellent Gifts from We also have Nationally Advert!sed "Vandal Panel. H itT@N ; ( . 2226 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-1152 The SIMPSON EMPLOYEES' FEDERAL CREDIT UNION BOARD OF DIRECTORS has announced a 10% interest rebate for 1975 to all member borrowers. Approximately $70,000 will be returned to member borrowers. O THE SIMPSON EMPLOYEES" FEDERAL CREDIT UNION BOARD OF DIRECTORS has announced 5¾% dividend to be paid on all member share accounts for 1975. This amounts to approximately $453,600.00 1975 share earnings for members. I';It'll IIIL'IIII~CI :lt.t.llllllI ill~lllt'd IO ~40.(l(g) 00 to Shelton office: Ph. 426"1 McCleary office: Ph. Ker~ Fredson, Manager Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 18, 1975