December 18, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 18, 1975 |
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you can get nearly 60' of
no-bank waterfront,
acres, with fruit trees,
and grapes, and a livable
home. Marvelous
too! Only $22,000.
this 2-bedroom and den
home is exceedingly
new, custom built,
all the nice extra items
Could desire. In addition to
Fine large waterfront tract in
the pretty Channel Point area.
Fine boat moorage, lovely
view, with water, power, and
underground telephone all
there. $10,000.
Nearly completed attractive
cottage on pretty Emerald
Lake. Includes new range and
refrigerator. You can finish
yourself and save. Nicely
wooded too. $16,500 --terms.
lovely rooms, a most
fireplace, the 2 baths, AT ALDERBROOK... 10 ACRES in Agate area with
it has a great laundry Lovely golf course lot at thisRURAL LIVING with all the 14x68 mobile home in excellent WATERFRONT -HOME I
, workshop, special conveniences! 3 bedrooms, 21/z condition. Separate garage. Good between Belfair and She/ton.
ip for a trailer, etc. Then, very pretty development. A baths. Recreation room with well and pump. Land is near level. 63 ft. bulkhead. Great clams.
is an electric garage door, delightful place to live- withfireplace on lower floor plus Price reduced to $21,000. Ad 2-bedroom with fireplace,
so many advantages and
pump, fine cyclone amenities. $4,500 -- terms. 2-car garage. Main floor with 409. fenced yard. $27,900. Ad429.
g, and a lovely lake view. oversized fireplace. Large living
must see to appreciate. TAKE YOUR PICK... room. Dining area opens to
h000 -- well under private deck. Almost an acre of SMALL FIXER-UPPER on 155
~t cost. You can now take your choice land in a private cul-de-sac, ft. waterfront with 9 acres.
of these lovely ~Lake Limerick $36,900. Ad 430. Pickering Pass in the Aqate area.
AND COMFY... lots - waterfront, golf course $39,500. Ad 435.
ractive and very roomy secluded, treed, etc. And, you
have tennis, golf, swimming,
Mt. View home.
=des separate dining room,
ndry, and very large
room -- just right
Range, refrigerator,
0sal and pretty carpeting
With it. Ample storage.
to find nice 5- and
tracts that are wooded,
to town, on blacktop
some secluded, and in
Ideal for building, or
-- these will grow in
Let's go look -- you have
)ick now.
boating, riding, and club
activities. Now's the time to
buy -- let's go look.
we have 2 very nice waterfront
lots here. Nicely wooded and
just right for that cottage. Take
your choice --$5,950 or
$7,000. Or, a dandy back lot
with a spring on it for $4,950.
Ideal building tract at this
lovely development. What a
view! And your water and
power already there. $6,950.
can be your permanent Nearly new 2-bedroom country
summer home because it's h o m e w i t h r a n g e a n d
love y no-bank waterfront refrigerator included. Lake
'imberlakes. It's attractive, privileges. Carpeted and cozy
3 bedrooms, beam ceilings, electric baseboard heat.
many extras. $22,500. $125/month. References.
110 Railroad 426-4447
Evenings and Sundays call:
A. ROY DUNN ................ 426-4601
DON BROWN .................. 426-6388
JIM ROUSH .................. 426-8522
LOST LAKE! 2-bedroom plus
14x20 extra building•
Heatilator fireplace that really
puts out the heat. Huge lot,
almost an acre. Room
garden. Walk to beach and
swimming. Fun living at a fun
price. $18,500. Ad 386.
4-BEDROOM with over 2,400
sq. ft. of living. 2 baths, 2
fireplaces• Large 27x43 rumpus
room with wet bar. Beat the
high cost of going out for
entertainment. Stay home and
have more fun! $38,000. Ad
LAKE CUSHMAN, 2-bedroom
mobile with additional living
room and dining room
permanently built on. Franklin
fireplace. Large workshop plus 2
carports. Beautifully landscaped.
3 driveways on 1/3 acre lot.
$14,900. Ad 434.
Executive home on 3 acres in
the Arcadia area. Unique floor
plan. Easy traffic pattdrn with
large rooms. 3 bedrooms, plus
family room. Even a special
den for office or hobbies. Huge
master bedroom wtih Jacuzzi
jets built into the tub in the
private bath. Low maintenance
vinyl siding. Truly a "one of a
kind." $55,000. Ad 403.
