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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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A Christmas Message l" llIll" IllIllIIlMM l lllll ""l"IlllllllIllIIIIlIIIllllIIIIIIlI"IIm"IMI"lIlI"lIIIIIIIm By Reverend O. W. EASON Pastor, Church of God Christmas is a wonderful season, it is a very exciting time of the year. Christmas has more meaning now than when i was a boy. Then ! only looked forward to Christmas, hoping for a new toy, waiting for the family dinner when all the family got together. But it has a different meaning to me now, which goes so much deeper than gifts and big family dinners. It is a time when family and friends alike can pay tribute to Our Lord and Savior by giving of themselves to others. Because giving himself to' others was the very thing Jesus did. "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold there can~ wisemen from the east to Jerusalem." Matthew 2:1. Many times we ovedook the real meaning of all this. It was more than just a baby being born of a woman. It was God giving his son Jesus. It was Jesus giving up his glory to become a servant of man. All his life here on earth he gave himself to others, even to the point in his life when he went to the cross. By giving himself he set an example for all of us. Christ gave himself in love that we might have salvation, that the love of Christ might be in each of us that we might give our love to others. St. Paul told us in Colossions 3:16, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and FROM New Hormone Discovered C-LH I H, a newly discovered hormone that occurs in the brain, seems to inhibit the release of lutein~imj hormone from the pituitary gland. It may play an important new role in the regulation of ovulation, say scientists at University of Texas Institute for Biomedical Research, Austin. Nail's Pharmacy Emergency Ph. 426-2,65 Fifth & Franklin St.'-426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.'" Let us this season include Jesus in our celebration, by showing kindness, love and Christ to others. If we are not careful we will be found celebrating the birthday of our Lord and not even have him in our plans. If we went to a birthday party for a friend and there we sang and played games, ate, drank, having lots of fun and if this friend was home in bed asleep, I think he would be hurt by not being invited to his own party. Are we leaving Christ out of our plans for this Christmas? When we give gifts do we give them because we love, or do we give because someone gave us a gift? Our Lord gave love, he gave himself. What will we give this Christmas? Why not yourself?. why not give love to someone who needs love, to someone who is lonely without any family? on on proposes new plan e ores roa Ing Timber operators will gain flexibility in recovering the costs of national forest timber roads under legislation that has passed Congress, Congressman Don Bonker said this week. "Operating capital would otherwise continue to be tied up for considerable periods for no good reason," Bonker said. "The bill, which is identical to legislation 1 co-sponsored, will eliminate legitimate cash flow problems that have unnecessarily troubled large and small timber operators alike," he said. "It will also free operating capRal for £mancing additional timber road building and harvests." Under present law, the purchaser of a federal timber sale would apply only to road builds the necessary access roads construction credits earned after and recovers the construction the bill becomes law. costs through credits against' "Seasonal rains or snowfall, purchase payments made for the timber at the time of harvest. Those credits cannot be transferred from one timber sale to another. The bill would allow transfer, providing that both sales are within the same national forest and are bought by the same purchaser. The transfer provisions NOTICE OF HEARING EMERGENCY BUDGET EXTENSIONS WHEREAS, unanticipated expenditures have arisen in the following 1975 budgets for which there are no funds to cover; and WHEREAS, rind the judgment of the Boa of County Commissioners it is in the best interest of Mason County that provision be made for such expenditures as follows: General Administration -- Emergency Roof Repair, $5,500.00 Superior Court -- Court Reporters & Court appointed Attorney Salaries, $14,000.00 Juvenile Office -- Other Services & Charges, $937.19 Detention, $1,000.00 Prosecutor -- Maintenance & Woman Betty Joanne Lofgren, Shelton, pleaded guilty to a charge of grand larceny when she appeared in Mason County tegd Publimtions NOTICE OF FILING Franchise Application No. 333 Amendment No. 3 Mason County Public Utility District No. 1, a corporation, has filed with the Washington State Highway Commission, under the provisions of Chapter 47.44 RCW and amendments thereto, an application for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a 12.5/7.2 KV aerial power cable upon a portion of State Route No. 101, in Mason County, Washington, at the following locations: Beginning at a point opposite milepost 331.96, located in the SW~A SW~ of Section 12; Operation, $1,000.00 