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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
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| Pale 2 i i i i Ill Ill I i JOURNAL GLASSlFIED ADS GET RESULTS I II ii Age i2 GREETING DRAWN BY" FRANK KUHR Evergl'een School GRANT LUMBER '011', M & S FOOD STORE SI-IELTON--MASON FROH • • I • .. TO CHRISTHAS The Gift That Is Sure To P/ease THE WHOLE YEAR THROUGH IS A SUBS To The COUNY JOURNAl.;- Published in ¢€07wi.,tma.tmo',. U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington the cast shown here are Bill Rhodes and Dennis Cardinal, Kings; "lirn Ineeland, St. Joseph; Judi Smith, Meio6y Morgan and Caro- lyn Gardner, angels; Pare McComb and Rosemary Lambert, shep- herds, and Rosemary Stuck, Blessed Motter. CHRISTMAS PAGEANT -- Among the many youngsters rehear- sing this week for school and church Christmas programs was this group from the CYO at St. Edward's Cetholtc church. The group will present Its second annual outdoor pageant at 7:00 p.m. Friday in Brewer Park across from the Simpson main office. Members of Christmas Tree Harvest Nears Completion Leltors to the Editor THE OHRISTMAS MESSAGE The annual Christmas Tree har- vest in Mason County was about wound up this week with all ship- ments completed except a few by !tuck to near-by markets. More tlmu a million and a half trees have been slfipped since tile llal'vt,st started in Inid-Novenlbel'. Northern I-'actfic Railway repel led that 165 carloads and 30 pig- :4y-back vans of trees have left '.he rail:'oad yards here on their l rip in which they end up as b,'i?,'hly deem'ted symbols of tile Chrhd nm: season in homes througl) t.hc \\;Ve:tern States. Bi,'cst tree shippers in hason Comity are the G. R. Kirk Conl- pany, which will ship between 350,000 and 400,000 trees and the Douglas Fir Co. which will ship about 300,000 trees. Otimr l;.u'ge shippers in the area inclu(c Hoeffert Ewwgreen, 150,- 0O0 t'ee; Harrison Thomas, 200,- 000 tl'ees along with smaller oper- fl tots, Tile Christmas tree business is :;ceiny qdality improvements each year, with many of the trees go- ing out this year from fertilized land to increase their quality and color. The first American book on jungle doctor Albert Schweitzer was written by Dr. John D. Rege- ster. now dean of tile Graduate School at the University of Puget Sound, Tacoma• CLIP THIS AD for 20% discount at RAR-DIN'S $4.50 a year inside Mason County $5.00 a year outside Mason County We Send a Gift Card with Each Gift Subscription 526 Franklin True Joy Comes From led, disappointment ickness and bereavement emmet conquer; a tranquillity arid sereni- ty that continues always, regard- ',ess of outward cii'ctlnlF, tances. The kind Paul encouraged, saying: "Rejoice ir] the Lord ahvays, and again I will say, rejoice". Phil. 4:4). Be a nlOll K ttlo[e Wih) receive, ,lnd share, the Ki:ld Iww,] Joy to the world! The Lord is colnc : Let earth receP.,e her King; Let cv'ry hearI pl'Pl)al'e Rinl rCOYI1 And heav'n and nature* ,ing, Joy to the world! The Aviur ve, igus: L;i Inell their ,tollg l:}nlt3|oy , VVhile l'ields anti fh)ods, rocks, ilill'& Hnd ph:tins. Repeat the sourlding joy, 00)urnetl To Head Not From Worldly Pleasure By Rev. Carl I. Cm, lsen sonal and loss, Of Democrat Glub Wayne Burnett was elected pre- sident of the Mason Cmmty Demo- crat Club at the group's mmual meeting lust week. Other new officers were Miclde OGleS, vice-president; Carmen Sar- kowitch, secretary; Jess Baxler, treasurer; Whelma gneeland, en- tertainment chairman and Harry Coles, sargeant-at-arms. Mrs. Roy Ritner, outgoing presi- dent, and the otlmr 1962 officers, were giw.n,- a w)te of appreciation for their work in increasing the club's membership and its activi- ties for the benefit of the Demo- crat party. They are the true disciples of Christ, not who know most, but Iwho love most.