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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 18, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 18, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ROAD BUILDING LAND CLEARING SEAWALLS EARTH WORK CONCRETE WORK GORST 373-1514 "DELIVERY BY CANAL BLUE TRUCKS" • For Chevron Heating Fuel • Modern Heating Equipment • Complete Housewarming Service Our accounts Payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair Service Fuel Co., Inc. 1318 PARK AVE. BREMERTON 479-2772 I SHOP TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE 275.2861 Allyn & Belfair 426-1731 Shelton ChristmaSat WGEC, EN the • Arts. Crafts• Boo:px'-''M-jg (~ • Plants • Antiques 20% OFF on Handcraft Rings Hours Dec. 5 thru Dec. 23 Tues. -- Fri. 1 ] a.m. to 8 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. S. Shore of Hood Canal in Robin Hood Vllllge Mercury Sales & Service • We Winterize Bank Terms GLAS-PLY BOATS 16' to 28' LIFETIME WARRANTY • Boat Storage 275-2297 at -¥ Nodh Shore Garage - GENERAL AUTO REPAIR - SPECIALIZING IN: • Automatic transmissions • Exhaust systems 275-2128 W mile W. of Belfair State Park By CASEY CAUGHIE BASKETBALL North Mason travelled south and was stopped short by Tacoma Baptist 56-44, on Dec. 9th. The Bulldogs held themselves up against the tough Class B power through the first half and then found themselves beaten by their own errors in the last. "The turnovers hurt us," commented NM coach Lance Thurston. "They full-court pressed us and we were handling it the first half, but it took its toll in the third quarter. We apparently got tired." At halftime Tacoma Baptist held a three point 27-24 lead but picked up a 20-point margin by the end of the third quarter. The fourth period North Mason began to close the gap as Tacoma Baptist coasted to a solid victory. Ron Burrows led North Mason in points slating 10 while Rich Drysdale hit 13 to lead Baptist. 158-- Gene Huguenin (NM) pinned Dave Gunn, 1:33. 168 -- Steve Aalvik (B) dec. Casey Caughie, 8-4; 178 -- Dave Smith (NM) dec. Chris Perlatti; 4-2; 190 -- Ken Weatherill (NM) won bv forfeit. Unlimited -- Darwin Floyd (NM) won by forfeit. Jayvee: Bainbridge 28, No. Mason 18 135 -- Pat Crowe (NM) ahead 17-14 when he pinned his man; other North Mason pins -- McEIhenny (158) junior, third-round pin; Jack Cook (168) -- second-round pin. On Dec. l l North Kitsap squeezed out a two-point victory against North Mason matmen, 27-25, at Poulsbo. "It was won of those barnburners," commented NM wrestling coach Ed Amick. NK coach Bob Henderson was pleased with the victory. "It's a fine rivalry that we have going. They beat us last year by about the same score in Belfair. They By DOROTHY TOBEY and ANN WESTBERG Last Thursday evening Boy Scout Troop 116 held its court of honor at which time each scout earned an award by contributing a cake which they had baked and decorated. The cakes were judged and first place winner was Jim Petraitis. Second place went to Roger Ewart and third to Ronnie Dunham. After the awards the cakes were auctioned off. Keith Smith and Roger Ewart were advanced to Star Scouts and their new scoutmaster is Darrell Estep of Rustlewood. The Ed Montoya family have moved into their new home at Orchard Beach. Mark and Greg are attending Grapeview School while Eddie goes to Shelton Middle School. The Montoyas were former residents of Stretch Island. Louise Ewart has just returned from Pocatello, Idaho, where she attended the graduation exercises at Idaho State University. Her son Dan was relatives lately. First, Jack's