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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1975
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Friday & Saturda Spaghetti covered with our own homemade sauce. Served with green salad, garlic bread and coffee. ADJOINING THE THUNDERBIRD MOTEL & Railroad SHELTON 426-9171 IS BACK AT THE CUB Thursday & Sunday Night Jam session with TIM PRELLWITZ Good, easy-listening music. Monday Night "RADIO SERVICE" ly Shelton appearance for this super Canadian country group. Spaghetti feed Thursday. All you can eat $1.25. 109 South Second 426-3020 O • • • • m DINNER & DANCE DEC. ,31st FROM 6:30 ON (one cocktail with dinner) • t • Hats & noisemakers furnished • Beverages during the dance • Snacks & coffee served after midnight • Make reservations now . • • phone 426-3581 O | y Night bining & dancing to the music of 6:30 p.m. to t:00 a.m. Members and their guests only. Friday & Saturday Night Sunday Brunch 1 1 a.m. to 2 p.m. now closed thru February 15. | m momonnomomomomomomomomomomeuomonndm Hoodsport By DOLORES DRAKE Help decorate Chubby Sasser's Christmas tree this Friday night. Friends of Chubby and Ida Sasser and children are sponsoring a benefit dance for this Skokomish flood victim family. The live music dance with spaghetti dinner will be held at the community hall in Hoodsport December 19 from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. Donations are $5 per couple or $3 a single. The Sasser family lost almost all their possessions when flood waters became five feet deep inside their home, drowning their furnishings and Chubby's guitar and amplifier set. The family's rabbits and chickens also drowned and their Jersey cow has not been seen since the waters subsided. Most Valuable Player Cadet First Class Bill Peterson, son of Wade and Reita Peterson of Lilliwaup, shared with a fellow teammate the defensive most valuable player award. Bill is the goalie on the Coast Guard Academy soccer team at New London, Connecticut. He will graduate from the academy in June and will be an ensign in the U.S. Coast Guard. Christmas Vacation Hood Canal School District will dismiss for two weeks' Christmas vacation at the end of a full day of school Friday. Students will return to school January 5. Alaska Trip Oliver and Betty Gray flew to Anchorage, Alaska, December 2 for a five-day visit with his sister, Faith, husband John Spencer and children in Wasilla. The Grays experienced temperatures from 10 degrees below zero to 40 below on this, their first, trip to Alaska. A bush pilot friend gave them an aerial tour of the mow-free, frozen north. While in the air they saw a dog sled team crossing the ice and spotted one moose. Church Program Members of the Hood Canal Community Church presented a Christmas program Sunday evening. Youngsters recited poems and joined together in song. The Endicott family, consisting of Randy, Rhonda, Rick, Rob and father Dick, were accompanied by their mother Rachel in singing "Silent Night." Dick Endicott played "Star of the East" on his saxophone. Music was also provided by the church choir. A short Christmas movie was shown and candy canes were passed out to the children. Court of Honor Boy Scout Troop II of Hoodsport held a court of honor at the community hall December 15. New scouts presented with their scout badge were Joey Hoff, Eric Hoff and Tom Kenning. David Perkins and David Winget received the tenderfoot rank. First class rank was presented to Paul Hunter. Merit badges were presented to Randy Petty in swimming and public health; Lloyd Haskins in swimming and sports; Nick Earsley in swimming; Joey Hoff in home repairs; Jon Peterson in personal management; Robert Whitten in emergency preparedness, camping and sports; Jeff Butters in chemistry; and David Perkins in reading and swimming. David Winget received the citizenship skill award. Ten Boy Scouts and adult leaders Mick Simmons and Bob Aitken went on a campout last weekend that was relocated to the lower snow depths at Big Creek. The boys made camp in over a foot of snow, warming one side at a time around the camp fire after a number of snow games. Cubs to Sell Swags The Cub Scouts of Pack 11 of Hoodsport are selling $2 Christmas swags as their main income-raising activity for the year. The group made 200 evergreen swags and are selling them throughout the Hood Canal School District area. Those who would like a swag can contact one of the leaders in the area. Cubmaster is Ben Guthrie in Hoodsport. Den leaders are Shirley Smith at Potlatch, Barbara Giese at Lilliwaup, Nancy Brice at Union, and Webelos den leader Dave Mueller at Union. Pack committeeman, Mike Busacca, is in Upper Skokomish Valley. 