--Frederiel Span- heim. The Christmas message is al- ways one of great good news for all mankind. Believers everywhere join in the glad song: "Joy to the world, the Lord is come". We re- joice in the most glorious glad ti- dings ever heard: "Christ the Sa- vior is born", He has beccone flesh, and made His dwelling-place a- llon us. This good news is for all man- kind. Heralds of God go forth thoughout the earth to proclaim the great, saving truth that God has come to earth through Jesus Christ His Son to redeem man- kind. A tense, confused, weary longing, wondering, hoping man- kind again turns its attention to the great story, Millions firm re* newed faith and strengti m the hnowledge that in the midst of lhis world with all its troubles• there is help and salvation to be 'omld in the Person of the One "he has come to earth to be our Brother. "Behold, I bring you good tid ings of a great joy", The world needs and wants joy. What would life be like if there were no smiles, no happiness, no laughter, no hu- mor,but every day was somber, unsmiling, cold and cheerless ? We are told that life is like that be- hind the iron curtain, -- there is not the spontaneous laughter and Joy that can be found elsewhere. A life without joy would be an un- speakable dneariness. ALL MEN SEEK J(W. But many seek the wrong kind. The kind theft i,w rooted m man, not God; centered in the temporal, not the eternal; is marred by sin, not be- stowed by Grace. It is a pseudo- joy. Such joy is ephemeral. What a V.:t:ake to try to build happiness  tlie fleeting attraetion of this cythly life! But many do. They • , ernotd to overattachment to e thi'gls of this world, though =':'i'hr reminds us: "Tile world asses away". ucl . joy Is not satisfying, Some -;"rvo, a'most desperately to tint >7. The American strives mighti. • .,; t take advantage of his righI ,') "tle pursuit of happiness". All -). often he fails to let happines ome to him, in the person of Je ms Christ. Snrrounded by worldh leasui'es and "things", his heart s empty and aching, Such joy is inadequate. It arises t'vom a heart tangled in the me- :hes f sin, It fails in that while "t can in some measure sing of • omporal conttment, it cannot ng the new song of salvation. This joy i not enough. WE NEED A JOY that is basic hmdamental, ultimate, God-given. "['he kind' that Jesus meant when 'le said: "These thtng hae I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and tha* your joy might be lfll" i Jn. 15 111. The kind C. S. Lewis meant when he speaks of becoming r ,Christian as "entering into joy". A Joy that centers in the Lord v,W flows forth from the believer's faith tn Him. A Joy that result when sin's sttng is removed . joy that financial difficulty, per ta00e Io Glassily LOST .... Black Lahrador Yeh'iover in Bayshore area. AIINWI'S to "Dinty". Child's lint. Reward. Phone 426-6101. I." 12/20-27 YT-Tf/Yff-T:aK,:7-/;w'/i-::=+= 'il;5, ]argv fenced lot with small build- ing. Suburban location. Excellenl wa- ter supply. A good buy at $2000, with terms. Call Vince Itimlie at Mann Real Estate. 