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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~.~-. ~A ~....~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~~. ~--v~" "~- -~w" ~ ~ ~ ..~ ~~~ A_ ~~~ ~ . " ~" ~- -~- -~" "~ ~..~v~ ~~v~ ~-~. __~. _~A- ~~_~~-- ~ ~ - • Week Wanted Cards of 11ranks Legal Publkations Legal Publkations Legal Publimtions Legal Publkations Legal Publkations Legal H O U S E C L E A N I N G , May we extend to our many SUMMONS BY NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S T Ember Company, Seattle, of bids should be EXPERIENCED, hard-working f riends and neighbors and PUBLICATION F O R S A L E, O L Y M P IC Sealed bids will be received at SALE OF REAL ESTATE Washington, December 30, 1975. the District Ran( and reliable. 4 hours minimum, especially to the volunteers of the NO. 12554 NATIONAL FOREST, SKOK 75, the Office of the Board of County STATE OF WASHINGTON, The minimum acceptable bid per R a n ge r S ta t ior $3 per hour. 426-9039. Hoodsport Fire Department for IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF X8 (4607) SALE, located within Commissioners in the Courthouse COUNTY OF MASON, ss. M board feet is: Douglas-fir, Washington, or the $12/11-1/1 their capable assistance at theTHE STATE OF WASHINGTON T. 22N., R. 5&6W., and T. 23N.,at Shelton, Washington, until SHERIFF'S OFFICE $29.78; western hemlock and Supervisor, Federal Bn LICENSED CHILD car~~ time of my husband Art's death,FOR MASON COUNTY R. 5&6W., W.M., partially 11:00 A.M, January 5, 1976, for BY VIRTUE OF ORDER OF other coniferous species, $2.00; Olympia, Washington. and our deep thanks for the DOROTHY L. COOK, surveyed. Public notice is hereby furnishing the County with oneSALE issued out of the Pacific silver fir, $2.00. The bid November 21, 1975, Wyl wetcome. Hot lunch. Right off flowers and sympathies given usExecutrix of the estate of Gordon given that pursuant to the (1) 1975 or 19764-door or Honorable Court of the State ofrateswill be subject to adjustment Maule, Forest Supel freeway, Fredson Road. Call during our bereavement. S. Peterson, deceased, Plaintiff, provisions of Section 5 of Public 2-door medium sized car, to beWashington for King County, on during the period of sale as Olympic National Forest.. 426-5436. M12/11-1/1 Doris Christlansen vs. ROBERT D. SCOTT and Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. delivered within 30 to 60 daysthe 5th day of November, 1975, provided by the quarterly 11/27-12/4-11' Rolf Christiansen CLARA K. SCOTT, his wife, and 132-16, U.S.C. 583-583i, Sup. 4) after award, by the Clerk Thereof, in the case adjustment provisions of the ~~ Joy & Mike ShefflerC12/18 ROBERT LENNING, Defendants. and the Cooperative Agreement Specifications and proposalof Carrene Mien Louden, timber sale contract. The road block from Mt. View School. T H E S T A T E O F for the Management of the forms are available at the Petitioner vs William Wayne amortization allowance on this Regional Planning Office. Louden, Respondent No. sale is $0.00 per M board feet forNOTICETn rDcr~,.r,~i Need steady job days or nights. WASHINGTON TO: ROBERT Participating Forest Properties inMason County reserves the D-72346 and to me, as Sheriff, all above species." Add0tional" IN PROBATEV ..r.~.=.,.NO 4~ BDrop'ins12/11-1/1 welcome. 426-5840. ~-__-_____._.~___--~A LENNING.y O U A R E H E R E B YSustainedthe She/tOnyield UnitC°°peratiVeentered into right to reject any and all bids, or, directed and delivered: deposits required for slash P. iipl~l~ hi'tO r~-~'~]o~ • " .~v L-I~ %.t./un SUMMONED to appear within by and between the United States to accept only those bids deemed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN d0sposal 0s $2.04 per M board feet uuAc~,,.,~-~, ...... ~ LICENSED BABYSITTER, loves ~1~ P~ sixty days after the date of the of America and the Simpson most advantageous to the County. that I will proceed to sell at for all above species. In addition -.~,&.---, ....... , ,-,Ju,~-, first publlcation of this summons, Timber Company, dated DATED this 9th day of public auction to the highest there is within the sale area an ,.,r~o.u.,~.. .... . -....c~ children, in her home, very dose ~-~-v-------------------------------..-~- to-wit, within sixty days after the December 12, 1946, an estimatedDecember, 1975. bidder for cash, within the hours• • in me Matte. or ~.= .. estimated 317 acres of all spec0es .......... to Bordeaux. Phone 426-38]4. 18th day of December, 1975, and23,200 M board feet of timber BOARD OF COUNTY prescribed by law for Sheriff'slogs subject to Per-acre priclne I~.~.IH.b_HINE L. ABU A11/6tfn NOTICE TO CREDITORS defend the above entitled action marked or otherwise designated COMMISSIONERS OF Sales, to-wit, ten o clock A.M. on which will be paid for at $22(~DeceaseD. .