NEW LISTING! Mini-estate,
3-bedroom plus huge rumpus
room. 2 fireplaces. Extra room on I
lower floor• Could be separate
apartment. Separate garage. Extra
building for shop or additional
boat storage. Plus an authentic
barn complete with hayloft and
red and white paint job. 4 extra
building lots or keep as your own I
estate. $47,500. Ad 437.
Mt• View area. Just listed!|
3-bedroom home under 4 years
old, with family room.
Forced-air heat. Why pay rent
when you can own with easy
payments? $20,950. Ad 421.
2201 Olympic
Highway N.
THAN $50 total annual oil bill!! That's what the man says
heats the house with his fireplace). It's a solid 3-bedroom
home with a fine oil furnace (which is seldom used) for
$18,500. It's pretty neat!
JNTRY LIVING close to saltwater access. It's a newly rebuilt
home with a big roomy family kitchen. There is as
as one acre for $17,950 or the house and 11 acres for
It has a new drilled well, too!
AN OFFER! The owner of this roomy 3-bedroom
Urban home is not living in it and it needs a nice family. The
is $22,900 which is an actual appraisal. The problem is only
stands empty until someone offers to make it their home.
Sure would like you to see it!
MEW HOME! Perhaps you can start 1976 by moving out of the
and into this new 3-bedroom that features a room just off the
that could be used as an office, study, sewing room or even
bedroom. Top quality construction at below appraisal price
$33,500. Would you trade yours?
in this property, 2 on the highway and 2 across the alley,
Older home which is rented for additional income. This
is priced right; so if it's a business location you need,
talk to us.
TREES & PRIVACY on approximately 500 feet of good
road frontage, a total of 13-plus acres in all. We have
priced at $8,750, and the back parcel at $7,700.
owner will handle his own contract.
FERFRONT• If you have looked and looked for a piece of
nice salt-waterfront we have 2 now available. Both lots
4-bedroom older home,
Angleside area. Big fireplace,
near-new carpets. 1% baths.
Approximately 1700 sq. ft. of
living. Separate garage, large
lot. $24,000. Ad 439
home with over 1800 sq. ft. 3
bedrooms, 2 baths, wall-to-wall
carpets. Electric forced-air heat
plus fireplace. Pumphouse and
storage, all on 2Vz acres of
fertile valley land. $47,500. Ad
Shelton Health Spa. Huge
cove~ed 38x60 ft. heated and
filtered pool. Excellent
location, good potential.
Additional structure needs
repair. Priced to sell. $35,000.
Ad 442.
3-bedroom home less than 4
years old. Lots of extras added.
Huge deck. Extra fencing.
Garage could convert to family
room. All on a super-large lot.
Room for boats, campers, etc.
$25,950. Ad 422.
Mel Jarstad ....... 898-2287
Bud Wascher ...... 877-5476
Bob Fridell ....... 275-3131
Sandy SanClement . 898-2426
Jim Flood ........ 275-3383
Grace Kent ....... 426-1932 H IGHWAY 101 frontage,
north of Hoodsport. Unique
HOODSPORT. Like your Darlene Sargent .... 275-2158 rambler. 2 large bedrooms,
privacv~ 3-bedroom nestled Gee. Moore ....... 426-6417 den, family room with 13/4
down "in the woods on 1% Vern Olson ....... 426-5847 baths. Even has a workshop,
acres. Large living room. 1 Jack Howard ...... 426-2007 109x152 lot. Garden area and
bedroom down, 2 up. All Reita Peterson ..... 877-5855 s m o k eh ou se. T ru ly a
freshly decorated. Between the Arline Baker ...... 877-9703 family-oriented home. 4-car
Canal and Lake Cushman. Just Call evenings & weekends carport for boats, trailers, etc.
listed. $17,500. Ad 388. 3 offices to serve you! $42,500. Ad 399.
-- happy owners/
In the late 1960's the "back to the land" movement became a
virtual explosion as thousands of young people decided that life
in the country was far better than city living. During this exodus
to America's rural areas there were hundreds of books, catalogs
and magazine articles that either told new settlers how to manage
io~ the country or documented their efforts at changing their way
life. A lot of the hullaballoo behind the "back to the land"
movement has since died down and the flow of people to the
countryside seems to have slowed.
