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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 20, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 20, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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?hurday, December 20. |obedson Resigns Is Chief Deputy Mel Robertson, chief deptt he Mason Cnlmtv Sheriff&apos;s 0J Las resigned effective Jan, 1, Robertson notified Sheriff tam Potter of his resignati0 letter. Robc,'tson has taken a job he ])epartment of Natural. ourees and will move to Cenl] ftcr the first of the year. 1 erred as chief deputy for , 'c./|rs, A new chief deputy will be d by D. S. SamJ Clark° ,,ill take over as sheriff In ry.. ive him a week's advanta iec. so he can Order from upply/iaeadquarters at Special tip from Mrs. ,re to Jane Windsor. ension agent, and now 'o get whole brazil mils in a ,,hen you shell them ut the mlts in the everal hours. They'll crac leaff and easy after this. & TRUCKS ,n pickup. Long ruder, 3-speed " miles. 3ARK 4-do'or flean. DY V8 2-door natic. sedan. Heater, ,tation wagon. ow mileage, clean. enger wagon. Radii power brakes station wagon. 4-door sedan. A real clean 1-( , pickup. Long Lf-ton Big 6 engine. Lds, 6-ply tires. hrislma Is here at r0nrS, Inc: day, December 20, 1962 SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Verda and Merritt Wingard Invite You To 00:lNiece 0t Brinnon CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE  We • man Slated 0n This Saturday, December 22 Coffee and Cake All Day!  Mack TV Show WinKarod'S ° Sport Shop " "--'- -"" Tiffs lit tie girl is the niece Ol * iving .... , Mrs. Forret Bayer, now . / :..,....: .. /'i; :::. " ¸.,,.I i:.:?:.:i  • i J]i!(!i:': • ,. •: 2 • •. ,, ii.i,? 1 5,. 7 :?i :iiii: 'I: : :: i ' F.'5 :!; :i .:,: ; .?i!:i:::.i: • ,9 7"!. : • :. :...::..:. : :ii@:;  ...,  GREETINGS DRAWN BY DAVID STEINBERG Age 11½ Bordeaux School t STOP HERE WILL KEEP YOU SAFELY ON THE GO! HOBILGAS SERVICE Age Ii 1ST AND PINE 426-3906 in Drinnon. She won first priz,., out of 2,000 contestants, which ;,,as a trip to Kansas. In her four jrears Of shoW busiues StlC L .... :cquired. an impressive collection f tr,)phies and awards. She is talented as a dancer, as well as an ] croba t, She won the "Aggregate Cup" in Scotish iilighian( Dancing last May in Seattle. She also per- formed at, tie World's Fair two days in September. Mrs. Mary Russell left Dec. 7, for a month's trip to visit friends in Los Angeles. Marceil Loren- ten is taking care of tile cafe fez" her. Mrs. T, B. Balch left for Seattle Saturday to spend the Christmas holidays with her family, dividing the time between Brcmerton. Se- attle and Bc.llingham. Her daughter, Trula. Mrs. Don- ald B. Aplin, had a baby girl on Nov. 29. She was named Margaret Lynne. and joins two sisters an( a brother. Betwec.n 7 and 8 p.m. Friday a row of rnail boxes were destroy- ed and scattered in the ditch qlong with the scaffolding that held them up, Shattered glas from the a.ufomobtle involved was mingled with the rubbish, an0 The men were injured and blood- stained and were trying to clean uo in the tavern rest rooms. Sens- ing that something was wrong, Mr. Dalgleish phoned the sheriff, giving him the number of the automobile license, Low milk production is the most common reason for remov- ing a cow from the herd. Be sure. though, that the low production is not from some simply corrected dificiency .... such as a lack of salt in the diet. Claude Dan/e/son Retires As+Manager: Of PUD No. 3 Fifty years of active service to inc. elecEi'lC t] Lll Ly ]lla LIL' La . comes to an end for Claude M Danielson as 1962 runs out. On New Years Day he will be fficially detachecl from the pay- roll of Public Utility l)isLrict Nr, 3 after reaching.the age of com- pulsory retiremc.nt, an event which terminates 20 years as manager of the district. D,.'mg that time he directed he g)owth of the district from its ..u was blowing about in the ,..'i'inal tiny holdings nurehased rain. for $385,000 from the West Coast A. C. Dalgleish, owner of the owcr