continuing in a southerly TOTAL, S22,437.19. direction along the easterly side THERE~,':,~IOTICE IS ,of SR 101 to a point opposite HEREBY GIVEN: That the ~milepost 332.75 located in the Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing at the hour of 11:00 A.M., Monday, December 28, 1975, in their office in the County Courthouse, to consider granting said emergency budget extensions in amount $22,437.19. Any NEV, SEW of Section 14, all in Township 22 North, Range 4 West, W.M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that this franchise application may be granted by the Washington State Highway Commission or its designee, with changes in harvesting schedules and other factors can substantially extend the time between road construction and actual harvest," Bonker said. "The bill, which has gone to the President, gives flexibility, under controlled conditions, to use that capital more effectively," he said. interested person may attend said or without hearing, in the absence Hearing, to be heard either for or of receipt by the Highway against the granting of the Commission of any written Emergency Budget Extensions. inquiries or objections within 14 DATED this 17th day of clays from this notice. December, t975. DATED at Olympia, BOARD OFCOUNTY Washington, this 12th day of COMMISSIONERS OF December, 1975. MASON COUNTY, /s/John H. Cooper WASHINGTON. John H. Cooper /s/Ruth E. Boysen Roadway Development Clerk of the Board. Engineer 12/18-25-2t 12/18-25-2t e Superior Court before Judge Frank Baker Friday morning. She was obtaining $930.62 from the Public Assistance to which she was not eligible. Information f'ded with the charge said the money was obtained between November of 1974 and March of 1975. A pro-sentence report was ordered on her before she is sentenced on the charge. Ms. Lofgren was allowed to continue on personal recognizance while the pre-sentence report is being prepared. Also appearing before Judge Baker Friday morning was Paul Moran, who told the court he had just recently obtained an attorney and asked that his case be continued. SU ~~~~N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M~H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WOMEN'S SCRATCH Hi Game: Leslee Cochran 179 Hi Series: Helen Ogden 497 Standings: Bells 197-133, Poles 179-151, Prospectors 151-179, Mules 133-197. Poles 18, Helen Ogden 497; Mules 12, Sharon Huisingh 453; Prospectors 16, Debbie states 459; Bells 14, Donna Coleman 437. WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL Women's Hi Game: Glenda Ettlin 222 Women's Hi Series: Nancy Brewer 586 Standings, First Half: Clary's 47-17, Fuller's 43-21, Certified 38-26, Bechtold's 37-27, Strike Three 35-29, Harrison's 36t/z-271/z, Brown's 34-30, Les Fields 26-38, Gee. Valley 25Vz-381/z, Emblem 23-41, Lumbermen's 21-43, Olsen's 18-46. Fuller's 3, Virginia Fuller 468; Les Fields 1, Linda Robertson 432; Brown's 3, Patty Brown 561; Harrison's 1, Betty Gray 452; Lumbermen's 4, Lilly Loitz 434; Emblem 0, Char Murr 427; Bechtold's 0, Bey Leaf 430; Certified 4, Nita Tinsley 512; Clary's 4, Nancy Brewer 586; Olsen's 0, Cindy Barnes 414; Gee. Valley 1, Pat Tinker 449; Strike Three 3, Dion Strozyk 487. WOMEN'S 12:30 Women's Hi Game: Evelyn Thompson 179 Women's Hi Series: Donna Coleman 496 Standings: Sh. Glass 31-25, Bob's Tav. 30-26, Nell's 30-26, Mason Garbage 21-35. Bob's Tav., 3, Donna Coleman 496; Nell's 1, Jeanne Diggle 451; Mason Garbage 3, Evelyn Thompson 452; Sh. Glass 1, LaVonne Castle 445. FRATERNAL Men's Hi Game: Jim Shrum 223 Men's Hi Series: Dave Knutzen 579 Standings: Bull Moose 41-19, Rotary 39-21, Fuller 37-23, West. Auto 36-24, Moose Antlers 32-28, Lions 31-29, Sh. Const. 28-32, Nimrod 28-32, Elks 27-33, Kiwanis 24-36, PUD 20-40, Moose Heads 19-41. Moose Antlers 2, Lloyd Clark 554; West. Auto 2, Roy West 549; Bull Moose 4, Dave Knutzen 579; Fuller 0, Larry Skillman 493; PUD 2, Yosh Murata 455; Nimrod 2, Rusty Pleines 577; Elks 3, Doug Shelton 541; Kiwanis 1, Dick Shrum 479; Sh. Const. 2, John Kimmel 486; Rotary 2, Bob Chamberlin 511; Lions 3, Clay Keith 525; Moose Heads 1. Ed Crossan 464. Mason County Federal Credit Union • 521 RR Ave • 426-1 We not only make your muffler right in our shop but we'll also give you a WRITTEN LIFETIME GUARANTEE on the muffler, tailpipe, exhaust pipe and labor! That's the best guarantee you'll find anywhere. You never wait for parts. Your muffler and tailpip are always in stock. All exhaust systems.., plus custom pipe bending, dual conversions and headers; Our prices are the lowest around, too! 1725 Olympic Highway S. We now carry • complete line of Superior Shock Absorbers $HELTON Phone for free your e convenience will open CALL NORM AT 426-8201 SitOP AT SEARS AND SAVE .%/l~fuctiml Guaranteed m )%.r M,mey Buck e Open 11 to 4 Open 11 to 4 Nell's Pharmacy Open from 11 am Toys & Hobbies Open 11 to 4 Open 11 to 4 Open 11 to 4 -- OPen!Oto4 _ Openl.lto4 ; i I : Donut Tree ] ou: ;,E i )ne' f )l I' Always Open Sundays ; 5a.m. tolOp.m. Open11 to4 Open?to,, .;:, i ;m| e ra nen' st-1 1¢ lar r, Open 10 fo 4:30 Open 12 to 4 Open 9 fo 6 Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 18, 1975