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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ock HEARING Matlock Community present its Christmas at 7:30 p.m. December rill be a candlelight service. r is welcome. Mary M. Knight School its Christmas program December 22. Also the Knight PTO will have a Sale at Shelton Safeway a.m. to 4 p.m. Mrs. Dan Walker and moved last week to home about ¼ mile school. Portman spent Thursday at the R. E. Bradberry and Mrs. Earl Walker and Mrs. Frank Hollatz were evening dinner guests of Dan Walker. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier at the Paul Rossmaier home at Rainier. Tupper will return to Tacoma this Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hearingweek because her brother is quite o f North Bend were Tuesdayill in the hospital there. guests of Mrs. Elvin Hearing.Eugene Rossmaier and girls of Mrs. J. Max Nilsson of Seattle Olympia and Carl Goodbum and is spending a couple weeks with son of Shelton were luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin.guests at the Lud Rossmaier home Mr. and Mrs. Ed Townsend Sunday. drove to Tacoma Sunday to seeMr. and Mrs. Mike Brehmeyer their new grandson, Jason and sons of Grisdale are staying McFarland Smith, who was born with their mother, Mrs. Herbert December 11 to Mr. and Mrs.Brehmeyer Sr., until after the Charles Smith of Spanaway. He holidays. has a four-year-old brother. The Matlock Grange will have Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley its potluck supper and Christmas spent Sunday with Mrs. Rodger party Friday night at 6:30 p.m. Spalding and family. This is an open meeting. O. W. Walker, 91, died at Matlock Pinochle Party will Federal Way Saturday. He was a meet at the Grange Hall Saturday former Matlock resident andnight at 8 p.m. father of Earl Walker and a foster daughter, Dena Rothrock. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper and Sue spent the weekend in Tacoma at the Bill Chrisman home. Mrs. ROBIN WINNE, vice-president of the eighth grade class at the Shelton Middle School, left, and Kris Nutt, Middle School ASB president, display the | * _. hrlstlan f,ag which was recently presented to the school by the eighth grade class. Time for beautiful gifts.. by - CUB II Midland - Model 882-B :hannel, no crystals to buy, 23-Channel, no crystals to buy, meter, 4-pin mike jack, with noise blanker and Anl. switch, squelch control,plus auto. g a i n control, speaker and pin jack, squelch control, Delta tune, and mounting hardware. 5/RFO meter, Sepante P.A. Drice $129.50 ...... Now antenna, warning light. Reg. Guaranteed price $179.50 .. Now $149.50 COURIER SPARTAN - 29 SIDE BANDER no crystals to buy. Step up to full 25-watt power. F. Gain, Delta Powerful 69-Channel, switchable ANL/N.B., Local/Distance switch, S/RF lighter, S/RFO meter meter, noise blanker, clarifier plug-in mike and mode control, lattice crystal ing hardware. Reg. price filter, plug-in mike and ...... Now $169.50 mounting hardware. Reg. price $329.95 ......Now $293.95 - 1004 BRAND Cadillac of the Industry, LISTEN TO ~ange V Model 674-B, WHAT'S HAPPENING nder. 69-Channel, full 25 P.#.P.-S.S.B., NB/NL, Police -- Fire -- Sheriff -- ~. mad. control, S/RF Rescue -- Highway Patrol -- mike preamp., ext. Marine -- Weather -- with jack/ext, audio input Regency 10-Channel, 3 bands, antenna tune and load UHF-UHF high on UHF low Plug-in mike and bands, mobile on base. Reg. ~g hardware. Reg. price price $169.00... Now $149.00 ...... Now $314.53 plus crystals Stler, Amphenol, Turner, Drake, Teaberry, Astatic, Electra, Gold Line, Shakespeare, Pace, Hy-Gain, Irler, Enduro 5, SBE, Pearce-Simpson, Mark Products, B&K, Regency, Western Appliance Distrib. 7 daysa week. If we don't have It, we'll get it. Use BankAmericard or County Credit Union. Open 10-10. Minerva Beach Radio .... At Minerva Mobile Village rLATCH 877-5560 O O hri school planned June 17 a group of interested people from several churches in the area met and chose a board to work toward the establishing of a Christian school in Mason County. The purpose of this school is to provide high quality education from the Biblical point of view. The board, composed of Howard Spear, chairman; Ran Russell, vice chairman; David Allison, secretary; John Brush, treasurer; Tom Barwick, Richard Bates, Bill Goodwin, Adin Halvers, n, and Leroy Heyd, has been meeting monthly. They have chosen the name "Mason County Christian School." Plans are for grades two through eight to begin classes in September 1976, using the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum. A.C.E. is a course of individualized instruction followed by more than 300 The wood products industry comprehensive statistics on the leading roundwood user with in Washington consumed 6.6 utilization of wood by the 567 886.6 million