~ No. 4674 in the above entitled court, and for cutting will be sold to MASON COUNTY, the 26th day of December, 1975,per acre. All of the Alaska yellow _r~otice is g.iven ¢n~ -~--__-_-_-~_-_--__-_-_-_-_: THE SUPERIOR COURT OF answer the complaint of the Simpson Timber Company, WASHINGTON before the courthouse door of cedar determined pursue;It to uno.erslgneo nas.oeen ap~ public hearings to be surplus to ancl nas .quallTle.o ~..1~= plaintiff and serve a copy of your Seattle, Washington, December By Ruth E. Boysen Mason County, Fourth Street _..^.~ ^~ .4^.~..-+.- ..... reoresenta~0ve OT mis ~Law, WASHINGTON FOR MASON answer upon the undersigned 30, 1975. The minimum COUNTY Auditor & Clerk entrance, at Shelton, in the State .==u~ v. ~v,,,~.L. u~ers anu '~r-- h- -.... .,_-_ __.=~ IN THE MATTER OF THE attorneys for plaintiff, at their acceptable bid per M board feet of the Board of Washington, all of the right, processors and Included Timber ~ son ,.,avl,,~. a ,.,o0,,, ~j=.,,: office below stated, and in case of is: Douglas-fir, $60.94; western /s/June Rodgers, Dep. title and interest of said Petitioner n o t m e e t i n g U t i I i z a t ion .a.eceoent must serve the cla! ESTATE OF KENNETH BUD your failure so to do, judgmenthemlock and other coniferous 12/11-18-2t in and to the following described Standards, is exempted from tne u no.ersigne.o, per=~ PART OR full-time job, earn MOORE, Deceased. extra money, Park Lane Jewelry.The undersigned Is the will be rendered against you species, $5.94. The road ~ property situated in Mason Timber Export and Substitution represen~.uve or on tneat~u County, State of Washington, that violations of the Timber oelow and must file an exm No experience needed. Call appointed and qualified Personal according to the demand of the amortization allowance on this NOTICE TO CREDITORS to-wit: Restrictions. Bidders are advised or. recorD, at the address t Representative of said estate,complaint, which has been filedsale is $34.53 per M board feet NO. 4680 Lot 23, Tract 3, of Benson Export and Substitution copy. of, with between 5 p.m.-7 p.m., 426-4944. Persons having claims against the with the clerk of said court, for all above species, and may be THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Lake Plat, according to records of Restrictions constitute breach of o~. mecour~, w0th0n tour m O12/18-25 The object of the above adjusted pursuant to the terms of WASHINGTON FOR MASON Mason County, Washington, --'-+'-c* -nd m .......... a ter uecemDer 4, 1975, tM deceased must serve the claim on entitled action is to quiet title in the timber sale contract. COUNTY levied on as the property of said contract *cancellationy, ref~u~al to °Lttchee firrStw~b/ic~oP WANTED -- PAPER person, the undersigned, or the attorney the plaintiffs to the real estate in Additional deposit required for IN THE MATTER OF THE Petitioner heretofore named, to award other timber sales to the ° ......... I Seattle Times, Anglesidearea. Call of record, at the address stated Mason County, described as slash disposal is $7.38 per M ESTATE OF DELBERT J. satisfy a judgment amounting toviolator, and/or debarment or aT ter. uecemDer~, t~/~, in= 426-1098 after 5. H12/18-1/8 below and must file an executed follows: board feet for all above species. In HOLLEY, Deceased. Six Thousand Four Hundred suspension from bidding on OT T.II.m.g or. a, copy. copy of the claim with the Clerk Tracts 39, 40 and 41, Block2, addition there is within the sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Sixty Eight and 50/100 future timber sales. If requested notice wlmmeclerKot the1 MAINTENANCE MAN, Pioneer of the Court within four months Allyn Beach Tracts, and Tract 7, area an estimated 421 acres of all that the undersigned has been ($6,468.50) Dollars, attorney'sbv the State of Washinetnn nr hv wnlcnever is the later, ¢ School. Apply at school office or after the date of first publication phone 426-8291.P12/18 of this notice or within four Block 1, Allyn Beach Tracts, species logs subject to per-acre appointed and has qualified as fees of --, the cost of suit and Grays- Harbor or Mason~--'"C-nHnti=-~"""" claim" will" be barred, exceptl months after the date of the filing according to the recorded plat pricing which will be paid for at personal representative of thisinterest, plus Sheriff's fees, in or b'v anv oerson d~n~d';~'h'~,,"~ those provisions included in of a copy of this notice or the thereof in the office of the Mason $27.55 per acre. All of the Alaska estate. Persons having claims favor of respondents). ° a reaso'na" ble inte-res'"t- in"t'lle 11.40..011. ......... .~ JOB OPPORTUNITY -- Building claim will be barred, except under County Auditor, Volume 3 of yellow cedar determined pursuant against the deceased are required DATED this 13th day or r'onosed sale or in ;+~ + ..... /s/r-P