The reason for this change is very simple, one that almost
anyone living on a Mason County farm knows. Although country
living is quiet and peaceful, it also involves an awful lot of hard
work. And, even though it can be more satisfying than city living,
the responsibilities of maintaining crops and livestock are major
Because we deal extensively in acreage, we at Shelton Land &
Homes have met a great many of the young people who were
anxious to settle in the country. However, over the last few years
we've noticed a change in the young people who come to us for
Mike and Julia Frick are good examples of the young people
we meet today. They have recently moved here from
Bloomington, Indiana and are looking forward to living in Mason
County's beautiful countryside. Their move, however, has been
carefully planned and, as they told Doug Tingvall when he helped
them find the right acreage, they plan to do things in stages.
Mike is self-employed and Julia works at St. Peter Hospital in
Olympia and their first order of business is to build a good, solid
cabin on their new land. Once that is finished they will start
developing agarden area and space for livestock.
Mike and Julia are aware of the hard work and careful
thought that are necessary to make a major move. This careful
planning should help them to be successful where many others
have been disappointed.
& Homes B
422 North First 426-5555
As the Christmas Season comes up, it would be well for all of us
to reflect over the past years and see if any of us can say that we
did everything in Love. Read l Corinthians 13.
This holiday is celebrated by Christians all over the world to
honor Him who is the true expression of Love. Yes, Christ died
on the cross so that all that acknowledge HIM as their personal
saviour might be forgiven of their sins. This does not mean that
Christians are perfect - just saved! However, it puts real meaning
in, "PEACE ON EARTH!" A Peace that passeth all
Purdy Realty
P.O. Box 401
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Just 8 miles from Shelton at
Rustlewood, new 2-bedroom
home with fireplace and large
wooded lot, access to private
beach with boat ramp, right in
the heart of fishing. Asking
$24,500 with financing
available. Contact us.
Bremerton Commuter
3-bedroom home in Allyn,
completely remodeled, new
roof, painted in and out, rugs,
cabinets, wiring and plumbing.
Excellent view of Case Inlet,
room for garden, near shopping
center. Must see to appreciate.
Asking $25,950 with financing
available. Contact us.
Call Julius Stock 857-2121
evenings 426-6911
For Sale By Owner
2-year-old 3-bedroom split
entry home. Rec room, 2
baths, 2 fireplaces, double-car
garage. Owner moving.
Sacrifice price at $32,950
Phone 426-4819
CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy,
accurate precision grindi99". Now
at Saeger Motor Shop, Hdlcrest."
Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn
Licensed - Bonded
Remodeling and new.
No job too small.
Call for free estimate.
426-4227 trn
Ammons Se
Tank Installations
Ditch digging, light
clearing, rock bulkheads
10/30 tfn
Tree Service
Tree Removal
View Clearing
Brush Chipping
, Fully Insured
Phone 426-2064
Shelton, Washington
Real Estate Wonted
~Ni-t~L--P--A--Y--cash for a
two-bedroom home in the $8,000
range• Mail particulars to Box 10,
c/o Journal. HT/3tfn
WE BUY and sell equities or
contracts. We trade or exchange
:400' with low bank. Property covered with exceptionally tall homes, farms, waterfront or
acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr.
rees. Tidelands are included with these properties• Terms, you r~EAL~©R ® RF~LTY ~EALTOR ® Mitchell for quotes, bids or
P.O. BOX "Y" P.O• BOX 27 Rt• t, Box 3S~
Shelton Hoodsport Union further information. Have buyers
FIAVE JUST LISTED a smaller piece of acreag.e on the Deer Kneeland Center Hwy. 101 Near the Park for 2 and 3 bedroom homes.