son, Chris, came from Fairfield, Calif., to spend a month with the folks; then son Paul and wife Anne with daughter Tanya came from Sacramento, Calif. to spend a week. Last weekend topped it off when Joyce's daughter Diane and her husband, Wally Mason, and daughter Michelle arrived form Corvallis, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Odd Wold of Seattle (Wally's grandparents) and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davies also of Seattle (Diane's grandparents) came over for a reunion with the family. Gary Smith and wife Kathy of Tacoma came on Sunday to spend the day and visit. Bryan Rauschert has arrived home from a flying trip to West Virginia where he went to spend Thanksgiving with his daughter, Margy, who teaches in a college back there. NM 14 10 6 14--44 Baptist 12 1523 6--56 have a fine team but our kids one of the graduates. He received board of directors for Discovery North Mason -- m Zech 2, came through for us." a commission from the U.S. Army Club representative. Mark Duncan 6, Bud McKay 6, Bulldogs' John Mayer came along with his diploma. For the next two issues of the Dave Buxton 1, Ran Burrows 10,through on the night's feature Spending a few days visiting Herald, deadlines will be at noon GASOLINE STOLEN Bruce Medeiros 6, Dave Hope 2, Mitch Halley, Dan Washburn 5, match at 158 as he defeated the ,Richard Field family wasFriday the week before the paperAbout 80 gallons of gasoline Ron Battles, Tim Reid, Jim Steve Bothum, the Vikings Otto s father, Maurice Field of comes o ut. Because both were reported stolen from a barrel Enochs, Todd Hague 6. reigning district champion, 7-3. Alaska. He had been working on Christmas and New Year's fall on at a residence in the Grapeview Ta coma Baptist -- Tim "Mayer really looked good," the North Slope but due to the 40 Thursdays, the paper will Come area, according to a complaint Cheslick 8, Craig Iraley 10, Rich Drysdale 13, Jim Hunter 5, said Amick. "So did Eric Hurd below zero weather up there the out a day early each week, with received Dec. 6 in the sheriff's Randy Smith 2, Nat Tucker Dan (129) and James Van Horn work was shut down temporarily, the Herald being put to bed on office. Birkey 6, Mike Sperling' 12, (148)." Visiting with Bill Sund last Mondays instead of Tuesday. Myron Seick, Randy Foss. Thursday was Mrs Kurt FG Shooting Percentages- North Mason .246 (14-57), No. Kitsap 27, No. Mason 25 Bergstrom and Mrs. Gene Holen DOG FOUND Tacoma Baptist .363 (23-65), FT 101 -- Mike Watte (NK) of Tacoma. Old "Bill" is still Shooting Percentages -- North pinned Bruce Johnson, 3:15. 108 perking along! A male collie pup was Mason .640 (16-25), Tacoma -- Dean Fraser (NK) dec. Len Beachcomber's Garden Club reported found south of Allyn Baptist .588 (10-17). Rebounds-- Datus, 7-2. 115 -- Dave Henden North Mason 46, Tacoma Baptist (NK) tied Jeff Hannan, 4-4. 122 met last Thursday for its Dec. l 1. 42. Turnovers -- North Mason 34, -- Loren Chilton )NM) dec. Brian Christmas party at the home of Tacoma Baptist 15. Fouls -- Fisher, 5-3. Vetsa Reynolds at Rocky Bay. A North Mason 21, Tacoma Baptist129 -- Eric Hurd (NM) dec. 25. Fouled Out --Zech, Duncan, Craig Lindblad, 9-6. 135 -- Rod North Mason. Officials--Jones Stevens (NM) dec. John O eole. Westerlund, 8-6. 141 -- Mark Moore (NK) dec. Jim Lane, 12-0. Junior Varisty 148 -- Dan McKeel (NK) tied North Mason (53) -- Bill Van James VanHorn, 3-3. Buskirk 6, Mark Thomas 4, 158 -- John Mayer (NM) dec. Dennis Lund 4, John Burrell 11,Steve Bothum, 7-3. 