426-6592 12/20 VAN'CI]D,--Lady (:Oral)anion for eider- ly woman, Some house work. $100 lb 1/6nth'. W]'lte l6t XII 6f 'he Journal, 12/20-1/3 BY LINDA BICKFORD Bordeaux School BE CAREFUL ro The !.ditor; I am writing In the interest of all men and/or women who op- erate electric mixers. Whether Wall-type or base-type, they are more dangerous than one would think. Mine is cabinet-type with .urn table. On Monday, Dee. 17, I prepared :) make a cooked frosting for a birthday cake. Of course, I re- noved the mtxer from the stand, mt the beaters in and cradling it in my left hand, I don't remem- ber how, I plugged it into the tall outlet, without checking the rioter lever. All at once, there I was, with the fingers of my left hand, caught in the beaters, a!l he way up to my hand. .all I know about what led up to this, was that I was holding the mixer so my left ring finger ouehed the meshing beaters and ,.rried them a, ll rigtt into them, )inching them quite severely. I could not pull the beaters out of the mixer, nor could I eject them as the release trigger was jammed. If I had been alone I don't know wlmt I would have done. for my children were home and my two oldest (13-15) I0ulled the beatcrs q,part enou¢h so I could qtleezc my hand out the end I did not require medical aid but I was in agony for a few min- utes and my fingers are sore ana bruised. It doesn't always happen to someone else. It could be you next time. Be alert, always. .... Mrs. Zukowski Shelton, Wash, Journal Wad Ads Pay GREETING DRAWN Age 11 LES FIELDS AUTO PARTS Tlmrsday, December 20, 30,000 More ,Christmas Robertson Resigns Stamps Received At Sheldon's P.O. Another b:te.h of 30,000 )t' tl',e polndar new special Christmas stamps put out by the postal de- partment for the first time this yea|' have arrived at Shelton Ix)st office. An orio'inal order of 50,000 sold Grit last week and Postmaster J. H, Gray, unable to get any more in the regional office at Portland, put in  rush call to Washington, D.C., headquarters. The new of der arrived yesterday, just in time for the last miuuie mailings. POSTCARD, ENVELOPE INVENTORY KEPT LOW Beeatlsc  of the pending postage rate change due in early Janu- ary, inventories of government- stamped envelopes and postcard'J day, December 2, * .t • .t ,:t • .t , Verda and Me OHfllSTi This Sat, As Ohief Deputy Mel Robertson chief deptt the Mason County Sheriff's 0f has 'esigned effective Jan, 1, Coffee Robertson notified Sheriff _ Ill" liam Potter of hLn rcsignati0 wlnffgl a letter. ] II illjMI I.obertson has taken a job v tile l)epartment of Nsttlrall . sources and will move to Cen,,t,_ .... ',. a£ter tile first of the yea,'. H. ,..',- served as chief deputy for ye:| rs. A new chief deputy will be cd by D. S. {SamJ Clark will take over as sheriff In a l'y. at the Shelton post offiee is i)e. inff held at mininunn size. Postmaster Gray asks that any- one anticipating heavy use of ei- ther of these items for mailings prior to the increase in postal rates give tlilll a vceok's advalltfl [!Ce SO he c,'trl Order frt)ln supply ;headqnarters at Special tip from Mrs. Lee to Jane Windsor, c( tension agent, and now to To get whole brazil nuts in when you shell them y put the nuts in the fre several hosts. They'll c] clean" and easy after this. USED CARS& TRUCKS 1961 CHEVROLET V2-ton pickup. Long base, heater, 6-cylinder, 3-speed 8,000 actual 1=owner miles. 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK 4-door Heater, automatic, clean. 1959 PLYMOUTH SAVOY V8 2.door Radio, heater, automatic. 1959 RENAULT 4-door sedan. Heater, economy. 1957 PONTIAC 2-door station wagon. heater, automatic. Low mileage, clean. 1957 MERCURY 9-passenger wagon. Radi GREETINGS I heater, automatic, power brakes a *ge n steering. 1955 NASH RAMBLER station wagon. ' Od T°p HEiE  heater, overdrive. J LE' 1954 LINCOLN CAPRI 4-door sedan. Rad, heater, full power. A real clean 1 own 1ST AND car. ', 1958 INTERNATIONAL pickup. Long base, heavy duty half-ton Big 6 engine. speed trans., overloads, 6-ply tires. Merr00l C]hris00lma From all of us here at KIHSEL HOTORS, I,c: 1 ,0, 00oo+ s,.. ..... Age 11 Richfie and A Lilliwa PAUL GEl GREETING DRAWN BY CHARLES PARKER Age 11 Evergreen We will be CLOSED DECEMBER 24 28 \\; LAWTON LUMBER lilt}. 420 SO. Firet St. • J.V. (Joe', Walt STAR F Agal, +ED