board feet, billion board feet of roundwood primary wood processing facilities followed closely by Grays Harbor logs in 1974, while directly in Washington during 1974. It is and Cowlitz Counties. employing 66,570 people with a available to the public upon -Grays Harbor County had payroll of about $800 million, r e q u e s t, a c c o r d i n g t o the most mills with 98. Fifty-three percent of the logs Commissioner of Public Lands -Roundwood volume by came from private forest Bert L. Cole. species was 38 percent industry-owned timberlands, !1 The 120-page publication is Douglas-fir, 37 percent hemlock, percent from state, 19 percent fourth in a series of biennial mill and I0 rcent western redcedar. from national forests, and 17 surveys by the DNR. It contains a - Lumber production was 3.3 percent from farmer and graphical comparison section billion board feet with a value miscellaneous private and other which shows important trends reported of $522 million. public ownerships, brought out by the four surveys. - Of the 5.65 million tons of These and other facts are Here are some of the survey residue produced, 94 percent of contained in the "Washington Mill results: the wood and 82 percent of the Survey for 1974," recently -The pulp and board bark were utilized. p u b li s h e d b y t h e s t a t e industry consumed 4.2 million Cooperating with the DNR in Department of Naturai Resources tons of chips, sawdust, shavings preparing the report was the (DNR). and barkin 1974. Pacific Northwest Forest and T h e r e p o r t g i v e s - Snohomish County was the Range Experiment Station of the U.S. Forest Service in Portland, Oregon. Copies of the report may be job plan told artmentofNaturalResources,°btained by writing the nation.Christian schools across the Forest service * .... More information may be ..... ..... Division' of Technical Services, obtained by writing P.O. Box Operations Research Section, 475, or contacting one of the Olympia, Washington 98504. board members. Wynne M. Maul,, Forest Washington and Oregon. Supervisor, Olympic National Posiffons involve strenuous Forest, advises that applications physical activity. Duties consist of for summer and seasonal brush disposal, firefighting, tree employment with the U.S. Forest planting, thinning, trail Service are now available at the construction and maintenance, following locations: surveying and campground Supervisor's Office, 801 S. maintenance. Salaries range from Capitol Way, Olympia, $2.67 through $4.29 per hour. Washington; Hoodsport Ranger Preference in selection is given District, Hoodsport, Washington; to veterans, former Forest Service Quilcene Ranger District, employees, and individuals having Qullcene, Washington; Quinault forestry or engineering-related Ranger District, Quinault, experience or education. Washington; Shelton. Ranger Applicants must be at least 18 District, Shelton, Washington; and years old or high school graduates Soleduck Ranger District, Forks, by the time the job starts. Most Washington. jobs will commence June, 1976. Applications will be accepted High school students interested in between January 1 and February summer work should contact 15, 1976 for several thousand their counselors for information positions at more than 100 work on special work training programs locations in the states of for persons under l8. Complete haircutting for the entire family. All styles. Two Barbers, Bob & Jane Hatcher Open 9 to 6 waekclays Saturday 9 to S Closed Sunday & Monday N o a ppo ant me nts necessa ry BARBER SHOP 3 miles N. of Hoodsport 877-9575 S* Christmas Decorette Cake Reg. $1.44 doz. Offer good thru 12/24 • • First (Next to Evergreen Truck Supply) Closed 3:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Shelton Closed Christmas • • • • e Christmas shopping for unusual gifts? We offer authentic handmade Indian baskets, beautiful buckskin moccasins, silver and turquoise jewelry and more. Just minutes from Shelton... you'll find the perfect gift! (100 mm. length, $3.80 carton) North of Shelton • I) • You pay no sales tax! carton No Limit on 101 at junction of Highway 106. Look for the sign. Hummel Figurines Just Arrived! From $16.50 J etit6 oint ACCESSORIES A rose is a rose is a msei And these are pretty crafty. Blending the beautifully detailed look of petit point with sleek Finesse Cowhide. In glowing colorsl "Tri-Partite" French Purse ........ $10.00 KEY GARD® .................... $ 5.00 And, matching pieces from just $5.00 For Her: * Diamonds * Watches * Stone Rings * Pierced Earrings * Lead Crystal * China * Glassware For Him: * Gerber Hunting & Fishing Knives * Leather Goods * Pewter Beer Steins * Watches * Diamond & Stone Rings \ ~ " *Lighters / _.-# Free.Parking 5th & Franklin Free G ift W rap 426-3283 Thursday, December 18 1975 Shelton-Mason County Journal Page 19