168 --John Joe Roche 10, Terry Barrow 8, Briggs *NK) dec. Jack Cook, 5-1. Mike Zech 6, Steve Zech 2, Dave178 -- Dave Smith (NM) dec. J. Lund 2, Jim Sullivan, Steve D. Whisnant, 8-3. 190 -- Carl Johansen, John James. Tacoma Baptist (75)-- Dave Sperling 9, Doug Bond 8, Don Hunter 4, Randy Foss 14, Dexter By PAT JOHNSON On Dec. 19 from 6 to 6:30 p.m., the Blue Bird, Adventure and Horizon Club girls and parents will sing Christmas carols in the Belfair Shopping Center. Following the arrival of Santa, the girls and families will have more caroling and dessert at the elementary gym where they will see a short film on Camp Newana. Gift certificates in any amount and stamp books are available to parents, grandparents or friends as presents for the girls. They can be used towards summer camp attendance. Discovery Club: The Discovery Club girls have been working on their individual patch honors and have been making puppets in preparation for a puppet show. In November the club spent a rainy fun weekend at the beach cooking out and exploring. Newly elected officers are: Linda Wilkins, president; Sue Carlson, vice-president; Terri Harmon, treasurer; Linda Gifford, secretary; Sue Gifford, county Zoda 12, Keith Nottage 17, Dan Rodlott 2, Bob Pine 6, Bruce Banfield 1, Mike Apelund 2. WRESTLING Bulldog grapplers held Bainbridge to 15 points while NM ran up a victorious 50 points on Dec. 8. Despite the great loss, Spartan coach Bruce Claiborne was pleased. "Our kids are young and I think we're wrestling pretty good at this point." Claiborne continued, "North Mason has a good team" Claiborne spoke highly of Mike Oakley (108), Steve Aalvik (168) and Rick Bentley (148). All won by decisions. "We thought it would be closer since we forfeited at 129, said Bulldog coach Ed Amick, "but we had some pleasant surprises." Amick spoke well of the efforts of Huguenin (158), Jim Lane (141) and freshman Jim Marks (115). North Mason 50, Bainbridge ! 5 Prindle (NKI dec. J. D. Whisnant, 8-3. 190- Carl Prindle (NK) pinned Jeff Logan, 5:42. Unlimited -- Guy Patrick (NM) won by forfeit. Jayvee: No. Kitsap 28, No Mason 18 101 -- Bruce Johnson (NM) pinned Chris Rothert, 2:44; 108 -- Mike Callaghan (NM) won by forfeit; 115 --Jim Marks (NM) . ,% ~ pinned Brian Bentley, 1:41; 122 "Tv/--~,,' .,'~ . ¢~ -- Mike Oakley (B) dec. Loren '~)~ -- ~q Chilton, 10-6; 129 -- Steve Oakley (B) won by forfeit. dec. Gary Beemer, 13-0; 141 -- .%~,"- ,,~Y~ ~: ~" : 135-- Ran LaBerge (NM) Jim Lane (NM) won by default V / ~" over Bob Callaghan; 148 -- Rick Bentley (B) dec Clay Casta, 2-1; @g; f lg 1 Sunday Services ~ ~ [ 8:30 a.m .... Worship Service/ [ 1 1 a.m .... Worship Service / - .... of r I BELFAIR / I COW.UNary / get yoursupply i I BAPTIST / I / Belfc i r D I John Senn, Pastor / 9-7 Weekdays 9-8 Friday 10-4 Sunday I Church phone -- CR 5-6262 | , j 275-6161 I I - ~u~~u~u~~~~~u~u~u~ CHRIST LUTHERAN I Service of Worship & I Post Office BOXTelephone587, Belfair,cRS.6680Washington 98528 I Sunday School 10 A.M. I I I Belfair office open 9-5 - Wed., Thurs., Fri. I COME AS YOU ARE I I I LOU DONNELL .................................... Editor CAROL WENTLANDT .............. Advertising Manager, Phone: I CHEERIO LODGE I | 1/4 mile west at I Office Telephone CR5-6680 Eves. CR5-6259 I Belfair State Park / Published by Shelton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430, Shelton, II Nursery Provided II Washington 98584; telephone 426-4412. I I A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal. [cR 5"33s4 I ~N~~~~u~u~B~NNB~B~B~l~B~B~ lovely luncheon was enjoyed before the exchange of gifts. Mrs. Rachel Iko of Pirates Cove and Katie Pogreba of Butte, Mont., were guests attending. The