ornpany, to t(,dav's depre- Tavern nearby is the only one who c.iated value of $2,559,741 (which qaw the men and the automobile, is 72 percent debt-free, the second best record in this state for JACK A, COLE PUDs). Heads PUD 3 Board Again DUING THAT 20-.rEAl{ per- :od the district has increased its ,service family from less than 3,000 At its annual re-organization customers LO over 7,300 tociay, session last week, PUD 3 com- ',"his growth record he modestly missioners re-elected Jack A. ttt,'ibutcs to two factors above Cole as president but swapped duties for Ed Taylor and Tom himself----an uninterrupted succes- Webb. Taylor is oow secretary sion of excellent PUD 3 eommm- stoners who folh)wed sound husi- and Webb vice-president. ness policies, and an especially .................................. GREETING DRAWN BY STEVEN SELBY Evergreen School i DON SPERLING Richfield Oil Dis|dbuto, in Mason O00unty and All These RICHFIELD STATIOH OPERATORS: J & J Service ON MOUNTAIN VIEW / /Phil's Richfield '- Lilliwaup Motel PAUL GERKENSMEYER fine and loyal staff of fellow-em- ploycs His half-century o£ devotion to 1he elec.tric utility industry (which covers nearly two-thirds of the entire history of electric power distribution dating from Thomas Edi;;on's first generating plant in New Yort¢ City began m 191."+ vhile lie was galnln his education n electrical engineering. He made his ay Lhl'(ug'h col- ege by v,,orldng after classes ir he municipal power plants in Chi • ag'o ;uld 5il\\;vall¢ce and d/ll'dUt :3{ S'i l' : ]llO.I'N for he i (In tl FI;I 'OV,:eI' Com,paqy. Afte.' grattllal;h. ",''O:'l:C ". for Molli.flna PO',.,'C.' Ilia Lil 1922 when he weut to Portlanr' .,d joined t:'ol'tiard !ail & Lighl her expet'iemc, in its UII['ill('C.] '. /11'] ,qccLHntillg (!cpttr[l]3Olll a ;'e hirn tilt; .r 1' )it ' )ael :,q't)i ,1 the 1);sWun (t nl 3 1J' YlI(Yl "hich sorl foqowc.d \\;viH the WesI O;]Lqt t,¢)"el' C(}":i'*",.'t " "  :'"" '" "oined m 1925 and served as dis- 'Jr'. I'LI tilt' "i' ]Of tt"d ',",'h;'!  "'" "'()n co;tal towns from Newport to Marshfield, Ve'i .,> ......... ,sfe 'r,cd • Co:L:t's Shelton operation a" manager, serving until ;t,,: sale L 'UD 3 in 1941. He then becam Lhe first manage! of the Gran, ollleo e,t.v ip,:  q\\;"?: ll'l He was persuaded to return to .V[asoll COIlI1Ly ill 19'11, howevc.1 when PUD 3 got into financial l, ronhles. Under his managcmenl in the intervening 20 years PUll) 3 not only resolved ilk financia! problems but today has no peers in the credit, rating it enjoys a- mong financial institutious serv- ing electrical power distributing organizations. HE HAS ALSO BEEN a leader in wider circles serving in vari- ous capacities with the Nortlxwest Public Power Association, the Washington Public Power Supply System. and has worked closely with Bonneville Power Adminis- tration officials• In retiring from active partici- pation in PUD 3 affairs, Daniel- son expects to enjoy his leisure at his home on picturesque Hammer- sley Inlet, where his flowers and lawn will get more attention. He wan guest of honor at a fa rewell testimonnial dinner given for him by PUD 3 employes Mon- day night in the PUD 3 auditori. Ilnl. 1ST AND RAILROAD Emil Rauscher ON HILLCREST _ Walter Rae Tupper's Resort I" CHARLES PARKER I I STAR ROUTE ONE LAKE NAHWATZEL Evergreen SCb00l __" [ "il i , 1 m 4 2s {i Agale Siore i Lambert s Store i I ED AUSETH . KA.,L00HE Shelton General Hospital • Mr ,'rod M:rz Alfred Cm'q:*=e Star Route 2. Box 145. a boy, D,n' 16. Mr. l.,t( h';, Dt)\\;')e l.T:)xv:'+r q":r l,t. 2 Box 33, " 1)c)v. l)w. !i Mr. anct Mrs. Mivh',el Gle,:,l it<):\< 112 f-Iood:q)t)rl : 1:),:3, , 1)('C..1:, Clinic H os,ital Mr. and Mrs. Dcm:i+ Dewt4t 85 Iaairmont. a Kir{, D,'c. 14 Mr. and Mrs. L, Pat DUg/T(' RL.. 3, Box .160 A. a, boy, Do:. 