4-H Club Meets The Hoodsport natural resource 4-H club voted at their December 15 meeting to name their club the Hoodsport High Leads. Excitement grew as the 4-H'ers anticipated the past history of the community that they will learn about firsthand from the guests they have invited to their Christmas dinner party they are having this Thursday evening. 4-H'ers prepared homemade surprise gifts for each of their guests and for senior citizens in the community who would be unable to join them at the party. Kris Kenning gave a demonstration on, "How to Make a Plant Press." Flag salutes for the meeting were led by Richard Drake and Kris Kenning. O O for the New Year's Eve dinner dance to be held at the community hall in Hoodsport from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. Music will be by Kenny Knight and his band. Noisemakers, hats and all the celebration "goodies will be passed out before the clock strikes 12. Advance tickets are on sale at Hoodsport Market, Sears Catalog Office, Harrison's Hardware or from members Betti Claar at 877-9256 and Tally Pierce at 877-5788. The dance is being sponsored by the .Hood Canal Community Auxiliary. No Pinochle Party The Lilliwaup Community Club has cancelled the pinochle party scheduled for this Friday evening. Great gift for the gun collector. Working replica kits of guns from the past. AI; black-powder, working firearm kits. CVA Kentucky Rifle Complete Small engine repair eVA Colonial Pistol 9 Marine Supply Beautiful Downtown Hoodsport from (Three models, complete kits) Custom saw sharpening 877-5244 Teacher to Move Janna Kriebs Johnsen has submitted her resignation from the Hood Canal School District staff. Janna's husband was called back to active duty with the Air Force and reports for duty in Texas January 5. Hood Canal School District is accepting applicants for this vacant fourth-fifth combination, self-contained classroom position. Superintendent John Pill stated he hopes the position may be permanently filled by the February board meeting. Board Member Resigns Warren "Red" Edinger of the Union area submitted his resignation as school board member at the December 8 meeting of the Hood Canal School Board. His resignation was effective December 9. Residents of the Union area should contact the school in writing of their interest to serve on the school board. It is hoped the vacancy can be filled by the February board meeting. Physical Fitness Program There is a free physical fitness program for women being directed by Pare Tuson at the Hood Canal School Tuesday nights from 7 until 9 p.m. Basics in Basketball Shelton High School basketball coach Terry Gregg, assisted by Donald Smith, is working with Hood Canal fourth, fifth and sixth grade boys every Monday and Thursday evening from 7 to 8 p.m. to teach them the basics of basketball. All boys in these grades are welcome to attend. New Year's Eve Dance A few tickets are still available 100 Tablets Reg. $1.33 500 mg. 100 Tablets Reg. $1.99 12 oz ~~ Liqu id Antacid Reg. Price $1.29 Now Limit one Complete Prescription Service We keep a personal prescription record for you and send a copy each year for income tax purposes. * Insurance information *Refilling of your prescription and doctor's information. (Blue Cross, Dept. of Labor & Industry, Paid Prescriptions Medicare Program, etc.) l-Pealth Aids Vitami ns Skin Care O ietetic Needs Sickroom Supplies Fourth & Railroad Open weeknlghts to 8:30 Saturday 9:30 to 6:30 Sunday, 12:O0 to 4:00 l l We have the automotive gifts for the men in your lives. li TEST EQUIPMENT * Dwell Meters * Vacuum Gauges * Timing Lights * Diagnostic Sets *. Compression Gauges ACCESSORIES * Oil & Amp Gauges * Carpets * Tachometers * Mud Flaps * Economy Gauges * Compasses * Socket Sets * Creepers * Wrench Sets * Filter Wrenches * Battery Chargers * Oil Spouts * Jumper Cables * Ramps HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS AT DISCOUNT PRICES! • • rees ru lowering We have a wide varieW of sizes and types of treesl :hest In town/ la Come in and check the rest of our low prices. Ask your neighbor; he's one of our customers! FIRST & COTA SHELTON 426-2800 Just off tho highway on Mt. Vbwat 117 E. "C" St, Thursday, December 18, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25