~k Lnnn Road An older home has recently ourned there Mason County Realty, 8th &
!ng an-i~deal building location with a half .interest in a we.: 426-5521 877-5236 275-2826 CALL "THE ACTION OFFICE" 426-1141 Railroad, 426-4486• 8/12tfn ,
=c svstem, etc Property is cleared with scatterea Shade trees ~ .....
this'and fine creek front'age, too, for $8,200. " , Cor. 1st & Cedar (Opposite Dairy Queen) Shelton PR I VATE I NVESTOR wants
timberland. Fast action. Write
~RE TRACTS We have six nice 5-acre tracts all surveyed and ~----~-~-=~-~-~-~--- -~-~-~-----~-=-~-=-----~---=-=:Box 15, c/o ShelteR-Mason
~:orners staked', just waiting for people who want to get away _v_ _ _ _ - ~-_~-_- ~ - _ _ _ .,~- ~ -~ ~- -~- - - - 7_._-~_ County Journal. 11/13-1/1
it all Lots of trees, privacy and a creek through these
~erties and only 6 miles from town. P'rices start at $4,950 for Real For Rent for Rent SOUND 2-bedroom house with
For Rent .~ ~rvices garage and workshop, garden, or
I terms available. ~ ~'------------"-------------------------------- -~--------~--'------------'-" what have you for reasonable
rS /r~T~ ¢ /~TS We now have available a number of back price? Good down payment for
......... Mason Lake, for your summer fun. Also some in town and WALKING DISTANCE to town, APARTMENT FURNISHED. FURNISHED APARTMENTS• 1-,
2-bedroom., fourplex. Older mature couple or single 2- and 3-bedroom, no pets, I One and Two Bedroom I CUSTOM PICTURE framing --
in the country and at Westport. So if you need a building
,Or mobile home-ite, give us a call. Carpets a.n.a.orapes, utility room. preferred. No pets. 426-5202. reasonable rent. Edgewood, IApartments, with carpet, drapes I beautiful assortment to meet all Journal. 12/4-1/1
colorecl Kitcnen app.liances. Free E10/30tfn. 426-4364. Highway 101 past I & appliances, no pets.I bu cl ge~s, made to your
/Pro ert I Call for free ap ralsal TV caDle and garbage service. ___i~_ airport. E6/26ffn I | specifications• Shelter Furniture
ults only, no et
We need Residentia P Y. P " • Ad 426-- P s. $145 4-BEDROOM home with
"PERSONALIZED SERVICE" monthly. -6251. M12/11tfn fireplace. 1-, 2-, 3-bedroom MOBILE SPACE available. Quiet, Jefferson s.
~---- houses, furnished. Apartments- secluded, laundry. Walk to twon. CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Free
on't see what you need~
Check in if you d . SMALL 1-bedroomapartment, all trailer spaces. 426-4420. Ca11426-3242. Bg/5tfn .................... t rice
utilities Turn,shed, private W12/4tfn I ~=~a/=~ ..... ¢, I estimates, P" -up and delivery. ~iie H(~lles
426-5559 ,, = I Lewes p S anywhere;
entrance, urnonth. Inquire2nd MR. AND Mrs. Landlord. Mason | Mgr. Apt. 2or '1 "compare," satisfaction
Dick Knauf Gerhard Skip Ness and L~rove, 5helton Hotel COMPLETELY FURNISHED County Realty has complete ! 426-1916 "7 I guaranteed. Call collect482-3878.
• " '" ~/t]fSn1~4~DMc12/1118 "dr~Cpb!i !!R~!~~ rental management service. We t /12tfn | T12/4.2/5 CASH FOR your mobile home,
provide all the forms, show the paid for or not. Olympia Mobile
McKesson Merge Denny Bill Jackson property, check credit and PRESERVE THOSE precious old Homes, 3813 Pacific, Lecey.
references, collect the rent and photograPhS with fine art copies. 456-8890• O11/14tfn
~ : deposit to your account. Call
"Milch" at 426-4486 for further ~ .................. Twenty-five years experience.
• ~,~v- ........ ~, L'meric area $115 month, details -- we take care of the .................. Dean's Studio. 3/7tfn 1969 12x60 mobile home with
nE UXE DUP Mason Count Realt 426-4486 Nahwatzel beach access. $10,500.