next meeting will be held Jan. 8 with Miriam Lester as hostess. Mrs. Katie Pogreba arrived last Tuesday to spend the holidays with her son Don and family. Her first night here she was honored with a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kager with all of the family attending. The Jack Duncans have really 5 Salesmen to Serve You • WATERFRONT • LAKEFRONT • ACREAGE "Lots" to choose from Reid Realty 275-2868 BELFAIR CREW BUS STOLEN Three boys from Creek Youth Camp on detail near Lake afternoon of Dec. 10 hot-wired the camp's 1 crew bus to make an esca and crew bus were missing around 2 p.m. sheriff's office notified. A! failed to turn up either 'which was a four-door pickup with canopy-type box on back bearing the! "Shelton Mop Up Crew" back, or the boys. One 15 and the other two years of age. WINDOWS BROKEN Damage estimated at was done by vandals who windows at the house near Mason High School Christ Lutheran complaint was made Dec. the sheriff's office. Haul Rock Fill Dirt B&D BULLD¢ CR5-21 95 CR5-21 Belfair Fireplace Shop Fireplaces and accessories 275-61 Next to Belfair Home Center 6 days 10 a.m. to 5:30, Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. John & Pat's Tackle Shop OF ALLYN Member of Northwest Steelheaders Cortand Certified Fishing Pro Shop Retail & Wholesale Year-end Sale during December. 25% off on all hunting & fishing supplies except Cortland. - FUNERAL CHAPEL Menu For ' Serving families ~ ~ ' " North Mason in this "~'~ : -- !~.~ community -I~ fl ii h il i since I909 "~,__ ~~ ~ ,~.( NM's Grant Bonney (148) won by pin. been entertaining out-of-town SHOP RIGHT IN ALL YN Good variety of all types of gifts for Dad, Morn, Brother, Sister Schools 5303 Kitsap Way Call us collect from anywhere ES 7-3831 Lester M. Lewis, Sr. Lester M. Dec. 22 & Dec. Belfair Telephone Monday: Ground beef in gravy Service over potatoes, buttered peas, ~nswer,ng fruit dessert, hot roll/butter. • 24-hour answering • Wake-up service Tuesday: Tacoburger, lettuce • Use your phone or and cheese, buttered spinach, fruit, dessert. Happy Bear Creek Mini Mart and every member of Christmas OLD BELFAIR HIWAY your family. Vacation 5-Bloom Poinsettia $2.98 And We Are OPEN 7 Days a Week Until 8 P.M. 1~I~]3 AU TC SENIOR CITIZENS, 5¢ OFF Puget Sound ,EACH A'LON GAS ALLYN DAVE S BEL AIR ARCO STATION a7s.aas6 426-6FF3 _ National Bank CLIP COUPON & BRING IN 275-3211 ~ Offer good Tues. & Thurs. only to Feb. 1st The hometown bank. ust the rig ~ I Santa Claus Christma, ] ! is coming to gift BelfairFriday, Dec. 19th A stunner with irresistibl appeal t'~ "i\ - our "interlude" robe of )~ • ' ,,', |, Kayser'sown"Splendalour" ]~ 'A Chr,:;tn as Bonus From /\'! t/ 100% polyester fleece So 2 ....o..o...o..,.oo..,.....,.,.w, nn mE aopea,ing the big shou,der ~, 'I| look plus pure luxury with hand- t~ ~,~ -~ detailed smocking across the ;3~ }IIMI [\t,tl bodice. Concealed step-in ~ ~...x ..~ ,~-.,,~,, ~ • L21 18 ~,T~ "l~g~~~: STIHL S Christmas Bonus -- a say- $32.00 ~~,~ ings of $38.45 -- on the purchase of ~~=J~ ~ ~.~,~1~ the only weekend chain saw with SPLENDALOUR ~~ r ~l]l~ ~ electronic ignition. You'll receive ~t practical accessories, including , ~ ~~;~::~ / a handsome, custom carrying ~IBIIE~IBIBBmlII ~. _1 Completely assembled with 14" bar and chain. "7~C/'j~dLI" l' The most respected Save $38.45 at: "WE SER VICE WHAT WE SELL-. • e rt e S & R Small Engine Repa,r 275~2033 M~ v ~Vri~ ~ B~f-~ir,~ ~ ~ "''" ~=~ -~' ./¢ . ~" ............... Right in Downtown Belfair 275-22, , Paqe 2 - H{ic:ktebe~,y Helald section of Shetton-Mason County Journal- December I8, 1975