17 Iol'nler Shelton residenL,% M and Mrs. Ray C, Getty, Campbell, Calif, l+)ecpm ( tlae i)lI',rli:4 of 7-lb. 14-oz. baby boy Dec. 12, Mrs. Getty is the former Audrc.v Kill nle, l'.t Grandparents are Mrs, Alfre,J D. Killmer, and Mr, and Mrs. BiP Getty, Shelton. Sheep automatically eat more high-salt meal supplements when other feed supplies are low. Hun- ger will make them eat more of the salty mixtures than they nor- really would if other feed were abundant. Page 3 Masons install 1963 Officers Hext Thursday The cc.remonies will be held in the Masonic Ten,p]e ,tt Third and ll Cedar streets, i' F,.!h)w lo,'lffe (); , +':t(l f tO })0 |1 stalled with Htffnail in,:lude I a.w- rence H. Fisher. Se+fior Warden; Loui O. Larson. Junior Warden: .lohn L. Catto Trea,,;Hrer: Arnold Cheney St'. Secretary; ,Vi!liam .M•' Brickcrt. Senim' Deacon: Georg, B. Howard. Junior Deacon; Lof ell O. Seliestd. Sop.iqr ,t,ew:,rd: Fred E. Fc.rris. Junior Steward; Roy W Anderson. M'u'shaI: R,-x. ' Umnhenour. Cha plain : and Ernest Dah]gren, Tyler. Six past Masters of Mt Mar iah Lodge will serve s installine. officers ..... Horam, C,'nrv R,,IL': Halbert, Tom Watts, Leo Martin. J. G. Rucker. and Claude,Rhodes } Rhode,u will introduce the ]962 k)dgc, officers Rueker wiU r.,ive the invocation and Crary will i- stall HufnMI. Halbert will install the two Wardens the Treamu'er nd the Secretary; %Vatts the Chaplain. Marsh,01. Deacons Stewards qnd Tvlc.r. Martin will ive the ,roclamation Ruekcr tte benediction. Retiring Mastcr Richard Hol- land will rcccive the Pa3t Master's apron from Fisher and the Past+ Master's jewel from Hufnail. Mrs. Lout L:-,won will rcndor musical interludes during the pro- gram. The program stacts at 8:00 p.rn with the public cordiully inwted to attend. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS! GREETING DRAVN BY BETTY BLOOMFIELD ' Age ii Bordeaux School i GLIHT WlLLOUR Representing Northwestern National Life Insurance Co. + ;i Oily Studies . i Traffic Proposal , . The She'ton City Commissiou ::::: "urnc.d over to City Supervisor Pat I .;i.. ,%. Bvrne a propo;al hy the state tar I el traffic channelization of traffic at  lVirst and Aider Street's. where Highway 101 makes a turn. I ::.. '.. The coma-fission will e(*nsi:kn ,,,:'}' .q)prrrea.1 at a later meeting.  Wi:' Chief 'r. !I Dem' s:].i.d h,.' +- .t 'lq(] ha( 1. no I'esponsc. for "sleep- ,rs" for night tktty rtt. th.¢ t'iv hall and issued again his Pt;,-:" '.'{ tOcontactany younghim, man interested, tc : . Tbr col}missien w)ted to selld " l't.tcr of appreciation to B.." }:.} Wrnklin H.euston, who served as | ,h|dp.e pro-tern in the ab- t ,I(X sence of Rolls Halbert. ,, ;: :.:i: The commission will not meet  ,,. next week because of Christmas, ¢ Mayor Frank Travis Jr.. extend- '  .1 x .... Le public Christmas greet- :n..; from tl]e commission, k' ," I ;  ::i:::::: • "' , POL,CE COURT  :::/:+'::';::) !:;::i• I On the docket in Shelton Police k' .Zourt Monday night were Thomas t .... " "! J. Long:xcre, negligent driving, k' t "!i;+reissed; .William Barto, ninor  :] consuming liquor, $25 forfeit : Gene T Meyers, drunk in public, i" .25 forfeit; David J. Johnson  GREETING DRAWN BY ROBIN BAIN , drunk in public, $15 forfeit; Den- " Age 1]+ Bordeaux School ald E. Whitner, drunk in public, $10 forfeit; Andrew P. Peterson, " violation of safety responsibility  - -' :I act 10 days in jail to be served l" , fx on weekends; Lloyd S. Johnson. | _  IITII7 i,:0 I#,; speeding $10 fine, driving while intoxicated. $100 fine, $2.50 costs, ..  and five days in jail uspended, Want to open up a lot of bright ," J horizons for yourself ? Well hcrc' one way: Put those extra dollars I  " into a .mfe, guaranteed invest- .'ql'' l.J..$=.. +.'; , '  " ' " , ............  ',:.."" '-"";*'<;' .... "' ment---..S. Savings Bonds. ,,.,*,,.-..-.,.,-,...*,,,..**.-.-,-+-. • • .......... - ,+<,.... ........ -+.4 i! !!{: i'.:::,i:::.:' !?i:j:!:i: :!ii..':.;::,:..;,,:;+,.;.: .,,,: :%,;:-.:."' ;.7" :i::Y:"::;::i!::J;J::i::':" .... . ::y;i;.i;:::.(..,;!i¢i':;:':i • ,:.:!::..:.. ::::j" .:. :,,:,..:,:. :,..,,.,,: ......... (';:i,':i'x+.:h:.'%,;::,::. • . :.? :!i;!i f'ii: !:i:"ii:'ii:):":x: i ,,.. :{ :{,',:. :' :':i J )'.? ) :i.;i:/# .......... :, :.:;: :: : i ?? : :: .,. p|;'. +t :i:: .;4  % :i J:/2 Age 10 328 Cota Street J2:Jiiii: GREETING DRAWN BY KAREN D.Y'rON Mountain .View School I 01sen Furniture Company 426-4702