~-_~_-~-_-~-_=~- ~---~- - - .__L , LEX -- You can ......... ,,~ Y, . headaches. M5/8tfn ___ CONCRETE FINISHING. Patios, 80x92 lot. Nice garden area. Lake
r IVI.L JLI~-I 1,~110
rent .a duplex unit with " --=-------~-- ---------------- sidewalks, driveways, concrete 426.8323. LgDr~tft
For Rent For Rent master bedroom nlus 2nd ~~_ ...................... ~o=,-?,n Ktn/gffn
bedroom, Walk-in size ~:loset with r~t~c. ,-beDroom rurnisneo MT. VIEW t AUTO pAIMTII~IP. ....... ~.l~. repairs. Small jobs welcome.
I P es. Also traders, etc. All work
=~'~'~'~'==~- -~----~---~-- light. .Fully carpeted, olus drapes apartment downtown, $115 ric .... " ..........
/I furnished house. Inquire THREE-ROOM furnished Family kitchen t~a~s wads of month. Adults. Phone 426-6629. I uaranteed Phone 426-4322. . 1 5 minutes from Shelton,
~202 Cote St" R7/20tfn A-1 BOOKKEEPING Service -- beautiful Hood Canal, $45
:aStreet Phone426-6663. apartment for rent downtown, counters and cupboards, DlO/30tfn
fin" Mature person preferred. No pets. dishwasher, raRes and 2.door ~ I ~pj...~.~,,df ~.~11~/~ I ............. ' ..... ledgers, payrolls, taxes. Your monthly including water, garbage.
refrigerator. 0'tilitv space, ALDERBROOK GOLF (SlUD, I ~~ I BING'S PLLIMRINP. =n,~ n=n=ir place of business or mine. Phone 1-898-2163• R10/9ffn
',C)OM~mobile home. Call 426-2838C12/18.1/8 or 1017 Franklin. attached carportandto'olstorage.3-bedroom, $175. Call Seattle Cal1426-53-9-7~'B1"/4~fn ...... ~" .... 491-9263. Wll/13tfn
955 after 6 p.m. ~ Glass sliderstopatio Call Mason CH2-3692. C12/11-18 T-'-R~~-C-I~-ES~aI~
County Realty, "426-4486. ~ HORSESHOEING -- Jim ~ Trailer wiring. Sway control,
1/8 2-BEDROOM unfurnished M12/11-1/1 FOR RENT. Trailer space close Brummitt. Phone 866-1646. GUNSMITH jacks, brakes• The Hitch Shop,
~~-- downtown. References deposit. J I
~W--2-bedroom 4-plex $120 monthly. 426-4702. ---------------------- to downtown. Call .426-4426. 2 Bedroom--Unfurnished B4/10tfn 4814 Lacey Blvd. 491-6150.
H a n ge, refrigerator, Oll/20tfn COUNTRY LIVING -- Deluxe 10/8tfn • Repairing Modern and Antiques
ler and disposal included. -- .... . . . ~ new sixplex 2 bedrooms, ~'~---~'-~- .... I Available NOW-- No Pets I ~ •PreclstonScope&SightMounting H1]/28tfn
t..~u~ U~.r~ ror your allgauges. LARGE STOCK of used mobile
or your car and storage.FOR. RI-N~ 7 Waterrront ne~ carportS,arden fireplacel , annliances and,.,. 2-BEDROOM home on Mason I CONTACT MANAGER I ..... HED R ..... . Shotgun Choke Alterations,
nd garbage pa d Fully bnelton, z-oeoroom, carPe, g d O" p ots. Between Shelton Lake, furnished, plus freezer, driveway or the permanent • Shooting Supplies homes from $2,495, easy terms.
1 3 i so,ut,on concrete pav,ng .. .... . .:...~ O,ymp,a Mob,e .Dines 3813
and drapes Call" Mason appliances. No children. $225 an _ lympia on Hurley-Waldrep $180 per month. 1 year lease 426- 100 tfn ~'~rayst°ne" - phone "^~zo-~.:144 ..... =.u..w...~. vo.w.u Pacific, Lacey. 456-8890.
Realty "426-4486 month, $75 deposit. 537-1955. M10/9tfn F12/11-1/1 Oll/14tfn
f1 ' " T11/13ffn HeaD. 426-4226 after 4:30 p.m. preferred. 426-5797 or 426-4934. G12/7tfn " Route 2. Box 7S5 Phone 42~-250t
Thursday, December ]8, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29